Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||

By parx_bois23

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Book 2! Brook 1 Stupid for you ||Geoff Wigington|| Big changes happen in Chloe Jones life as her and Jack b... More

Work outs
Break up
The hurting
The i love you's
The healing
Control me
Mitchy's party
New Years
Lay low
Full of surprises
Pass out
Baby Daddy
Epilogue I
Epilogue II


54 3 0
By parx_bois23

Jack's pov

I normally wake up around 7 to use the bathroom or to take Bella out. I washed my hands and walked back into our room I sat on the bed and scrolled through my phone and looked at my miss text messages. I got back into my spot and looked at Chloe sitting on the balcony with the sun rising she wore a pair of underwear and a gray shirt. "Good morning beautiful." I smiled.

"Good morning Jack." She smiled. I looked over to my phone and saw a miss call from Andrew. "Hello? It's too early in the morning." I Said.

"Hey, do you and Chloe want to go on a run." He asked.

"Want to go for a run?" I asked.

"let me shower. Christ." She groaned.

"Come over, I'll unlock the door." I Said.


Chloe's pov

My wet hair dripped down my back as I ran up the hill. "You're running with 2 30 year old men cut us some slack. I took my adidas jacket off as they came up the hill. They slowed down and stared at me. "Come on Barakat, you're not this slow in bed." I giggled. I threw my jacket at them and continued to run to a resting spot. I looked over the edge and saw the city light up. "Holy shit." I smiled.

Jack came up to me with my adidas jacket and wrapped it around my waist. "This is awesome." I smiled.

I sat on the bench and looked at the sun rise. Jack kissed my head and massaged my neck. Andrew took his shirt off and threw it off to the side. "So are you coming to Mexico with us?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah, I've never been to Mexico so this should be fun. I took 2 years of Spanish so hopefully it'll come in use." I smiled.

"You took Spanish?" Jack asked.

"Well when you get offered to graduate two years early and you turn that down you have to do something. So I did English, college English, learned do taxes, and two languages." I Said.

"You know how to do taxes? I'm gonna marry you right now." Jack laughed.

I ignored jack and looked off at the sun. I looked over at Andrew and looked at his tattoos. Andrew took his call he was receiving as I took pictures from the edge. Jack came from behind me and grabbed my ass I tilted my head and kissed him. "I love you." He Said against my ear. "I should stop thinking about you in my dreams." I giggled.

"We got a problem. Danny's kid Got sick so we're pushing our trip back." Andrew said.

"Damn, well I guess you're free till the 6th" Jack said.

"What's the 6th?" I asked.

"Mitchys band plays." Jack reminded me.

"Oh yeah."

I brought out my camera and started to take a video of my surroundings. "Let's go get breakfast and we'll get you to the tattoo shop." Andrew said.

I nodded my head and sat on the edge. I looked at my feet dangle from my The edge. Jack wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. This cloud of depression just floated over my head and wouldn't leave. I held onto Jacks arm and sighed. "What's on your mind?" Jack asked.

"Nothing," I lied. "Just looking at the city." I smiled. "Kiss me." I giggled. He picked me up bridal style and kissed me.

"Y'all are cute it's not fair." Andrew laughed.


We ended up sitting outside with menus at our sides. Andrew ordered a cup of coffee and kept the cup away from me. I got a sweet tea and jack for a water. Our waitress came back chewing on her gum her black hair flowed in the wind as she moved it from her face. She looked at Andrew to start his order. Can I get Pancakes, bacon and eggs."

"I want that too." Jack said.

"Can I get a fruit salad." She nodded her head and walked off. "She's pretty." I smiled. "Too pretty."

She came back with a note and put it on the table. "Good morning, my Name is Kim I'll be your waiter this morning. I am unable to speak...for the last 26 years if you need anything call for me and I'll try my best to help :) xxx"

"Can you sign to me?" I asked. She set her things down and smiled. "You're very beautiful." I signed.

"Thank you, would you like a refill on your drink?" She asked pointing to my cup. I gave her my cup and waited for her to come back. "What else do I not know about you?" Jack asked.

"You're almost caught up." I smiled. Kim came back with my tea and smiled. "I really like your boyfriend's music." She grinned.

"She likes the band." I smiled.

"Really? That's fucking awesome." Jack smiled.

Kim smiled and rolled her sleeve up revealing a small future hearts tattoo. "That's Great, I love seeing those around."

She smiled and walked off I took a sip out of my tea. "Kiss me." Jack said.

