Lights (2019)

By twinkleharryy

328K 9.5K 5.8K

Lights was originally written in 2013 so here is a 2019 update. This edit will fix typos, plot holes, and giv... More

Morning After
Growing Pains
Hardly Working
Party Too Hard
A Stranger I Know
Same Mistakes
Graveyard Picnic
New Developments
Blast from the Past
Skipping Rocks
Automatic Windows
A Whole Lot of History
Letters from the Dead
Bad Bosses
The Sin Wagon
Late Nights with Ke$ha
Exorcising the Bathroom
Are You Playing Footsie?
Fine Lines
Lost Things
Phallic Symbols
Makeup Wipes
Little Black Dress
Safe and Sound
Prying Eyes
Shining Lights
Koalas and Chlamydia
Birds and the Bees
The Taste of Pineapple
The North Star
No Hands
Sexy Librarian
Lunch Date
Dinner Shenanigans
Orientation to Hell
Down Where It's Wetter...
Grazing the Top
Boarding House
Bitches in CVS
The Calm
The Storm
Clean Up on Aisle 4
Goodbye Until Tomorrow
Epilogue: Forgiveness, Can You Imagine?

Gotta Dash

4.5K 141 31
By twinkleharryy

We took our time at lunch. He asked me if I wanted to have a movie night tonight, and by that he meant me spending the night. I, of course, agreed. I love falling asleep next to Harry; there is something so comforting about it. In the parking lot, I had joked with him about me sitting in on his session, he didn't say anything, he just scratched the back of his neck and laughed.

Harry holds my hand as we walk into Dr. Stone's office. He squeezes lightly before opening the door. A blast of cold hair hit me in the face before I tug Harry into the waiting room, smiling at Sally.

"We're back," I say to her.

"Great! I'll intercom Dr. Stone. He should be out shortly." She smiles at me.

"Thanks, Sally."

She winks at me, as Harry and I take our seats in the waiting room. Harry bounces his leg up and down with impatience. I put my hand on his thigh and he immediately relaxes against my touch. "Calm down," I say. "You're fine."

He sighs. "This therapy shit really stresses me out," he says.

"I know, it stressed me out too."

He looks at me. "Really?"

I nod. "Oh, yeah. My father used to have to drag me here."

He smiles. "That actually makes me feel a little bit better."

I laugh a bit. "Why?"

He shrugs. "Nothing seems to stress you out."

"Except for you," I say and he laughs, leaning over and kissing my temple gently.

Dr. Stone soon emerges from his office, a smile spreading across his face when he sees us. "Well, if it isn't the dynamic duo."
I laugh lightly and Harry spares a soft smile.

"Nice to see you, Dr. Stone," I say.

"You too, Blair." He turns to Harry. "You now have the opportunity to have Blair sit in on the session. Is that something you would want?"

Harry looks at me. "No," he says, surprising us both.

"All right," Dr. Stone says, clapping his hands together. "Let's get started, then."

I sit back down in my seat. My brows furrow together and I am perplexed. I watch as Harry and Dr. Stone disappear behind the door, Harry looking back at me as the door shuts. I turn my phone in my hands, a habit I had developed out of boredom. My phone starts vibrating in my hands; Liam's name appearing on the screen.


"Hi, Blair," he says. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," I say. "You?"

"I am fine, just at work."

"What happened to the new phone rule?" I joke.

"Ah, Shawn doesn't care," he says.

"Is he not there?"

"Yeah, he isn't here," Liam laughs.

"So, what is up?"

"I wanted to know if you were able to come in today?"

"I—uh," I begin. "I can't today, I'm sorry."

"That is fine." He reassures. "Don't worry about it!"

"I really am sorry." I tell him.

"Really it is fine, I want to see if I can get Shawn to hire a part-timer," Liam says.

"Good luck with that," I breathe.

He huffs, "Yeah, wish me luck."

I laugh.

