BATGIRL Book One: New Hero of...

Von indiaherring

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Barbara Gordon starts out in college in Burnside, Gotham while her father is on police patrol. She meets new... Mehr

Prologue: Just Being Myself
Chapter 1: Batman
Chapter 2: College Day!
Chapter 3: Another Night, Another Day
Chapter 4: A Very Bad Tragedy
Chapter 5: Justice
Chapter 6: Batman and Robin
Chapter 7: Barbara And Dick
Chapter 8: Catwoman
Chapter 9: Robin and Batgirl VS Catwoman
Chapter 10: Gotham Fairgrounds
Chapter 11: "Livewire"
Chapter 12: Happy Birthday, Barbara!
Chapter 13: Happy Unbirthday, Barbara.
Chapter 14: A Weird Encounter
Chapter 16: Top Secret
Chapter 17: Investigation
Chapter 18: Something's Wrong
Chapter 19: Learn To Play Your Role
Chapter 20: Taking Back What's Yours
Chapter 21: Help Me Find A Cure

Chapter 15: Gotham Library

48 1 24
Von indiaherring

(Batgirl was gliding through the city and found the library. She landed in front of the entrance and went towards the door. She opened it and it started creaking very loudly. Batgirl walked in and the door slammed shut. Batgirl looked behind her because she jumped and she took out her spy drone from the back.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Spy drone, activate my spy lenses." (Batgirl closed her eyes.)

Spy Drone: "Spy lenses active." (Batgirl opened her eyes and her pupils were once again light blue. She looked around the library and there were nothing, but bookcases and bookcases filled with books.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Spy drone, do you see any heat signatures in here?"

Spy drone: "One moment. Beginning to ascend." (The drone rose above the bookcases and checked around the rest of the library and found two heat signatures.)

Spy drone: "I have found the heat signatures located by the fiction section of the library."

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Fantastic work, spy drone."

Spy drone: "I am always here to support you, Batgirl." (Batgirl smiled gently at that.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "And I'm glad that you're with me." (She walked towards the fiction area and saw Zatanna and Katana.)

Zatanna: "Ah, Batgirl. You did come here."

Batgirl: "Yeah. I sure did and thanks by the way for that headache. I really needed that rest." (She crossed her arms.)

Katana: "See?"

Zatanna: "Wow, listen. I am so sorry about that, but that was only way you've got out of the Dream State."

Batgirl: "Well, isn't there a better way of getting me out without giving me a whiplash?" (Zatanna tapped her chin with her wand.)

Zatanna: "Not really?"

Batgirl: "What kind of magician, are you?"

Katana: "She's a special magician. So, I'd watch my next words if I were you." (She took out her Katana sword and held it in front.)

Batgirl: "Okay, what is it about her and the sword?"

Zatanna: "This might get you spooked so, I'm going to say it anyway. Her sword is actually her husband." (Batgirl tilted her head as she was confused.)

Batgirl: "I don't follow."

Zatanna: "The sword is called the Soultaker which takes the souls of her victims like Katana's husband whose actually is embedded in the sword. She can also hear him speak to her if something is wrong. Get me, now?" (Batgirl felt shivers down her spine and she slowly shook her head.)

Batgirl: "I get it. I understand, now. Katana, forgive me. Whatever happened earlier..." (There was a whisper coming from the Soultaker and Katana listened to her husband.)

Katana: "You are forgiven." (She walked away to go in the corner to continue to listen to her husband speak. Batgirl looked at Zatanna.)

Batgirl: "So, Zatanna. Any reason why I'm really here or are we here to just talk all day?"

Zatanna: "Okay, I heard that the Pact are up to something really drastic and Batman and Robin might need your help right now, but I think that you should find more clues about the Pact before you head to your friends. I have a location to where the files are."

Batgirl: "Okay and that is?" (Zatanna snapped her fingers and a card was in her hand.)

