Venomous x Female Reader

Autorstwa JamesUniverse12

73.2K 1.4K 1.5K

This story will have cute, fluff, and sad and happy feels, all characters from the show except the reader bel... Więcej

Chapter 1 - A quick date
Chapter 3 - His house
Chapter 4 - Babysitting
Chapter 5 - Glorb heist
Chapter 6 - Villain's night out Pt1.
Chapter 7 - Villain's night out Pt2.
Chapter 8 - Preparations Pt. 1
Chapter 9 - Preparations Pt. 2
Chapter 10 - The Wedding pt.1
Chapter 11 - The Wedding pt.2
Chapter 12 - Wedding Crashed

Chapter 2 - Dinner

8.8K 171 280
Autorstwa JamesUniverse12

Minutes passed as Venomous's jet limo soared in the sky.

Venomous: "Fink, the place is right there."

Fink: "Alrighty, let's go!"

The vehicle lowered, parking in front of their destination.

Fink got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for Yn and Venomous.

He held out his hand for her as she grabbed it.

Venomous: "Well here we are, Boxmore Industries."

Yn looked up, seeing that the building was a bit odd, having a huge skeleton on top.

Yn: "Your supplier seems to have an obsession with skulls."

Venomous: "*Tck*, not my kind of taste."

Fink: "Hope the food is better than his crummy old building."

The professor walked up to the door with Yn next to him, ringing the bell.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, as if somebody was speeding towards the door, and then came to a screeching halt.

The door opened.

???: "Welcome, valued customer!"

Yn looked down, seeing a short man with a light blue lab tux, he had weird mohawk hair and his skin was pale and yellowish and he had a half robotic face. He also had a...bird claw?

Venomous: "Hmm. Boxman."

Yn: "So, this is Lord Boxman."

She thought to herself.

Boxman: "Professor Venomous! So, so, so good to see you!"

He walked up to Venomous, giving him an awkward hug.

Yn was weirded out, she noticed Fink was giving Boxman a dirty glare.

Venomous: "Please stop."

He didn't seemed thrilled to see this man.

Boxman immediately let go, sweating a little, clearing his throat.

Boxman: "Uh yes, well, I'm glad you could make it."

He was twiddling his human and bird finger, getting a little nervous.

Boxman: "Spending time with my clients is very important to me."

Venomous began to take off his lab coat.

Venomous: "Yes and we have much to discuss."

Yn was beginning to wonder if he was going to break the bad news to Boxman as a surprise.

Boxman: "Oh. Let me get your coat for you- Aah!"

Yn was surprised seeing Fink jump up, kicking Boxman when he was touching his coat.

She began to feel glad she wasn't on her bad side.

Fink: "No one takes my boss's coat but me, bub!"

Boxman rubbed his hand in pain while glaring at the little mouse.

Venomous: "Oh, yes. This is my minion -- Fink."

He patted her head.

Boxman took a closer look at her, scratching his chin.

Fink stuck out her tongue at him.

This made Yn giggle to herself.

Boxman: "Hmm, organic. All my henchmen are robotic -- keeps it simple."

She bit his hand, making him wince, trying to keep a stern face.

Boxman: "Very...nice...kid!"

Venomous straightened his black sleeve.

Venomous: "Yes, well, organic proved to be more reliable. Especially since, you know..."

He gave Boxman a bored/angered expression.

Venomous: "...I never got your last robotic shipment."

Boxman felt like a balloon being popped, as he began laughing nervously.

Boxman: "Well, I do apologize. T-There were errors in the manufacturing process, and I just didn't realize how bad it was! Entirely out of control. It wasn't my fault! It really won't happen again."

Venomous: "Uh huh..."

He didn't believe a word he was saying.

Boxman turned his attention towards Yn who was standing next to Fink.

Boxman: "Um, uh, Professor Venomous, w-who is this?"

Venomous: "My new assistant, Yn."

He adjusted his tie as he walked towards her.

Yn: "Lord Boxman, I presume?"

Boxman held her hand up.

Boxman: "enchanté, mademoiselle."

He was about to kiss her hand, making her freak out a bit...

Venomous: *Ahem!* I hope the dinner you prepared for us hasn't gotten cold..."

