Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed)

By AdoringlyFlorence

352K 11.1K 1.5K

"I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how stron... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Fucking shook
Chapter 24 (final chapter)

Chapter 7

14.8K 455 76
By AdoringlyFlorence

Once Camila was tucked up in bed (hopefully for good this time) after her bottle, Lauren defeatedly makes her way back into hers and Dinah's bedroom. She doesn't bother changing into her pyjamas nor brushing her teeth, she simply collapses on the bed next to her girlfriend and buries her face into her chest, letting out a large sigh.

"What took you so long?" Dinah wonders as she combs her fingers through the green eyed girls long hair, her nails scratching her scalp every few seconds.

Lauren sighs contently at the action, "she ended up in time out again for kicking me" she murmurs quietly, her eyes closing.

"She kicked you?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't intentional. I think she just got frustrated" she murmurs, opening her eyes as she sits up and runs her hands over her face tiredly.

She was so tired.

Her intention had been to get a good night sleep so they could start this whole thing properly tomorrow, but looks like that didn't happen as it was now gone one in the morning and both Dinah and herself were still.

Dinah nods at her words, her anger slowly fading away.

"Get some sleep babe" she murmurs, tugging on her girlfriends arm to get her to lay down again. She knew what Lauren was like when she was tired, she really didn't want to be on the other end of the anger and frustration she knew would appear tomorrow if she wasn't to get enough sleep.

Nodding her head, Lauren lays back down and allows Dinah to pull her close to her body, a sigh escaping her lips when she feels the comforter get placed over her her.



At eight the next morning, Dinah finds herself walking down the hall to Camila's room to see if she was up yet. She had turned of their alarm earlier when she had woken herself, mainly because she wanted Lauren to get enough sleep so she wouldn't be grumpy.

Stopping outside Camila's room, she pushes the door open and walks in a smaller appearing on her face when she see's the small brunette.

She was asleep on her stomach in the middle of the bed, the covers long gone. Her shirt had slid up throughout the night, putting her diaper on full display to anyone who walks in the room. The majority of her face was being was being covered by her long brunette hair, the side of her cheek being the only thing visible.

It was definitely a cute sight.

She walks over to the bed and sits down on the end of it, bringing one of her hands forward to gently move the hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. She uses the same hand to gently rub the girls back, rousing her from her once deep sleep.

Brown eyes stare tiredly into hers, and before she could really blink, she had her arms full of Camila.

Adjusting her slightly so she was sat sideways on her lap, Dinah presses a soft kiss to her forehead, "Morning sweetheart" she murmurs quietly, keeping her voice soft so she didn't ruin the quiet atmosphere.

"Mornin" the brunette sleepily whispers back, her eyes closing again as she sighs deeply.

She wasn't quite awake enough to socialise properly yet.

"Did you sleep okay?" Dinah asks as she stands up, adjusting Camila so she was being supported with one leg hanging either side of her waist. She keeps an arm underneath her for support as she begins to walk out of the room.

Instead of getting a response to her question, Camila sits up in her arms and looks at her with wide teary eyes.

A little alarmed at the change in attitude, Dinah sends the girl a soft look, "What's wrong?" She asks, bringing her other arm down to support her as too carrying her with one arm was getting a little difficult.

Looking down nervously, Camila begins to speak.

"I'm sorry for last night, I didn't mean to be bad" she whispers hoarsely as the memories from last night slowly drift back into her mind.

Frowning, Dinah gently eases her chin up, "You weren't bad sweetheart, you just made a few bad decisions and choices, but that's okay, it's all fixed now and there's nothing to be sorry about" she gently reassures, bringing her hand down to soothingly rub the girls back and holding her close when she once again rests her head on her shoulder.

"Now, lets go get some breakfast. Is there anything you'd like?" She questions as she walks into the kitchen, turning the lights on as she heads straight for the fridge.

Sitting up in the woman's arms, Camila turns around, peering into the fridge with wide eyes.

"Fruit?" She asks, bringing her attention from the fridge to Dinah.

Nodding her head, Dinah closes the fridge and sets the small brunette down onto the counter, "of course, but you have to have a bottle with it, okay?" She says.