"Well, I'd better go. Shawn just got back!"

"All right. Talk to you soon, Liam." I laugh lightly before hanging up.


I snap my head up to where Sally is. She looks utterly frazzled, her head in her hands. I get up from my seat and walk over to her desk.

"Everything all right?" I ask her.

"I just got a call from my son's school," she says. "Apparently, he put a tack on the teacher's chair."

I snort. "I'm sorry! That is really funny."

"Is it?"

"Just a little... like Dash from the Incredibles." I laugh.

"I don't get off until six, and my babysitter just bailed on me. I just don't know what to do!" She throws her hands in the air. "The principle is telling me I have to come in to the school to talk with him, but he doesn't seem to understand that I'm a working woman!"

I wonder what it's like to be so busy all the time like Sally is. "I wish I could help you," I say to her.

Sally smiles at me. "You're such a sweet girl, Blair," she says, patting my hand. "Thanks for caring."

I laugh. "No problem. Is there anything I can do?"

"Got any aspirin?"

We both laugh. "I wish," I say. "Sometimes Harry gives me headaches."

Sally cocks her head at me. "You two seem really good together," she muses.

I shrug. "We drive each other insane," I tell her. "But I love him."

"Do you think it will last?"

"I'd like to think so," I breathe. "But who knows... man makes plans and God laughs, am I right?"

Sally purses her lips. "I understand."

"I'd like to think we will last, but who am I to say?"

"The way he looks at you." She muses. "It is something special."

"I'd like to think so," I sigh and look at the clock. It's three forty. "Time passes really slowly here."

Sally snorts. "Oh, honey, how do you think I feel?"

I laugh lightly. "I can't imagine."

Sally and I continue to chat until I catch sight of Harry's chocolate curls emerging from Dr. Stone's office. I turn and smile. The corner of his mouth twitches upwards and he leans down and presses his lips to my cheeks.

"How did it go?" I ask them.

Dr. Stone exhales. "All right," he says. "Blair, a word, if you don't mind."

Harry avoids my gaze.

I nod and follow Dr. Stone to his office, the door shutting abruptly behind me.

" everything okay?" I ask him.

"Harry is proving to be resistant," Dr. Stone sighs. "Now, I know I can be a little forward at times with the questions I ask, and my work doesn't please everybody. But he entered here with a completely closed mind. Even worse than the first time, if I do say."

I fold my hands in my lap. "Resistant?"

"I can't go into details, but I know you two are close." He begins. "Could you try telling him a little bit about your experience? How it is better to talk than bottle things up?"

"Do you think that will help?"

"I would hope so, yes."

I bite the inside of my cheek, "I don't even know if I remember a lot about my early experiences here."

"The best you can do; I think it would really help him to know that it is okay to feel this way but it is better to open up."

"I can try, I mean Harry is pretty stubborn," I chuckle.

Dr. Stone tilts his head a bit. "Please," he says finally. "I want his sessions to be as productive as possible, and this is certainly a roadblock."

I swallow hard. "I'll see what I can do," I say honestly.

"Of course," Dr. Stone says. "I've given him some tips on how to clear his mind before he sleeps, beginning steps to the end of his insomniac ways. If those don't help, I'll prescribe some medication."

Dr. Stone stands. I smile and shake his hand.

"Thank you," I say. "Harry might not know it yet, but this will really help him."


I silently drive Harry's car back to his place. I see my own car parked out front. Harry hasn't tried to talk to me at all except to tell me he didn't feel like driving. Music plays softly in the back ground. I glance at Harry as I park. He looks out the window calmly. We get out of the car and I walk him inside. I open the fridge and pull out an empty milk carton, pursing my lips at Harry.

"Sorry." He shrugs.

I recycle the carton and walk over to Harry. "Are you all right?" I ask him softly.

His head snaps up. "Why?"