He immediately stopped, realizing the meal was forgotten.

Boxman: "M-My goodness, your right! This way to the dining room everyone."

Boxman was leading them to dinner until...

???: "Hey, Boxman!"

???: "Please let us go, Boxhead!"

Boxman's eyes went wide as Venomous turned to the man.

Venomous: "What was that?"

Boxman:"Those, vegetables! Yes, from tonight's vegetable medley. Probably boiling over, 'scuse me, also the dining room is around the corner, so you can just let yourselves in."

He speeded off leaving a puff of smoke.

Yn looked at Venomous, who was showing a curious look.

Venomous: "What?"

Yn: "You stopped Boxman from kissing my hand, were you jealous?"

He started sweating a bit, stretching the sleeve around his neck.

Venomous: "I...just don't appreciate my suppliers kissing my assistant's hand."

Yn: "Fiancee", you mean."

She smiled as she fluttered her eyes at him.

Venomous blushed a dark purple on his face when she said that, he immediately straightened himself and gestures to the next room.

Fink couldn't help but snicker.

Venomous: "Let's see to the dining room already..."

Fink: "Yeah, before Yn makes goo goo eyes at you again."


It was a big room they were in, with purple and gold wallpaper, there was also a long dining table.

Yn laughed a bit.

Yn: "Feels like we're at a one-star restaurant."

Fink: "Smells like oil in here."

All of a sudden, the doors opened wide, revealing an orange robot girl jumping out in front of the three.

Shannon: "Hiya! Name's Shannon, daddy told me provide you all with entertainment while you wait for dinner!"

Yn: "Oh, thats...nice?"

The robot nodded as she cleared her throat.

Shannon: "This is a song called, "When your climbin' up a ladder" by me!"

She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath.

Shannon: "Whennnn yooooou're climbin' up a ladder, and ya feel a little splatter..."

Shannon began singing loudly like an old fashioned cartoon, as she was clapping her hands together without a beat, Yn was silent at what was happening.

Yn: "What is going on...?"

She looked at Venomous who was clearly as speechless as she was.

Is this the kind of robots he wanted from Boxman?

She noticed Fink was sort of into the song, which confused Yn.

Boxman: "SHANNON! Get out of here!"

Suddenly, Lord Boxman came running in pushing Shannon out of the room.

Shannon: "But daddyyyyy..."

Boxman: "I said entertain the guests! Not bleed their ears!"

The room was quiet after that...odd event. Venomous just broke out of his speechless state, sitting down.

Boxman came right back, sitting at the other end of the table.

Boxman: "So sorry everyone, I thought one of my henchmen had a talented voice...g-guess I was wrong."

Yn: "Quite alright Boxman, maybe you should teach her lessons."

Boxman wiped the sweat off of his head.

Boxman: "I do agree, Miss Yn."

Venomous then turned to his minion.

Venomous: "Fink, could you be a dear and hang my coat..."

Fink: "Sure thing boss."

She walked to door that led to the coat room.

Venomous: "Yn, go with Fink, make sure she doesn't get lost."

He began rubbing his ears.

Yn: "Are you okay Venomous?"

Venomous: "Yeah, yeah, just...please go with her."

Yn: "Okay."

She stood up, following Fink before turning back to Boxman.

Yn: "Boxman, where do we put the coat?"

Boxman: "Coat room is down the hall to the right, my dear! And please be careful to not go near the large pipes, we're having an issue with the radiation leaking out..."

Fink held up Venomous's coat as the two began walking out the door and down the hall.

Yn had noticed there were purple tubes everywhere on the wall and above her head, as they reached the coat room, she heard a humming from Fink which sounded like that song from Shannon.

Yn: "Wow, you sing better than that robot."

Fink's ears immediately shot up and stopped walking, hearing Yn complimenting her.

Fink: "Don't get nice with me toots!"

She raised her little fist up, making Yn flinch a bit, shutting her eyes.

Fink: "Two for flinching..."

Yn felt two small punches hit her leg, and heard her say...

Fink: "But...thanks...for saying that."

She saw her smile which was evil in a cute kinda way.

Yn: "Your welcome."

They continued walking, reaching the coat hangers.

