Almost | Jeffmads ✓

By Toastter_Treatts

24.7K 1.4K 1K

[COMPLETED] "The saddest word in the whole wide world is the word almost." Thomas almost stopped his sister f... More

·-1- The Unimaginable -1-·
·-2-· Suffering Too Terrible to Name ·-2-·
·-3-· Walking through the Woods·-3-·
·-4-· Down the Rabbit-Hole ·-4-·
·-5-· Curiouser and Curiouser ·-5-·
·-6-· Advice From a... Caterpillar...? ·-6-·
·-7-· The Woods Where It Happened ·-7-·
·-8-· A Mad Tea Party ·-8-·
·-9-· Seized ·-9-·
·-10-· The Red Queen- Er... King ·-10-·
·-11-· I Pray The King Shows You His Mercy ·-11-·
·-12-· Chaos And Bloodshed Are NOT the Solution ·-12-·
·-13-· You're Mad As a Hatter! Son, Take Your Medicine! ·-13-·
·-14-· So, a Revolution? ·-14-·
·-16-· Yo, Let's Steal That Sword! ·-16-·
·-17-· Outgunned, Outmanned, Outnumbered, Outplanned ·-17-·
·-18-· Stay Alive, That Would Be Enough ·-18-·
·-19-· Helpless ·-19-·
·-20-· Gotta Go, Gotta Get The Job Done ·-20-·
·-21-· Beware, It Goeth Before The Fall! ·-21-·
·-22-· Death Doesn't Discriminate, Between The Sinners And The Saints ·-22-·
·-23-· Out Of The Tugley Woods ·-23-·
·-24-· Best of Queens and Best of Women ·-24-·
·-25-· Does It Feel Better? ·-25-·
·--26-· You'll Be Back ·-26-·
·-27- To The Union! -27-·
·-28- The Sword's Champion -28-·
·-29- Dreams -29-·
·-30- Garden Meeting -30-·
·-31- Our Story Of Tonight -31-·
·-32- To The Revolution! -32-·
·-33- The Battle of Wonderland -33-·
·-34- One Last Time -34-·
·-35- Teach Me How To Say Goodbye -35-·
Announcement Time!

·-15-· I'm a Trust Fund, You Can Trust me! ·-15-·

548 31 21
By Toastter_Treatts

"This is a fantastic cake!" The King hummed. "Who made this?"

"Laurens, my lord," Angelica smiled as she ate a portion of her slice. The King turned to me, standing up. He stretched, sighing contently.

"Alright, Alice, I'll be taking another walk around the garden today. See you in a bit. But when I come back, make me my favorite tea!" He waved to me, walking out. The soldiers closed the door behind them, leaving me and Angelica alone in the large dining room.

I placed the empty plates on top of each other, walking out quickly and going to the kitchen. I returned to see Angelica still sitting in the dining room, a cup of tea in her hands.

"So, I hear you're planning a revolution," Angelica muttered very lowly. I gave her a confused look, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged, shaking my head.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, my lady," I mumbled.

"Oh, please!" Angelica rolled her eyes. "There's no need for titles. Just call me Angelica."

"Right..." I nodded.

"But seriously-" Angelica turned her head to me, speaking in a mere whisper. "I know you're planning a revolution to overthrow The King." She took a sip before speaking again. "And down worry, I'll keep in on the down-low. I promise," She gave me a small smile. "But give me you guys' plan so far, I'll help in any way I can."

"You will?" I asked to which Angelica nodded to. "Well, Hamilton came up with it-"

"Oh, that'll be a trainwreck..." Angelica giggled.

"Say, do you know where the Vorpal Sword is being held?" I asked carefully.

"In one of the towers," she took another sip of her tea. "The general or Pheacker has the key to those towers."

"Right, thanks, I'm sure to come to you if we need more help," I took a small bow, Angelica looking up at me with a smile.

"Shut it, Alice!" She whispered. "The walls have ears."

I nodded, walking out of the dining room. I stride down the halls, looking for Lafayette or Hamilton. Instead, I ran to Eacker who glared at me suspiciously.

"Should you be with the King?" He asked carefully, narrowing his eyes.

I swallowed hard, giving him a firm stare. "He asked me to leave him alone for a minute as he walks through the garden." It wasn't a lie. But it wasn't the truth either. George never asked me to leave him alone. He just told me that he was going to the gardens and to make his favorite tea when he comes back.

"Reasonable," Eacker mumbled. "But I doubt he left without giving you any orders."

"I already finished what he asked me to do," I straightened my back, feeling a sudden rush of confidence. That was obviously a lie. Though, George always take long hours in the garden so I have lots of time to make his tea. And I already finished cleaning up the dining room, which means I had at least an hour to myself. That is until Eacker decided to show up and wreck my plans.

"Alice, tell me." He folded his gloved hands behind his back, his lips turning into a small growl. "Don't you want to leave this place? Don't you want to be free?"

I took a step back, Eacker just taking a step further.

"Well, I think everyone wants freedom," I chose my words carefully. "It's just a part of everyone's nature, isn't it?" One wrong move and everything can come crashing down.

"True, though this is the King we're talking about. Oppose him, and you die." He hummed. "Still interested?"

We stood there, staring at each other. That is, until I pushed him away, with a smile.

"It seems that I have forgotten to do something," I gave him a small nod.

"Oh, and Alice," Eacker stopped me before I could leave. "I'm pretty sure the King would be very upset if he loses another butler."

My gaze stayed on his face though it lowered, seeing a ring of keys attached to his belt.

I walked away from him, thoughts racing through my head.

Did Eacker find out? If he did, how? Did I somehow say something that gave it away?

I then remembered what Angelica told me.

The walls have ears.


I know I'm late with the update but I was very busy today. I'm so sorry about that.

~Ly <3

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