Venomous x Female Reader

By JamesUniverse12

73.7K 1.4K 1.5K

This story will have cute, fluff, and sad and happy feels, all characters from the show except the reader bel... More

Chapter 1 - A quick date
Chapter 2 - Dinner
Chapter 4 - Babysitting
Chapter 5 - Glorb heist
Chapter 6 - Villain's night out Pt1.
Chapter 7 - Villain's night out Pt2.
Chapter 8 - Preparations Pt. 1
Chapter 9 - Preparations Pt. 2
Chapter 10 - The Wedding pt.1
Chapter 11 - The Wedding pt.2
Chapter 12 - Wedding Crashed

Chapter 3 - His house

7.5K 126 172
By JamesUniverse12

An alarm rang as Yn opened her eyes, half asleep.

Yn: "I'm up, I'm up..."

She sat up, feeling something was different about the bed she was laying on.

It felt soft...very soft, her sight adjusted, seeing she was on a huge bed, which was a velvet color of purple.

Her surroundings became more and more clear. She was in a large fancy bedroom.

Yn: "This...isn't my apartment."

Venomous: "Your correct, it's not..."

Yn turned, immediately jumped, seeing Venomous at the door, smiling.

Venomous: "Did you sleep well?"

Yn: "V-Venomous!? Where am I?"

Venomous: "Your in my house, thought you'd enjoy sleeping in a big comfy bed."

She rubbed her head, trying to process what happened last night.

Yn: "I thought I was going back--"

Venomous: "To sleep in an old broken down apartment you call "home"? I don't think so."

Yn: "H-How did you...?"

Venomous walked up to the massive bed she was laying on.

Venomous: "I know all about it Yn...I saw your home, the state it was in..."

Yn: "Oh..."

Venomous: "What hurts me the most about this is..."

He said as he sat down next to Yn.

Venomous: "...why didn't you tell me?"

Yn: "I...thought you never cared about how me or your workers live. Villains usually don't care about anyone."

He shook his head.

Venomous: "What are you talking about? Of course I care about you."

Yn: "Really?"

Venomous: "I'm only a villain towards heroes, not normal people, but you...your special to me, and as long as you stay here with me, no one will EVER hurt you."

Yn was immediately shocked as he placed a hand on hers.

Venomous: " don't deserve to live a poor life...if you stay with me, you wouldn't have to worry about money or starving to death on a deserted street, also..."

He smiled while he put a hand on her face, wiping a tear off her face.

Venomous: "...Fink is starting to like you keeping her company as well, if you had left, I don't think she'll be very happy."

Yn: "Oh, so she is your...daughter?"

Venomous: "Oh no, she's not, I found her in an alley a long time ago when she was just a baby, she would've been chewing cardboard if I hadn't took her in."

Yn smiled.

Yn: "Your a sweet man Venomous, helping those who have nothing..."

Venomous: "Thank you my dear, so, will you stay here with me as my lab assistant?"

Yn was thinking that maybe staying with Professor Venomous wouldn't be so bad, she was starting to hate sleeping in a cramped mattress. And seeing how her boss, who was a villain, turned out to be a sweet loving man, how could she say no?

Yn: "Alright, I'll stay..."

Venomous smiled as he lifted her chin, kissing her softly on the lips.

Venomous: "That's good to hear, now come downstairs to the kitchen...I have a surprise for you."

He got up and walked to the door.

Yn: "Just let me get dressed."

Venomous: "No need, I changed the outfit you wore to normal day clothes...that I used to wear..."

She looked at him, with a shocked expression.

Yn: "You changed my clothes while I slept!?"

Venomous: "You were a heavy sleeper, made it easier to get you into something more comfortable, don't worry, I was very gentle..."

He said while grinning and left quickly.

Yn was speechless and blushed hard, looking at her clothes, she was wearing a black t-shirt with an alien green alien logo, and grey shorts.

Yn: "Huh, he must've worn these in his teen years or something..."

She got up, walking out the door, seeing a long hallway, leading to the kitchen. She continued and noticed a train track leading everywhere to different rooms...odd.

Yn: "Okay, Venomous has a way of getting lost in his house it seems..."

