Playing Criminal

By BraveNewWriter

1.1M 34.2K 3.7K

Looks can be deceiving. Ally has a 4.7 G.P.A and is en route for an Ivy League. And, while dressed up in ski... More

2 -Do the crime, Do the time
3 - Warm Welcomes
4 -Scabs
5- Compromising Situations
6 - Cake, Vodka and Schizophrenics
7- Playing Drunk
8 -Hungover
9- Heat
10 - The Best Feeling in the World
11- Boxers, not Briefs
12 - Smack Dat
13 - Deals
14 - Twenty Minutes
15 - Bobo the Bunny
16 - Confused
17 - Hard Deals
18- Going Under
19 - Runaways
20- Realities
21- Delinquents
22 - Life on the Wanted List
23 - Night Hikes
24 - The Parentals
25 - Pancake Problems
26- Skinny Dipping
27 - The Unromantic
28- Epic Escape Time
29- Doing the "right" thing?
30- Troublemaking Zombies
31- Caught
32 - (Un)Comfortable
33 - Bonnie and Clyde
34- Awkward...
35- Feel the Burn
36- Playing Spy
37 - Playing Romantic
38 - Bonnie and Clyde Go Dancing
39 - Playing Nice
40- We Can't Stop
41 - Old Friends Become New...
42 - We're Getting Married
43- Traitor or Trustworthy?
44- Guys Suck
45- Welcome to the Family
46 - Derek
47 - Life
48- Ready to Deal?
49 - Suits
50 - Missed
51- Okay
52 -Stats
53- Let's Be Free

Playing Criminal

104K 1.2K 214
By BraveNewWriter

WARNING: This story starts off with a lot of cursing. If you are uncomfortable with this kind of language, then don't read. It's as simple as that. I promise that all cursing is only used to set the setting and to keep up with the realism of the story given the nature of the characters. aka. It has a purpose. Please be forewarned that there are also references to drugs, violence, alcohol and a variety of other things that are unsuitable for young minds.

I want to state that I do in no way shape or form support drugs. *HUGS NOT DRUGS* everyone. But, as before, it's important to the story and will not be taken out.

And, as a side note, all content in this story and any story I post on this site is of my own creation and copyrighted to ME and me alone.

So, please sit back, pick up a bag of popcorn, kick your feet up and enjoy...

Playing Criminal...

I fumbled with the lighter in my hands. “Fuck this shit,” I grumbled, looking out the window quickly to make sure no one was around. The parking lot was empty; the only source of movement the wind blowing through the leaves of the trees, making a few deadened leaves fall in slow-motion onto the cement. My shoulders visibly relaxed, making my best friend, Caden chuckle lowly under his breath.

I scowled, returning to my task. Finally, after almost burning my finger, I got the damned thing to light. Bringing the small flame to the crushed, dried green leaves, I inhaled deeply, the strong, addictive odor filling my lungs.

I sighed; I’d been looking forward to this all fucking day. Fuck school. This was so much better than sixth period.

I giggled as a blast of euphoria hit me, and passed the pipe to Caden.

Soon enough the windows of the car were clouded with smoke. I breathed in deeply through my nose, each breath equally intoxicating. I placed my hand on the window and watched as it left a ghost of an impression on the glass.

I sighed. “This is some good shit, Caden. Where’d you dig it up?”

“Yeah – it’s prescription. My Uncle got it for me.”

“Well you have some damned good Uncle,” I giggled again as I began feeling the high taking over me. Damn it had been way too long.

Closing my eyes, I leaned back into my seat, soaking up the slight spinning sensation, the way my body tingled all over in a way that assured me everything was right in the world.

I opened my eyes after a few minutes, ready to take another hit and noticed Caden hunched over the pipe as he began to fill another bowl.

Without hesitation, I burst out laughing. “You look like a hunchback…because…because your back is hunched.” I explained. Oh my God. Hunchbacks.

“Of course I do, babe,” He rolled his eyes, as he lit the lighter. When he exhaled, a smoke dragon left his mouth, billowing about as it flew across the car.

