Dahyun and the Boys

By gdfishy

32.7K 1K 217

Dahyun x Male Idols one shot collection ❤️ More

Dahyun x Daniel
Dahyun x Jimin
Dahyun x Taehyung
Dahyun x Baekhyun
Dahyun x Jihoon
Dahyun x Daniel
Dahyun x Jungkook
Dahyun x B.I (Hanbin)
Dahyun x Jimin
Dahyun X Bang Chan
Dahyun x Taehyung
Dahyun x Jihoon
Dahyun x Hanbin
Dahyun x Taehyung
Dahyun x Taehyung
Dahyun x Eunwoo

Dahyun x Taehyung

6.7K 133 23
By gdfishy

"Where are we going, Sana?" Dahyun asked for the nth time. "And why the hell do I need to dress up?" She looked at herself in the mirror. Sana made her wear a dress, but she insists on wearing sneakers - which is obviously her style.

Sana tiredly sighed. "For Pete's sake, just stop asking and come with me!" She made Dahyun sit. "Time to put make up on your face," she excitedly squealed as she get her make up kit.

"No way!" Dahyun tried to escape but Sana was too strong and made her sit still. "Don't you dare!"

"Oh yes... this is gonna be great," Sana ignored Dahyun's whines and started putting light make up on her face.


"Did you see Taehyung's post on Twitter?"

"What? What is it?"

"He tweeted that he likes someone!"


"And omg! He tweeted last night that he's gonna confess to her today!"

Dahyun heard it all. And it breaks her heart. She and Taehyung have been friends since grade school. Since they're always together, made memories together, share secrets to one another - she can't help but develop a crush on him. And now, as they started to enter the teenage stage, her feelings for her best friend grow even more - which is commonly known as "love."

"What do I expect? It's not as if he's gonna like me," Dahyun whispered to herself.

"What? Are you saying anything?" Sana glanced at her.

"No, nothing," she shook her head and forced a smile. She decided to walk ahead because she can't take hearing the endless rumors about Taehyung's confession that's gonna happen soon.

"But I heard you said something..." Sana mumbled and ran to catch up to Dahyun.


"Wow, Dahyun! You look different today!" Hoseok greeted her, giving her two thumbs up.

Dahyun smiled at him. "Did you see Taehyung?" she asked, scanning the secret room where BTS - the group name Taehyung and his friends call themselves.

"He's not here," Hoseok said. "I think he's busy with something."

"Busy my ass," Dahyun can't help but cursed.

Hoseok smirked. "Ohh, you look pissed. Are you okay?" he playfully asked.

Dahyun sighed. "Taehyung is such an attention seeker brat. Does he really need to post on social media that he likes someone and that he's gonna confess to whoever she is?! Ugh, so annoying!" she huffed and left.

Hoseok was left astonished and surprised with her sudden outburst. He shook his head and grinned, "Ahhh, this is gonna be fun."


"Fck. I'm so nervous!" Taehyung said, jumping a little to calm himself.

"Well, you should be."

He almost screamed when Dahyun suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Geez Dahyun! You scared me! Stop doing that! Damn it," he steady his breathing as he holds on to his chest. "What are you doing here? Don't you have piano classes?" he asked.

"I was looking for you," Dahyun said in a serious tone.

"Me? Why?" Taehyung asked. "I swear to God, if you're gonna ask me for a favor to do something stupid, well this is not the right time for it, because today I will --- "

"Don't you dare continue what you're going to say or else I'm gonna shave your hair!" Dahyun cut her off.

He nervously gulped. He saw her lots of time getting mad, but today is different. She looks really scary.

"W-What's wrong with you? Are you having pms or what?" he tried to be funny but failed when he got no reaction from Dahyun.

"I hate you."

"Okay, you've been saying that to me ever since we were in grade school, but look, we're still together. You hate me? Okay. But Dahyun, you will forever be stuck with me, and there's nothing you can do about it," he said in a matter of fact voice. "And besides, I know all your dirty little secrets," he added, wiggling his brows.

Dahyun can't help but roll her eyes at him.

Silence came.

Taehyung is staring at her. Dahyun is looking anywhere but him.

Another silence came.

Taehyung is still staring at her. Dahyun looks like she's gonna cry at any moment.

Taehyung began to panic.

"Shit! What's the matter?" He fastly approached her. "Hey, look at me," he said. But Dahyun looks away, avoiding his gaze. "I said look at me."

"Go away," she tried to push him away, but Taehyung grabbed her arms. "Let me go!" she fights back, but he was too strong.

"Tell me what's wrong," Taehyung said, sounding very concerned. "And please, look at me. I want to see your face."

"Shut up!" Dahyun can't take it anymore. She yelled at his face, and the tears she's been holding came streaming down on her face. "You're so unfair! How dare you act like this to me, saying those kind of words to me, make me feel like shit, and then posting shits on social media that you like someone?!"


"Yes!" She yelled again. "I like you, Taehyung! I like you ever since we were kids. It's because of your sugar coated words, you being touchy, being overprotective, being jealous ass, I like you for being you! But... you.... - you don't like me. You like someone else... and oh my gosh this seriously embarassing! I can't believe I'm doing this!" she covered her face and sob continuously.

