(ON HOLD) Being a Shinobi

By KuroiOozora

133K 4.2K 1.1K

[KHR x NARUTO] (SLOW UPDATE) Tsuna wasn't sure if life loved her that much or hate her that much to make her... More

1 - The Fall of The Sky
2 - Rebirth
3 - First Meeting Between Cousins
5 - Team Seven
6 - Hyuuga Kou
7 - Early Awakening
8 - Visitation
9 - Resolve, and The Fallen Genius
10 - The Academy
11 - Just Like Her Brother
12 - Team Nine
13 - Three More To Go
14 - First Ones Are Mostly Cursed
15 - Encounter
16 - Assistance
17 - Meet Again
18 - Bonds
19 - Identities
20 - Curiosity
21 - Back to the Village
22 - Interlude

4 - Uchiha Obito

8.6K 233 92
By KuroiOozora

4 - Uchiha Obito

= OOCs
= Wrong Grammars and Spellings


Flashback / Previously

"Oh. It's just that my brother is coming home tomorrow from a mission outside of the village! I am sure he wanted to see his new cousin very much when I told him about Sakuya-chan in a letter months ago!" Shisui grinned.


Upon reaching the village, "Okay, you three may leave and take a rest, while I'll go make a report. Take three days off before reporting to Hokage-sama's office at 8" Minato said, and his students nodded at him then they split ways.


Obito smiled at the baby again. "Just like Itachi is your nii-chan, I am Shisui's nii-chan" He grinned, which his grin became larger when his baby cousin giggled at him.

= 3rd Person's POV =

Sakuya had met many Uchihas when her brother, Itachi, and sometimes her current mother, Mikoto, carried her for a walk around the compound. So many blacks in the compound to the point Sakuya thought her vision was black and white until her eyes landed on the red colour on Uchiha clan symbol, and green colour on some of the adults' shinobi flak jackets.

On one of those days when Itachi, accompanied by Shisui, carried her around the compound. They met many young Uchihas, and Sakuya immediately knew why her brother and cousin weren't really fond of one of them.

It was early in the morning, not many Uchiha was walking around, except those who were patrolling the compound.

Itachi, who was carrying her, and Shisui were having a morning walk while talking to each other about Itachi skipping grade in the Shinobi Academy, and sometimes turned their attention to her, saying something about her becoming a great kunoichi one day, what she would look like in the future, what her expertise would hopefully be, at what age she would be allowed to get a boyfriend, then off to other non-ninja topics, before someone called them from behind.

"Oi, Itachi, Shisui, whatever you are holding, hand it over. Must be something you are too young to have anyway" Itachi and Shisui paused for a second when they heard the voice, which confused Sakuya when they immediately went silent, ignoring the demanding voice and kept walking ...a lot faster, but of course, the one who called ran and caught up to them.

"Oi, how dare you ignore me! I am older than you and you must obey me!" The boy, with a little messy black hair with short M-shape bangs and a pair of black eyes, glared at them, before his eyes landed on her, and snatched her away from Itachi's hold. "Hey!" Shisui growled while Itachi glared at the boy, which was ignored.

"Huh? Oh. You must be Itachi's younger brother. I am Uchiha Takeo. And since I am older, it means that you are below me. You must obey me when you are older, got it?" The boy told her, with a fake smile on his face.

Takeo glared when Shisui snatched her back and put her on Itachi's arm, before standing in front of the two of them, acting as a barrier. Both Shisui and Itachi were also glaring at the older Uchiha.

"She is Itachi's younger sister, Takeo" Shisui growled at Takeo, who narrowed his eyes at Shisui's tone towards him.

"Sister? So Obito was right?" Takeo murmured, he didn't look happy at him being wrong at all. Both Itachi and Shisui's eyes twitched when Takeo looked at them in pity. "Why are you looking at us like that?" Itachi asked.

'What's with that look, brat?' Sakuya thought as she stared at the eldest Uchiha with a blank expression.

"I pity you for getting a weak sibling, Itachi. Boys are way better because they are stronger than girls, except Obito. That idiot is weak and a dead last too. How is a weakling like that an Uchiha is beyond me" Takeo shook his head with a sigh.

"My sister is not weak!" Itachi shouted at him.

"My brother is not weak either!" Shisui also shouted at him.

"Keep telling that yourself. Bye" Takeo rolled his eyes, waving his hand while walking away from his glaring cousins.

Sakuya was still annoyed at that Takeo. She would definitely show him that she would be a lot stronger than him. Just to prove him that women were not weak!

Anyway, ignoring Takeo's existence, ever since Shisui mentioned about his older brother, Sakuya was curious about what the older brother looked like. Did he look like most of the other male Uchihas, so strict but sometimes showing their soft sides once in a while especially on fellow Uchihas, or just like her brother Itachi and cousin Shisui, kind, polite, and lots of smile in Shisui's case.