"Damn, daddy got demanding." I giggled. I kissed him and smiled. Our kiss was interrupted by a man calling jacks name. "Damn Jack, right in the middle of everyone?" He laughed. I hid my face from whoever it was till Jack said something. "Nano? I thought you went home?" Jack asked.

I knew who Nano was because Jack used to talk about him a lot in interviews. "I catch my flight next week. You must be Chloe, I've heard good things about you." He Said. I turned my attention to Nano and held my hand out. "Nice to meet you." I smiled.

Kim came Back with my fruit salad and the boys food. "I'll text you, you guys probably have a busy day." He Said.
Before I could say anything he walked off and didn't look back. "Your friends don't like me." I laughed.

"Stop it they do, all my friends are 30 years or older they get tired." He laughed.


I ended up getting my tattoo by myself and Jack got me my tea from Starbucks and an extra pair of clothes. Andrew tried to create small talk with me but I hated small talk with people. "Okay all done, I'll bandage you up and you can go." She smiled. I looked at the ink that was now on my skin that ran up from my hip to the top of my rib cage. "Alright." I smiled. The message. 'First love your self' written in German. Andrew came over and looked at it. "I don't know what this means but it looks beautiful." Andrew smiled. Jack came in with my tea and smiled at me. "Hello sunshine." He Said. He walked over to me and kissed me. "Thank you." I smiled taking a sip of my tea. The woman came back with my bandage and put a sticker on my wrist. "Good job kid, keep this on for two hours and you'll be okay."

I thanked her and walked out the door with the boys. "Okay this is where we part ways, I'll see you guys soon." Andrew said.

I gave Andrew a hug and walked off with Jack. "I like Andrew." I smiled.

"Good, he's a good guy." Jack smiled. My phone buzzed to see Awsten texted me.

Aws💜- We're at hot topic's lounge room you can come over Geoff put out security to look for you, and if Jack wants to come.

Me-Okay we'll be there soon.

"Where's the mall?" I asked.

"Straight a head." Jack said. He put his hand in my back pocket and pulled me closer. "What did you pick out for my clothes?" I asked.

"A green shirt, white Jeans, your Gucci shoes, and a random bra." He Said.

"Damn, good job babe." I smiled.

"Chloe!" A man said coming around the corner he held a camera. "Watch out there's a poll behind you." I Said. He moved out the way and walked backwards. "We saw that you've started your YouTube channel up again. How's it feel?" He asked.

"It's Great, I have a lot of plans coming up and I'm excited to share them." I smiled.

"How's your morning been?" He asked.

"It's been great woke up early showered, went on a run, about to meet up with my friends." I smiled.

"Alright Chloe, you have a good one."

He walked off and Jack just stared at me. "I wanna dye my hair." I Said.

"What color?" Jack asked.

"You'll have to wait and see." I smiled.


Jack's pov

It's been about two hours since I left Chloe at the hair salon and I haven't heard from her. The boys and I talked about their album and tours they're going on. "Hey so we know you don't like...Control Chloe's life but you make a lot of decisions...do you think Chloe would want to join us on going to Australia?" Awsten asked.

I looked at him. "Will she get her own room?" I asked.

"Yeah, we had an extra spot and we know Chloe is trying to see the world. So it's only for like a week." Awsten said.

"Okay, well whatever she says I'm fine with it." I smiled. "Just keep an eye on her. She's been running around a lot often." I chuckled. I looked over at the short figure with white jeans on and a green crop. I realized it was Chloe by my outfit choice but her hair went from a beautiful light brown to blonde. "Holy shit." I smiled. I stood up and made my way to her. "You actually look amazing and it's hurting me." I laughed. She kissed me and couldn't help but to smile. "Now you know how I feel around you." She smirked. I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled. I noticed she took her bandage off. her skin was red from the needles. "Okay, I have to go right now, I'll pick you up later." I Said.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Your House, do your laundry pack for Mexico." I lied. "Passport." I Said sticking my hand out. She grabbed her passport and handed it to me. "Mexico got canc-." I shut her up with a kiss. Otto handed me the tickets and I shoved them in her passport and handed it to her. "I love you Jones, I'll see you soon princess."I smiled. She kissed me and smiled. "Make me dinner." She Giggled.

"Okay princess."

"And make my bed, feed our dog-."
I shut her up with a kiss one last time and smiled. My hand ran through her hair one last time. "I got it taken care of." I Said. I gave the boys hugs and walked out I called Alex and walked right into a crowd of screaming boys and girls. "Hey, I'm going to need you to pick me up. I'm at the mall." I laughed.