Yn suddenly heard the sound of some large machine, she realized she was on the track and it was getting closer, immediately she moved out of the way as a middle sized train came running past her, a laughter can be heard at the front of the train, revealing it to be Fink's voice as the locomotive ran past Yn. Then, it quickly came to a screeching halt.

Yn: "Fink!? Is that you up there?"

Yn was amazed seeing a train in a mansion, she walked towards the front of it as Fink popped her head out.

Fink: "Ey! Yn, what're ya doing out here? If ya hadn't gotten out of the way in time, I woulda flatten ya into a flapjack!"

The small henchmen seemed to be wearing a train conductors hat, which made Yn giggle at her being so childish.

Yn: "Good morning Fink, did you sleep well?"

Fink: "Pfft! Who needs sleep? I sleeps if I wants ta sleep!"

She said pointing her thumb at herself, grinning, this made the girl roll her eyes.

Yn: "Alright, well, I gotta go..."

Yn turned, making her way to the kitchen, but was stopped by Fink.

Fink: "Hey! Where are you going?"

Yn: "To the kitchen, Venomous says he's got something for me."

Fink: "Ooh wait!"

Yn turned to the minion as she took off the train hat, scurrying over to her.

Fink: "I wanna come too! I'm feeling kinda hungry anyways."

Yn: "Was that grilled cheese I gave you yesterday not enough?"

Fink: "That is just one lousy sandwich! I needs lots more food than that!"

Yn nodded and was about to walk, but was stopped by hands tugging on her jeans.

Fink: "Wait a second...can I ask ya somethin'?"

She looked back down to see the minion.

Yn: "What is it?"

The mouse started twiddling her thumbs, trying to answer.

Fink: "I was uh, wonderin' if it ain't too much to ask, you could maybe...let me...rideonyourshoulders!"

That last part was fast as she gasped for a little air.

Yn was kind of surprised at what Fink said to her, was she actually asking her to piggy back ride on her shoulders? She could tell by the look on her embarrassed face that she hasn't asked this to anyone.

Fink: "Ugh, look, I know what your gonna say, "Why would a minion ask a stupid question like that?" Well to tell ya the truth, your like, the only one besides my boss who's given me food and stuff...and I you for doing that..."

Yn chuckled as she patted her head.

Yn: "Well, I don't think thats stupid, I'd be happy to."

Fink: "R-Really?"

She said, with her ears perking up, making a surprised expression.

Yn: "I mean, how could I say no to a face like that?"

Fink immediately smiled as she jumped on Yn's shoulders, who pointed forward triumphantly in a cute way.

Fink: "Onward to the kitchen!"

Yn: "As you command, my queen!"

Fink: "Ha! "Queen"..."

She said as they both laughed and she began running their way to the dining room kitchen.

[Reaching the kitchen...]

They entered a very fancy kitchen decorated with colors of black and purple.

Yn saw Venomous, who was near the stove, cooking something. Fink smelled the pleasant aroma coming from the food. It seemed he was unaware of the two standing behind him.

Fink: "Morning boss!"

This made Venomous startle a bit as he turned facing Yn and his minion.

Venomous: "Morning Fink, and hello Yn, I made you both breakfast."

Yn: "Smells wonderful, what is it?"

The girls sat down as the professor placed the food on the table.

Venomous: "I thought we could start the day off with eggs, toast and spinach."

He said while grinning.

Yn took a fork, eating the spinach first, and quickly smiled.

Yn: "Oh wow...I'm actually a little surprised Venomous, I didn't know you can cook!"

Venomous: "Thank you very much Yn, I'm glad you like my cooking, though Fink on the other hand barely eats my food."

They both turned at Fink, who was still looking at her food.

Venomous: "Fink, please eat the spinach."

Fink: "Can't I at least have something to drink to wash it down with?"

Yn: "What would you like?"

Fink: "Orange juice!"

Venomous: "But Fink, you have to eat your food first..."

Fink: "Come ooooon! Please?"

He was about to say something, but Yn immediately shushed Venomous.

Yn: "Just look at her."

Fink had a happy expression that made Yn giggle at her face, Venomous then chuckled in defeat, if he had refused, his minion would've probably thrown the breakfast at him, he nodded.

Venomous: "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give you some."