Sakuya was thinking about that for quite long, not that she had anything to do other than that, sitting up, rolling on her stomach, and cry, before a thought came to her. What if she tried to crawl? While normal babies were able to start crawling on their eighth month at least, she was not a normal baby.

Determination entered her eyes as she rolled on her stomach, trying to lift herself in a push-up manner. For few minutes, she tried to move her muscles, and first step, second step, third step, fourth step, fifth step...... Sakuya went and crawled out of her playroom. Well, it was Shisui's fault for not putting her in her crib and left the door open. Nope, not her fault at all for disappearing.

It was a good thing her playroom wasn't on the second floor, else she might run out of place to explore. Crawling past the kitchen, which Mikoto, Shisui, and Itachi missed her, she made it to the living room, and looked around, memorizing the place. Exploring by herself was better than being carried around after all because she couldn't really see anything as her vision wasn't fast enough to keep up with how fast her carrier walk yet so everything was mostly blurred.

The only places she remembered what they looked like were her playroom, her parents' room, where her crib was located, and her brother's room, which when she was there, the boy immediately shoved any sharp items (especially shinobi weapons) into his wardrobe. The same goes for Shisui's room whenever she and her brother went to his home. She wondered if their clothes were okay.

Satisfied in remembering what the living room looked like, she crawled away, exiting the living room at the same time as Shisui stepped in, though he went back to the kitchen again when Mikoto called him.

Ignoring that, Sakuya crawled again, and she blinked when she realized she crawled towards the front door. She looked around and managed to fit into the space between the shoe rack and umbrella rack with a huff. 'It's a good place to think properly without nii-san and Shisui-nii to bother me every second whenever I went silent' Sakuya sighed.

'Okay. .....Now that I think about it, I still don't understand why I was given a second chance? Reincarnation is supposed to be born again in the future, not the past' Sakuya thought, staring at the wall. '....And I miss my friends already'

While thinking about her new life, Sakuya blinked when she heard Shisui's scream. "Sakuya-chan is not in her playroom!!", then foot stomping around, and she heard her mother and brother called her.

"Sakuya, where did you go, sweetie?" Mikoto called her with a soft voice, but she could hear the panic in it.

"Sakuya!" "Sakuya-chan!" Itachi and Shisui called her at the same time, their panic voices were clear.

'You people are making me feel very guilty' Sakuya sweatdropped. 'How I wish I can start talking. And now I am tired from crawling around' She sighed at her own fault as she stared at the wall, feeling bad at making them worried before she felt someone at the door and knocking it for a few times.

"Sakuya-chan, please don't disappear on meee!" Shisui shouted, running around the house. "Is it because of me? It's me, isn't it? I am sorry for poking your cheeks! But in my defence, it was tempting .....very tempting actually"

"Sakuya sweetie!" Mikoto called.

"Sakuya, where are you?" Itachi called.

'....I am sorry for crawling away and I am over here' Sakuya sighed, didn't realize the door slid open as she kept staring at the wall before she felt someone was staring at him.

Sakuya turned around and saw a boy with short spiky black hair and a pair of black eyes with orange goggles over his headband staring at her. 'Huh? Who? But I can feel he's not a threat' She thought as she turned back, staring at the wall with a sigh.

"....Sakuya...-chan?" She blinked when a hesitant voice called her, and she turned around again, facing the boy before he slowly stepped closer and proceed to pick her up.

Sakuya stared at the boy for a while. His face looked familiar, then she tilted her head, hoping the boy understood what she was asking, but what she got was a bright smile and a grin, that reminded her of a happy Shisui. 'Eh. Shisui-nii?' Sakuya thought, as she still stared at him, which the boy finally realized that.

The boy walked, carrying her inside. "Hm... Do you know Shisui, Sakuya-chan?" He asked, which Sakuya nodded after making a thinking expression, she did wonder how he knew Shisui. 'Oh, who am I kidding. Every single one of the Uchihas practically knew each other' Sakuya inwardly rolled her eyes.

Sakuya blinked when the boy smiled at her again. "Just like Itachi is a nii-chan to you, I am Shisui's nii-chan" He grinned, which his grin became larger when she giggled at him. 'No wonder he reminds me of Shisui-nii'


Obito walked towards the living room where the uproar was located, Sakuya in his arms still staring at him as if trying to memorize his face or maybe trying to compare him with his younger brother, Shisui? 'Well, doesn't matter. What matter is calming the panicked people inside' Obito thought as he sweatdropped.

"Looking for someone?" Obito asked, immediately took the three people inside's attention before they widened their eyes when they saw the one they were looking for was with him.