Camila easily nods at this, having a newly found love for warm milk in her bottle.

Wait...her bottle?

She smiles slightly at that thought. Yeah, it was her bottle.

When she feels the familiar object being put into her hands, she immediately, with no hesitation brings it up to her mouth, suckling eagerly.

Dinah smiles at the cute scene in front of her, pulling different types of fruit outof the fridge and making sure to grab two bananas as she knew how much Camila loved them.

After chopping up a sufficient amount of fruit for both Camila and herself, she wraps her free arm around the small brunettes waist and lifts her off of the counter, sitting down at the table with her on her lap.

"Now, make sure you eat lots of fruit after your baba. We don't want you getting tummy ache" she says, adjusting the girl slightly in her arms.

Still suckling happily on her milk, Camila nods her head and leans back against the taller girls chest.

"Good girl"


"Morning guys" Lauren murmurs sleepily as she walks into the room, heading straight to the coffeemaker for her much needed cup of coffee.

Camila, with a face full of milk and fruit, squirms off of Dinah's lap, heading straight for the green eyed girls arms.

"Well, hello to you too baby" Lauren says with a smile as she wraps her arms round the small girls shoulder, squeezing her into a tight hug.

She didn't quite have the strength to pick her up yet.

Looking up from burying her head into Lauren's chest, Camila sends her a wide grin, her arms still tightly wrapped round the formers waist.

"We have fruit" she says quietly, pointing over in the direction where Dinah was still sat eating.

Sending a glance over there, Lauren tucks a strand of hair behind the girls ear, "I see that. I also see you had some milk too, was that yummy?" She asks, chuckling quietly when the small girl rips herself out of her arms and rushes back to the table, picking up her empty bottle for the woman to see.

"Wow, such a good girl" the green eyed girl praises as the girl rushes back to her, empty bottle in hand.

" 'nother one?" Camila asks timidly.

She knows she was only supposed to have one before bed and one in the morning, but she liked her bottles, they made her feel safe and happy and she hopes she would be able to have more.

Blinking in surprise at girls words, Lauren nods her head and takes the bottle from her hands, "of course you can sweetheart, go sit back with Dinah and I'll bring it to you okay?"

Camila eagerly nods her head and rushes back to the taller woman like she was told too, completely missing the shocked look coming from both Dinah and Lauren as she clambers onto her lap.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, (and shock if she's honest) Lauren quickly gets to work on making the girls bottle and her coffee.

Once she's done, she walks back over to the table and places a soft kiss onto Dinah's lips before sitting down, handing Camila her obviously loved bottle. She sends Dinah an accomplished grin as she takes a sip of her coffee.

Yes, this was only a small step for Camila, but right now, she would take anything she could get.


"Alright sweetheart, have you got your shoes on?" Lauren questions as she grabs her keys from the small hook by the door.

They were just about to go do some grocery as suggested by Dinah. The couple was a little reluctant bringing Camila with them, especially in this situation, but they both realised that they had to get used to it if this was going to be their life from now on.

No, this may not be a forever thing but she still decided that getting everyone used to it while it was like this was a good idea.

Looking shyly down at her ugg covered feet, Camila shyly nods her head.

Luckily, for this trip, Lauren had let her just wear a pull-up as promised. She was thankful for that as she knew diapers were a lot more visible, but that didn't make her any less nervous.

Walking over to the brunette, Lauren gently tilts her chin up, "hey, it's gonna be okay. If you get uncomfortable at all, even just the tiniest bit, let one of us know and we'll find a way to make the situation better, I promise" she says soothingly, sending the girl a soft smile when the former looks up at her.

Pressing a kiss onto her forehead, Lauren holds out her hand, "now, lets go do some shopping yeah? If you're a good girl I'm sure we can let you pick out a small treat" she says teasingly, grinning when the girl smiles happily and takes her head.

Leading her to the front door, Lauren calls out for Dinah.

"Oi Hansen, we don't have all day!"

Just seconds after she had spoken those words, Dinah comes hurrying down the hall trying to tug her shoes on at the same time. When she hears Camila laughing at her actions, she wraps her arms around her waist and lifts her up, sending her a playful look.

"You think that's funny huh?"