Yn quickly gave him a peck on the cheek as she went to the fridge as Fink started to eat the spinach

Venomous: "Ahem! Fink, you know you have to do schooling."

Fink immediately argued.

Fink: "But boss! It's the weekend!"

He smiled, taking out a few papers, showing it to her.

Venomous: "Who said anything about TAKING you to school?"

Yn took out the orange juice as Venomous brought out a bag to his little minion.

Venomous: "You have to finish your missing homework at home."

Fink: "Aw phooey!"

She said while crossing her arms as she grumbled.

Yn: "Maybe I could help her get her work done?"

Fink lifts her head up at Yn in surprise.

Venomous: "Yn, I know you want to help, but this is her school work she forgot to finish."

Yn poured Fink some juice and placed it near her plate.

Yn: "I may be your new lab partner Venomous, but I can still help around this, this is villain homework, isn't cheating allowed?"

Venomous was taken back at her making a good point, and he sighed.

Venomous: "Alright, you can help her with her school work."

He turned and went to the kitchen counter.

Fink: "Thanks miss Yn!"

She said, as Yn began ruffling her hair, making her giggle.

Yn: "Okay Fink, I'm gonna go talk with Venomous, alright?"

Fink nodded as she went to eat her breakfast.

Yn made her way to Venomous who was cleaning the dishes.

She had to admit, even though he's a villain, he still acts like any normal human being does at home.

Yn: "Never thought of you to do daily chores Venomous."

He looked at her with a grin.

Venomous: "There's alot you don't know about me, Yn."

Yn: "Wait, wasn't there something you were going to show me?"

He immediately halted his dish washing and snapped his finger in realization.

Venomous: "Oh that's right! But not here, your going to have to follow me..."

He said as he turned off the sink, drying his hands.

When he was finished, he grabbed Yn's hand, leading her out of the kitchen, and into another hallway. As they walked, she began to wonder how big Professor Venomous's house was.

Yn: "Is this house a mansion? Goodness, it's enough to make a woman crazy at how many rooms you had built into this place."

Venomous: "Yes, but remember, I am rich, if I wanted thirty rooms built into this, then so be it."

He said with a laugh.

Yn: "Now I understand why you ordered a thousand of Boxman's robotic henchmen."

They continued down the hallway until they made a stop.

Yn: "Is...this the place?"

Venomous: "Just wait..."

He let go of her hand, and went near a statued head of himself, opening the top to reveal a red button, and pressed it.

There was a shifting movement in the nearby wall as it opened like a door, revealing a secret entrance.

Yn: "Whoa..."

He grabbed her hand again, leading her down the long dark metallic hallway.

As they walked, it started to get darker, making it hard to see herself or the professor.

After a few minutes, she heard Venomous's footsteps come to a halt.

Yn: "Uh, Venomous...?"

Venomous: "Just give me a second..."

She heard his voice.

Then suddenly, green lights flashed on, emitting the whole room they were in.

Yn's vision adjusted to the brightness to see a huge lab, filled with large tubes and computers, there were also a few weapons and inventions on tables and chalk boards with ideas and schematics written on them, the rest of the room was just simple tools and equipment that a scientist would use.

Venomous: "Since your my first lab assistant, you are entitled to know about my secret laboratory...where I create my most diabolical experiments and or machines..."

Yn: "So what is the purpose of my job exactly?"

She asked, looking around.

Venomous: "Simple, you help me with my creations, or with my other ideas I haven't gotten around to invent yet...but I need you to promise me Yn, and it's very important..."

Yn turned to him, listening carefully.

Yn: "What is it?"

Venomous: "Before I ask, let me tell you of a certain...problem, I am currently having..."

He walked around, his arms behind his back as he continued.

Venomous: "Have you heard of a hero organization called P.O.I.N.T?"

Yn nodded.

Yn: "I've heard about them at work, they go out fighting villains?"

Venomous: "Yes, back then, good and evil were always at each other's throats, and after years of fighting, villains started fearing P.O.I.N.T and had to go into hiding, hatching their evil schemes in secret."

He said, looking at his computers.

Yn: "So they are still running their organization, waiting for villains to come out and do something you?"

