Sync - A Reylo Fan Fiction

By ElleRen31

230K 6.1K 5.8K

COMPLETE! Following the events of The Last Jedi, Rey and Kylo Ren continue to be connected through the Force... More

Tall, Dark, & Handsome
Strip That Down
Fields Of Gold
End Game
Cloud City
Invisible Touch
Shut Up and Dance
Here (In Your Arms)
Fire Escape
Never Enough
Supreme Leader
Feel It Still
Wild Things

I Believe In A Thing Called Love

9.4K 227 319
By ElleRen31

*brief mature content*

*briefly inspired by 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love' by The Darkness*

His hands on her face felt warm. His lips soft and wanting. He held her there, her hands pressed against his chest, feeling the quickening thump of his heartbeat.

What was even happening anymore? He was supposed to be her enemy. He wanted her friends dead. Her friends wanted him dead. But that was Kylo Ren. Not Ben. This was Ben. Hiding behind the dark persona he had created. Ben Solo wasn't dead. He was very much alive.

Rey allowed her hands to slide up his chest and across his broad shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let a hand inch its way in his tangle of dark hair. Her body rose into his as she pressed her lips back. He let down a hand, placing it at the small of her back. The other hand he let graze across her cheek as he wove his fingers into her hair and pulled her face closer.

She could feel herself get dizzy and started to stumble back. The kiss broke and Ben held her up by her waist.

Ben's mind was swimming with a million thoughts and Rey couldn't even concentrate on a single one. His brown eyes wide, almost in fear, perhaps in awe.

"Rey... I..." He started, but trailed off. He let go of her waist.

She blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I.... Better get back to the cruiser...." Ben said nervously.

"Mmmhmm." Rey said nodding and biting her lip, trying to hold back a shy smile.

Ben vanished, and Rey was left alone. She wrapped her arms around herself and sighed as she turned to stare across the vast Naboo plains.

Things just got a lot more complicated.


"Anakin's grandson just had his first kiss." Obi-Wan told Qui-Gon.

"How sweet." Qui-Gon said.

"So much for rebuilding the Jedi." Luke said, throwing his hands up in the air in desperation. "What do we do now?"

"Told you about the time I went to the beach, have I?" Yoda asked the group of Jedi.

"Not this story again." Luke said, rolling his eyes.


Rey walked down to the hangers to check on Finn, Poe, and Rose. Old battle droid transports were being gutted for their parts.

"Rey! Where ya been?" Poe said, waving to her from atop a pile of metal. She just blushed, thinking of where she had been. Poe grinned and hopped down.

"I'm glad you're here. Come see what we've built." He took her over to the center of the second hanger. A series of computers had been constructed using some holo screens recovered from the transports.

"We haven't gotten the communication up yet. Rose is working on that right now." He looked up at the ceiling where Rose was dangling dangerously from a harness as she was rigging up some metal and wires.

"REY!!!! HEY!!!!" Rose said, wildly waving at her, causing the harness to sway.

"Rose! Be careful!" Finn said, as he pulled back on the wire supporting her harness.

"Sorry Finn! Hi Rey!!! I'll be right down." Rose said. She flipped down a mask to cover her face as she ignited a metallic torch. Sparks shot out as Rose welded a satellite to the top of the hanger. A few more sparks later, she gave Finn a thumbs up sign and he slowly lowered her back to the floor.

"We are good to go!" She announced. "Fire it up!"

Connix flipped on a large generator and slowly the hue of the computer screens buzzed to life.

"All systems operational." Connix reported. Cheers erupted in the hanger.

Leia entered the hanger, flanked by C3-PO and R2-D2.

"Send out another distress signal." Leia ordered. "Let them know the Resistance still stands."

"Yes General." Connix said. She and two other commanders grabbed for headsets and started typing away.

R2 whistled and beeped.

"I know R2 - this certainly is exciting!" C3-PO replied. R2 made his way over to Rey and gave a long, low beep.

Rey smiled at the droid.

"I know. I miss him too." She said, giving a quick rub to his head. His lights blinked and he whistled at the attention. Leia came over to join them.

"How is your training going, Rey?" Leia asked her.

"It's coming along." She answered, trying her best to block any lingering thoughts about Ben.

"I'm glad to hear it." Leia said. She took one of Rey's hands and gave it a quick squeeze.

"Stay strong dear." She told her. Rey just nodded. Leia let go of her hand and went over to monitor the computers.

"Hey Rey, are you going to stay for dinner?" Finn asked, coming over with Rose.

"I suppose I can. Beats another night of fish back at the Falcon." She said. "What's on the menu?"

"Fish." Rose and Finn replied at the same time. They all laughed.

The Queen had supplied the Resistance with a variety of fresh foods and local cuisine. It seemed they were eating better here at the hangers than she was back at the Falcon. She would have to join her friends for dinner more often.

"What's new Rey?" Poe asked, causing Rey to choke on her food. Rose quickly patted Rey's back.

"Just.... *cough* Training." She said, taking a sip of water. Poe nodded.

"For the best anyways. The First Order has been awfully quiet this last week."

"They'll be coming soon. General Hux isn't one to back down easily." Finn said.

"Yeah, and that git Kylo Ren too." Poe added.

"He's not that bad." Rey said. Her friends stopped eating and just stared at her. Rose dropped her fork with a clatter.