"Lisa and I are in bed bath and beyond, if you're still at hot topic you should be close to us." He Said.

"Okay." I simply said. I shut my phone off and saw security approach me. They lead me out the crowd but that didn't stop people from coming at me.

Chloe's pov.

"I'm confused." I Said.

"Yeah we're taking you with us...do you not want to go?" Geoff asked.

"Fuck yeah I wanna go." I laughed.
"Oh my god I love you guys." I Said. I jumped on Geoff as he caught me and spun me around. "You look beautiful." He Said in my ear. "Thank you." I smiled. My grip on him became tighter as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Don't let go yet." I Said.

"Wasn't planning on it." He said.

"Chloe there's food here if you haven't eaten anything." Awsten said.

I looked over to see a bowl of strawberries on a table next to the fridge. I hopped down from Geoff and took a few strawberries. "So what's new since we last saw you." Otto asked.

"Not much...You'll never guess who texted me this morning." I groaned.

"Who?" Otto asked.


Awsten looked at me and laughed. "What'd She say."

"She wanted to call me when I wasn't busy, give me your phone I'm hoping she yells at me. I said taking a video on Awstens phone. I called her and laid on the ground. "Do you wanna start or should I." She asked.

"Go ahead Ciara." I smiled.

"You're a fucking bitch and you're the reason Awsten and I aren't together, your room smells like weed when i visited. You do nothing but hop guy to guy, poor Geoff is probably still heartbroken after you cheated on him." She Said. "You're such a rich fucking Bitch that can't be happy with one guy."

"It sounds like you just explained yourself." I giggled. "Is that the only reason you called me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I had to say it somehow." She Said.

"I'll tell you this. You don't know my life, you don't know my love life. I did not cheat if Geoff... it just didn't work. My house doesn't smell like weed because I smoke on my balcony. Keep in mind you cheated on Awsten. That was your poor decision."

"Whatever, you think you're living this happy life with this fake following you and this money thrown at you." Ciara Said.

"I spent a lot of money last month. I got a pair of Gucci shoes, Jewelry for my friend, my Awesome boyfriend a case for his iPhone X." I giggled.

"You're dating a fucking 30 year, come on Chloe can't you do that." She Said.

I stood up in anger and paced around. "He's 29 Thank you and never tell me who I can and cannot love and I'll go bad shit on you!" I yelled. I hung up and called Jack.

"Yes princess?" He asked.

"Buy me a bottle of wine." I Said eating a strawberry.

"Everything Okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, Everything is just fine babe," I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too princess." He Said. A smile grew on my face as those words spilled out his mouth.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I Said. I hung up shoved my phone in my pocket. "Is this yours G?" I asked picking up a jean Jacket.

"Can i wear it?" I asked.

He nodded his head as I slipped it on and fixed my hair. "I can't wait till I die. Cause then I don't have to deal with people being ignorant." I groaned. "I'm sorry that girl made you feel the way you did towards her." I Said giving him a hug. "I'm sorry she said those things about you." He Said running his hand through my hair.

"It's whatever Awsten. She wants to be that way then let her be." I smiled.

"Ready boys?" A man said walking into the room. Awsten picked me up bridal style and walked out. With me in his arm's . I brought my phone out and took a video of Awsten and I. He kissed my cheek and smiled. We went out past the black curtain to see multiple people standing there. A chain of yells formed as Awsten and the boys came out. "Chloe?!" A girl yelled.

I smiled and got off from Awsten. They sat in chairs with a black and white back drop. "Chloe, you're going to take the photos, try to make it fast." Awsten said.

A man handed me a megaphone and smiled at me. "Okay, my names Chloe I'll be taking your pictures today-."

"I LOVE YOU MOM." A girl yelled.

"I love you too my darling angel." I giggled.


"You guys ready to meet the boys?"  I smiled. Everyone yelled in excitement and jumped around. The first of many girls and boys came up hugged me and handed me their phone.


We decided to do a Q&A in hot topic answer fan question. I took out my camera every once and a while. "Can we ask Chloe questions?" Someone asked.

"Yeah go for it." Otto Said.

"Do you want a seat? You're wearing white jeans and you're sitting on a dirty ass ground." Geoff laughed.

I wiped my butt off and sat on Awsten's lap. "You smell like Geoff." Awsten laughed.

I looked at the hands that shot up and called on a a girl with blue hair. "How'd you and the boys become friends?" She asked.

"Shit, it was a few days before my birthday and I was working for them for the night. I remember not knowing a single thing about them. Geoff took me to the mall and we talked about our life and where we are in life. Months later were like Best friends and I've shared a lot with these boys." I smiled.