Venomous: "Correct, they currently don't know that I'm doing something bad, but they are suspecting as of now...which brings me to ask you this..."

The professor turned, walking up to Yn, and placed his hands on hers, making her stare into his eyes.

Venomous: "The times I watch you at work, I started to develop these...feelings for you. And when you entered my office, I had thought to myself, that you were the one for me, my spark..."

His eyes started forming tears.

Yn: "Venomous..."

Venomous: "When you went to dinner with me, your laughter was what made me smile."

She felt his hands shake as he continues talking.

Venomous: "And when I saw where you live tore me inside to see someone so beautiful, so loving to live in such a horrible place...I never wanted you to live that way...I wanted you to live a happy life...with me...because I love you."

Yn felt two small drops of tears form around her eyes, she had never thought a person, a VILLAIN actually, would feel this way towards her.

Venomous: "Yn, are you willing to become my partner...and share this secret of mine, to never reveal it to ANYONE?"

She was so shocked by his last sentence, to see him like made her feel so much pity for him. He then dropped to one knee.

Venomous: "Will you be...the love of my life?"

Immediately, she spoke up.

Yn: "Yes! I will!"

She threw her arms around Venomous for an embrace, startling him.

He then smiled, and returned the hug, his head resting on hers.

Venomous: "Heh...for a moment there, I had feared you would say no, I am a villain after all..."

Yn: "If I and Fink would be alone, and I would never do that to either of you..."

She hugged him tighter.

Venomous: "Thank you..."

After a few minutes, they were done, as Venomous turned away at her in embarrassment.

Venomous: "Right, *cough* let me, um, give you a tour of my lab."

He held out his hand for her to take.

Yn smirked, and placed her hand on his.

Yn: "I would like that."

He then led her to look at his inventions, stopping to show Yn one on the table.

Venomous: "This one is a weapon I made back in my early days, I call it the "Gravity Ray", though this is just a replica of the real one, which malfunctioned and lifted an entire building."

She was amazed by the details of the gun.

Venomous continued showing her his lab and creations until she noticed another object inside a small glass dome shaped box. By the looks of it, it was a square chip that glowed bright green.

Yn: "Hey Venom, what's this one?"

He turned, seeing her spot the thing.

Venomous: "That, my dear, is a Bio Chip, capable of making ANY device or machine the most deadly weapon alive."

Yn looked closer at it and turned back at him.

Yn: "So it's an unlimited battery power source?"

Venomous: "Yes, you learn quickly Yn, I knew you were perfect for this follow me."

He gestures for her to walk with him again.

Venomous: "Apart from the rest of the stuff you will be helping me with, there is one thing that most definitely needs work."

They both stood in front of something much larger, it was covered by a huge cloth, a machine by the looks of it, but it was hard to tell.

Yn: "What is this?"

Venomous: "Let's just say it's a..."special" project I've been working on, though it's missing a key component which is VERY hard to come by."

He quickly walked towards his large computer, typing fast, with a picture popping up onscreen.

Venomous: "This is what's needed for my invention, its called a "Glorb", tiny glowing orbs that give a hero or villain an extra...turbo boost, so to speak."

Yn: "How many do we need?"

Venomous: "Alot, my machine runs on Glorbs, which is why it's so important..."

Yn placed a hand on her chin, thinking.

Yn: "Is this the reason P.O.I.N.T is after you? Because of this project?"

Venomous: "Mainly it was because I stole lots of the orbs weeks ago, but I suspect they are onto me."

He said as he turned off the computer.

Yn: "So what should we do?"

Venomous: "As of now, I do not need help with this machine, maybe we could focus on my other work in the meantime?"

Yn: "Hmm, I suppose, but first we should check on Fink, we DID leave her all alone in the kitchen..."

Venomous immediately went wide eyed and facepalmed.

Venomous: "Of course! I can't believe I forgot about her!"

Yn: "WE forgot about her? We're a couple, remember?"

She playfully punched his shoulder as he chuckled nervously, quickly realising she was mentioning the both of them had forgotten about their little minion.

Venomous: "Right, sorry. We should probably go check on her...and pray she hasn't destroyed the house."

Yn and him began running back to the hallway leading towards the secret entrance to check on Fink.

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