Zatanna: "They're inside a technical industry building. More like the Mayor's office except you know, with computers. Anyway, it should give you some answers and it requires stealth. Here." (She hands Batgirl the card and Batgirl looks at it and then looked at Zatanna.)

Batgirl: "You two are not coming?"

Zatanna: "No, besides we're not the stealthy type. At least, not Katana. I'm pretty loud when I'm doing my spells, me if you need my assistance and I'll help in any way I can." (Batgirl's eyebrows shot up.)

Batgirl: "Wow, thanks."

Zatanna: "Now, go. Find the answers. Katana and I will probably see you soon."

Batgirl: "Okay, see you soon, magician woman and soul taking samurai." (Batgirl got out of the library and looked at the card that Zatanna gave her.)

Batgirl: (Thoughts) "Hmm...follow these instructions and you will find out what's going on with the Pact. Simple. Shouldn't take me this long. Just find this address and I'll be out in no time. Yet, once more I'm talking to myself. I got to remember not to do that more often." (She grappled and flew to the address. She landed at the place and saw the building.)

Batgirl: "The Agency Organization building? Why on earth did the address bring me here, Zatanna? Well, the address did send me here. Guess I'm finding out something big. Time to go undercover. Literally. Spy drone, is there any camouflage?"

Spy drone: "Stand by as I return under your cape."

Batgirl: "Great. I'm glad that you're...wait, what?" (The drone returned to Batgirl's back and she felt a jolt of electricity hit her.)

Batgirl: "Ow! Hey, watch it, drone."

Spy drone: "My apologies, but it's the only way for the camouflage to work properly." (The spy drone and Batgirl both slowly turned invisible, but Batgirl couldn't really tell if they did or not.)

Spy drone: "Camouflage has been completed." (Batgirl looks at her hands and saw that there's no difference.)

Batgirl: "Really? I don't feel like I'm camouflage."

Spy drone: "Look through glass building to see your reflection in front of you."

Batgirl: "Glass building?" (She looks in front of herself and saw no reflection from Batgirl.)

Batgirl: "Well, that's oddly convenient. Nice work, spy drone. Now, let's see what's going on with the Agency." (She saw an opening above and grappled her way up. Then saw the glass skylight and opened it to go inside. She jumped and landed softly on the carpet without a sound.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Good. No one is here, but that doesn't mean we let our guard down."

Spy drone: "I agree. Better to remain vigilant."

Batgirl: (Whispers) "I hear you, spy drone." (She stayed quiet while moving past the vending machines and the meeting rooms. She saw one person, but didn't get a good look.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "What the hell is that person still doing here? Doesn't that person ever sleep? Most agents just love to take the day off."

Spy drone: "Maybe that certain person hasn't finished his assignments."

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Wow, that person is just like me, except you know, not a cripple. Anyway, I better hurry before he comes over here to grab a soft drink." (She kept sneaking past the mini office desks and saw a door that says "Archives".)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Is that it? I hope it is. There, I go again! I need to go home and go to bed if I keep talking to myself."

Spy drone: "You're right here. Just open the door and walk in."

Batgirl: (Whispers) "You're right, spy drone. Just nervous I might get caught." (She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Okay, here goes." (She slowly opened the door as she stuck her head in to see if anybody was inside. So far, there was no one to be seen.)