I looked up in disbelief of who I saw standing in the back of the crowd. "Ciara is in the back." I Said in Geoff's ear.

"What's your opinions on Ciara." I blurted out.

"Fucking bitch." I guy yelled.

"Reason im asking is because she can't seem to hop off my dick after she calls me to say I'm the reason her and Awsten broke up...speak up bitch since you're here now." She came at me and struck my face with her ring that was on her finger. Out of instinct I started to cry in pain and got angry. "You're a fucking prick Chloe Jones!" She yelled.
"I'll fucking sue your ass." I yelled.
"I want my boyfriend." I cried. My nose was bleeding as dripped on the ground. Geoff picked me up and brought me back to the back room. I called Jack and put a paper towel on my cheek. "Jack's phone." A voice said.

"Alex?" My voice cracked.

"Hey what's up. You're crying that's not good?" He asked.

"Where's Jack?" I cried.

"Chloe's crying." Alex said.

"Baby...hey what's going on princess." Jack said.

Awsten walked in and ran his fingers through his hair. "This fucking bitch hit me, I have blood on my Gucci shoes on my White fucking pants." I whined.

"Okay, I'm coming." He simply said.

I shut my phone off and looked at myself in a mirror and through away my bloody napkin. "Chloe." Awsten said.

"It's fine, Aws." I assured him.

"Babe!" A voice called.
Jack, Alex, and Lisa all came running over to me. Jack looked at my face and wiped the blood from my lip. "Who the hell hit you?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter." I Said taking Geoff's Jacket off.

Jack grabbed my wrist and held me towards him. "Who the fuck hit you." He asked again more forcefully. My gently tanned wrist turned red as Jack held my wrist tighter than ever. "Jack that hurts." I Said getting out of his grip.

"Ciara." I Said softly.

"Awsten's ex hit you?" He Said.
I saw the rage in his eyes as he looked around for her. "Where is She?" Lisa asked. I placed my hand on his cheek and moved his face towards me. "Drop it babe, it's whatever. I'm not give them the attention that they're seeking, take me home." I Said.

"You need to leave." Awsten Said to the blonde women. Ciara made her way towards me looking anger than ever. "Hop off of Awsten's dick." She Said. "Once you got done with Jack you moved to My boyfriend."

"Actually I had sex with Awsten after you were over with him, so technically we were both single and had nothing, we were both depressed, I drank my problems away, I gained 20 pounds because of this break up. I told Awsten to kiss me because I was broken. I took our clothes off because I was broken and I wanted to feel someone care for me." I cried.
"When the man that you're deeply in love with to the point where you talk about your future together breaks up with you, or cheating on you can call me and tell me how it feels. You punching me doesn't affect me." I Said. I sniffed my nose hard and spat out blood by Ciara's feet. "That's the only time you'll see me spit out something. Spitters are quitters bitch." I Said wiping my mouth. "If you think you're going to win, you can stop. Cause I always win."

"Money doesn't mean you've won Chloe." She groaned.

"No it doesn't...but I have a lot of power and I'll use it if I have to. You fucked with the wrong girl Ciara. You fucked Up again. hope you have a lawyer cause I've gotten to the point where I never want to see you anymore." I Said.
She tried to hit me but I caught her hand before it could hit me. I slammed her against the ground and pinned her hands down. "You're weak stop trying."

I got off from her and took my shirt off. I put on Awsten's Jacket and went to the fridge. I grabbed two beers and opened a can for Ciara. "Okay, this is what's going to happen. You're going to hop off my dick and leave Awsten alone, Geoff alone, Otto, and whoever I'm associated with. Deal?" I Said. "I hate fighting with people because then I get angry and I hate getting angry cause I'll be mad for the rest of the day. I'll give you till I finish this beer to leave before I remove you myself." I Said. I cracked the Can open And stared at her as I drank half of it down. She left the room and it was just me left with everyone looking at me. I walked over to my bag grabbed my Vape and finished my beer and set it on the counter. "I just want to go home." I Said.

Jack kissed my head. "It's okay." He Said in my ear. He took my vape from me and pulled me into a hug.

What was supposed to be a good day turned into a shit storm. Jack put his hand on my stomach and tickled me. "Don't touch me." I giggled. "I'm getting fat." I groaned.

"Stop it." Jack said picking me up.

"I'll see you in the morning boys." I Said.

"Bye Chloe." They said in unison.


I wrote this like a month ago and I don't really want to look over if I spelt stuff wrong so hope you enjoyed

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