
By Cerberous10

3.2K 114 54

(Sequel to Winter) It had been a year since anyone had found her after the betrayal. Now Raptor finds herself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23


486 11 2
By Cerberous10

She could feel it. Feel him fade from existence. The last thing holding her trapped was finally gone. It was time to set out and get revenge on what that man- Allfather as he called himself- did to her. No one trapped Hela and got away with it. Now with Odin dead she was free to leave Helheim and wreck havoc on all of Asgard. They would bend the knee and kneel to her or they would die!

Hela gave a twisted smirk as the light faded from around her to reveal an oceanic view on Midgard where Odin had died. Standing there were two figures most would not expect to be together- though most also thought the hammer wielding one to be dead, which unfortunately wasn't the case just yet. Their gazes turned to her immediately and she started sauntering over in their direction. Her father, Loki, looked terrified despite his excellent attempts to hide it. He would've fooled anyone else... but she knew he was afraid to get on her bad side. Her smirk widened as she finally came to a stop, still a good distance away from them.

"Hello, Father... Uncle." Hela watched Thor carefully as he drew back his hammer and threw it straight at her. Well, at least he wasn't stupid enough to think she was on their side.

The would-be attack was over in a matter of seconds. She merely raised her hand and stopped Mjolnir in its tracks before it could even touch her; a moment later it broke like it was made of glass and crumbled to the ground at her feet. Hela looked back at them unfazed. "Now is that any way to treat family?"

"Go back to your own realm, Hela." Loki spoke up, though she could see he was slipping out one of his hidden knives in preparation for a fight... Like that could stop her. She was the goddess of death!

"I have been trapped there since I was born! Do you really expect me to just pass up the opportunity of my new freedom to stay there? I hated that place! Now, with Odin gone and no one ruling Asgard, it's my turn to take the throne. Through force or cooperation will be entirely up to the people but anyone who stands in my way will pay the price. Even you so don't even try getting out of this like Odin would have."

"Gahh!" Thor clenched his fists in rage. "You will never take Asgard!"

Loki's reaction to her speech was quite the opposite of his adoptive brother's. He backed away quickly, seeing her own obsidian blades forming in her open palms, and shouted up at the sky. "Take us back!"

Perfect. They were even going to give her a ride back. They were both fools, weak fools. She stayed back as they retreated, waiting until the bifrost's light was beaming down before lunging forward. Hela knew they would never obey her rule, especially Thor; therefore she'd just kill them when they couldn't escape. This time they would both stay dead. No more tricks, or rescues, or mercy. Just death. It was just a shame she hadn't been able to watch Odin die...

No matter. She would be able to see countless more die soon, which meant there wasn't any reason to think anymore on past regrets. The colors making up the bifrost were soon a blur around her as she was taken upward, closer to the two targets that had thought they could escape her this way. They would find out how wrong they were and soon Asgard would be kneeling at her feet... and after them would come the rest of the realms. Loki was the first one she caught. He whipped his head back as she pulled him down closer by the ankle before forming a dagger in her hand to stab him with. Her father was fast however and parried the first attack with his own dagger but it wasn't going to be enough to stop her. Soon after she managed to kick him out of the bifrost's beam and to his death. Sure, he had survived once after an accident with the bifrost but this time he couldn't be that lucky right? Even if Loki weren't dead already wherever he ended up would see he was dead soon enough be it by his enemies or lack of livability. Her father was going to die... Thor was going to be close behind too.

"Loki!" Thor's shout was followed by an attack at her but Hela merely smiled and turned to the side to avoid the kick.

She laughed but it was void of anything that one could call joy. Menacing couldn't describe it either. It was just a dead laugh; simple as that. Her dagger disappeared and a necrosword shot out of her body and at the god of thunder. Thor barely managed to avoid certain death but despite the initial failure of her attack it did give her time to throw him out as well; sending her 'uncle' into whatever was outside the bifrost at that moment.

Hela stared back up. It wouldn't be long now. She could already tell Asgard was just a few more seconds away. Soon her plan would be set in motion... Everyone would kneel before her.     

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