Sync - A Reylo Fan Fiction

By ElleRen31

227K 6K 5.8K

COMPLETE! Following the events of The Last Jedi, Rey and Kylo Ren continue to be connected through the Force... More

Tall, Dark, & Handsome
Strip That Down
Fields Of Gold
I Believe In A Thing Called Love
End Game
Cloud City
Invisible Touch
Shut Up and Dance
Here (In Your Arms)
Fire Escape
Never Enough
Supreme Leader
Feel It Still
Wild Things


9.5K 246 178
By ElleRen31

*language warning*

*briefly inspired by 'The Monster' by Eminem*

She wasn't sure if he had meant that he was a fool for her as a compliment or as a rude remark. She cried herself to sleep anyways.

In the morning, she fixed her hair up in buns in preparation for some training with her new saber. Chewie had gone to help the others with the clearing of the hanger. She left the swamp and walked until she found a clearing for some meditation. Something Luke always did but Rey never was that into it. But it would help with her training, she would try it.

She sat down cross legged in the field, exhaling slowly and closing her eyes as she tried to empty her mind. She needed to feel the Force. Feel what she was destined for. What had the Force been trying to tell her?

A breeze rolled by and whisped at her hair. She shut her eyes tighter, reaching with her heart and mind. She could sense the movement of the watery core of the planet. She could sense the energy of the blades of grass that rest against her knees. She sensed a faint warmth that called to her. She instantly recognized it as Ben.

"Yes, but why him?" She whispered to the Force. She heard the eerie echo of Snoke in the throne room. "Darkness rises and light to meet it." She could feel the tug on her mind from when he attacked her in the throne room. Rey flinched, unable to make it stop, her heart beginning to race.

"The balance." said a soft male voice in her mind. The tug stopped and Rey felt her heartbeat calm at the odd familiarity of the voice she had heard back in the basement of Maz's castle. "These are your first steps."

Her eyes snapped open and she let out a gasp. She looked around but she was completely alone in the field.

The balance. The light meeting the dark. Her first steps. Could it be the Force was trying to tell her she had to work together with Ben?

But Ben was the Supreme Leader of the First Order. How could she work with him against the Resistance? She could never hurt her friends.

She stood up and dusted bits of grass off the scarf tied around her waist. She reached for the lightsaber in her bag, and she could feel its anticipation to be ignited. She turned it on, it humming loudly in the open field.

She took a few practice swings and rotated the saber in her hand, the familiarity of her staff training taking hold. She trained for hours, finally stopping when her arms were beginning to tire.

She sat back down on the grass, massaging her calves from all the lunges. She then hugged her knees to her chest as she recalled the voice from her meditation. 'These are your first steps'. She sighed and hung her head, her forehead resting on her knees. A tear forced it way out of her eye and she quickly wiped it away before getting up to head back to the Falcon.

And as she walked up the open ramp, the blue light that had been watching from the swamp vanished.


Ben finally got a decent nights rest, free of any Force funny business. Maybe Hux's solution of alcohol and women wasn't so crazy after all. It was late in the day, and it being the end of the work week, the cruiser was quiet with fewer troopers on duty. He made his way to the throne room for some meditation.

He turned on the shades of the windows and the views of the galaxy were covered slowly covered up with a blood red hue.

He relaxed into the throne, taking off his gloves and resting them on the armrest. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

"Grandfather." He whispered. He reached out for Anakin in his mind. Hoping for a sign. After all, he had promised to finish what Anakin had started.

Anakin fought against the Jedi code. Luke was a stickler for it, one of the reasons why Ben felt the need for a new order. The teachings were old, and quite frankly, Ben preferred the way his grandfather had interpreted things. That he had viewed compassion, which was essential to a Jedi, as unconditional love. Believing that they were encouraged to love others.

"Show me, Grandfather."

Ben let himself sink into meditation. Flashbacks of his training with Luke, the harsh judgment pushed upon him. Not only because he was his nephew, but because of Lukes doubts of where Bens loyalties laid. The night in his tent, waking to find Luke about to strike him down. The students that went on to become the Knights of Ren burning down the temple, Ben standing back, his anger holding him back from intervening as the building burned. Snoke appointing him leader of the Knights based on his heritage and the power he sensed inside him. The sharp pain Snoke would inflict upon him when there was a pull to the light.

His chest began to burn as the light began to pull. He could sense her. She was calm and focused and it made him feel at ease. The hum of a lightsaber echoed in his mind and a blurry vision of himself and Rey fighting side by side played out. But this wasn't a flashback of their fight inside the throne room, this was something new. He snapped out of the vision, almost expecting to see her in the room with him, but he was still alone.

Feeling frustrated, he headed back to his suite. He summoned one of the kitchen droids for some food. It was delivered on a silver platter as usual. Once finished, he went to set the platter on the bar counter when something caught his eye. It was the book Rey had been reading the night before. So now their connection allowed the transfer of physical objects. That gave him an uneasy feeling. The Force continued to surprise him with how they synced. He was sure it wouldn't be the last time. The book radiated with the energy of the Force. He reached out and gingerly picked it up. It was old and smelled funny. He flipped it open, browsing over the text. It was about the Jedi. He strode over to an armchair and sat down began to read.

There were so many outdated teachings that it was beginning to anger Ben as he browsed the yellowed pages. Where did she even find this book? If they were supposed to join together and fight like in his vision, there was no need for the ways of the Jedi. The galaxy didn't need the Jedi. It needed a new order. His order. He stood up and went over to the counter to make himself another drink, grumbling to himself. He turned around to go back to his chair when he saw her.