Camila giggles and nods again, her laughing growing louder when she feels Dinah's hands attack her sides. She begins to squirm in her arms, her face beginning to turn red.

"Alright you two, that's enough" Lauren says amusedly, a grin on her face.

After pressing a soft kiss to the girls cheek, Dinah does as she's told and sets the small brunette back down onto the the floor.

Her face still slightly red from the sudden attack, Camila once again takes Lauren's hand and allows herself for be led out of the door.

Yeah, she could probably get used to this.

(Their outfits. Just pretend Camila's hair is up in a high pony or something lol)


Once Lauren pulls up outside the mall, she stops the car and pulls the keys out of the ignition, turning around in her seat to face an obviously nervous Camila who was staring out of the window with her legs pulled up to her chest.

"You okay my love?" She asks softly, reaching her hand out to take the girls slightly smaller one that was resting on top of her knee.

When she doesn't get an answer, she glances concernedly at Dinah.

Clearing her throat, Dinah turns around in her seat too and sends the small girl a soft smile, "It's okay Camila, with the outfit you have on nobody will be able to see what you're wearing underneath" She reassures, guessing the pull-up was the reason the small brunette was feeling so nervous.

She understood that just because anybody passing by couldn't see it didn't mean Camila didn't know it was there, but she knew that getting the girl used to it was important as this was definitely gonna be happening more often.

Looking away from out the window, Camila sends both woman a shy look, "Are you sure?" She whispers, shifting slightly in her place. It's like now they were out, the feeling of the pull-up on her skin was a lot more noticeable to her and she really didn't know why.

Nodding her head, Lauren speaks while Dinah nods.

"We're sure sweetheart, but let us know if you need the potty okay? We don't you to have an accident" she says, ignoring the blush that rises on the girls cheeks at her words.

Getting out of the car, she makes her way round to the back and opens the back door, reaching in into unbuckle Camila's seatbelt.

"You don't have to hold either of our hands if you don't want to-"

Her words were promptly cut off by her small brunette placing her hand into her own.

Well, okay then.

Holding the girls hand securely and soothingly stroking the back of her thumb, Lauren turns around to Dinah.

"Ready?" She asks with a grin, holding out her other hand for her girlfriend to take.

"Yes definitely. Let's go get some shopping done" Dinah sings, tugging both girls forward towards the store.

Dinah was aware that three women holding hands was an odd sight to see from anyone passing, but people's opinions on herself or her life didn't bother her.

They were irrelevant.


"Okay, so I think we have everything" Lauren says as she glances at what was already in the cart, "I think it's about time to pick out a certain persons treat" she adds with a smile she says as she turns round to face her girlfriend and her baby.

Squirming happily from her place on Dinah's back, (in her defence, her legs were starting to get tired and they had done lots of walking) Camila grins, her grin, if possible, getting wider when she hears the taller woman's words.

"A treat? You get a treat huh? Wow, you're such a lucky girl" Dinah says softly as she bounces the girl softly on her back.

Nodding in agreement, Camila once again begins to squirm, but this time it was a sign of wanting down from Dinah's arms.

"Candy?" She asks shyly, glancing at Lauren nervously as she takes Dinah's hand instead.

Nodding her head, Lauren leads them to the small candy section a few meters away from where they stood.

"Take your pic my love" she says, gesturing to the rows of candy in front of her.

Excitedly stepping forward, (making sure to keep her hand in Dinah's) Camila reaches for a packet of sour patch kids.

Before she could proudly hold them up to show the couple stood with her, she feels a small twinge in her bladder which causes her to stop dead in her tracks, all her movements freezing for a second.

Maybe that second bottle of milk wasn't such a good idea.

She decides to ignore the twinge in her bladder as needing to pee wasn't as important as showing Lolo and her Dinah her candy, s she forces a smile on her face and holds the package up for them to see.

In the midst of her small panic, she had failed to notice that both women had seen her movements, and both knew this this would not end good.


So, this is the first day of long chapters and you'll get another one the same length the day AFTER tomorrow.

As you guys are good at this whole voting thing, imma challenge you to get this chapter to 130 votes by the next chapter deadline which is two days from now😏

Can you do it? Who knowssss

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