"Sakuya!" Mikoto and Itachi called at the same time, as they rushed towards him and Mikoto took his baby cousin away, immediately fussing over the baby, searching for any injuries.

Shisui though approached him with a big smile, and he could see relief in his eyes. "Nii-san, you are back! How was the mission? Was this Kakashi guy bothering you again?" Shisui asked with a grin as he hugged his older brother, who hugged back with a laugh.

"Even though we had to fight a Jounin, while sensei took three, we are all fine! Just some scratches and bruises" Obito grinned, didn't want to mention that he and his teammates almost died if it weren't for their sensei took down his opponents and their screams distracted their Jounin opponent.

Obito then turned to Mikoto and Itachi, who was looking at him, baby Sakuya who was in her brother's arm was playing with said brother's hair before letting go to stare and blink questioningly at him when Obito turned his attention to her.

"Well, it seems like you already met Sakuya-chan, nii-san" Shisui grinned at his brother, who nodded. "Quite a troublemaker if she decided to disappear and hide from you. I found her at the front door, right beside the shoe rack" Obito laughed.

Mikoto chuckled. "Welcome back, Obito. And I never thought I will experience another panic attack like that again after Itachi pulled the same disappearing act on the second day he managed to crawl" Mikoto smiled, as she cared both her children's cheeks, which Itachi blushed at her words about him.

Mikoto froze for a moment though when she just realized what she just said, as she stared at her daughter. Her daughter had already been able to crawl in the middle of her fourth month? Itachi's first crawl was in the middle of his eighth month!

The three boys realized her paused, and wondered what had happened, as she stared at Sakuya, who tilted her head, stared questioningly at her mother.

"Kaa-san?" Itachi asked, making Mikoto snapped out of her thought, as she turned her attention to her eldest child. "Are you okay?" he continued, his two cousins were also staring questioningly at their aunt.

"Ah. No, it's just... Is it... Sakuya, did she..." She said, cutting her own sentences by herself. "Stay here. I am going to get something" Mikoto finally said it out without herself interrupting her own sentences and ran upstairs, leaving the confused boys behind.

The three looked at each other, wondering what had happened, and turned to look at Sakuya, back to each other again. 'What just happened?' The three thought at the same time before they saw Mikoto ran back, holding a camera. 'Huh?' They thought.

"Okay, Itachi, put Sakuya down" Mikoto said, as she readied her camera. Itachi stared at his mother questioningly but still complied as he put a confused Sakuya down in a sitting position facing their mother.

"Okay, Sakuya, come here, sweetie" Mikoto smiled, as Sakuya stared at the camera she was holding.

The boys finally understood what Mikoto was trying to do, even if Itachi was surprised at how fast his sister was able to crawl, as Sakuya after all did disappear all of sudden and hide at the front door. They never suspected abduction because Shisui, though not as strong as Obito's sensei or any other older ones, was also a sensor, he could detect someone easily especially those with large chakra pools and those filled with ill intention, but when she disappeared, he was too panic to remember he was actually one.

Sitting down, the boys were also encouraging Sakuya to go to Mikoto, who was taking a picture at the four of them, as she smiled at the cheering boys.

Sakuya the smiled at the sudden encouragement, and nodded, immediately went to all four, which Mikoto took a picture of that, again when her daughter crawled towards her.

Mikoto put down the camera when Sakuya reached her and picked her up. "You are a very fast learner, sweetie" She said as she kissed Sakuya's cheek, which the baby giggled at her, before she turned to the three staring boys, with a smile.

Sakuya waved her arms towards Obito, who pointed at himself with a blink. "Huh? Me?" Obito asked in surprised before he sweatdropped when he saw his brother and cousin staring at him with jealous pouts on their faces, not really visible on Itachi's face but it was there. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Mikoto laughed at the scene, as she passed her daughter toward Obito, who took her after he told them to stop pouting at him, which of course Itachi denied the accusation about him pouting. She picked the camera up again, and immediately took a picture of it.

A pouting Obito, holding his giggling baby cousin up high, asking why she chose him but not that he was not happy about it, surrounded by his pouting brother and cousin.

Mikoto smiled as she stared at them.

She hoped that peaceful time would last forever, especially for their clan.


Weeks had passed since Sakuya's first meeting with the un-Uchiha-like older cousin, Obito, and Sakuya had to admit, she quite liked the boy. Well, at least he didn't poke her cheeks whenever he got a chance, unlike his younger brother.

It was late in the afternoon when Sakuya was looking for her brother that she got to see many Uchihas spatting fires everywhere, which she heard "Katon - Goukakyuu no jutsu!" very often after coming out from the bushes on the lakeside in Uchiha Clan forest, aka Uchiha's training ground for their fire jutsus especially. She almost gave all the nearby Uchihas heart attacks when their blazing jutsus were so close to roasting her though.

