Forever: Part 2 (The Hunter's...

By jdcromwheel

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After the final defeat of the snake, I'm reborn as a half archangel half vampire. I'm learning quick how to c... More

1: The Hunt
2: You Imprinted On My Brother?!
4: Charlie Knows
5: The Immortal Child
6: Gathering Of The Witnesses
7: Gifts And Forgery
8: As The Snow Sticks
9: Royalty Forever

3: New Home

138 2 0
By jdcromwheel

It's nighttime, as Edward and I are in the Living Room, as Paul and Andy are asleep on the couch, cuddled up to each other, as I hear Paul snore, quietly. "I never expected Paul to snore." I say, giving a small chuckle, as Edward kisses my cheek. "Never expected you, either." He says, as I look at him. "I didn't snore. Did I?" I ask, and he smirks, and I playfully roll my eyes. "You think you're hilarious. Of course you think that." I say, and he laughs, and I hear footsteps from outside, and see Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme, laughing, and then I see Alice and Jasper jump down from the trees, and they kiss. "Finally." Edward says, and I hear footsteps from behind, and see Rosalie, smiling at us, and we smile back. "Hi." I say. "Hey." She says. "I never got to thank you for that knife you had. So, thank you." I say, and she side hugs me. "I really hated that knife. Good thing it killed that ugly creature." She says, and Edward laughs. "So, are Paul and Andy always sleeping like that now?" I ask. "Ever since the imprint." Edward says, as I look at him, and peck his lips, and hear the door open, and look at Alice, smiling at me, as she approaches us. "Happy Birthday." She says. "I stopped aging two days ago." I say. "Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up. Even if you are some angel hybrid." She says, and I laugh, as she holds out a bronze key with her right hand. "Um. What's this for?" I ask, taking it with my left. "Follow us." Edward says. I'm walking through the woods with Alice and Edward, as he has my eyes covered. "I still hate surprises. That hasn't changed." I say. "You'll love this one." She says, and we stop moving, and Edward uncovers my eyes, and I see a medium sized, two story black and white house. "Welcome home!" Alice exclaims, as I turn to her, smiling. "We thought you guys might like a place of your own." She says, and I look back at the house, smiling more. "What do you think?" Edward asks. "I think it's perfect. Absolutely perfect." I say, and hear Edward give a light chuckle, and hold my right hand. "Go inside." Alice says, as I look at her, and back to the house, and we walk towards it. I open the door with my right hand, seeing everything is neutral colors, mostly gray, and a giant fireplace in the middle of the Living Room and some bookshelves, and hear the door close behind me, and Edward and I look at each other, smiling. "Come on. I'll show you the walk in closet room Alice got installed." He says, and I give a light chuckle, and I follow him. He opens a door with his left hand, and we walk in, and I see a bunch of black closets and lights and mirrors. "Alice picked out your clothing style. Black, White, and Gray. With a few flannels for the signature look." He says, and we both laugh. "Wouldn't doubt it." I say, kissing his right cheek. "We also have our own personal Library. But I think we'll both like this next room the best." He says, kissing my hand that he's holding, lightly, and I follow him to our bedroom, seeing a black framed bed with a red blanket and black and red pillows. "This is our room." He says, letting my hand go, putting his arms around my waist, as I smile. "Vampires don't sleep. Especially Hybrids." I say. "It's not intended for sleep." He says, and he slowly begins kissing the left side of my neck, and I grab both his hands, pushing him on the bed, laying on top of him, as he has his hands around my waist again, and we begin to makeout, and I feel his hands go up to the back of my shirt, tearing it slowly, as I take his off, too. I run my soft hands through his hair, going down to his face, as we deepen the kiss, and I slowly begin kissing the right side of his neck, as we take more clothes off, and I feel his hands going up my legs, and he gets on top of me, slowly kissing the right side of my neck, as things get heated, and he rubs my lips with his left thumb, gently, as we're both breathing heavy. We're laying down next to each other, as the fire we lit earlier is crackling. "You totally were holding back before." I say, and we both laugh. "I'm never gonna get enough of this. We don't get tired. We don't have to rest or catch our breath or eat." I say, and lay on top of him. "I mean, how the hell are we gonna stop?" I ask, smiling, and he chuckles, rubbing my back, gently. "Rosalie and Emmett were so bad, it took two solid decades for before we could stand to be within a mile of them." He says, and I chuckle. "I think we might be worse." I say, running my hands through his hair, and he wraps his arms around my waist. "Definitely much worse." He says, and we begin making out again. "Before your Birthday is up. It's time for the welcome gift." He says. "What welcome gift?" I ask, and he grabs a small gray box on the table on his right with his right hand, handing it to me, as I take it with my left. "What is this? Another surprise Birthay present?" I ask, and he chuckles. "You are officially a Cullen Vampire. And perfect timing, too." He says, and I open it with my right hand, seeing the
Cullen Crest leather cuff bracelet that all the Cullen guys wear, and I smile, picking it up with my right hand. "Now it's official." He says, as I slip it on my right wrist, and we go back to making out. It's the next day, as I walk in Carlisle's house, holding hands with Edward, seeing Paul by the window eating a sandwich, and Emmett reading a comic book next to Carlisle. "Wow. Done already, Corn Cob?" Emmett asks, and I give a light smile, as Edward rubs my back. "Where's Andy?" I ask. "Blondie stole him. They've suddenly become Bffs." Paul says, and I smile more. "Break a lot of stuff? Vases, lamps?" Emmett asks, as I look at him. "Emmett. No." I say, shaking my head, and we all chuckle, and I look at Edward, as he's laughing, and hear the phone ring, looking directly at it, and I approach it. "Is that Charlie?" I ask. "He's been calling three times a day." Edward says. "He's in pretty rough shape." Paul says. "Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle says. "He needs to mourn, Cor." Edward says, and I sigh, turning around. "All right. We'll do it tomorrow." I say, walking back to Edward, as the phone stops ringing, and turn my body forward. "I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett says, standing up, walking past Carlisle. "We'll come back. We always do." Carlisle says. "Wait. Nobody said anything about leaving." Paul says, stepping forward. "Once people believe Cor's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing him." Carlisle says, and Paul looks at me. "So you just disappear?" He asks. "Paul, we don't have another choice." Edward says. Paul soon comes back, telling him that he exposed himself as a werewolf to Charlie. "What the hell, Paul?" I ask. "I solved a problem. You were leaving. What did you expect me to do?" He asks. "You don't fucking realize the danger you've put him in. The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us." I say. "You are the Volturi. And no, I didn't tell him about you being a Vampire or Angel species. Just about me being a Werewolf. I only said you were different, Abraham." He says. "Don't fucking call me that!" I exclaim. "And that you told him Cor's brother was some mega werewolf, too." Edward says, as I look at him, and back to Paul. "Seriously, Paul. He's not just gonna let that go or anything." I say. "Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Cor through?" Edward asks, as I look at him. "It will be like sticking the flames from actual Hell down his throat. And that's assuming he can control his thirst even with his angelic nature." He says, and I glare at Paul. "Look, Charlie was been through Hell worrying about you. And I know you'll be much happier with him in your life." He says. "Paul, don't try and pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself." Edward says. "Sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in five minutes." Paul says. "What?!" I yell, making the ground shake.

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