The Prodigy Girl

Par MiniKyeopta

739 27 0

Meet Charlene "Charlie" Medria. She's your stereotypical, sarcastic and boyish sixteen-year-old. But she has... Plus

Chapter 1-Meet Charlie Medria
Chapter 2-Prince Yi Ji of Korea
Chapter 3-Prince is Off-Limits
Chapter 4-Promises are Meant to be Broken
Chapter 5-Welcome, Idiot, Welcome
Chapter 6-Sometimes Girls are Just Better
Chapter 7-Worst Fanclub Ever
Chapter 8-Annyeong
Chapter 10- I Don't Care

Chapter 9- Always Expect the Unexpected

28 3 0
Par MiniKyeopta

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Ji said, interrupting the conversation. "Whoa. What did King Father just say?! That I'm going to marry this girl I barely even know?!"


"Crown Prince," the Queen warned. Ji, however, did not heed it. He just sent his the Queen a glare.


"Crown prince," the king began. "You know how important it is that-."


"Important?!" Ji echoed. "Are you thirsty for power or something? Are you that desperate to have even just a smidge of power over the country? That desperate that you would sacrifice your own son?!" Clearly at rage, Ji stormed off without another word.


"I deeply apologize for our son's behavior," the King said. "He just needs some time to get used to things." He turned to me. "Agent Medria, please follow him around. Make sure that Crown Prince doesn't do anything he will regret."


I bowed at the King and quickly went after Ji.


I can't believe his parents would do that to him! If I were the King, I wouldn't care if I didn't have power over a country. As long as everyone in my family is happy, I'm happy.


I ran after Ji to find him walking out of the Blue House.


"Crown Prince!" I called out to Ji. Unfortunately, I was in his territory now. If I didn't call him by his title, I'd be imprisoned, and that's the last thing I needed right now.


Ji stopped dead on his tracks. He didn't turn to face me. He just remained silent the entire time.


"Don't," he hissed. "Don't call me that. I hate being called that."


"But I'm not allowed-."


"Screw that," he cursed. My eyes widened in surprise. Ji has never cursed before. Or at least I have never heard him until now. "Don't ever call me Crown Prince. Hell, I'm not even coronated yet. From here on out, you call me Ji-ya, ne? That's an order, Charl-ya."


I looked down in defeat. I wasn't allowed to reject royal orders. I was just a commoner, after all. I just nodded in reply.


"Crown Prince!" we both heard another voice call in Korean. It was Park Choa, the president's daughter. She was rushing to us, looking rather flushed. How does she do that? How can she still run in those heels?




"Don't call me that, Choa-ya," he hissed in Korean. She frowned.


"What King said was unexpected," she said.


You don't say, I wanted to snap at her. Nobody was expecting that. I mean have you seen how big the president's eyes grew? No? Well, they were about the size of galaxies.


"You don't say," Ji snapped, his voicr dripping with sarcasm. Oh my gosh, we have the same sarcastic remarks! We are so meant to be!


"But Ji-ya, maybe it won't be so bad," Choa said. "I mean think about it. We don't need to see each other everyday. You'll be busy, and I'll be busy and-."


"Choa-ya, I'm really sorry, but I just can't imagine being with someone I don't love."


"Can you at least learn to love me?" she asked. He chuckled softly and shook his head.


"미안해 (Sorry)," he said softly. The look on Choa's face made me feel bad for her. She looked crushed. She looked like a sasaeng who found out her idol officially has a girlfriend.


"Charl-ya?" Ji whispered. "Let's go." I did as he said and hopped in the limo.


"I never knew you were such a Casanova here in Korea," I said jokingly. He chuckled and put his arm around me, making me blush. Why did I feel butterflies in my stomach? Why did I want Ji to not move from his position? God, what am I feeling right now?


"Seriously though," I said in English. "Where the hell are we going?"




"N Seoul Tower?!" I asked. I was in complete awe. When I turned into a hardcore K-popper, I always told them that I would go to the N Seoul Tower if I were ever given the chance to come to Korea.


"You don't like?" he asked. "I always went to the Teddy Bear Museum whenever I needed to clear my mind-."


"Teddy Bear Museum?! Of course I like!" I exclaimed. I then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the museum. However, I felt weird. The moment I held Ji's hand, I felt what people would call butterflies in my stomach. I felt myself even blushing slightly.


What is going on?




The Teddy Bear Museum was amazing. There were exhibits about Korea's history and modern times, all portrayed by teddy bears. I loved the one with the prince and he was wearing exactly what Ji was wearing right qnow. I giggled. Was this bear the representation of Ji?


I felt people giving us weird looks. It was probably because Korea's prince was in their very presence. I tried to ignore them, though.


We arrived at the exhibits of modern-day Korea. There were bears who were portraying the scene of a fire rescue. There was also a ballerina one. But the one I found the cutest was a teddy bear wearing a princely suit with a girl in a school uniform tugging on his arm. Aww.


"Is that you?" I asked Ji. I heard a few gasps from around the room. What? Is it because I'm a commoner that's talking to the prince like we're the best of friends? For your information, he's still human.


Ji turned his head to the bears and smirked. "I guess so," he replied.


We then proceeded to the gift shop, where the bears of all shapes and sizes. My mouth dropped. This was amazing! I bounced like a little girl around the shop, watching the bears. From behind me, I could hear Ji's silent laughs as he followed me around.


As I turned around to check up on him, he was holding a bear wearing a hanbok. She was so adorable. He then walked to the cashier to pay for it, and we left the gift shop. Well, fhat was quick.




When we left the tower, I was surprised that we just continued walking instead of going back to the limo. What the hell is going on? Is he trying to sign his death sentence or anything?


"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I asked him. He gave me a crooked smile that made my heart stop.


"I want to walk around," he replied simply.


"But you're wearing that prince suit thing," I protested. I didn't know what that suit was called. "Plus, people would know who you are. Are you trying to sign your own death sentence?"


"You're getting concerned for me, huh?" he teased, making me blush. Of course I was concerned!


"Not because of what you're thinking of," I shot. "I'm your bodyguard. You're my responsibility."


His smile grew wider. "Mmm hmm. Are you sure about that?"


He took a step closer, making me blush harder. Why do I want him to be closer? We're in public, for Pete's sake! What if the paparazzi caught us or something? My illogical mind, however, ignored the what if's. It was as if I wanted him to be closer to me.


"ㄴ... 네 (Y... Yes)," I stuttered. He went closer and closer... And just when I thought he'd kiss me...


He just smirked, held my hand and dragged me down the sidewalk.


Where are we going now?




Ji and I actually went to many different places. We went to a thrift store first to buy him a whole new disguise, which by the way makes him look like the retard he is. He put on a blue polo shirt, black shorts and suspenders. He looked like a freaking clown. The Sandara-Park blue wig he chose made him look ridiculous. He then purchased black Ray-Ban glasses and a backpack to hide his suit in. He looks like an idiot version of Dora the Explorer.


As soon as we got out of thrift store, I was still in giggles.


"무엇을요 (What)?" Ji asked. I looked at him and laughed again.


"You... look... ridiculous!" I managed between laughing fits. Ji frowned aa I continued.


"What are you talking about?" Ji asked in English. "I look fabulous! Besides, at least I don't look boring!"


My laughter immediately died down. "Did you just call me boring?!"


"Yes!" he sang.


"You're an idiot," I scowled.


"당시니만에들어요 (And I have feelings for you)," he said. We both stopped in our tracks, and I turned to look at him.



Ji... Ji liked me?!


short and unedited... sorry about that... :3 but I still hope you like it :D

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