The Last Jedi: The Spark of R...

By BiancaWatson

59.3K 3.1K 2.8K

*Spoilers* The continuation of the movie "The Last Jedi" For those who have seen the movie. The spark of a re... More

Ahch-To: The Last Jedi
It Only Takes a Few, To Spark the Flames of a Rebellion
Star Jumper
The Dark Visitor (Part 1)
The Dark Visitor (Part Two)
Don't Hate Your Weaknesses
Where is the Boy Now?
"Master Skyjumper"
"Let Go of the Past"
Arrival (Canto Bight): Part One
Arrival: Part Two: Take My Hand
The New Ruling Order
Her Brother's Keeper
Rey's Awakening
All Will Be Assimilated
Temiri's Wound
Luke's Secret
Temiri and The First Order
Saving The Millennium Falcon: Part One
Saving The Millennium Falcon: Part Two
Saving the Millennium Falcon: Part Three
Saving The Millennium Falcon: Part Four
Tainted Love
I'm Just Like You, You're Just Like Me
Are You Afraid of the Porg?
The Ancient Jedi Texts
Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren
The Battle Begins
Rescued by the First Order
Weightless: Part One
Weightless: Part Two
Weightless: Part Three
Here We Go Again
"That's No Way to Speak to Your Mother"
The Man Behind The Mask
"You Had Your Chance"
Tainted Love: Part Two
"Have You Ever Had a Lady Friend?"
"Today, We Fight Back!"
Moon Harvest: Part One
Trust and Betrayal (Revised)
(New Chapter) Mutiny
The Return (Revised)
Lost, and Found (New Chapter)
Disconnected (New Chapter)
Crash & Burn (New Chapter)
Rescue Mission: Part One (New Chapter)

"I Had No Idea..."

1.1K 67 93
By BiancaWatson


I pace the room which is now my prison cell. I could easily escape, but even if I get past the guards stationed outside my door, then what? The stormtroopers on board greatly outnumber the small group of Resistance here. Now isn't the time to start a fight on the only starship in the middle of nowhere.

My steps don't make any sound as I pace barefoot on the soft carpet. I haven't seen my boots since I left them at the pool. I run my hands through my hair. I've ruined everything. How will the Resistance and the First Order ever work together to destroy this new Ruling Order, if Kylo Ren is keeping us prisoner now?

I stop pacing and look out the windows to the stars. Why did I think of Poe when Kylo Ren asked me who I would have, if not him? Is it because Poe has been so kind to me? Why is Kylo Ren so... possessive? Of course I thought of Poe. How could I not? He helped me with my cuts and didn't judge me. He's the only non-force sensitive person who seems to understand my struggles and loneliness, even though we've never actually talked about it with him. We're alike in many ways. We don't need talk about certain things, and he respects my privacy. Unlike Kylo Ren, who invades my thoughts whenever he feels like it.

The door slides open and I turn, ready to defend myself. 

"Poe!" I sigh in relief.

Poe steps into the room in his relaxed stride. "Rey!" He gives me a big smile. "I finally get to see you." He's cleaned up, freshly showered and wearing his regular clothes, which looked recently washed. So there must be a washing station on board, where I can get my clothes cleaned too. "This is pretty crazy, huh?" Poe says, looking around the room. The door slides closed behind him. "Who would have thought we'd join forces with the bad guys?"

"How... did you get in here?"

He gives me a questioning look. "They let me in, why?"

"The guards did?"

"Yeah. Why do you have guards at your door, anyway?"

"Kylo Ren said we're his prisoners now."

Poe laughs. "I wonder what his mother will have to say about that."

I smile, my shoulders relaxing. "It's good to see you," I say to Poe.

"This is a fancy room you've got." He looks up and his brow furrows. "Why is there a mirror on the ceiling?"

"How did you find my quarters?" I ask.

"Kylo Ren sent me." He looks back to me, a flash of curiosity in his eyes.

"What?" My heart jumps to my throat. Oh no! What did Kylo Ren say to him?

"Hux was the one who delivered the order, actually. He said Kylo Ren wanted me to come find you because there was... something you needed?"

My cheeks flush and I clench my fists. "I hate him," I say under my breath.

"I'm glad to know that hasn't changed," Poe says. His gaze travels over my clothes. "Did he make you wear that?"

"This?" I look down, surprised to see the white stripes around the sleeves. I'd forgotten I was wearing the First Order clothes. I wrap my arms around myself, my stomach still uneasy from what Poe just said. "What did Kylo Ren say exactly, about what he thought I needed? Why did he send you?"

Poe starts walking around the room again, which is now lit for day hours. When did that switch over? How did I not even notice?

"Have you had breakfast?" Poe asks, stopping at the control panel near the door, which I know is inactive. He runs his fingers over the buttons, as though inspecting them, but I can tell he's just thinking.

"Breakfast?" My heart hammers in my chest. Kylo wouldn't have said anything stupid. He's not that cruel, is he? "No, not yet."

Poe keeps his gaze on the console. He looks like he wants to say something, but hesitates.

"How are your wrists?" he finally says.