“My turn,” I whined, reaching out for it eagerly, the weed making me more impatient and needy than usual. I just needed another hit.

“God you’re so annoying when you’re high,” Caden groaned. I rolled my eyes back at him as I cradled the pipe in my hands.

As I breathed in again, the sound of a helicopter loudly rumbled overhead. I jerked and broke away coughing at the burning sensation in my throat. My eyes went wide; my heart rate accelerated.

Caden smirked and waggled his fingers at me. “The cops are out there. They know what you’re doing.”

I inched further back into my seat and wrapped my arms around my knees. Shaking my head, I yelled, “No – you’re lying. They don’t!” Terror gripped me by my non-existent balls, until all I could think about was the dread of being caught.

“Would I lie to you Al?” He smirked.

I moaned and buried my head into my knees. “Don’t say that. It’s not nice. My parents would kill me if they found out.” My parents…

“Ooh scary,” he scoffed. “Don’t be such a worrywart. Fucking paranoid, that’s what you are.”

“Well fuck you,” I crossed my arms and sniffled, telling myself it was just the weed talking. “Did you bring the cookies?”

“Chips ahoy at your service.” He grinned as he tossed over the bag.

I ripped the packaging open with my teeth. “God these taste so good.” I mumbled as I crammed a few in my mouth at one time.

As I was munching down, I glanced into the side mirror, unable to keep still, and almost choked, my heart fluttering as I saw the corner of a car pulling into the old parking lot. And not just any car.

“Shit, Caden.” I knocked the pipe in his hand to the ground and snatched the unlit lighter away, “There’s a cop.”

“Fuck,” he muttered, “Where’s the Febreze?”

“Here,” I handed him the bottle which he sprayed around the car.

I glanced out the window to see the cop had pulled in a couple of spots away. My heart pounded against my chest, and my palms became sweaty. The air in here was too clouded. Shit.

“Hey, I’m going to go and air out. The wind is blowing the opposite direction…I think.” I glanced outside, watching the way the tree branches moved. They looked like they were leaning away from the cop car, I reasoned, biting my lip. “I’d crack the window. You know, it might be good just…just in case…airing out and all.”

“Just be cool and don’t be paranoid. Nothing’s going to happen, Al.” He muttered as he stowed all the stuff in a thin plastic container before shoving it under the seat. “If you keep this up I’m not taking you out again.”

I frowned. “Hey, don’t blame me. You’ve met my parents.”

He rolled his eyes. “If only they knew all the things you’ve been up to in the last couple of years.”

I grinned mischievously. “We and the gang have had some good times.”

“See, it’s just the weed talking. Get some air and come back in. It’s flippin 4/20 – of course the cops are gonna be out patrolling.”

As I stepped outside, I shivered at the drop in temperature and clutched Caden’s leather jacket closer around my body. I leaned back against the beat-up old Lexus, sliding my sunglasses over my eyes before I scanned the parking lot. My eyes automatically drifted to the cop sitting in his patrol car a couple of spots away.

He was glancing toward the Lexus, his mouth pressed up against a walkie talkie. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling that illogical burst of fear rise up again. We had to get out of here.

“Hey I think it’s time for us to skedaddle,” I stepped back into the car and scrunched my nose, noting how rank it still smelled. If that cop came over, we were dead.

“Al I’m not driving high. Do you know how much worse that would be?”

I sighed, settling myself into my seat, and leaned my head against the cool pane of the window. Hurry up cop. Just get away from here and leave us alone.

Each second ticked by like an hour. Weed always messed with my sense of time, but this was ridiculous.

But then it was as if my brain switched gears. Rather than hyperactive, I was mellow as could be. It was easy for me to just let myself zone out in silence as I watched the time tick by.

However after ten minutes passed, I lost patience as the fear returned, “Hey Mr. Genius why hasn’t he left already?”

“I don’t know,” Caden’s brows creased in worry as he glanced over to the cop.

“Well then I think it’s time to hightail it out of here.” I don’t care what anyone says – cops just don’t go and sit in an abandoned parking lot for fuckin twenty minutes.

He sighed, “I told you Al, I’m not driving high.”

