Hermione and Draco, a Forbidd...

By BekkaChaos

5.1M 119K 73.6K

He was left broken, with no hope of ever putting himself together, until she entered his life. He never thoug... More

Starting Fresh
What is this I feel?
Working Together
Getting to Know Draco (short)
This is how I Feel
Self Inflicted
Making Headway
Christmas Morning
Connections (CLEAN, mostly)
Reality Setting In
Not Like This
The moment after
Moving On
Side Tracked
How do I go on?
Try, Try Again
Looking Up
Here We Go Again
What Lies Inside
Second Thoughts
The Time of Their Lives
Second Night
Draco's Story
A New Chapter
Kiss Me
No Place Like Home
Dark Side
Coming Back
History Repeats
Preparing Ahead
You Should Know
Beauty and the Beast
More Finality

Connections (EXPLICIT)

163K 3K 3.2K
By BekkaChaos


Draco sat in the common room that night; his lips tingling from where she had last touched him. His eyes were unfocussed and he couldn’t think of anything but her. They had stayed in the room for hours, Hermione managed to fix the ceiling of course. He had felt a stab of anger at the fact that she had shown him up, but the way she had leant over and kissed his cheek halfway through her spell had dispersed his anger and filled him with something else. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was, or even how to describe it, he just knew that he didn’t want to lose it.

The common room was quiet, so quiet in fact that he could hear the flickering fire ahead of him and the ticking of the wall clock behind him. It was a week until the first train pulls back into the station, three weeks until the last. His stomach started churning with the idea that Pansy could be back in seven days. His face twitched as the anger stirred inside him. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes. He saw Pansy’s sneering face and he bit down on his lip as he thought of something else.

The first thing he saw was Hermione’s eyes staring back at him, so happy and full of life and… love? Why would he even think of that word? It was something he had put behind him a long time ago. So what was it that he was feeling? She made him feel, light, calm, she gave him excitement and he had never cared about someone as much as he felt he cared for her. It was a scary thought for him, for the first time in his life that he can remember, he had something worth having, and more importantly, something to lose.

He opened his eyes and sighed. How was this ever going to work? He thought back to earlier, as they were heading back to their common rooms…

“When am I seeing you again?” He asked, holding her hand tightly.

“Tomorrow, should we say noon again?”

“I thought you were too impatient to wait until noon today?” He smirked.

She nudged him with her shoulder and put her arms around him. In that moment he had wanted to lift her off her feet and spin her around. Of course he hadn’t, it would have been stupid and it was an irrational desire. His other desires on the other hand… No! It was true that he wanted her in that way, of course it was, how could he not? But the thing that made him hold himself back was that he had no idea how to show her that she was more to him than just something physical.

She probably knew it already but the only… encounters that he had were fuelled by anger and the yearning to forget everything else in his life. Not that she would like to think about the other girls that he had been with. Truthfully he had only ever completely been with Pansy, he shuddered at the thought. He had fooled around with a few others, mainly before the whole business with… him. He shuddered again.

He honestly thought that he might actually do it first with someone who meant something to him, but it didn’t turn out that way. It was the night after he had found out about what you-know-who wanted him to do in sixth year, he had been wandering around the castle and Pansy had found him. He had fooled around with her once before, she had coaxed him into a broom closet at the beginning of fifth year and knelt down to unzip his pants, why would he argue? She was never really a nice person but she didn’t have to be nice to do that. She was always vicious and maleficent, but she only really brought it out when she knew that she could take advantage of him. He was weak, mentally and after a while he would do anything to keep her off his back. He won’t pretend that there was nothing in it for him because obviously there was. It doesn’t really matter how you feel about the person it feels the same right?

They saw each other every day that week; Draco was obviously tense on the day of the first train. After the howler had arrived he began to dread the day that Pansy got off that train. On that day Hermione had asked him to meet her out by the lake. He thought that it was strange because it was so cold, but she took his hand and it just warmed up his whole body. Pansy didn’t return that day.

Trains began to arrive every second day and Draco got even more agitated. Hermione always seemed to find a way to make him feel better. It was a week after the first train had arrived and he was waiting to meet her in the room of requirement. It was her turn to set up and he was wondering what she had planned this time.

