Living with the Badboy🌹 l (B...

Bởi mals64

1.2M 44.4K 33.5K

The story is about Malia and Liam. Malia is African (Sudanese) and Liam is White. Xem Thêm

•16 l Other's POV included
Author's Note l Please Read
•17 l Update
Long Or Short chapters?!
create your characters
i'm back
·27 /Picnic Hangout
100k 💚💚💚
·30 Awaited Chapter
dancing with him
colourful days
no longer a secret
· home sweet home
Jalia Movie Nite
future Q&A
New Story: Sequel

Surprise Amor

12.6K 481 422
Bởi mals64

This chapter was suppose to be published yesterday night but, something was wrong with my Wattpad acc. Wattpad has been annoying the crap out of me lately. Pull it together! Anyways, I have to go to school literally right now! Enjoy

Malia's POV:

"Ok so let me get this straight. You knew damn' well that I liked James since the beginning of our trip in L.A. and you knew that I wanted to be close with him. Instead of being a good friend,you decided to kiss him anyways. Not only that but, instead of apologizing immediately after your poor decision you though it's cool to show up at the house and expect forgiveness." I scoff. "Unbelievable."

I can't believe she had the audacity to do this. She should have thought to apologize to me as soon as I came home that day. She don't know the pain i've tried to hide from everyone because, of the stupid scene.

"I-I" she stutters and then she sighs in defeat. She lowers her head in guilt and her now straight strawberry blonde hair covers her face. "I'm sorry ok?" she utters softly.

I sigh. "And i'm sorry."

She looks up and give a dumbfounded expression. "What are you sorry for? You didn't even do anything."

"Oh, i'm not apologizing to you. I'm sorry to myself for choosing to listen to your weak apology. Have a good day and hope you don't ruin other people's relationship." I give her the unreal smile and swing the door in her direction but, her foot stopped the door from shutting.

If this girl don't take her dirty ass Birkenstocks away from the door...

I fold my arms ,sighed and closed my eyes. "Claudia,please take your foot out the door. I've already heard your apology and i'm not ready to forgive you so would you please take your foot out the door?"

All I could hear was the sounds of the bird chirping, abd the cars driving or honking on the street. We were both quiet for a few moments until I hear her say "no."

I closed my eyes praying to God that I don't break her neck because, if I do I might just end up going to jail for assaulting this girl. I exhale deeply. "I'm going to say this only once.. and after I count to three, I want to see you gone..disappear..nowhere around this premises."

"And if I'm not?" she asks boldly. I didn't have to open my eyes to know that she's raising her eyebrows, folding her arms, and tipping her head up as if she's tough and fearless.

I open my eyes taken aback by her comment. "Don't test me," I warn her raising my pointing finger upwards "Cause, that's the last thing you'd want to happen. You want your ass forgiven and talking back to me is not going to cut it. Now I suggest you to shut your mouth and take those legs to where ever you came from and if I see your presence after 0," I chuckle. "Let's just say it won't end w-"

"Who the hell are you talking to?"I look back and it was Asshole biting into an apple with a confused expression on his face. How dare he interrupt me from finishing one more word..

"How dare you interrupt me from saying one more word to her." I said pissed off.

He rolls his eyes. "What? It's not like every word that comes from your mouth matters."

Claudia gapes and puts her hands on her mouth surprised by his comment. "Oh my gosh."

"Shut up, you were suppose to leave by now." I tell her snarling. "And hey!" I yell offended by his comment. I really though he would change this time..or be less rude.

"Chill, I was just joking around. But, I do prefer when both our lips move but, we're not talking." he winks afterwards and grins.

"This girl you know." I sigh.

"Is it Katherine?" he asks groaning. "She hasn't stopped texting me for the whole month and i'm starting to wonder when she'll give up."

"It's not her."

He walks to the front of the door puzzled but, when he sees her he clenches his jaw and grits his teeth. "What the hell are you doing here?"

She looked anxious. "I-I was trying to apologize to her for what I did?" she answered which sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Do you want her here?" he asks me and I respond to him by shaking my head no while glaring at her.