Fink just scoffed.

Fink: "Dumb place for a coat closet."

Yn: "Kinda odd to have a closet near dangerous factory equipment."

She suddenly heard a long sniff, she looked down to see Fink was sniffing her boss's coat.

Yn: "Fink? What are you doing?"

The minion shook, completely forgot Yn was standing next to her.

Fink: "D-Don't judge me! Imma mouse, I sniff things. The boss just has...good cologne?"

Yn stared awkwardly at her.

Fink: "Please don't tell him I do this when he's not looking."

Yn: "Well, if it's a mouse thing, it'll be our little secret."

She booped her nose, making her smile. She grabbed a hanger, putting it on the coat and placed it on the hanging rack.

Fink: "Maybe next time, I'll let ya hold up my bosses coat."

Yn: "Come on, they must be waitin-"

Suddenly there was a noise.

Fink: "Hold it, I heard something."

She got on all fours sniffing the ground, and her eyes became red, using some sort of x-ray vision.

Yn was looking towards a pillar, about to check it out until...

Venomous: "Yn! Fink! Dinners ready."

They both stopped searching.

Fink: "Oh boy! Hope they got cheesy linguine!"

She scurried off to the dining room as Yn began following.

???: "Psst! Hey, lady!"

Yn stopped, hearing someone was calling her.

She turned around, seeing no one there.

Yn: "Who's there?"

Suddenly three figures came out.

There was a small kid wearing a red bandana, a green alien with muscles, and a girl with purple hair.

Yn: "I thought Boxman had robotic henchmen working for him."

KO: "We aren't working for Boxman, he had us tied up above hot lava, I'm KO by the way, the two next to me is Rad and Enid."

Yn: "So you were the ones yelling..."

They nodded at her.

Enid: "Nice dress."

The girl said, making Yn smile.

Yn: "Why thank you, my name is Yn."

Rad: "What's a girl like you doing in Lord Boxman's place?"

Yn: "Oh, me and my boss were actually here on business, he got an invitation from Boxmore Industries and he wanted me to come along."

KO: "We shouldn't keep you waiting then. It was nice to meet you though!"

He held her hand up, shaking for a goodbye.

Yn: "Likewise, maybe someday we'll meet again."

She walked back to the dining room.

Rad: "Alright guys, the exit is over there."

KO and Rad turned seeing Enid wasn't following.

Enid: "Hold up. I got a better plan."

Rad: "What could be better than escaping?"

Enid: "Getting even with Boxman."

KO: "But Enid, that nice lady is dining with him, what if we ruin her night?"

Enid: "Don't worry KO, we won't do anything to her...besides..."

She turned, grabbing out three chef outfits with fake mustaches.

Enid: "...what we're going to do to them is harmless...except for Box head..."


Everyone was seated, Yn was sitting between Venomous and Fink, who was sitting in a chair meant for toddlers to sit on while Boxman was sitting at the very end.

The food was handed out to them by him, though it didn't look so delicious, it was nothing but a pile of black crisp with slices of pineapple.

The only good there was to eat was the salad.

Fink looked at her food, sticking out her tongue.

Venomous: "Boxman, you wouldn't happen to have any kind of beverage to wash this, "food" down?"

Boxman: "S-So sorry, I didn't really have enough time to get the drinks."

Venomous: "Yet another mistake from you Boxman..."

The man smiled nervously as he stretched his shirt, getting stuck to his neck.

Yn looked at the empty glasses, and had an idea.

Yn: "Venomous, did you bring along that bottle of sparkling apple cider?"

Venomous nodded.

Venomous: "As a matter of fact, I did my dear, though I hate to waste the rest of this expensive drink on a night like this, but I guess it'll help wash out this food's burnt after taste."

He said that last part as he glared at Boxman, who shook from fear.

Boxman: "Splendid! L-Let me pour you all the drink."

Venomous: "Please do..."

He got up grabbing the glasses, handing them each one. Pouring the cups for the three and himself and sat back down.

Fink was still looking at her food, sighing as she poked it.

Venomous: "Don't play with your food."

She growled.

Fink: "But it tastes like foo foo!"

Yn: "There is also the salad, Fink."

The minion crossed her arms.

