The Prince and Me (Completed)

By Nadinevdm1984

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I'm in Rwanda at an architect conference. I was driving back to my hotel when I found familiar looking man wo... More



647 24 3
By Nadinevdm1984

Author's notes: Please, vote, comment and this story with your friends. Enjoy!


I was driving my car on a bumpy dirt road in Rwanda and I was on my way back to my hotel because it is my last evening here of my business trip when I saw a strangely familiar tall white man, that looks so defeated walking along the dirt road I'm driving on. I stopped and invited him to drive with me. He got in and thanked me for letting him ride with me.

'You're welcome your Highness.' I said looking over at him.

'You recognize me?'

'Yes, your Highness. I remembered your picture in my palace structure class in college and Denmark is always a place I wanted to visit.'

'I guess you heard of what happened then?' He asked looking really sad.

'Yes, your Highness and I am so sorry about your family and your country.'

'Thank you.' He said then looked out the window at the very green scenery that surrounds us.

'Your Highness, where are your bodyguards?'

'They split the moment they heard what happened back home.'

'Oh, those damn Russian's they had no right to do what they did to Germany and Denmark the way they did it.' I said almost with an outraged at that darker than dark dictator they call a president Vladimir Puttin. Prince Edward David Williams just looked so really sad. Since of the early hours of this morning, he lost his whole life back in Europe by a terrible nuclear bomb the pro-Russians dropped on them. He really has nothing now. He is in Rwanda on a charity tour, that much I red in the papers. I'm heading back tomorrow morning to Johannesburg, South Africa.

'Thank you for your hospitality Miss.'

'You're welcome, your Highness. Oh please excuse my former rudeness, I'm Nadine, Nadine van der Merwe.'

'Nice to meet you, Nadine.' He said as I came to a halt at my hotel.

'It is nice to meet you as well your Highness. Come along now, let's get freshen up before we go have some dinner.' We both walked into the hotel and I had a couple of messages at the front desk. I took it and we both head up to my room. Yes, I have sent up some nice new clothes for the prince and maybe a few extras. I was working on my laptop and was on the phone calling some of my clients back when he came back out, dressed in his new fresh clothes. I smiled at him and he only gave me half a smile back. I know it will take a while for him to be himself again. I finish up my business call and turn to him.

'Your Highness, are you ready for dinner?' I asked with a curtsy to him.

'Please, Miss Nadine will you stop calling me, your Highness, prince or even curtsy like that. I am not a royal any longer. I am now only a mere man trying to find a new way for himself.'

'Very well, then. Come let's go get some dinner then Edward.' I said with another smile for him and we both head out to the dining room. We were seated and finally ordered our dinner and some delicious South African wine. We talked about this and that.

'So Edward I'm flying back to South Africa tomorrow morning, I'm inviting you to join me.'

'I don't know any other one around here and will love to take you up on your most generous offer.'

'Wonderful. I'll call my travel agent after dinner.'

'What can I do to repay you, Nadine?'

'As long as you are safe Edward that is all the reward I will ever need.' I countered.

'You are most kind, Nadine.'

'When is your flight and to where will you be flying to?'

'It is tomorrow morning at 09:30 AM and we'll both be flying back to Johannesburg, South Africa.' He just nods his head. After our wonderful dinner, we head back to my large suit. Since I only have a double bed we each got into our prospective sides and lay till we finally fell asleep.

I was up early the next morning and went for a run and when I got back he was still sleeping soundly. I took a shower and got dressed in my travel outfit. I ordered a nice decent breakfast for the both of us. I went to wake the perfectly sleeping Edward up with a nice cup of coffee.

'Edward.' I cooed him awake.

'Samantha?' He said as he opens his eyes, then rubbing his eyes as he sat up. I felt my heart sunk into my shoes. His fiancé was called Samantha, how can I forget that. Of course, she is also dead now. His whole situation is just so sad.

'Sorry, Edward, I'm not Samantha. I have brought you some coffee and there is breakfast in the front room, then we need to pack so we can get back to South Africa.' He looked so sad when he realized he really doesn't have a fiancé anymore and I can really see he loved her very much. I don't think I could ever take her place at all. I am only helping a mere royal. We ate and got packing. I was packing the last of my things when he walked out all cleaned up and shaven from the bathroom. In silence, we head out and drove to the airport.