“Then screw it. I’ll drive.” I scooted over into his seat and onto his lap.

He didn’t budge. “You’re just as high as I am. No way in hell.”

“Come on I’ve done it before.” I rolled my eyes, before smirking at him. “Besides, I’m always the better driver.”

“No,” he frowned as his mouth pulled down into a frown.

I remained where I was, arms crossed, as Caden gave me a bunch of bullshit about how dangerous it was to drive high. Blah, blah, blah.

“Don’t you understand how dangerous it would be to get caught?” I cried out, exasperated that he didn’t understand. He knew me, knew my parents. He knew getting caught would mean the end of my world.

Why couldn’t he just get it?

Just then, another cop car pulled into the lot and my heart was seized by panic.

“Caden…” I mumbled, scared shitless. We exchanged a worried look.

“Crap,” he cursed under his breath as he balled his hands up in fists.

I narrowed my eyes, determined. “That’s it Caden- give me the keys – I’m driving.”

“Not yet,” he pushed me off of him gently.

That was when I saw both cops get out of their cars, slamming their doors shut behind them.

“No, now,” I shouted as they came close. I spotted the glint of keys on the floor and snatched them up, pushing off Caden’s attempts to restrain me.

“Ali,” he warned as I gripped my hand around the key.

“Shove off,” I grumbled as I tried to push him aside.

He didn’t budge, so I sat on him instead and turned the keys in the ignition, letting the car rumble to life under my guidance.

I glanced in the mirrors and saw that the cops were running toward us now. Idiots, I scoffed. I pulled out of there like there was no tomorrow. However it was only a few seconds later that flashing lights and sirens pulled in behind us. Too close behind us.

“MOVE or I’ll crash this fucking car,” I screamed at Caden who was making driving even more difficult than necessary. Sitting on him and without a seatbelt was way too unsteady- especially for my still-high mind and reflexes. I didn’t dare accelerate more with such little control.

Thankfully he listened and slid out from under me.

Once seated solidly, I slammed my foot on the accelerator without hesitation, thankful that traffic was light. Even so, a plethora of horns followed our path. I cut off one guy going through the intersection and he flipped me off. I shot him the bird in return. Fucker. Didn’t he see I was in a hurry?

“You’re crazy.” Caden grumbled after the close call.

I paid him no attention; crazy or not, I was going to get us out of this mess.

I glanced behind me and my eyes lighted up with laughter. That same guy I had almost hit had managed to swing into the path of the oncoming cop cars. Bingo.

I sped up, confident I’d be able to gain more ground as we sped through residential neighborhoods. It would take at least a couple more minutes before they got another set of coppers on my tail.

But at I continued on, I knew that my driving was off. The high was slowing my reflexes. Maybe I shouldn’t be driving. I bit my lip.

“Watch out!”

My eyes widened as I swerved away from the curb that I was about to hit.

“Shit,” I muttered under my breath, being sure to now focus all my attention on the road. No more getting lost in thought. My hands trembled against the wheel as I nudged the car up to fifty five in a twenty five zone. However I knew that it wasn’t enough. We’d never really lose the cops without some sort of back street or... That was when a glint of something shiny and slender caught my eye in the Grocery Outlet parking lot.

Bingo again. I hung a tight turn, slamming Caden into the passenger door and almost causing me to lose my grip on the wheel.

“Are you fucking insane?” He yelled.

“Yes,” I grinned. I dumped the car a few feet away from the black Yamaha, doing the worst parking job of my life.

“What the hell are you thinking? The cops could be here any second.”

“Exactly, and your dump was getting us nowhere. It’s too visible,” I nodded my head towards Caden’s rusty red paint job. “If we can get this started soon enough, they won’t even know we’re the ones riding it. It’ll throw them for a loop.”

I moved to the motorcycle and my clammy, clumsy hands reached out for the wires coming out of the ignition. I followed them until I found their plastic connector.

Grinning, I asked “Hey, Caden do you still have that junky old radio in your trunk?”

“Yeah?” He frowned.

Man, I was getting so lucky today.

I popped the truck and screwed off the back of the radio. Reaching into my back jean pocket, I pulled out a pair of wire clippers. Good thing I always carried a couple of spare tools. Just in case.