"Rey, he has tried to kill all of us at least once."

"Twice for me." Poe said, raising a hand.

"I said 'at least'." Finn said to Poe. He turned back to Rey.

"He killed Han Solo. He tried to kill Luke. He isn't a good person Rey." Finn said, his eyebrows furrowing.

"That's Kylo Ren. It's Ben that's not so bad." She said. Rose just looked confused.

"Rey." Poe said, his voice getting soft and serious. "Ben Solo is dead. No one ever mentions Ben around Leia."

"But she mentioned him to me once." Rey said. Poe blinked in surprise, and then frowned.

"If the General wishes to speak of him, that is on her. But as far as the Resistance is concerned. He is as good as dead." He went back to his fish, tearing at it angrily.

It was quiet for a few more moments, save for the sound of eating. Rey stood up, bumping the table and nearly knocking over drinks. She didn't apologize, she just went outside. She needed to be alone.

Rey leaned against the entrance to the hanger, watching a group of Shaak run by in the fields across the way.

"Rey?" came Rose's curious voice from behind her.

Rey turned her head.

"Hey Rose." she said.

"Rey, if you say Ben is alive...... I believe you." She said.

"Really?" Rey asked. Rose nodded.

"I mean, you've encountered Kylo Ren more than any of us. If you can sense that Ben is still alive, I believe you."

Rey gave her a small smile.

"Thanks Rose."

"I don't think I'd like to meet Kylo Ren, but I wouldn't mind meeting Ben." Rose said, stepping closer to Rey. Rey looked down and smiled to herself.

"He has his moments." Rey said, looking back across the fields. Rose studied Rey's face, and smiled.

They were interrupted by a series of beeping noises coming from the computer console in the adjoining hanger.

"Where is the General?" Poe shouted as everyone ran towards to the computers.

"What? What is it?" Rey asked Rose. Her face was beaming.

"Someone's replied to our distress signal!" She said and the two raced to join the others.


Ben exited the throne room, the doors swinging open forcefully and knocking one of the guards over. He strode - swaggered really - down the hallway. His body felt as it was on fire. His lips were still warm, her touch lingering on the back of his neck. And then like an ass, all he said was that he had to get back to his cruiser. She hadn't seemed phased by it, but he still wished he had said something better to her. But what does the Supreme Leader of the First Order say to the woman his entire fleet is trying to murder after you've just kissed?

He felt the need for some.... He hated to think it, advice. Woman advice. And the only person on the ship he could think to seek out for it was unfortunately Hux.

He made his way to one of the upper floors of the ship, where Hux had his quarters. Ben sensed the hesitation of the guard but he stepped aside and let Ben in anyways .

Ben stopped in his tracks. He already wasn't happy about coming to see Hux, but the sight of a random trooper pleasuring Hux between his legs as he sat in his armchair was just as unsettling.

"Supreme Leader." Hux said, extremely calm, clearly not phased by the interruption. "Good evening."

Ben tried not to look and cleared his throat.

"May we talk in private?" Ben asked pointedly. Hux twitched his hand and the woman stopped. He situated himself as she stood up.

"Shall I return later, Armie?" she asked.

"I'll fetch for you later." He said, shooing her away. Ben stepped about three feet to the side to allow the trooper to leave the room. Hux smirked.

"Is this an urgent matter Supreme Leader?" Hux said.

"You do this often?" Ben asked, choosing to stay standing.

"I told you the cure to insomnia is a hard drink and women. Would you like to borrow her?" Hux asked as if she was his property. Ben ignored the question.

"Speaking of.... *ahem* Women...." Ben said. Hux leaned forward in his chair.

"Go on..." He purred, obviously interested.

"How.... Err..." Ben stuttered, trying to find the words. Hux was obviously pleased at this.

"How to pleasure a woman?"

"No no no! No. NO. I'm not an idiot." Ben said.

"Then what?" Hux said, sitting back in his seat.

"How.... Do you..... Talk.... To women."

Ben felt a brush at the side of his leg. Millicent was sniffing around his boots again.

"You use words, Ren. Really? You interrupted my night for this? Come here, Millie." Hux said, calling for Millicent. She scurried over to Hux.

"I mean.... If you have.... Feelings." Ben said. Hux began to laugh.

"Oh, Ren. Men like us don't have feelings for women."

Ben frowned.

"I take charge and I get what I want when it comes to women. You obviously have failed Supreme Leader Snoke if you are being tempted by feelings for a woman. Is it Herrera?" Hux inquired.

Ben shook his head.

"Pity." Hux said, reaching down and petting Millicent.

"If I were you, Supreme Leader, I'd reflect on Snokes training. There is no time for 'feelings' at a time like this."

Ben nodded.

"The next wave of troopers will be ready in the morning. Your focus should be on them and taking down the Resistance." Hux continued.

"I'll see you at 8 am then." Ben told him before turning around and exiting the suite.

As he approached his own room, Captain Herrera and one of the officers from the main deck met him.

"Supreme Leader, you're needed on the command bridge immediately." Herrera said. Ben followed the two to the deck where there was a buzz amongst the Comlink operators.

"Supreme Leader." said Commander Thanisson, said, giving a nod of his head to Ben. "We have spotted an outgoing message." He said, indicating a blinking red dot on the main holo projector.

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