"You heard it from her. I don't care whether you spent your time to straighten that nice red hair of yours, a minute to take a shower, or spent two hours deciding on what to wear but,I want you to drive back home. I don't know what you did to seduce James but, I don't want that to happen to me so have a good day."

It appeared as if she want to fight some words back at him but, something took her aback. I no longer looked at her like a good friend but, an idiot and backstabber. I can't believe she had the audacity to run between the relationship that James and I were beginning to have. He seemed sweet and caring. Fake people just aren't worth my time.

Depressed she softly says ok and then, she walks away from the door.

Deep down I felt bad for her but, I remember to keep strong and let her go. Things happen for reason and one day there will be someone more special than the both of them. I just have to figure it out soon.

"Wait Claudia,"he calls her which caused her to swing her head around. I can see her face glint with hope. "I just wanted to apologize to you for saying.."

"Yeah?" Claudia asks now beaming as I was shocked. He's going to apologize for confronting her when he knew that what she did was not necessary?

" that your hair looked nice. I mean let's be honest right now, it makes your nose look bigger and it makes your head look like a peanut. I hope you get heat damage."

Before I could see her reaction, he slams the door on her face.

"Really? Heat damage?" I ask him.

He grins. "What, it's funny. I mean come on, you wouldn't like if someone wished for your hair to have heat damage. She had to spend a lot of time to make that hair straight and heat damage would be the last thing she'd want. That comment's going to ruin her whole day."

He jumps in the black leather couch and grabs the remote from the coffee table. Now that I think about it does sound cruel.

"You're evil."

He chuckles. "Evil's my middle name."

"No, it's not!" a high pitched voice yelled which startled the both of us. We look back to see Adam with just his black shorts and a white sock on.

"R-r-remember one day when we were at the park Liam? You pushed me in the swings and you said that your name was Krist-"

"Shut the fuck up Adam! I thought you would forget that shit by now."

"Oooh, you have a potty mouth. Mom says that it's not good." he says pointing at him. Then he starts running. "Mom!"

"No Adam wait." he yells and then starts running after him.
"Thanks to you Adam, mom made me clean the whole bathroom and her room. When are you gonna stop be a f- freaking snitch." he says sitting next to me in the couch. He puts his hands in my shoulder and when I looked at him with my brows raised he smirks. He smelled like Windex and bleach.
I take his hand out of my shoulder as if it was a dead mouse and watch the television.

Adam shrugs. "You know what mommy says. Potty words are not good and, if I hear the word I should tell her."

"Tell my ass." he mumbles under his breath quiet enough for Adam to not hear.

I grab and eat the handful of buttered popcorn from the black bowl. Adam and I decided to microwave the popcorn after I declined going outside to the yard or park. I reminded Adam that he could wait until his brother's finished with cleaning so, he can plead to him instead.

"Can I go to the park Liam?" Adam asks.

He scoffs. "After you snitched to mom about what I said, you want me to take you to the park like nothing happened? No thanks."

Adam drops the popcorn in the floor in anger and gets up from the couch exhaling aggressively. Asshole and I looked at Adam as he continues to exhale like a mad man.

"Are you alright Adam?" I asked him.

"No! Both of you don't wanna go to the park with me." he yells and then began to jump in the couch.

"I wanna go to the park!I wanna go to the park!"I wanna go to the park!" he yelled in a tantrum manner while jumping up and down the chair like a ludacris.

Each time Adam shouted those same words, it ticked Asshole off. I watched as he stared at his brother like a predator and as his nose flare in anger. It appeared as if he will explode any second.

"Adam can you please quit yelling and jumping in the couch?" I ask politely.
I'm not in the mood to go outside at all so, unless his brother wants to go outside with him to the park, he's out of luck until Jaimee comes back in a few hours.

"No! "I wanna go to the park!"I wanna go to the park!I wanna go to the park!

"Shut the hell up! I'll go to the damn' park with you." Asshole shouted annoyed.

Adam suddenly quits yelling and smiles as if he wasn't just yelling like a maniac five seconds ago. He sits; his legs were criss crossed on the couch. "Okay."

"After you get up and clean the mess you just made after you shouted as of you were on some drugs."

Adam tilts his head and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are drugs?"

Asshole gets up. "Something you do to have fun." he claps his hands. "Now get up and clean up the mess bro."