“What are you- “

I held up my hand to him as I looked for the right size of wire.

Bingo once more.

I clipped off a short segment and ran back to the Yamaha, removing the bikes two wires and replacing it with the piece radio wire to create a short loop. Hopping on the bike, I revved it to life, giggling with glee.

“Hop on,” I laughed at Caden, the leftover weed in my system and luck making me unnaturally giddy.

I guess I picked up a couple useful things in my dad’s workshop after all.

He swung his legs onto the back behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “This is so stupid,” Caden mumbled into the back of my neck as I sped out of the parking lot and back down the road.

Not even, I thought. This was genius.

Lights and sirens could now be heard again in the distance behind us, but hopefully not for long…

I sped up to seventy plus miles per hour, the wind hitting me so hard that I had trouble seeing as water leaked out of the corners of my eyes. I was really thankful for Caden’s leather jacket now.

Doing my best to watch the yellow dotted line in the roadway, I tried to stay straight – or at least relatively straight. Even with the thin bike I noticed I was swerving back and forth in my lane.

Damn Fucked up reflexes.

I knew I couldn’t afford to make any turns at this speed- that was a given.

I scanned for some sort of an alley or something that could help me lose the coppers on my tail. But there was nothing.

What was wrong with this city? If this were a movie, back alleys would be sprouting up like frickin daisies.

“Watch out!” Caden yelled again.

We were approaching the bridge that strung across the river. And unluckily for us, that bridge was closing.
There wasn’t time to turn. There wasn’t time to stop. I had to jump it.

It worked in the movies right?

God, I’m stupid. I bit my lip to the point of breakage as I juiced up the accelerator.

The tires squealed across the concrete until suddenly there was no concrete to rub against. We were above air, above water. However that didn’t last long as the underside of the bike scraped across the other side of the bridge. I lost control of the steering as my hands were jerked away from the handlebars at impact. It was as if a seismic shock had gone through my body. My reflexes were too slow, so even though I recovered and regained my grip, all I could really do was pray that the afterlife was not too dreary.

The bike grazed across a pile of precautionary sandbags on the side of a construction zone, jarring me painfully before the bike was sent skidding and squealing further along the road as it began to slow down.

I felt like I was going to be sick. My hands flew off the bike again and a second later my body flung off as well. I slammed straight down into the ground of the construction zone, scraping my body against the still-hardening asphalt before my final collision with the other set of sandbags along the edge of the bridge.

I moaned and blinked my eyes until my vision cleared up somewhat. But even then, everything was hazy and spinning. I pushed myself up and clutched at my stomach.

Oh God…

I leaned over as acid pooled down the sides of my mouth and onto the ground. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Pain erupted over the course of my body, an unshakable stinging sensation that left me lying on the ground helplessly for minutes on end, with nothing to distract me, but the almost inaudible sounds of sirens in the distance.

Gradually, the sirens became louder as I lied back on the cement, covering my eyes with my forearm to block out the sun.

After what felt like an eternity in Hell, the sirens pulled up somewhere near me, the sound of tires halting on the asphalt ringing in my ears. I whimpered as I heard a car door slam nearby.

I was so screwed.

Fucking paranoid my ass.

“Are you okay, miss?”

I groaned as I bit back a sarcastic comment. Did I look okay?

“Where does it hurt?” The voice insisted. I remained silent.

“Miss, please answer my questions. Otherwise I and the other paramedics will have a hard time helping you.”

I moaned again as I removed my arm from my eyes and blinked my bleary eyes a couple of times. My vision was better, but still slightly fuzzy. I pushed against the ground until I got into a sitting position and from there I latched onto the concrete barrier until I was standing.

I groaned. I felt like I’d been beaten by a truckload of baseball bats. Or run over by a semi.

I tried to move my head and the world spun. I leaned over the bridge’s barrier as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the river.

“Miss?” I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I tried to shove it off, but squeaked when the movement shot a sharp streak of pain down my back and sides.

