{ Guardian Of Light } •S...

By Uh__hello

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⚠️No longer being updated.⚠️ The White Lion. Guardian of light. She doesn't just pick anyone to be her paladi... More

The White Lion Stats
Chapter One - { The Garrison }
Chapter Two - { You Can't }
Chapter Four - { No.... }
Chapter Five - { Finally Shelter... }
Chapter Six - { One Year Later }
Chapter Seven - { Reunion }
(A/N) - { Question Thingy }
Chapter Eight - { The Blue Lion }
Chapter Nine - { Green and Yellow }
Chapter Ten - { The Battle }
{A/N} - 2K!!!!
Chapter Eleven - { I'm a What..? }
Chapter Twelve - { First Time Together }
Chapter Thirteen - { Ignis }
Chapter Fourteen - { Why...? }
Chapter Fifteen - { White Lion }
Chapter Sixteen - { Myzax }
{ A/N } - Q&A
{ Notice }
{ Not a chapter! }
{ Questions & Assumptions }
{ Announcment }

Chapter Three - { Problems }

4K 116 117
By Uh__hello


Please play the song close to the end of the chapter, I will tell you when, don't have it too loud, I'd like it to be back ground noise for you :)

And let's continue...

(L/N) - Last name

(F/S) - Favorite Soup


Your POV

You woke up to the sun shining in your eyes. You groaned lightly while sitting up rubbing your eyes free of sleep. You threw your legs over the side of the bed and sat there for a few seconds looking out our window staring across the dry land outside. Shiro wasn't going to be at breakfast today. You sighed at the thought and stood up, walking over to your bathroom and closing the door to start your morning routine. Once you finished getting ready you stood by your window looking out at the sunrise. It looked beautiful this morning. The way the sun rays shone over the hills and extended across the vast land looked amazing. You wished you could see what was outside the garrison walls but sadly it was not allowed, at least your window looked out at the land. That's why when you got the chance, Shiro and you would go up to the roof and look at the stars. You did this all the time before you met Keith. Even when Keith was with you both you all enjoyed each others company.

"Best get going..." You muttered leaving your window and walking over to your door. You looked over and realized that you hadn't made your bed yet and remembered that Shiro had done a few days ago. You were starting to get better at handling yourself without him here to remind you, but you still missed his company in the mornings. You quickly made your bed and walked out feeling somewhat content.

"Probably going to have to wake Keith up again" You chuckled to yourself "That boy I swear..." you said laughing lightly shaking your head.

You made your way to his room. Once outside you just let yourself in considering the last time you knocked you didn't get an answer. When you entered your gaze went to where Shiro's bed was. It was neatly made with his uniform laying folded on top of the covers. You smiled looking at his dresser. There was a picture of all three of you smiling and laughing with each other. You walked over to it and picked it up getting a closer look. Your fingers traced over the picture lightly. You smiled placing it down and turning to look at Keith's bed. It was empty. You started to panic. 'Where'd he go?! He's never awake this early, unless...' your thoughts were cut short when you heard coughing from the bathroom, you wiped your head round and looked to see the door slightly open, you walked over and knocked on the door lightly.

"Keith...Is everything okay...?" You asked softly

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He answered back with a scratchy voice

"I came to wake you up...Are you okay?" You asked again

"Y-yeah I'm fine" He said coughing afterwards

"Can I come in?" You said lightly pushing the door open

"N-no! D-don't..." He said pushing the door closed

"Keith what's wrong?" You said in a demanding voice

"N-nothing just go get breakfast..." He said through the door

"There's something wrong I can tell, now either tell me or I can't help you" You said concerned. He must have heard the worry in your voice as the door opened slowly to reveal Keith with his covers wrapped around him.

"I think I'm sick..." He said in a choked voice coughing lightly

"Oh Keith, come on let's get you in bed..." You said walking closer to him and wrapping your arm around his shoulder. He was shaking, probably cold and hot at the same time. You laid him down and placed a hand on his forehead.

"Gosh your really warm..." You said worried. He looked at you lazily.

"I'm sorry..." He said sleepily

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry about. Now I'm going to go get you some food and I'll tell Commander Iverson that'd I'll be taking today's training off to help you get better okay?" You said smiling softly at the boy.

"Thank you (Y/N)... You know you don't have to..." He said sitting up and leaning against the wall pulling the covers up.

"Well I want to. We can't have you being sick, now can we? Shiro would have done the same if he were here, I know it." You said looking over and his side of the room.

"It's weird seeing you be all soft and nice" He said chuckling lightly before coughing.