Adam whimpers but obeys him by, sliding his small framed body down from the couch and slowly walking to the messy area on the wooden floor. He piles the popcorn into a huge pile and picked it up one by one.

"You're going to be a bad dad." I tell him.

He scoff. "Excuse me but, i'll be the best father ever."

I roll my eyes. "Okay." I reply with sarcasm.

"I'm for real." he says.

"I said ok." I reminded him. I threw popcorn up in the air, catching it with my mouth. I grin satisfied by my accomplishment. "But, your mind still says no."

Asshole walks and sits next to me. "Have you ever wondered what we would be like as a married couple.?" he asked out of nowhere. I scanned his face and he looked curious and serious.

I almost choked on my popcorn by the unsudden question. "Noo..have you?"

"Not until now..what do you think their name would be?"

"I'm not sure if he's fooling around and being the same boy whose a pain the ass or if he's actually serious but, it's creeping me out. "I think their names will be I Don't Even Think Will Marry Each Other So, I Don't Even Know."

"That's a lot of kids you want." he jokes which made me roll my eyes. "But, I think the girl's name would be Lia."

At first I was confused but, then I realized that we both have the letters on our names. "Clever."

"Thanks." he beams. "When do you think we'll get married?"

I almost choked again. "Why are you asking me these weird questions? Last time I checked, you weren't even dating me."

He nods his head agreeing with me but, the smile still never faded away from his handsome face. "And we're still not dating. But very soon both of our relationship status will change."

I don't know what to say. Is he sating that we'll be dating each other very soon or if we'll be taken by other people. I'm assuming the first idea. I wonder if he actually likes me or if he's teasing me. Am I even his ideal type? Compared to his evil ex and myself we're nothing alike. The thought made me sad. I just ignored him.

"Where do I put all these popcorn Liam?" Adam asks.

"In the trash..where it's always been."

Adam slaps his forehead and smiled goofily. "Oh yeaah!" he then scoops the popcorn in his small hands walking to the kitchen.

"You still haven't gone outside?"

I ignore him and watched the Maybelline Ad on the screen hoping he ceased with topic. The reason Why I've been avoiding outside is because, I don't have any motivation to go. I also get fear thinking that James would find me and trying to chat with me, which I'm not trying to have. He texted me so such that I had to block him.

"I know you've been avoiding it but,I'll help you go outside and feel better."

"It's a goal. Not a fact."

"What's the difference if it sounds good?"


I was interrupted when his phone rung. When he looked at the caller ID he smiles.
"Hello Ms..G" he looked at me alarmed as if he just remembered I was sitting next to him. "Gerald."
I hear someone mumbling something through the phone and it sounded like a female. Asshole gets up and leaves me in the couch by myself.

"Oh you did today? That's great news." he says smiling walking our of the living room leaving me by myself. Who was that on the phone?

You better have a fucking food reason for taking me to the.." I look around the place bewildered. People were strolling with their luggages, eating in the benches, families running, and people speaking to an airport receptionist. "An airport?!"

I was in the middle of napping in the living room couch when I felt strong arms picking me up. When I opened my eyes I was curious at whether i'm still sleeping or living in reality. But then it struck me that someone had put a blindfold on me. When I tried to run free by using my arms it was chained up by something metallic. I screamed but, it didn't seem to faze him. I was thrown in the car and had to wonder if I was being killed until Asshole decided to take it out in the airport. The weird thing is that people didn't do anything about it.


He just smiles. "Turn around."

"Why? So you can kidnap me again? No, that is not going to happen again. You better tell me why you decided to do what you did right now or i'll-"

I was interrupted because, he pressed his point finger on my lips indicating me to shut up. He moves his lips towards my ears and whispered "Turn around."

I huff but, do as he tells me. What I saw shocked me. It can't be. It's not the day yet. She had long goddess braids and was wearing a navy blue and white knit to woven collared top, white skinny jeans, and black low wedge sandals. Her dark skin was glowing and her smile was vibrant that it could blind anyone.



Thus is random as hell but, my ass is going to turn seventeen on Monday (2/12) sorry i'm just mad excited if you couldn't already tell

Did you like this chapter?
To be continued x

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