"They're fine," I reply. I want to tell him how I healed my wounds. I want to ask how BB-8 is and tell him about how I was in zero gravity at the swimming pool and about Kylo Ren's mood swings; hugging me one moment then being mean in the next, and how confused I am about all of it. And I want to tell him about Finn's response on the beacon. But I can't seem to say anything. Poe is quiet too. Are there lots of things he wants to tell me, that he can't say either?

"Shall we see if they will let us out of here?" I say instead.

"He's mad," Poe replies.


"Kylo Ren." He comes closer. "Hux and his mom are having their strategy meeting soon, about the A.I. droids. I was invited to join, too."

"But Kylo Ren said we're his prisoners."

"Maybe he meant just you," Poe says softly.

I cross my arms. Before I can reply Poe continues.

"He's not quite ready to accept this alliance yet." Poe stands close and I suddenly wonder if he's talking about something other than the alliance between the Resistance and the First Order. My heart races. I'm probably reading too much into his words.

Poe keeps his gaze on the carpet and there's a moment of awkward silence.

"Rey? Why did Kylo Ren send me here?" he asks after a moment.

"What do you mean?" I swallow hard. "I don't know why."

Poe takes another step closer and nudges my bare toes with his boot. We're both looking down now and his hair brushes against my forehead.

"He's just insane I guess," I whisper, finding it hard to think.

"You don't need him, Rey," Poe says. He steps away and I grab the front of his jacket, without thinking. I don't want him to step away. Not yet. Despite the passion I feel towards Kylo, which I can't seem to control, he scares me. But Poe is logical and smart and kind and good, and he doesn't scare me. I wouldn't mind asking him for help, but I'm not sure what kind of help I need.

Poe doesn't move away from my grasp, but does he move any closer either. Let's get out of here, I think. Let's go talk to Leia and steal an escape pod or something. But of course, Poe doesn't hear any of those thoughts. I finally let go of his jacket and he captures my hand in his.

"Rey?" he says.


Poe hesitates for a moment.

"Let's go."



General Leia studied the star chart on the large viewscreen in front of her. She was early for the meeting, but wanted to make sure they had all the information they needed to start forming an attack strategy.

"The meeting has been cancelled."

Leia turned to see Hux standing at the entrance to the Command Center. He had two stormtroopers with him.

She waved a hand dismissively in his direction. "My son has always had a flair for the dramatic," she said, turning back to the star chart. "I've rescheduled the meeting. Now come here and have a look at this, General."

She didn't turn to see if Hux would acknowledge her request, but she hoped he would. A moment later she heard his footsteps approaching behind her.

"This Ruling Order has five space stations-" she started to say.

"Six," Hux interrupted. He re-positioned the map and zoomed in. "There's a new one still under construction in the Otomok System."

"How nice for them," Leia said. She nodded to Hux. "I appreciate your attention to detail." Hux seemed slightly unsure of how to respond, beneath all his usual composure. "And these space stations, are where this enemy contaminates all the ships with their virus programming?"

"Yes, the stations are likely the command centers for systems control."

"The Command centers... So we don't have to fight all the droids and ships in the Galaxy. We just need to blow up these command centers?"

"Exactly." Hux stood straight, with his hands behind his back. He seemed like a very serious young man. She could tell he valued order and discipline. Ben could learn a thing or two from him.

A few First Order Commanders entered the room and took a seat on one side of the command table. The Rebel leaders paraded in right after, loud and boisterous. They quieted down when they saw the other Commanders, and then took a seat on the opposite side of the table. Leia had to stifle a grin at their grade-school behavior. She was glad no one had killed anyone from opposing sides, so far.

"Don't you have some sort of back-up Death Star weapon we can use to destroy these bastards in one shot?" Leia asked Hux.

"You mean Starkiller Base?" Hux replied.

"One of your big sun guns," Leia answered. "Or any other weapon of mass destruction, which could destroy these command centers."

"I'm afraid not, General," Hux said. "They were all destroyed by the Resistance."

Leia couldn't contain her smile this time. "I suppose we should have left at least one intact." She leaned in to look at the sixth Ruling Order station and suddenly felt the undeniable presence of the Force, or rather, the presence of one with great Force sensitivity. It was not something she felt often. She could always tell when her son was near.

She looked behind her, but Ben hadn't arrived yet. He likely wouldn't want to attend this meeting. She glanced at Hux. His clear blue eyes were studying the map. It was him that she sensed. She'd had no idea he was Force sensitive. His eyes turned to her.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding irritated.

"It's just." Leia squinted her eyes at him. "I had no idea." She spoke softly so the others wouldn't hear.

Hux frowned. "About what exactly?"

"That you were Force sensitive."

Hux stared at her for a moment, looking confused.

"Sir," one of the First Order Commanders said. Hux turned abruptly and raised his hand in the man's direction. The Commander's eyes went wide and he began to choke.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm in the middle of a conversation with a General," he said fiercely. Then he let the man go, seeming just as surprised as everyone else in the room at his sudden Force choke hold. He lowered his hand and looked at it, as though seeing it for the first time. His gaze turned to Leia.

"General Organa," he said, his expression so full of wonder that he looked like an entirely different person. "Thank you for telling me."

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