Over the past few weeks he had become intoxicated by her. He found himself unable to think of anything else even when he wasn’t with her. Everything had been heating up in their last few visits to the room but Draco still didn’t want to rush anything. He couldn’t bear to disappoint her because he was so terribly afraid of losing her.

Yesterday he had walked her back to the staircase that led to the Gryffindor common room and as she said goodbye to him her hand had slipped through the buttons of his shirt and pulled him into her. She hadn’t touched his skin like that since Christmas night. He shivered as he remembered that touch.

When she pulled him in their kiss deepened and he pressed her against the wall. He had never wanted anything as much as he had wanted her in that moment. The only problem was that when he wanted someone he felt the anger grow inside of him. This was the result of mixing the two emotions for the last two years.

Looking back on last night, he didn’t so much press her against the wall as he did throw her. He put one hand roughly in her hair and the other he wrapped around her, pulling her up and into him until she was standing on the ends of her toes. He could feel everything getting away from him as she let out a groan into his mouth.

It was that point where he let her go and turned away from her. ‘See you tomorrow’ was all he had mumbled to her before he hurried back to the dungeons.

Now all he felt was anger at himself because he embarrassed himself by leaving like that. What if she was angry at him? What if she isn’t there when he shows up today? Now he was just making himself sweat.

She wouldn’t do that to him, she knew how fractured he was. He just still couldn’t believe it.

He headed out of the dungeons early and made his way to the room of requirement, all the way on the seventh floor. He knew that he was early but his paranoia had won out. He became impatient when he had to wait for the staircases to change, but he was soon on his way again. He walked past the room three times before the door appeared.

He could feel the sweat threatening to bead on his forehead as he opened the door. He saw the back of her head and gave an instant sigh of relief. She spun around quickly and Draco saw her cheeks flush.

“Sorry, I’m early.” He couldn’t help but walk towards her and slide his arms around her waist.

“Oh, uh, that’s fine, I just… well I didn’t mean for it to look this way.” She avoided his eyes and he looked over her shoulders.

Behind her was a large bed with candles floating around the room, as well as sprigs of lavender in small vases. Draco loved Hermione’s perfume which was made of lavender, so when he took a deep breath of air he let out an audible sigh.

“Oh, well, I don’t know what you mean.”

“Obviously you know what it looks like. I just mean that I really wasn’t thinking about…that.” She smiled awkwardly.

Draco looked away and pursed his lips, not really knowing what to say to that.

“Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to, only that it wasn’t my intention.”

He curled up his mouth in a small smile and looked down at her. “So, you do want to?”

Her cheeks were turning impossibly scarlet as she bumbled for words. “Well, I mean I… do you?”

He leant in and kissed her, opening his mouth to slide his tongue between her lips. He pulled back and looked into her eyes.

“I just, I haven’t…” She looked away, she looked nervous.

“You mean you and Weasley never…” she shook her head, “not even…kind of?” she shook her head again.

He was suddenly filled with a sense of pride, his arrogance bubbled to the top and it showed on his face. She lightly slapped his chest and he flinched, the overconfident expression still plastered on his face.

“Hey! Just because you have me to yourself doesn’t mean that you can gloat, its offensive, and a little flattering.” They shared a small smile before she spoke again. “I know that you’ve had others.” He looked away from her. “I don’t mind.”

He looked back to see her staring up into his eyes. He unexpectedly felt nervous, he swallowed almost anxiously. Her hands slid into his shirt again and he felt goose bumps spread all over his body. He took a step back and started to unbutton his shirt and slipped it off his shoulders. He slowly reached out to her but she took a shaky step back.

“Sorry, I’m just a little nervous.” She said.

“You know, I’ve already basically seen you without your clothes.” He smiled a little.

“What?! No you haven’t.”

“Do you remember a few weeks ago, in the prefect’s bathroom?” He face softened into a cheeky, pondering smile.

“So why do I feel so different now?” she almost whispered.


“Well, in that moment I would’ve gladly… succumbed to you, without the slightest of nerves, but now that I’m here thinking about it I’m nervous.”

His mind wandered to a place where he had let himself do everything he had felt like in that moment. “Completely hey?”