“Hey,” I heard the paramedic protest as a brusquer force pushed its way through to the scene. Before I knew what was going on, cold metal was biting into my wrists as my arms were pulled back painfully. I bit my lip to keep from crying out and soon tasted blood on the tip of my tongue.

“I’m sorry sir but you can’t do this now. She obviously needs medical attention.

“Nonsense, she’s on drugs. Probably can’t feel a thing.”

I fucking wish, I rolled my eyes, cringing at how even that small movement pulled at my skin in uncomfortable ways.

“Are you kidding me? Just look at her.”

“Well then come and treat her on the way to the station. The chief wants her there pronto and her little boyfriend is already on the way.”

I felt remorse grip at my heart. Caden…Slowly, I slid back onto the ground and leaned my head against the barrier, eyes closed, as I did my best to push out the pain, to push out everything.

“Sorry, but that’s not possible. She needs to get to the hospital, pronto.”

Hands clutched at the handcuffs at my wrists, pulling them off. I sighed in relief. Opening my eyes again, I watched the policeman stomp off, his footsteps loud and heavy.

“Idiot,” I heard the paramedic mutter as he helped me up and then situated me onto a cot, my skin burning at any sort of physical contact. Idiot. I couldn’t have agreed more.

As I was being loaded into the back of the ambulance, I blankly took in the twisted pieces of metal resting against the concrete barrier. Shiny jagged edges stuck up in every which way like some sick piece of abstract art. Yellow tape was being wrapped around the scene as cops inspected the wreckage.

I felt a jolt as I was set down and groaned. There was a loud scoff nearby, and turning my head to the side I saw the shiny black shoes and navy blue pants of a cop.

With the ambulance doors shut, the paramedic wiped alcohol wipes across a good portion of my body, making me cringe. I gritted my teeth, wondering how bad my road burn really was. As the alcohol stung across almost every conceivable inch of my body, I had to hold in a yell. As the seconds dragged by, the pain was steadily increasing, the numbness I’d felt initially wearing off along with the adrenaline.

Maybe I didn’t want to know how bad it was after all.

However, as the paramedic brought out the gauze to dress the burns, the ambulance came to a halt.

As I was helped up into a sitting position, handcuffs were once again tightly latched onto my wrists, pulling at the raw skin there in a painful way that was more than just skin-deep.

I yelled out without fully realizing it, drawing a concerned look from the paramedic.

“Looks like the shock’s wearing off. The pain’s starting to set in.”

Starting? I cringed.

“Shock? It’s probably just the drugs wearing off.” The cop narrowed his eyes at me as the paramedic helped me up.

“Can you stand?”

I nodded weakly, ignoring the pain that shocked that system even at that small movement. I sucked in a deep breath, determined to walk out of this ambulance. I couldn’t let a damned cop get the best of me and write me off as some weak-ass druggie.

That was when I saw a prim woman dressed in a pink flowered dress standing by the hospitable entrance. Her dark hair was pulled into a strict bun; a deep scowl was planted on her face, perfectly in line with the angry lines on her forehead.

Oh mother.

I laughed, drawing weird looks from the entire group of uniformed men, feeling a new sort of high invade my system, a combination of leftover drugs, shock, and disbelief.

“You should just shoot me now,” I laughed harder, ignoring the paramedic trying to get me out of the ambulance. I dug my heels into the ground, “shoot me, shoot me.” I cried out between bursts of laughter. However my laughter was interrupted when a harsher hand yanked on my upper arm, pulling me out of the vehicle.

I screamed in pain this time, which caused the paramedic to grunt angrily. I saw the policeman glare at the paramedic as I swayed in his forceful grip. The pain laced its way up my body, not only stinging, but burning. Maybe this was just a bit worse than road burn. I didn’t feel so good.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the look of intense hatred on my mother’s face. My life was most certainly forever screwed.

Once again, I apologize for the mature content, but please know that this is the worst that will ever show up in the story.

And I'm sorry I started a new story...I really shouldn't have but the idea came to me two days ago when I was thinking of my brother's new...'school'. And from that point on I couldn't stop writing even when I had a LOT of other very pressing things to attend to.

So, I hope you enjoy. :D


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