Fink: "Yeah, but I wish there was cheesy linguine."

Boxman began laughing nervously. He stood one foot on the table raising his glass up.

Boxman: "I think it's time for a toast."

Venomous rolled his eyes, showing nothing but boredom.

Yn: "Why not?"

She raised her glass also. Smiling at Venomous, as he chuckled.

Boxman: "To the greatest and most bestest client in the whole wide world, Professor Venomous!"

Fink took out a sign with a picture of a piece of corn.

Boxman: "Whose mastery in bioengineering is unparalleled..."

As he continued to talk, a one eyed robot rose up from the table, wearing a sailor suit. Yn looked at him, getting a little creeped out.

Boxman: "And -- and a true inspiration to -- GET OUT OF HERE, DARREL!!"

The robot known as Darrel immediately ran, Boxman wiped his forehead.

Boxman: "And is a true inspiration to villains all around the globe."

Yn: "Cheers."

They all sipped their sparkling cider, continuing to try and eat the food.

Yn: "So, Lord Boxman, may I ask what work you do here?"

Boxman: "Very good question, dear Yn. You see, in my line of work, it's usually making robotic henchmen. But not only that, I make them into pure instruments of destruction!"

Yn: "So your an inventor?"

Boxman: "Of a sort, yes. Though it doesn't hurt to give them a little free will."

He said, drinking.

Yn was wondering to herself.

Yn: "Is that why you have your creations call you daddy?"

Boxman: "Why yes! VERY good observation! You see, in truth I...never really had a family to begin with..."

Yn turned seeing Fink was doing something with her napkin.

Venomous: "Forgive me, Boxman. But will the main entree be ready soon? We don't have alot of time."

Fink: "He probably burned that, too."

Fink finished showing it to Yn, who was amazed to see it was a tiny little sailboat.

Yn: "Venomous, look what your minion did."

She handed it to him as he was also surprised.

Venomous: "Wow. How'd she do that?"

Yn: "I think she's going to be quite the artist when she grows up."

She said, making Fink smile.

Boxman scratched his neck in a nervous state.

Boxman: "I-I assure you, in just a few moments, you all will be enjoying a decadent meal with absolutely no surprises."

Venomous: "Let's hope I didn't waste the bottle for nothing. Else I'll have you lend me money to buy a new one."

Suddenly, the kitchen doors burst open, revealing three chefs.

???: "Who's hungry!?"

Boxman: "I'm finished!"

He whispered to himself.

Everyone looked on, seeing the three, Yn recognized them, it was KO, Rad and Enid wearing chef clothes and mustaches.

KO gave a wink at her as they began pushing out trays of food.

Venomous: "Who...are these people?"

KO pushed all the plates off the table as Boxman had wide eyes.

Boxman: "U-Uh, them? Well they're...uh, the caterers!"

Rad placed new plates filled with pasta.

Venomous: "I thought you were doing the cooking."

Enid wrapped a bib around Boxman as Rad held up the pot of sauce above him.

Boxman: "D-Did you? You...must've-"

The sauce dumped right on his lap, making him scream internally.

Yn was giggling a bit by how funny this was getting.

Rad: "Oopsy whoopsy! I-a have such-a slippery fingers!"

He said with a fake italian accent.

Boxman: "My fault...entirely! How's your pasta, Professor?"

Venomous: "Looks a little bland."

Yn took out a CapriSun drink from her lunch bag she kept, handing it to Fink who was chowing down on the pasta.

Yn: "Here you go, Fink."

Fink: "Thanks, I was getting thirsty."

She took it, drinking it happily.

Enid popped from behind his chair, holding a pepper shaker.

Enid: "Freshy peppy?"

Venomous: "Yes, please."

Enid: "Okay! Just say when!"

She started shaking the pepper on the pasta.

Venomous: "When."

She kept shaking.

Venomous: "When!"

The pepper reached his nose and immediately sneezed, pasta was all over his hair as Yn and Fink looked at each other in worry, as they began to quickly remove all the noodles off of him, fearing he was going to get mad.

Boxman: "Oh no!"

Enid: "Freshy peppa?"

He shushed her, getting agitated.

Boxman: "Look, will you all just get out of here?!"