"Hey! Come on I'm nice all the time!" You said laughing "I'll be back in a few minutes okay?" You said standing up and walking towards the door. "Okay sis.." was all you heard before the door closed behind you, you smiled softly and walked down the hall towards Commander Iverson's office. You knocked on the door and heard a deep come in signaling it was okay to enter.

"Good morning Commander" You said walking into his office.

"Ah Cadet (L/N) good morning. What can I help you with?" He said looking up from his paper work. You stood up straight, something that Shiro told you to do in the presence of a higher up. You were already in the Commanders good books since you were the strongest female cadet they had, it was also a privilege to be friends with Shiro as he helped you train to get where you are now. So, this shouldn't be a problem.

"I came to tell you that I'll be taking today's training off. Cadet Keith Kogane has fallen sick and I've offered to take care of him and help him get back to his original state, I'd gladly train on the weekend to make up for lost time sir" You stated calmly. You watched his expression change slightly.

"Is that all?" He asked

"Yes sir" You said

"Alright I'll allow it, you'll be training all day on Saturday as today's training will be more than one class." He stated going back to his paper work.

"Thank you sir" You said leaving his office

"And (Y/N)?" He said before the door shut

"Yes sir?" You questioned tilting your head to the side

"Shiro's doing just fine. We got a call from him last night. And he told me to tell you." He said looking at you with a slight smile on his face. You looked at him shocked. He's ever smiled before.

"Thank you for telling me sir" You said nodding your head towards him and smiling back.

"That is all" He said. You closed the door and took a deep breath. 'He's okay' you thought. You leaned against the wall and closed your eyes and smiled chuckling to yourself. 'Thank you for letting me know Shiro'. You pushed off the wall and walked to the cafeteria to grab some food for you and Keith.

*Small time skip*

You walked back into Keith's room. You looked over at him and he was asleep. You shook your head lightly and smiled. You walked over to his dresser and set his food down next to his clock. After you had gotten food for the both of you, you went back to your room and gotten changed into some comfortable lounging clothes. You had also grabbed a book to read knowing Keith would be sleeping most of the time, but you still wanted to be there for when he woke up to get anything if he needed it. Keith's room had a window seat, so you sat there and looked out. There was nothing really interesting out there apart from sand and maybe just maybe some grass. But somehow you found it beautiful. Tonight, you were going to go up to the roof and look at the stars. If Keith wanted to come you had to make sure he'd be warm, so you would bring your blankets. You heard a quiet groan and shuffling so you turned your head to see Keith waking up.

"Hey kid..." You said softly getting up from your sitting position and walking over to help him sit up.

"Hey.." He said groggily looking at you with his lazy violet eyes.

"I got ya some food" You said gently picking up the tray and handing it to him

"What is it...?" He asked

"It's soup" You said "I figured it would feel better going down with your throat and all"

"O-oh thanks..." He said smiling softly picking up the spoon. As he started eating you grabbed yours. You had made the food. You asked them to let you in the kitchen with little hope and they did, which surprised you. So, you made yourself your (F/S) and Keith some noodle soup with vegetables and seasoning.

"This is good (Y/N), this can't be the kitchen's food" Keith said surprised

"It's not, I made it" You said smiling

"Woah really?!" He said looking at you with a shocked expression

"Yes really, now eat it, it'll get cold" You said eating your food. And with that Keith had dug in to the soup finishing it in seconds. You laughed at him shaking your head.

"Damn boy you ate that fast" You laughed

"Well I was hungry, and it was really good" He muttered glaring at you

"If you liked it that much I'll make it whenever your sick okay?" You said placing your plate down on the floor beside the window seat. He just nodded his head and laid back down.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! The Commander got a call from Shiro last night saying that everything's going well" You said grabbing your book and opening it to begin reading.

"That'd great! I'm glad he's okay" Keith said yawning "(Y/N)?"


"Do you remember how we met?" He asked you. You looked up from your book and nodded your head.

"Yes, I do. Like it was yesterday." You said smiling kindly at him

"You were 22 and I was 16, right?" He asked

"Yes, you were and to this day I'm still thankful for what you did" You said brushing your hair out of your face. Keith let a small smile grace his lips while he looked at you.


'Today is the day where we meet the new cadets! I can't wait' you thought to yourself. You tugged on Shiro's sleeve. He turned to look at you.