He watched her cheeks flush again and he brushed his fingertips over the side of her face. She closed her eyes and her lips parted slightly, almost waiting for him to press his against them.

Instead he slipped her jacket off, exposing her arms to the air. He stepped in close to her and took her hand to rest it on his chest. When he let it go she slid it down his torso and tucked one finger into the band of his jeans and he bit his lip. He felt everything well up inside him and he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into him, kissing her roughly on the mouth. His hand reached around to the back of her neck and as he pulled away he tilted her head to the side to whisper in her ear.

“Don’t think about how nervous you are, just think about what I’m doing right now.” He almost growled the last few words.

His lips pressed against her neck and he held back the temptation to take her skin between his teeth. He kissed down her neck and over the taught muscles by her shoulders, grazing her with his teeth almost involuntarily. She let out a small moan and he held her tighter against him, a pressure beginning to press against Hermione’s hip.

She pushed her hips out and into him and he sighed shakily.

In his mind he envisioned himself throwing her back onto the bed and tearing at her clothes but something held him back. This was for her, not him. That was something he would never consider for Pansy.

He pulled away to look into her eyes and was surprised at the amount of hunger he saw in them. He reached down to pull her shirt over her head and she obliged.

She could feel the most intimate parts of her body throbbing, she found it hard to believe that he couldn’t hear how hard they were screaming for him to touch her. He was holding back, she must seem like such an innocent to him. Of course she was, but that didn’t mean that she knew nothing about what to do, or what she wanted to do.

As he pulled her shirt up and off he looked into her eyes again. She was past nervous now, now she wanted him, and that was all she wanted. He leant in to kiss her again and unhooked her finger from his pants line and slid her hand down to cup him from outside his jeans. She felt his body tense and pressed down with the palm of her hand. She could feel the heat just radiating from that part of him and she continued to rub his jeans.

His hand reached down and grabbed her wrist, pulling her arm away. She was about to protest when his hands slid down her back and took hold of her ass to pull her into him as he gently thrust against her.

He began pushing her back until the backs of her legs were pinned to the side of the bed. She put her hands on his chest and pushed him back. He looked confused but bit his lip when he saw that her hands were reaching for the buckle of his jeans. Her hands weren’t shaking anymore and his buttons released easily, his zipper followed. He finished the job for her by slipping them over his hips and down his legs, kicking them away.

She looked at his body as he stood in front of her, his taught and toned body no longer hidden and an oversized bulge in his blue boxer-briefs.

“Take them off.” He said to her in a husky growling voice that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

It wasn’t long before she was kicking her pants aside and sitting down on the bed.

He closed in on her, keeping his face close to hers but never touching her. He climbed over her and she scoot backwards so that they could lie on the length of the bed. He held his body over hers and caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes and as she did he let his hand slide down her neck, over her breasts and stomach and resting the palm of his hand on her mound, gently pressing down and circling her most tender area.

She let out a moan, no one had ever touched her here before, and she was hoping that he wasn’t going to stop. He pressed a little harder and she lifted her hands to entwine her fingers in his hair. A few moments passed and he pulled away his hand, only to give her underwear a little tug down and she raised her hips to let him slide them down her legs.

He ran his fingers over the bones of her hips that were jutting out as she lay back. She was so aware that she was lying there almost naked with his hands on her body but she wondered how anything could feel more perfect.

He kissed the inside of her thigh and she sighed. She tilted her head and arched her back as she anticipated what was coming, and then his lips found her. She gasped as his tongue slipped out and flicked back and forth, and ran the length of her. She tightened her grip in his hair and called out as he gently licked and sucked in all the right ways.

A type of pleasure washed over her whole body, a pleasure she was experiencing for the first time, and it was exquisite. The waves washed over her, getting more intense as they went, and she moaned with each stroke of his tongue. She felt it approaching and when she finally came she cried out in ecstasy.

Every inch of her body was tingling and she felt better than she even thought possible. Draco climbed up and laid himself next to her, resting his hand on her stomach. She reached down to touch him but he took her hand and placed it on his cheek.

“Just hold me.” He whispered.

She kissed his forehead and they tangled their legs together on the bed. She stroked his side as he closed his eyes and nuzzled into her shoulder.

She was wrong, this moment felt more perfect than anything.

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