(Batgirl saw a desk that had a lot of folders on top and beside them was a lamp. Batgirl looked behind her to see if anyone is seeing her. Then, she walked in and closed the door. It was really dark, but she turned on the lamp so she could see. She leaned in close to the folders to see what they say as she moved her gloved fingers over the words.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Let's see. Archives about traffic trouble. No." (She moved that folder to the side and saw the next one.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Speed chases and test results. Nada." (She moved to the next folder.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Serial numbers and killers with a little side note: "Diane, will you have lunch with me at noon? Wow, going a little sideways, Brian? Good luck, my dude." (She moved the folder to the side and more junk keeps piling in front of her.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Well, Zatanna. I don't see anything big about this. I have a feeling that this was a waste of time coming here, but I know that you're telling something is up in this place. I just don't see it at all." (She knocked over the trash can with her foot and a bunch of files spilled out. It caught her eyes as she picked it up.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Hello, what are these?" (She moved the files into the light that says 'Top Secret' on all of them.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Top secret, huh? What are they trying to keep secret?" (She sat down in a chair and opened one of them and saw the face of a inmate on a little picture.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Who are you, you mysterious person?" (She read the name of the inmate and saw the description.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Edward Nygma AKA: The Riddler has been presumed dead by a deadly virus upon The Lady Of Dublin. Huh. Wonder who killed him. Alright, the next folder." (She looked inside the next folder and saw a picture of lady that has clown makeup on.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Harleen Quinzel AKA: Harley Quinn. Psychiatrist of Arkham Asylum. Also, a clown that presents a gun and wields a huge mallet. Isn't that strange? Wait a minute. (She saw the imprint of the Arkham symbol onto the paper.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "These files are from Arkham Asylum which means either someone didn't have their marbles and stole them or they need these inmates for something quite important? Interesting. I better show these to Batman and Nightwing also Frankie or maybe I should keep it to myself and try not to spread it all around. I don't know. I guess I'll have to choose which is the best option. God, I hate when I have to make decisions." (Her phone pinged and it was her dad messaging her.)

Jim: (Texted) "Hey, Babs. How are you feeling in the hospital?"

Batgirl: (Thoughts) "Oh, no. Dad, this isn't a good time. I'm busy snooping inside the Agency Organization building." (Batgirl calmed down and texted back.)

Barbara: (Texted) "I'm feeling fine, I guess. The nurses come to check on me and Ace to see if we're doing okay and we are."

Jim: (Texted) "Okay, that's good. I'm coming over there in about 3 hours to come see you. Is that okay?"

Batgirl: (Thoughts) "Oh. This is a dire situation and no, that's not okay because I'm not really there in my bed! Calm the hell down, Barbara!" (She texted back quickly.)

Barbara: (Texted) "That is really fine, dad. I don't mind if you come see me. Besides, I miss seeing you. 😌"

Jim: (Texted) "Aw, I miss you too, sweetheart. I'll have to finish up several more things and then I'll head my way over to the hospital."

Barbara: (Texted) "Sounds great, dad. Be safe."

Jim: (Texted) "See you in 3 hours, Babs." (Batgirl puts the phone back in her pocket.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Yeah, that's if I'll be there in 3 hours, dad. No need to panic. Just need to sneak my way back out and head towards the hospital with Arkham Asylum files tumbling in my hands. No biggie. I'm cool. What else can go wrong?" (She heard the door open and she rolled her eyes as she crouched herself behind the monitors.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "I...spoke too soon. Damn it." (The same guy that grabbed a soda came inside with a flashlight.)

Agent: "Hello? Who the hell is still in here? George, is that you? I told you not to follow me here again! Hello?" (He noticed that the lamp was still on.)

Agent: "That's weird. I could've sworn that I turned this lamp off. How the hell did it come back on? Maybe I was somehow at this desk and forgot to turn it off. Yeah, that's probably it or maybe Paul ate something that made him go to the restroom and forgot to turn the lamp off. Hmm. That's probably what happened." (Batgirl was shaking her head and she maneuvered herself around the desk to sneak out, but a bunch of books fell down hard on the floor.)

Agent: "What the hell? Alright, enough playing games! Who is in this building?" (Batgirl covered her face with her hands.)

Batgirl: (Muffled) "Screw you, knowledge-based textbooks that blew my cover. Time to burst of here, fast." (She took out a smoke device and the agent looked everywhere in the room where Batgirl was until there was a little poof sound as white smoke appeared and Batgirl bolted out of the Archive room. The agent was coughing as he saw the shadow moving quickly.)

Agent: "Hey, stop! Get back here!" (Batgirl kept running out of the building.)

Batgirl: "Spy drone, quickly! Is there a nearby elevator?"