We board our plane and soon after we all boarded we took off to the sky. Saw him look out the window and he looks so blue. What can one say to someone who really lost everything in his whole life, to cheer him up? I rather kept to myself. Four hours later we circle over Johannesburg then head for the O.R. Tambo international airport, where we finally landed. We got our bags and head to where I left my car a week ago. I settle my parking bill and we head out. Edward pushed our trolley with our luggage on it. He insisted on loading our luggage into the trunk of my car. We got buckled up and I drove us to Birchwood Lodge, in a town called Boksburg.

'What are we doing here?' He asked me.

'I want to book us in here if you want to go back to your home. This way we're close to the airport if you want to fly back.'

'Nadine, there is really nothing to go home to. Everyone I ever knew and loved is gone. I'll like to stay in your country if it is okay.'

'But of course, it is okay. Very well since you are staying, we need to go get you something's you'll need.' We drove to the pharmacy where we got him all his toiletries, he'll need and then drove to the East Rand Mall where we got him a whole new wardrobe from underwear to casual clothes and work suits. We finally drove to my house, where we got unpacked and got Edward settled in. I have a whole closet that stood empty for years and now they can eventually be used. I started on our laundry in the laundry room and soon had to make us something for lunch. Edward is wandering through the house.

'You live alone here in this big house?'

'Yes, I bought this place from my parents who's staying in Durban now with the rest of my family down there. All my work is up here in Johannesburg. There really not a lot of work in Durban although it really is a beautiful part of the country.'

'Never been there before.' He said and took a seat as I got busy with our lunch.

'Maybe we can go visit my family in a few weeks. I really miss them all, I'm the only one left here in Johannesburg.' I explained as I lay our lunch out on the plates.

'That would be really nice to meet your family.' He said and took up his lunch and we both started to eat our lunch. After our lunch, we set out to sit around the pool and soak up some sun. I fell asleep in the deck chair. Edward woke me and told me we should rather head back inside before I end up looking like a tomato. Later the evening we took a swim and it was a welcoming one since this is an out of source hot summer. By the looks of my garden, it haven't been raining since I left for Rwanda. I got out leaving Edward swimming as I started to spray my garden a little.

I put the sprinkler system on the grass and we head back inside. Half an hour later I closed the sprinklers. Time ticked on and evening fell. I ordered in some dinner from one of the pizza places I know well. They delivered our pizzas and we sat down in front of the TV as we watch a DVD. I made a point not to look at him too much, I am merely helping out a new friend. I had a guest room where he could sleep in, on the other double bed. We took to the bathroom one at a time. After our baths we had some nice refreshing soda then went to bed. I was woken by someone how is having a really bad dream by the way he is talking in Danish.

I ran to him and started to look after him. I couldn't get him to wake up so I just lay cold clothes on his very hot forehead. For hours I looked after him. It was only near daybreak he woke up and I was exhausted from being up all night.

'What happened?' He asked me.

'You were having a really bad dream all night. I tried to wake you a couple of time but you did not wake up at all. So I looked after you. You had such a fever that I was afraid to leave your side.' I explained.

'I feel much better. Thank you for looking after me, but you look very tired, Nadine.'

'I'll be fine. I need to get ready for the day so I can do my work.'

'Are you sure? You need to get some sleep.'

'No, I'll be okay. This is your home now Edward please feel free to take and make whatever you want.'

'You are much too kind, thank you.' He said as I got to my feet and walked off to my room. I got dressed I only have one big meeting today then I'll be back here to take a deserving nap. I walked out of my room down the hall to the kitchen and Edward was cooking us some oatmeal, with a cup of coffee. Coffee always had the opposite effect on me then it has on other people. I only drank half my cup as I explained to Edward how coffee makes me more tired than it has on other people. I ate my oatmeal when I ask him if he would like to join me today.

He said he would rather stick around here today and leave me to my meeting. I finally set out and got to my meeting on time in Randburg. I explained everything to the contractors and we all agreed on the date when groundbreaking starts for the new exclusive skyscraper that we are going to build just a few kilometers outside of the central business district. On my way home I stop by the mall again and got Edward his own cell phone and then stopped by the grocery store and got us all the things we need, some of our things ran out. As I paid at the checkout lane I grabbed two ice cold buddy bottles of coke and paid for them as I set out back to my car. Drove back home listening to poker face from lady weirdo woman. As I wait for the gate to slide open I saw Edward was busy mowing the lawn and working all sweaty in my garden. He turned around and smiled at me as I drove in and came to a halt in front of the garage.

'Hello.' I said as I got out of the car.