"What is it (Y/N)?" He said

"Today's the day Shiro! I wonder who they'll be!" you said excitedly. Shiro chuckled at you and ruffled your hair. When he did, he moved some of your hair and it revealed your pointy ear. You didn't notice because your eyes were fixed on the new cadets walking in. Your eyes landed on a boy with a mullet and violet eyes. You walked over and greeted him.

"Hi there!" You said smiling kindly

"Hello..." The boy said as he looked at your ear and tilted his head. You wondered what he was looking at, so you reached your hand up to your hair and felt that your ear was showing.

"Eww, oh my god look at her ear! It's so pointy! That's gross" A boy said

"Why it is like that? That's so weird" A girl whispered to her friend loud enough for you to hear it

"It's so ugly, and why's her hair white did she dye it like that. That's so stupid" another said

Your eyes widened, and you quickly covered your ear with your long white hair. You've always been self-conscious of your ears. You had no idea why they were like that nor why your hair was white. You looked at the violet eyed boy and his face looked angry. He then turned around clenching his fists.

"DO NOT judge her like that! It's not her fault, do you think it's something she can control!? Don't be complete assholes and talk about her like that when she's standing right there! You don't even know her! So, don't go around judging people you don't know! Because sooner or later it will bite you in the ass!" He yelled his face red with anger, he looked like he was going to punch someone. Shiro came rushing up behind him and grabbed his arms holding him back to make sure he didn't hurt anyone.

"Leave it be..." He said into the boy's ear. You had tears in your eyes. You blinked them away. 'Don't be like this for fuck sake, I'm 22 and people have been saying things like this my entire life I should be used to it, why do I even care?' you thought. But in fact, you did care, and it did bother you. This was the second time someone has stood up for you because you couldn't do it for yourself and it made you mad but thankful. The first person was Shiro and now he's your best-friend. You ran out the room not wanting to hear anymore comments. You heard Shiro call after you.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" He shouted running after you. You ran up to the roof and let the freezing air sooth you as you leaned against the wall. You heard the doors slam open to reveal Shiro and the violet eyed boy. They looked around for you and once their eyes landed on you they came up to you. Shiro pulled you into a hug. You buried your face into his shoulder and you felt his hand rest on the back of your head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't speak up for you...the commander wouldn't stop talking to me..." He whispered into your ear.

"It's okay...I just wish I didn't feel like shit every time someone says something about my ears, that's why I hide them with my hair, I have no idea why they are like that, it's been like this my whole life I guess I can't get over it" You said as you pulled away from the hug and grabbed his hand smiling at him sadly. He smiled back.

"I think your ears are beautiful" He said squeezing your hand

"T-thank you" You said with a small blush on your cheeks. You then turned your gaze to the boy.

"What's your name?" You called out to him

"Keith" He answered

"Well Keith I'd like to thank you for sticking up for me, but you really didn't have to" You said smiling sweetly

"Well I couldn't let some pricks pick on you because of something you can't control" He stated walking up to you. You let go of Shiro's hand and hugged Keith. He went stiff startled by the sudden contact but soon hugged you back. You pulled away from him and smiled.

"My names (Y/N) by the way" You said giggling sticking out your and for him to shake. He chuckled and grabbed your hand shaking it firmly.

"I think I like you guys already" He said

"I think we're all going to be good friends" Shiro said patting him on the back walking over to the doors

*End of Flashback*

Remembering that day made you smile. You gently tucked some hair behind your ear and smiled at Keith. He smiled back.

"You've never done that before" He said gesturing to your hair

"I know but I think it's about time I get over it, don't you think" You said laughing

"Shiro would be proud (Y/N), I remember he said that your ears are beautiful" He said smirking

"Well well, looks like your feeling better already" You teased. He laughed but soon his features turned serious. You titled your head.

"What's going on in that brain of yours, boy?" You asked

"I never really did ask you about your parents, did I?" He said looking down at his hands, fiddling with his thumbs.

"No, you didn't...But I was adopted...I knew they weren't my real parents. There ears weren't like mine nor was their hair. I've even tried looking for my real parents but there's literally no trace of them, so I don't know what to say about that situation" You said getting up and sitting beside Keith on his bed. You looked down at your feet with a sad expression.

"Oh (Y/N) I'm so sorry I didn't know...I don't know who my real mother is. My dad said she left after I was born. All she left me was this blade." He said taking the blade out from underneath his pillow. "He said it was hers and I have no clue where it came from before that".

The blade looked beautiful. It was wrapped at the handle and had a strange purple marking in the middle of it.

"May I?" You asked wondering if you could hold it. He nodded his head as he handed you the blade. It felt good to hold and it wasn't top heavy.