She hadn't noticed they had connected, obviously. She was fresh out of the shower, a gray towel wrapped around her, hair wet and slicked back. She was fussing with some clothes that were laid out on her bed. He could feel his face warm. He knew he had to bring attention to his presence so he cleared his throat. She jumped, clutching at the towel as she spun around.

"Ben!" She squeaked, crossing her legs under the towel. "You startled me. Why are you here? I wasn't thinking about you." Rey said quickly and defensively.

"I know." Ben said quietly. She couldn't tell if it was the light in the room or if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but she thought she could see a hint of pink in Ben's pale face.

"Well?" She asked him, giving him a pointed look.

"Well, what?" He responded, a confused look on his face. She made a motion for him to turn around. He obliged. The sound of the towel falling to the floor with a soft pat was loud like an explosion in his ears. He could feel his face redden.

"You obviously wanted something then." She said as she began to dress behind him.

"Ahem. Yes." He said, fidgeting slightly. "You forgot something." He said.

"Forgot?" She said, her voice slightly muffled as she was pulling a top over her head.

Ben reached an arm backwards, holding the book out to her.

"The sacred texts!" She said with a small gasp.

He could feel her approach him. The book was removed from his hands. He turned around, trying not to seem alarmed, or eager, at how close they were.

"Objects now too?" She asked, sensing the answer from him. Ben remained quiet. He watched her as she ran a hand down the worn cover of the book.

"Did you know, Jedi were permitted to take Force-sensitive children away from their families without their parents consent?" Ben asked. She blinked and looked up in surprise. "That's kidnapping."

"You read the book." She whispered.

"I can read." He said rudely.

"I thought you hated the Jedi." She said.

"Exactly why we need a new order in the galaxy." He replied. She frowned.

"You're still trying to save me." Ben sensed. "Don't hold your breath." He told her.

"You think I'm crazy." She said, sensing his thoughts.

"Yeah, I think you're crazy." He replied. 'Among other things.' he thought to himself.

Rey suddenly blushed.

'Shit'. Ben thought. She heard that. She bit her lip, stifling a giggle. She had heard that too.

Ben concentrated really hard on what he had for dinner.

"Well." Rey said, taking a step back from Ben, tucking a strand of wet hair behind her ear. "Thank you for bringing back my book."

"You're welcome." He said, unable to help himself. Rey blushed again. He took a step back from her as well, beginning to concentrate on ending their connection. And just as he found himself back in his suite, he heard a soft voice in his head.

'I'm sorry I called you a monster'


It was another restless night for Ben. The apology replaying over and over in his head. His mind racing over how the Force connections had strengthened to the point that not only could he end them at will, but now they were able to sense each others thoughts. He wanted to try connecting at will next. It took a lot of willpower to not try it now, considering it was 3 am and the last time he woke up in her bed, it had not ended well.

After breakfast, he quickly made his way to the throne room, ordering the troopers standing guard to not let anyone in. He paced back and forth for a little bit, trying to calm himself down. What if it didn't work? What if it did and things went horribly wrong? What the hell was he even doing?

"FUCK!" He yelled, gripping his hand into a fist. He ran his hands through his hair. 'Maker, help me.'

He closed his eyes and concentrated on Rey. He searched the Force for her light. It felt far away, like a tiny blip on a radar. He focused on the light, feeling the heat in his chest again. He egged it to come closer with his thoughts. The light became stronger, and when he could feel a white hot intensity, he opened his eyes.

It was bright, the sun beaming down from above. And there she was, in a open field of grass, saber in hand, making the motions of a training regimen. He glanced around. No one else was in sight. He watched her for a few minutes before making his way down the grassy hill towards her. The ground felt unsteady underfoot.

Rey continued her lunges, pausing every so often to reposition her fighting stance.

"Your left side is weak." He said. Rey squawked out of surprise and nearly fell over as she whipped around.

"BEN!" She yelled. He just smirked.

"You can't keep doing this." She said, composing herself.

"Doing what."

"Sneaking up on me."

A look of panic flooded her eyes.

'Oh no, he knows where I am now.' she thought, the grip on her lightsaber tightening.

"Chill out, Rey. I've known you've been here for a while. Naboo? Really? How unoriginal." Her mouth fell open.

"How long have you known?" She did her best not to think about the Resistance. His eyes had a hint of amusement in them as he recalled.

"Since the first time I woke up in your bed." Her face went red.


"I could smell it."

Rey's nose wrinkled at the words.

"Naboo has a very unique scent. I remember it well." He slowly took a seat on the ground, a hand brushing over the blades of grass. "My mother used to take me here." He said thoughtfully.

Her eyes widened.

"Really?" She asked, taking a step closer to him and sitting down beside him. He let out a breath that almost sounded like a soft laugh.

"I had a life before Snoke, you know." he said, propping one knee up and resting his arm on it.

"I kind of figured." Rey said, a smile playing at her lips. Ben smirked.

"There was a perfume she liked." He told her, gazing out at the sprawling landscape. "I had....." He stopped, unable to make out the words Han, or father.

"I came here and bought her some once. That's all." He said, staring down at his hand, flexing his fingers.

Rey slowly reached across to the hand Ben was using to prop himself up with. She brushed the tops of his fingers with her hand.

"Tell me more." She whispered.

Up the hill in a grove of trees, an aura of blue gazed upon the two.

"I don't like this one bit." Luke said to Yoda.

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