I lace my arms around his neck gently. "I'm just wondering," I say. "In general. You were pretty quiet in the car/"

He sighs. "I'm fine," he mumbles, his large hands gliding around my waist.

" did the session go?" I ask. "Really?"

He looks away. "I'm really starting to hate that son of a bitch doctor."

I chuckle. "You're supposed to," I say. "I hated him for a long time, too. I thought, 'who the fuck is this guy and why do I have talk to him about my feelings?'"

Harry cracks a smile.

"Harry, I want you to know that you can tell me anything," I say to him. "I'm always here to listen."

Harry smiles for real now, his dimples showing. He wraps his arms around me tighter and kisses my forehead. "I love you," he whispers to me.

I nod and nuzzle into his chest, inhaling his smell.

"You're still staying, right?" He asks quietly.

I shake my head.


"I'm just not up for it," I say.

"You're already here," he says. "You can borrow my clothes; you have a toothbrush--"

"Harry," I laugh. "I'm kidding."

"Oh." He flushes. "I like waking up next to you."

I can't help it. I smile, kissing his lips. "I like waking up next to you, too."

He kisses me. I beam up at him. Harry smiles widely, taking my hand and tugging me upstairs. I laugh at how eager he is. I suddenly feel like we're kids again, without a care in the world. I smile as Harry throws me pajamas and pulls me into bed, his strong arms wrapping around me.

"Have you started Clockwork Angel?" I ask him once we turn the lights out.

He shakes his head. "Not yet. I'm working on Matched at the moment." He smirks. "Cassia seems like a bit of a bitch."

My jaw drops. "Cassia is so relatable," I say. "She's an incredibly well written character."

"Yeah, but she's with that square, Xander. What could she possibly see in him? He's a fucking bore."

I laugh. "They were best friends their whole lives," I say quietly.

Harry's eyes dilate. "They live in a fucking perfect society. How could you live like that?"

"That's the catch."

He looks at me. "The catch."

"You'll get there," I tell him. We stare at each other for a few moments. "I love it when we talk like this," I say quietly.

"Like what?"

"About you are actually enjoying the selections I've made for you." I smirk.

Harry flushes. "I am not enjoying them."

"The way you curse about them makes you seem pretty into them--"

"I curse about everything," Harry points out, smirking.

"I can't argue with that," I say, rolling my eyes.

Harry wraps his arms tighter around me. I nuzzle into his chest and sigh. Harry runs his fingers over the exposed skin on my arm, making goosebumps rise.

"We should go up and see my mother," he says. "She doesn't know about us yet."

"Really?" I ask. "She doesn't know we're..."

He shakes his head. "I was thinking maybe the same time we drive up for your orientation next week we could pay mum, Robin and Gemma a visit."

I look at him. "We drive?"

"Yeah...I figured I'd accompany you...unless you don't want me to."

I shake my head furiously. "No, no," I say. "That would be nice."

He grins. "Yeah? I guess the downside will be being stuck in a car with you for three hours."

I groan. "Stuck with me? I'm stuck with you and your potty mouth."

Harry grins and kisses my cheek. "Yes you fucking are, motherf--"

"Save it, save it!" I laugh, putting my hand over his mouth, then quickly pulling it away, remembering how he slobbered on my hand last time. Harry's eyes shine as he kisses me sweetly, pulling me so our bodies touch and our legs intertwine.

"I love you," he says against my lips.

"I love you, too," I reply. "Now go to sleep. I know you need it."

He sighs and turns me over so that his front is to my back. He brushes my hair out of my face and over my shoulder, planting a kiss on the newly exposed skin. I exhale in a deep breath and shut my eyes.


So a while ago I talked about doing a Historical Fiction with Harry... and I had an idea...whoop! It will be called In the Dark of the Night and it will be set during the prohibition era. Whose pumped? I'm pumped! I'll probably start it after Lights or Bleeding Hearts has ended. It will start when I start Speak Now. 


Thanks a million everybody!

All the love,


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