"This is all she left you?" You asked, and he nodded to confirm.

"To be honest I'd like to find her and know what she's been doing, but like you, there's no trace of her..." He said with a said expression looking down.

"You'll find her. I know you will" You said patting his head. "And then you can tell her all about your amazing big sister!" You exclaimed hugging him.

"Who?" He asked with a smirk on his face. He started laughing when he saw the expression on your face. Which was one of those fake shock and hurt. You placed a hand over your heart and gasped.

"Why me of course" You said rolling you eyes. You smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"I think you are feeling better, now aren't you?" You said chuckling

"I think your soup fixed me right up!" He said climbing out of bed "Hey what time is it?" He asked walking over to his bathroom. You looked at his clock. 8:00pm.

"It's 8:00pm, are you hungry? Supper in the cafeteria will be served soon" You asked

"Nah, there food sucks" He said through the door. You laughed.

"I'm guessing you'd prefer me to cook for you then huh punk?" You said sarcastically. He opened the bathroom door and poked his head out.

"Actually, I would, but don't bother it'll be busy" He said disappearing back into the bathroom.

"Well what do you want to do now then? I was going to go up to the roof like old times" You said fiddling with your thumbs.

"That sounds like a good idea" He said walking out of his bathroom and over to his bed grabbing his covers and wrapping them around his body. He walked over to his door and slipped his shoes on before looking back at you.

"I'm coming" You said standing up and walking over to him. The door opened automatically and you both walked out into the hallway. You began walking to your bedroom, so you could grab your blanket too.

"Where you are going? The roof's this way" Keith said pointing in the direction of the roof.

"I know but I want my cover too! It'll be cold...You can go I won't be long" You said smiling and turning around. You heard his footsteps walk away from you and down the hallway.

You sighed and continued walking to your room. Once you got there you quickly went over to your bed and grabbed your covers and wrapped them around your small frame. When you walked over to your door you turned around and stared at the picture on your dresser. It was of you and Shiro, you were laughing at something and hugging him with a huge smile on your face and he was just looking at you with a gentle smile on his face. Your heartbeat quickened thinking about him. You felt your cheeks get warm and you shook your head. 'Stop thinking like that he's your best-friend' you thought. You walked out of your room and headed to meet up with Keith on the roof.

(Play song now)

Once you arrived you saw Keith sitting by the edge of the roof with his legs dangling off, his head was titled staring up at the sky. You walked over and sat down next to him dangling your legs off the roof also. You smiled at him as he looked at you and then turned his gaze back to the night sky. You pulled your covers closer to your body as a cold breeze blew past and blew your hair around. You stared at the sky watching the stars shine bright above you. You hadn't noticed Keith turn to look at you. When he did he saw your eyes twinkle while looking at the stars. He smiled knowing this was your favorite thing to do at night before going to bed. He was glad that you were happy right now. He looked back at the stars and breathed out slowly watching the cold air turn cloudy with his breath.

"Why did you and Shiro come up here at night?" You heard Keith ask with a quiet voice. You still had your gaze on the stars when you answered.

"It was comforting for the both of us...to come up here and forget about everything we did that day and just look at the stars. Shiro would always tell me that tomorrow is another day and it will get better...I would come up here and tell him what was on my mind...and he'd tell me what was on his...It was our little secret coming up here. Sometimes we'd stay here all night and just talk. That's when we became close. When you came up here that night while we were here, it just seemed right for all of us to be up here. I enjoy just staring at the stars and watching them shine with you guys. If your lucky you'll see a shooting star. So I guess that's why...just knowing I have friends like you to enjoy this with, makes it worth sitting out in the cold.." You said looking down at your feet and swinging them back and forth. You smiled gently when you felt his head hit your shoulder. You moved your gaze to look at him.

"I...never knew that..." He yawned closing his eyes "I've never felt so close to two people before...I'm glad to have a sister like you..." That last part made your heart swell. He must have drifted off to sleep as his breathing became steady. You rested your head on top of his and sighed watching the hot cloud drift into the air. You gently moved so you could wrap your blanket around him without waking him up so you both wouldn't freeze if you fell asleep.

"And I'm glad to have a kid brother like you..." You whispered gazing at the stars as they twinkled in the night sky. You began to wonder how you got so lucky to have two amazing friends. You smiled softly and closed your eyes. 'Goodnight Shiro' you thought before sleep consumed you.

And that's it for this one! My poor baby Keith was sick but some sweet things happened and that makes it all better! I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did writing it. Thank you guys for reading.

Bye for now my lovely's! <3

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