He whispered.

Yn and Fink were finished getting the food off him.

Yn: "Will you be alright, Venomous?"

Venomous: "Hoo boy, that was alot of pepper."

She felt a tug on her dress, turned around seeing KO.

KO: "Sorry for ruining your day, we're just getting payback at Boxman. Also, you may want to go under the table for this next part."

He quietly said to her.

Boxman was about to eat his pasta, but the plate was moved, making his fork hit the table. Rad placed a plate of mashed potatoes.

Rad: "Time for the third-a course!"

Boxman: "Thank you, garçon. You are free to go."

Rad: "But sir! Th-"

Boxman: "I don't think you understand me. Rad, you're all free to go!"

He whispered at him.

Rad didn't say anything except grabbing the potatoes, mushing it over Boxman's head.

Rad: "Oopsy whoopsy."

Boxman: "Rrrrrr! That's it!"

KO: "Uh, but-a that can't-a be it!"

The kitchen doors flew open with KO and Enid with dozens of pies, everyone looked over as Rad ran next to them.

KO: "You all haven't had your just desserts-a!"

Venomous: "Finally!"

Yn: "Oh boy..."

Boxman began growling in pure anger.

KO: "Ooh! I hope-a you like the coconut cream!"

He said as his mustache was falling off.

Venomous: "Wait a minute. Is that--"

Boxman: "KO, Rad, and Enid!"

He grabbed his chair, breaking it into splinters.

Enid: "The jig is up. Hock the pies!"

They began pushing the cart full of pies and started throwing them as Venomous and Yn dived under the table, while Fink got hit right in the face with the dessert and slid across the table towards the end where Boxman was hiding.

Venomous: "You had better have a good explanation for this, Boxman."

Fink: "Yeah! Coconut cream?! What were ya thinkin'?!"

Yn: "Honestly, I would have preferred red velvet pie with whipped cream on top."

She said as she crawled out near them as the heroes kept throwing pies.

Boxman: "Professor, miss Yn, I-I -- I...ooooooh! I'll destroy those brats for ruining dessert!"

Shannon: "Oh! Are we destroying brats?"

The robot asked popping next to them.

Darrel: "Are we having dessert?"

A pie quickly hit him in the eye, making him fly backwards as Boxman grabbed him.

Darrel: "Thanks, dad!"

The man pushed Darrel's torso against his legs.

Shannon was pointing and laughing, Boxman went and grabbed both her arms. He immediately began turning Darrel into some sort of cannon.

More pies were being thrown at them, Boxman lifted a tube up, catching them inside it.

Enid looked around the cart seeing they had wasted all the pies.

Enid: "Uh, guys, we're tapped."

Boxman jumped from his hiding spot placing the weapon on the ground.

He ripped his tuxedo, showing off his muscle flab, and wrapped his tie around his head into a bandana.

Venomous and Yn looked up, seeing Boxman had turned his robot into a pie cannon.

Boxman: "And now you're trapped, Lakewood do-gooders!"

He aimed the cannon, and yelling a warrior yell, firing pies back at the three.

They tried running, but were hit multiple times with the coconut cream.

Yn saw his muscles move each time he fired and held her hand on her mouth, feeling like she was going to puke.

Fink was confused at what was going on, Yn quickly shielded her eyes, not wanting her to see him like that.

Venomous was yet again speechless as the pies were still hitting the heroes who were now buried in it.

Venomous: "Boxman!"

He immediately dropped the cannon.

Boxman: "Oh! P-Professor Venomous!"

He started walking towards him. Pulling Yn away from covering Fink' s eyes.

Boxman: "I-I can explain! I can explain! I can -- I can --"

There was little silence

Boxman: "Okay, I can't explain. But this was not the way it was supposed--"

The professor shushed him.

Venomous: "May I?"

He moved his hand to the machine.

Boxman: "Oh...yes. B-By all means."

KO, Rad, and Enid were still struggling in the mountain of pies as Venomous was stretching.

Venomous: "Dinner parties are just so...stuffy."

He then aimed the cannon at them as he pulled back the lever, giving it full charge.

Venomous: "But vanquishing heroes --."

He pulled Yn next to him, surprising her.