Spy drone: "Negative. Only stairs."

Batgirl: "Hopefully these boots won't break if I land really hard on the ground."

Spy drone: "They probably won't."

Batgirl: "No time to think about it now." (She jumped all the way down to the first flight of steps and kept running.)

Batgirl: "Well, what do you know? They didn't break. Now, tell, spy drone. Is there a parking garage anywhere?"

Spy drone: "Yes, there is."

Batgirl: "Good, because that's where I'm going." (The agent was behind by going down the stairs.)

Agent: "No, I swear! Someone was here and I'm chasing after the shadow right now."

Woman: (COM) "Then don't lose it!"

Agent: "Yes, ma'am." (Batgirl made it to the parking garage.)

Batgirl: "Alright. Now, where's a ride out of here?" (She looked around in the garage and saw no vehicles.)

Spy drone: "Perhaps we can get your bike."

Batgirl: "Great idea, but the motorcycle is still at Frankie's house. How will we be able to get there?"

Spy drone: "Francine made me not only to help you see what I see, but I can also call the motorcycle to your location or create a holographic vehicle that's suitable to situations like theses."

Batgirl: "Nice. Sure, call it, but hurry though."

Spy drone: "It is already here." (The motorcycle was driving on its own and arrived at Batgirl's boots. Batgirl smiled and nodded her head.)

Batgirl: "Spy drone, I love you. Never leave me."

Spy drone: "I would never leave your side, Batgirl. I can also communicate in the bike as well and many different languages."

Batgirl: "Sweet. Let's ride." (Batgirl got on the bike puts on her helmet and started the engine. The agent bursts through the parking garage door and Batgirl looked behind her and saw the agent.)

Batgirl: "Time to go!" (She took off with great speed and left a huge trail of smoke in the agent's face. He coughed again and noticed that she was gone. The agent was really mad and contacted someone.)

Agent: "This is agent Tyler. The person got away."

Woman: (COM) "Great job, Tyler and this wasn't compliment. I was being goddamn sarcastic! Tyler, you disappoint me. Go home and come see me tomorrow. You and I will have a very long chat at lunch!" (The woman hanged up and Tyler still looked at the city wondering of who that person was. Meanwhile, Batgirl was still driving until there was a beep coming from it.)

Batgirl: "Hey, spy drone. What was that?"

Spy drone: "It appears you have two calls going off at once."

Batgirl: "Two calls? Name one of them."

Spy drone: "They're both from James Gordon."

Batgirl: "My dad? He was calling me?"

Spy drone: "Apparently, yes." (Batgirl was paying attention on the road and looked off into the distance.)

Spy drone: "Should I...redial it, Batgirl?" (Batgirl didn't hesitate as she was thinking about her dad.)

Batgirl: "I don't see why not. Go ahead."

Spy drone: "Stand by." (The phone dialed on her motorcycle and Jim picked it up.)

Jim: (COM) "Hello?"

Batgirl: "Hey, dad. You called me twice?"

Jim: (COM) "Barbara. I just got in the car and I'm heading to the hospital right now. How are you holding up?" (Batgirl's eyes were wide with a little fear.)

Jim: (COM) "Babs, you there?"

Batgirl: "Yes, I'm here. I'm okay, dad."

Jim: (COM) "Oh, okay. It sounded that you were outside or something. I could barely hear you."

Batgirl: "Yes, I'm outside. With the nurses. They put me in my wheelchair and they took me outside to get some fresh air."

Jim: (COM) "That's great, but why do I hear a very loud engine?" (Batgirl pretended that she doesn't hear anything.)

Batgirl: "Uh, a loud engine?"

Jim: (COM) "Yeah and it sounds really loud in my ear."

Batgirl: "Oh, that? Yeah, that's my beeping monitor in my room."

Jim: (COM) "I thought you said that you were outside?"

Batgirl: "Well, now I'm inside my hospital room."

Jim: (COM) "Okay...anyways, I'm on my way to you, right now."