Ignoring the heart attacks she almost caused them to have, seeing those fire, she knew one of the things her clan expertise in was fire. But that was why that fact made her eyes twitched and stared blankly at the confused Uchiha who picked her up from the grass.

Just what's with her and blazing things anyway?!

First, mafia associated with flames, now clan associated with fire, an expert in if she might add. Not many differences in flames and fire, just that this one wasn't named based on weathers and didn't has any other characteristics other than roasting someone ....and something in its path.

"Sakuya" A worried voice called her, snapping her out of her thought, and saw her brother walking towards her. Oh, seemed like she was right about her brother being here. She was really worried when she entered the forest while crawling to the direction of those many similar blue auras and her brother's blue aura was located.

"Just HOW did your sister get here anyway" The Uchiha carrying her, sweatdropped, which the boy shrugged his shoulder, and walked closer to take her.

Waving her arms towards her brother, Sakuya blinked when her brother and the Uchiha carrying her suddenly froze when she said "nii-cha". 'Why are they staring at me like-oooh.. I just said my first word!' Sakuya thought, as she grinned at her brother, and said "nii-cha" again.

Itachi was frozen when his sister said her first word. He couldn't explain how happy he was, especially when her first word was calling him! He shakily took his sister from the older Uchiha, who was equally frozen. Sakuya, after all, was still in her sixth month when she said her first word, where most infants were in between their eighth and twelfth month.

"Congratulations, Itachi! Most infants' first words are usually their mother, but here, you, the brother, are her first word" The older Uchiha smiled, patting his head. "Oh, I got to go back to my training now, bye" The Uchiha waved at them as he walked away, which the two of them waved back.

Itachi smiled at his sister, who giggled when he kissed her on her cheek. "Thank you, Sakuya" Itachi smiled, which the baby smiled back. "Let's go back and tell tou-chan and kaa-chan about this, maybe Shisui and Obito too if they are back, kay?" Itachi said, walking towards their home, as his sister nodded, replying him with an "un!"

Reaching the house, Itachi walked towards the kitchen and blinked when he saw his slightly panicked mother together with his calm father. Did something happen while he was gone?

"Tou-chan, kaa-chan" Itachi greeted.

"Ara, Itachi, welcome home. I see you found your sister" Mikoto smiled as she sighed in relieved, she had been searching for her missing daughter when Fugaku entered the house, and when she confronted that to him, her husband just told her to stay calm as he was sure their daughter was with their son.

Fugaku just nodded at him, though the parents did realize their son was happier than usual. They wondered what happened, but before either one of them could ask, their son opened his mouth and asked. "Tou-chan, kaa-chan, do you know what happened just now on the training ground?"

Both parents blinked at his question. Training ground? Why there with Sakuya, who was still a baby?

"Hm... I don't know, Itachi. Care to tell us?" Mikoto smiled at her son.

Itachi smiled softly, as he turned to his sister. "Show it tou-chan and kaa-chan, Sakuya?" He asked, which his sister nodded and said her first word happily. "Un! Nii-cha!"

"Her first word" Mikoto gasped, hands covering her mouth, while Fugaku widened his eyes, both immediately forgetting the training ground being brought up.

Fugaku chuckled as he stood up and took Sakuya from Itachi, and held her high. "That's my girl!" He exclaimed proudly, as his daughter giggled happily, making Mikoto and Itachi smiled at that.

Their ages:

Fugaku - 23
Mikoto - 22
Minato - 16
Kakashi / Obito / Rin - 11
Shisui - 8
Itachi - 5

Uchiha Takeo's appearance is base on Team Rocket Archer (or Apollo, they are the same person) from Pokemon. He only appeared in Pokemon Adventures (manga) and I think also appeared in the games.

Jutsus listed (including from the previous chapter) (alphabetical order):

(+) Jutsu name = used in the chapter

Doton - Arijigoku no Jutsu (Earth Style - Inescapable Hell / Antlion Technique)
Rank: C
Description: After forming the needed hand-seals, the user will create a conical crater below his opponent. This twisting, sinking pit will pull the target below ground like an antlion to imprison and suffocate them. The range of the pit is determined by how much chakra is put into the technique.

Doton - Retsudo Tenshou (Earth Style - Tearing Earth Turning Palm)
Rank: C
Description: This technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them alive or crushing them. This technique is capable of causing quite a bit of damage to the area. This technique is much more damaging if used in rocky mountainous areas, or inside a cave.

(+) Katon - Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Fire Style - Great Fireball Jutsu)
Rank: C
Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower(Obito did this during the Kannabi Bridge mission). The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface.

Katon - Housenka no Jutsu (Fire Style - Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)
Rank: C
Description: This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled individually with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

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