"Dahyun, calm down..." he tried to approached her again, but she took a step back.

"Don't you dare come near me, you brat!" she threatened. She's still covering her face - first, because she looks like a mess right now, her make up was ruined, second, it was hella embarassing, third, she doesn't want Taehyung to see her ugly crying face. "I swear to God, if there's any camera here, I'm gonna kill you!"

"Well, actually... about that..." Taehyung can't find the right words to say.

Dahyun finally looked at him. "Why are you acting like you're doing something that will make me hate you even more?!"

She wasn't expecting what he did next. Taehyung looked at him with pure endearment, and he freakingly smiled at her!

"What the fck?! Stop smiling! Do you really want to die?!" Dahyun stepped back when Taehyung began walking towards her.

"Oh yeah? You sure about killing me? Aren't you gonna be sad if I die?" he playfully asked, still smiling as he approached her.

Dahyun's back hit the wall. "KIM FCKING TAEHYUNG!" she yelled.

"Ahh! You look so cute after crying. Look at your nose, it's so red. Aww, cutie," Taehyung teased her.

"I said stop! Why are you acting so weird?!" she asked.

Taehyung stopped right in front of her, only a few inches apart. He's towering her, and Dahyun can't help but feel small under his intense gaze.

That's when Dahyun noticed something blinking on the left side of his chest. "Wait a second..." This time, it's her who moves closer to him. Without thinking of her action, she touched Taehyung's chest. It was hard - nope, not toned, but hard. Hard like a fcking phone.

Taehyung's body became tensed as Dahyun continuously touch his chest. "Umm... Dahyun, what are you..." his face is becoming red and his body is feeling hot.

"Are you filming?!" Dahyun yelled. She forcefully put her hand inside his the blazer of his uniform and finally found where the blinking thing came from. "YOU.ARE.SO.DEAD," she angrily said each words.

He let out a nervous laugh. "Baby, calm down," he took a step back.

Dahyun glared at him - if looks could kill, Taehyung is already dead by now.

"Don't call me baby, you brat!" she yelled again. "I'm gonna strangle you until you can't confess to whoever that girl you like!"

"DAHYUN, STOP!" Taehyung raised both his arms for defeat. "I NEED A CONFESSION TO MAKE!"

"No! I'm gonna kill you before you do that stupid confession!"

Taehyung laughed. "Oh, Dahyun. I bet you're gonna take back those words if you knew who - "

"I don't give a damn to whoever that girl is!"

Taehyung momentarily stopped and began to be serious. Dahyun was surprised with his sudden change of mood. She gave him a "what the fck is wrong with this bipolar guy" look.

He checked the time on his watch. Dahyun is just observing him, waiting for what he will do next.

"Ahhh, I should be kissing her by now," he said, slightly pouting.

Dahyun can't help but be pissed.

"Oh well." Taehyung look at Dahyun. Then he cleared his throat and began, "Kim Dahyun, you are one hella annoying girl. I can't believe that I befriended someone like you. You're savage, stronger than me, and very loud. If looks could kill - counting how many times you give me deadly looks - I think my soul is already resting in peace - "

"What the fck are you doing now?" she cutt her off but Taehyung signalled her to shut up.

"Stop interrupting me, please. I'm trying to be serious here," he said, which earned him a death glare by Dahyun. "Okay, to continue what I'm saying awhile ago...  Yes, you're annoying, but I still want to be with you. You're strong like a man, but I want to be the guy who will protect you. You're loud - and you just surprised me with your confession, it really caught me off guard - but..." he paused for a moment, then slowly hold Dahyun's shaking hands. "But I want to be the one who's vocal to my feelings towards you."

She gave him a questioning look.

Taehyung smiled at her. "Yes Dahyun. I like you too. No, scratch that. I'm in love with you."

Dahyun's mouth slightly opened, like she was about to say something but doesn't know what it is.

"Speechless?" he asked, grinning at her.

"What... But I thought.... Wait..." she began to stutter, and he can't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Please tell me this is just a dream because everything that I did and words that I said right now are seriously embarassing," she said, looking really embarassed.

Taehyung began laughing so loud. "Why are you so cute?"

"I'm dreaming, right? Tell me that this is just a dream!" Dahyun begged.

He wiped the tears from his eyes - caused by too much laughing. He then cupped her face and leaned his face closer to hers, their nose slightly touching. "No, baby. This is not a dream. I'm gonna kiss you and you're gonna feel it. So it's either you push me away or you will kiss me back." Without further a do, Taehyung kissed Dahyun's lips. When he felt her lips slightly move, he deepened the kiss. And finally, Dahyun kissed him back.

He tilted his head to give access to her full lips, and they began to kiss in sync. Dahyun wrapped her arms around his neck and Taehyung pulled her body closer to his, resting his hand at her lower back.

They hesitantly stopped kissing when they both run of breaths. "You still think this is all just a dream?" he asked, lips slightly brushing Dahyun's.

Too embarassed, Dahyun hugged him and hide her red face on the crook of his neck. "I still hate you," she mumbled, her breath tickles the skin of Taehyung.

He kissed the side of her head and whispered to her ear, "By the way... we're live on facebook."

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