Batgirl: "Alright. I'll be waiting. Hey, dad?"

Jim: (COM) "Yeah, sweetheart?" (Batgirl thought about telling him her biggest, deepest secret like it was the time, but she didn't think it was right.)

Batgirl: "When I was outside and I saw the stars shining above me, I thought about mom and I miss her. Do you miss her, dad?" (Jim was trying not to cry and there was a moment of silence over the phone.)

Batgirl: "Dad? Dad, you okay?"

Jim: (COM) "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry I'm fine."

Batgirl: "I hope I didn't cause you hurt."

Jim: (COM) "Honey, I'm okay."

Batgirl: "Alright, I'm on my way to meet you." (She facepalmed herself with her hand.)

Jim: (COM) "Wait, what was that?"

Batgirl: "I mean I'll be waiting for you to come. Bye, dad." (She hunged up and sighed.)

Spy drone: "Batgirl, are you okay?"

Batgirl: "What am I doing? I'm supposed to be in the hospital, not doing things like this. I want to tell my dad everything that I do at night instead of hiding it from him, but I...I can't."

Spy drone: "And what would happen if you show your true identity?"

Batgirl: "I don't know, but all I know is that I might be exposed in the entire city and the media. The worst part of it all is how will my father will react."

Spy drone: "I don't know about true intimacy and imagery with symbolism, but I'm sure that James will forgive you for your actions and he will appreciate how supportive you are being with the city. He's your father. I'm sure he will understand and everything will be okay, Batgirl. You are a very good companion to have, Batgirl and if I had to sacrifice my circuits to save your family and friends. So be it. You're pretty cool." (Batgirl smiled and almost cried.)

Batgirl: "Thanks, spy drone."

Spy drone: "Anytime, my friend. I see the hospital clear as day."

Batgirl: "Great. Better hurry and get inside." (She grappled up to her room and opened the window. Ace barked when he saw Batgirl.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Shh, Ace. Not so loud. I'll be back." (Batgirl entered the bathroom and took off her leather bat jacket and her cowl off her head and puts it deep in her bag so no one can see. Then Barbara slipped on her hospital gown and sat on her hospital bed and pressed the button to get the decoy boots and pants off of her and she slipped them under her bed. She carefully moved her disabled legs onto the bed and covered herself with the warm blankets. Suddenly, the handle was moving on the door and Barbara was pretending to fall asleep as her father Jim entered the room. He saw Barbara sleeping and he slowly closed the door behind him. He walked towards the coat racket and hangs his coat then he went towards Barbara and sat in a chair. Ace hopped on his leg as Jim rubbed his little head. He smiled at Barbara as he moved the strand of red hair from out of her face and kissed her forehead. He held her hand as he laid his head on her pillow next to her drifting off to sleep. The moon shined brightly as the clouds started to cover it up and the stars shining and glistening like diamonds.)

(End of Chapter 15: Gotham Library)

Hello, fellow wattpaders! I have an announcement to say that I am sorry that I haven't been doing any chapters lately because I wasn't feeling really well. I had a severe case of the flu and I was afraid that I would be like those people who died or almost close to dying that keeps showing up on the news. So, I apologize if I kept you waiting for 2 1/2 weeks. Anyway, how did you like this chapter and what did you like about it? Was it getting boring or is it getting better? I hope it's getting better. What are you hoping to see in the next chapter, I wonder? I know people miss Dick Grayson. I miss him as well, but who else do you miss in this chapter? Let me know. I got a shoutout once again for my faithful friend TheGalacticPanda for always being there to make me happy and I'm always so eager to write more chapters because of it. Thank you for always sticking by me and thank you everyone else for reading and commenting and voting. I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart. That's all I have to say and also thanks for understanding about my situation. It sucks if you have the flu and if some of you have that, I'll be praying for you. I didn't mean for that to rhyme. Lol! Thank you once again and see ya! Next chapter coming soon! 😄😁😉😎💖💖💖👍👍👌✌


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