'Afternoon.' He said walking up to me. I opened the trunk of my Mercedes and started to carry my purchase from the grocery store. Edward helped me to carry in my stuff I got us. After everything was in the house, he went back outside to finish up. I took him some coke I got before I left the store.

'Thank you, this is really welcoming.' He said and started to down an amount of the soda.

'You're welcome. Would you like to have a traditional South African, braai.'

'A what?' I chuckled a little.

'It is a homegrown word, for a barbeque.' His smile grew now that he understood what it mend.

'That sounds lovely, but only after you get some rest.'

'Yes. I will after I get some work done.'

'No, please get some rest first.' He protests.

'Yes, very well.' I said then head back inside. I was getting comfortable then got into bed. I was asleep before my head even touched my pillow. Hours later I woke up and Edward was all cleaned up and sitting next to my bed reading a book while his feet rest on my edge of my king size bed. I turned over to face him. He was deep into his book he did not even see me turn to look at him. It was just before the sun set completely. He finally saw me.

'Hi.' He said putting his book down on my empty nightstand, opposite me.

'Hey. Did you have a nice time in the garden?'

'Yes, it helped clear my head. I feel much better than I have been for the past few days. I only want to changes only one little thing.' He said as I sat up and looked at him. 'I would like you to rather call me Eddie then Edward.'

'Are you sure, Edward is such a pretty name?'

'Yes, I'm sure.'

'Very well, Eddie then.' I said then got up from my bed. I got up too quickly and the heat of the day was really taking its toll. I fainted and fell to the carpet.

'Nadine!' He yelled I heard him. Felt him pick me off the floor.

'Please wake up. I can't lose you too. Please. Please. Please, wake up.' He said whipping my face with a wet cloth. Not, long after I passed out, I came to in the arms of Edward. I open my eyes and look right into his blue eyes and his blond hair flop over at one side.

'Hey.' I said just keep laying in his arms.

'Oh, thank the heavens your okay.' He said and let me sit up.

'What happened?' I asked rubbing my eyes.

'You must have gotten up to quickly and you passed out.'

'What? That never happened to me before. Strange.' He stuck to me like glue after that. I got a nice fire going outside and when the fire was just right I started to braai or barbeque our t-bone steaks. I showed Eddie how to make a nice green salad and once everything was ready and cooked we head back inside. At the dining room table, we ate and talked for hours.

'So Nadine what do you actually do for a living?' Eddie asked taking a sip of his late harvest red wine.

'I'm an architect and a corporate and domestic real estate agent.'

'Goodness, you're a busy woman, where do you find the time to have a normal life?'

'I try to manage a well-balanced lifestyle but it is not always easy.' He just nods his head and took another sip of his wine.

'So what were you doing in Rwanda of all places?' He asked me.

'I had a really big architect conference on all the latest techniques and drawings.' I explained to him.

'And how do you fit in the real estate part into your business?'

'Well I first sell the land then I design the buildings and the buyers decide which of the drawing they like most and we start construction only after the property has been registered on the new owner's name.'

'This is so interesting. Are you currently working on something for someone?' He asked leaning a bit on the table with his elbows.

'Yes, I am. It is for another big skyscraper they want to put up on the West Rand of Johannesburg. Would you like to see?'

'Yes, please.' We got up and walked to the front of the house where my office is. I turned on the lights and my architect's table lit up and I showed him what I am working on.

'Why four sketches at a time?'

'My business is of such a nature that I don't just draw big corporate building but draw on requests as well it is more a sideline hobby than actual work for me, but all four are almost done anyway.'

'It's all lovely. But why real estate?'

'It is the best investment anyone can make and I love the industry. You know I have been looking for someone reliable to help me run the real estate side for a while now but the few people I hired all wanted a salary that is so unrealistic for this time and age in this industry. So I let them go and try to make it on my own. All the commission I make from the real estate sale but only on the domestic side, I send down to my parents in Durban as their pension. So they can pay the bills and actually live.' He just stared at me with pure amazement on his angelic face.

'What?' I asked after a while once I turned all the lights off again in my office.

'You, Nadine.'

'What about me?' I asked as we started to clean up.

'You should have your own superpowers.' We both chuckled.

'I'm just trying to do my best, that is all.'

'No you are talented, beautiful, and amazing with everything you put your hands to.'


'You heard me.' He said as he packs the dishwasher. I just blushed as we clean up the kitchen and store away the extra things in the fridge in sealable containers.

'Thank you, then.' I said withhalf a smile and blushed some more. Later we took to the bathrooms one by onethen went to bed.    

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