Casting and Coffee

By iicevansii

10.6K 256 49

Jasmine and Anthony attend their first ever show together where they get to meet each other and the whole cas... More

The First Day
The Run-in
The Show and The Date
The Cast
Moving In
The Party
First Show Back
Months later
Back to Life
Cooling Things Off
First Show Back
Pippa's News
Phillipa's Wedding
The Talk
Trying it out
The Manager
Finishing Up
Baby Trouble
New Baby
The Return
Don't tell daddy
Special Dinner
Best Day Ever?


233 6 1
By iicevansii

Jasmine's POV

"I'm pregnant with your child" the woman said. Anthony's mouth hung open in disbelief. "No, you can't be" he said. He looked scared. I couldn't believe what was happening. He said his last girlfriend was from 2 years ago. It just wouldn't make sense for her to be pregnant. My mind started racing. I tried to think of a rational explanation but I just couldn't without concluding that this woman was either insane or Anthony has cheated on me... god I hoped it was the first one.

"Yes, I am. Look" the woman said and took her coat off to reveal her pregnant belly. "What the fuck? I don't even know who you are" Anthony said as he turned the keys in the door. "You met me a few months ago in the bar" she began. "You ran away before our manager could get to you cause you didn't pay. Then I didn't have the money for an abortion for that and now I'm pregnant with your child." The whole time I just looked at her with a look of horror on my face and Anthony froze on the spot. "P-Please tell me this isn't real" I said grabbing Anthony's arm, on the verge of crying. "Please Ant. You wouldn't cheat on me?" I cried, a single tear rolling down my cheek as I desperately hoped there was some rational explanation.

"I-I... I don't know" he replied. "What?!" I shouted and let go of his arm. "You don't know?? You cheated on me with this woman then, is that what you're saying?" I shouted, trying to wipe the tears off my face. "I don't really remember what happened that night. It was the night we had a fall out and I just took to the streets. I-I remember going to a bar and... that's about it" he said. "But I would never cheat on you Jasmine, you know that". "Well that woman says otherwise" I said. "Look, if you're joking, give it up now. It's not funny. And if you're still saying it's not a joke, I want proof. I want a paternity test" I said sternly while focusing my attention back to the woman. "Fine but I'll need your boyfriend to come back with me so I can get it done" she replied. "Um no, I'm not going anywhere without Jasmine" Anthony replied. "Fine. Meet me at my house 2 weeks from today at 5. On the dot" she said and wrote down her address on a slip of paper. She handed it to us before walking away and saying "Or I'll just come over here. See ya in a fortnight".

Anthony opened the door finally, and we both stepped in the house. I didn't quite know what to say as I had too many questions but i needed to address the elephant (element. If you've seen She's gotta have it then you'll get it) in the room. "So. Please take all the time you need and explain yourself for me please. Because if that's not cheating then I didn't know what is" I said sternly, pointing my finger at him. "W-Well. Please let me explain" He said. "Like i said, take all the time you need" I replied, not hopeful for anything he was going to say.

"Well I was out that night and I needed a release from the pounding in my head cause of our fight. I wandered around and eventually, I found a bar. I didn't have that much on me but I knew I needed a release somehow so I wandered in. I didn't know it was a strip bar, I didn't mean to be there but it as the only one around so I stayed there. I wasn't paying attention to the girls while I drank... I remember that. After that, I met that woman I think. We talked about stuff and I guess one thing lead to another. I had had like 5 bottles of beer and I wasn't thinking straight. Please Jas, can you forgive me?"

I was stunned to silence. He cheated on me. And yet, he thought it would be ok to not tell me?! Now he's also asking for forgiveness? How in hell? "Put yourself in my shoes. Say I've just slept with a random guy from a bar and I've gotten pregnant cause of him. What would you say?" I asked. "I-I... Jas that's not the point. It's-" he began. "No Anthony, that is the point. What. Would. You. Say?" I asked. "I'd say we give it another shot. I can't live without you Jas... I know it was wrong and that pregnancy hits close to home for you but... you have to understand. I wasn't in control of my actions" he said.

"I just... need some time alone again. Don't even bother trying to fix things up. Just leave me be until I'm ready" I said and walked back into our room. I slammed the door shut and flopped on the bed. I let my head sink into the pillow, drowning out the sound of Anthony shouting things from the other side of the door. I just wanted peace. When he wouldn't shut up, I screamed and punched the wall really hard. It made my knuckles bleed but also seemed to work by shutting him up. I eventually fell asleep, my head in the pillow as my thoughts faded to silence.

913 Words

Short chapter today. Also I'm thinking of updating twice a week. Are my non-existent fans alright with this? I'll take that as a yes. Ok cool. Tbh I just update every time we read in English class lmao


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