Venomous: "-- Now, that's much more exciting!"

The weapon was charged as Fink on top of it, pointing at KO and his friends.

Fink: "FIRE!"

Venomous fired a large, gigantic pie with a glowing green letter V, hitting the heroes across the room and out the building.

Fink was laughing so hard, she slipped off the cannon, falling face first on a pie that was on the ground.

Venomous: "I have to be honest, Lord Boxman. I agreed to come tonight with plans to sever our business relationship after dinner."

Boxman began shaking.

Boxman: "W-What?"

Venomous: "You seemed too distracted lately. Though, now I understand why that was."

Yn helped Fink up, wiping her face with a napkin as Venomous continued.

Venomous: "You know, it's hard to find folks who value the sport in squashing heroes."

He started patting the weapon.

Venomous: "And if all your robots can be as fun as this one, then I'll gladly order a thousand of them!"

Boxman: "You...still...want my robots? You still...want me?"

The professor chuckled.

Venomous: "Just don't forget to send me your robotic shipments, and our business partnership may continue."

He held out his arms for the hug Boxman wanted, he laughed as went in, wrapped his arms around him.

Yn rolled her eyes, disgusted by the hug.

Yn: "Fink, could you go ahead and..."

Fink: "Ya don't have to tell me twice!"

She pulled out a red gun, ducking under Venomous and shot Boxman in the face with a boxing glove. Sending him flying across the room, landing on the dining table.

Fink giggled, getting a chuckle from Yn, as she walked next to her, patting her head.

Yn: "No one hugs you but me."

Venomous couldn't help but smile.

Venomous: "Fink, fetch my coat before Boxman wakes up."

Fink: "On it!"

She said, running past a dazed Shannon.

The professor turned to Yn, holding out his hand and she took it, as they walked to the limo.

Venomous: "I'm impressed by you today, Yn. Here I thought this little date of ours would go bad from Fink, but you managed to keep her from leveling this building to the ground."

He opened the door for her as Fink gave him his coat.

Venomous: "I do hope it wasn't ruined for you, maybe I shouldn't hav--"

He was stopped upon feeling a hand placement on his cheek by Yn, as she smiled softly.

Yn: "This was the best date ever."

Immediately, she kissed him, wrapping a hand around his other cheek, making Venomous blush hard as Fink stuck out her tongue.

Fink: "Ugh, I'll never understand adults..."

She let go of him as he was surprised at what just happened.

Venomous: "Yn..."

Yn: "I had a wonderful time, you big softy. Stop being such a nervous nellie."

She laughed as she finished with a hug, making him smile as she went inside the limo.

Venomous cleared his throat, pressing something on his watch, putting the vehicle on auto pilot.

Venomous: "Fink, you can sit with us this time."

Fink: "Awwwww..."

She whined as she wanted to drive again. But she did what she was told.

She went inside and sat next to Yn.

Fink: "Humph! I still wish we grabbed some food to go, that pasta wasn't even enough for me!"

She said, crossing her arms in anger.

Yn smiled as she pulled out her lunch bag, pulling out a grilled cheese sandwich.

Fink was shocked, seeing she had some food.

Yn handed it to her.

Yn: "I bet you'll like this."

She took a bite out of it, her cheeks started blushing and cried a few tears.

Fink: "It tastes just like linguine!"

Yn was happy she was enjoying it as Venomous sat next to her, noticing Fink was smiling.

Venomous: "Did I miss something?"


Venomous woke up, seeing they were still flying back home.

He felt something was on his chest, looking down to see Yn was sound asleep, Fink was also sleeping, who was on her lap, making him smile.

Upon realising, he completely forgot Yn also had a home to go to.

He brought up her location on a holographic computer, and was shocked at what he saw.

It was an apartment, not much of a home, it seemed to be falling apart, the neighborhood around it was loud and noisey.

Venomous: "How could Yn be so cheerful when the place she lives in looks in bad shape?"

His hand tightened into a fist, looking down at her.

Venomous: "You don't have to live in a home like that anymore...I promise."

He wrapped an arm around her, kissing her forehead. He closed his eyes, hearing nothing but the sound of the engines purring, as he went back to sleep.

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