Satellite Heart (Embry Call F...

By HayHalsey

152K 2.9K 414

When Lamia Sinclair dreamed of what she wanted to be when she grew up, it never involved slavery. At the age... More

Satellite Heart (Embry Call Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 21

3.5K 71 15
By HayHalsey

I am so sorry for the long wait. I've been so distracted lately but I finally got to sit down and write. I wasn't particularly happy with the chapter but I think that it got across what i wanted it too. Thank you all for the votes and comments. They keep me going so thanks. After I post this, I plan on trying to start writing the next one. I doubt it will be up today but we shall see. Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think in the comment box below!!



Embry’s POV

            When I woke up Monday morning, a smile was on my face. Saturday’s date had gone over better than I ever planned. To say I loved Lamia was an understatement. I couldn’t live without her. She was the air I breathed and the reason my heart beat. She deserved everything and I would give up anything to see that she got it. I wasn’t very happy about sending Seth having to pick her up but the lights took longer to hang than I expected.

            When I saw her step out of the path from the woods, she was absolutely breathtaking. The way she looked that night will forever be ingrained in my mind. That night had be nothing less than perfect. I wish we could have stayed out there forever. Just the two of us together with no distractions and no dangers.

            There had been no sign or smell of Jane or any of the other Volturi guards anywhere near Forks or La Push. We even went as far as to go to the borders of Washington to check for any indication of them being near but came up empty. Sam was finally lessening the amount of patrol we all had to do which I was both happy and irritated about. I was happy because I got to spend more time with Lamia but I felt like if we weren’t out there patrolling then someone might slip through and I needed to keep her safe.

With that last thought, I reached over in the bed and felt for Lamia’s familiar shape but it wasn’t there. Her spot was cold. My eyes shot open and I hopped out of bed. “Lamia,” I called, my heart beating faster than normal. What if she was taken during the night while I had been asleep? I would never forgive myself if…

            “Embry, what is it?” Lamia asked walking into the bedroom. She was already dressed for the day. I immediately walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, burying my face in the crook of her neck. “What’s wrong?” she asked, rubbing a hand up and down my back.

            “I woke up and you weren’t beside me. So I kind of…panicked,” I mumbled. I sounded like a wimp to her. I sounded silly even to myself but I was telling her the truth. If I couldn’t protect her, what could I do? I don’t want to lose her.

            “Shh, it’s ok. I was just making some breakfast before school,” she said leaning back. She put both her hands on my cheeks and lifted my head to look into her eyes. Her eyes always seemed to have a calming effect on me. The way their light blue color almost looked grey in the early morning light and the slight yellow tinge around the pupils made it look like I could fall right into them. I get lost in them frequently.

            She tilted her head to the side and a small smile graced her face. I leaned and planted a kiss on her lips. I could never get enough of her. She started to giggle and pulled away. I pouted at her which only caused her to laugh harder.

            “Come on, we have to leave for school in thirty minutes,” she said patted my cheek then turned and walked out of the room. I let out a breath then got ready for school. Today was going to be a long day.



After dropping Lamia off at her math class, I skidded into my English class before the final bell rang. I left out a sigh of relief. Mrs. Lange gave me the evil eye as I walked briskly to my seat in the back where Quil sat trying not to laugh. I gave his shoulder a shove before plopping down in my seat.

This part of school was always boring. The waiting around for the bell was probably the worst. I’ve come to find the longer you stare at the clock and wish it would go faster, the longer it takes for class to come to an end. I tapped my pencil on my desk as Mrs. Lange kept droning on and on about some Shakespeare play. Spamlet? Hambeth? Whatever, I had other things on my mind beside a stupid play.

I looked across the room to where Edward sat with Bella. They were whispering quietly to each other. I couldn’t even catch any part of the conversation. A spark of jealousy ran through my veins. I only had one class with Lamia and that was the last class of the day. I got to see her at lunch but my body craved to see her more. The only thing that keeps me sane is that I know she is safe even when I’m not with her. She has at least one of the pack or Cullens in each of her classes. It definitely puts my mind at ease.

The bell ringing brought me out of my thoughts. I hurriedly put my stuff in my bag and walked out of the room with Quil at my side. Her scent hit my nose before I saw her. Lamia was talking to Kim when I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“Hey babe, how was English?” she asked, turning her head slightly to the side to look at me. I squeezed her and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“Boring as usual. Still talking about Othlet,” I replied with a shrug. Kim, Lamia, and Quil started laughing. “What?” I asked confused as to what was so funny.

“Dude, we’re studying Hamlet,” Quil explained still chuckling. Lamia turned in my arms a pecked my lips. A smile quickly replaced the confused frown. She had that effect on me. I tried to lean back in for a longer kiss but she slipped from my grasp.

“Sorry hun, gotta get to class with Kim,” she said readjusting her books in her arms. I sent her a playful scowl before capturing her once more and forcing a kiss on her lips. After I let her go, she rolled her eyes at me. “Always so demanding,” I mumbled as she started to walk away with Kim.

“I heard that,” I called after her retreating form. She turned her body slightly to look back at me.

“You were supposed to,” she called back causing both her and Kim to laugh. She gave Kim a high-five then continued to walk down the hall. The warning bell sounded and I said bye to Quil before going our separate ways.

I slid in to my desk in math with two minutes to spare. Math was the only class that I didn’t have anyone in it with me. No pack. Heck, not even a Cullen. I would be happy with Rosalie even though she can be a little harsh.

The class was halfway over and I was having trouble with a problem when the classroom door burst open. Mr. Thomasson almost had a heart attack at his desk. My head shot up from looking at my paper to see Alice standing in the doorway. Her eyes scanned the class until she landed on me. This can’t be good.

“Ms. Cullen, what is the meaning of interrupting my class?” the teacher exclaimed standing up from his desk, his face turning red.

“I’m sorry, but there is an emergency that involves Embry Call. I need him to come with me,” she said and that’s all I needed to hear. I was out of my seat with my stuff packed and ready to go in five seconds flat. I didn’t even wait to hear Mr. Thomasson’s reply. I closed the door behind me harder than needed and followed Alice towards the parking lot.

“Alice, what’s up?” I asked, feeling myself growing more alert even though we hadn’t left the building yet. I don’t know why but I just knew it wasn’t something good. I wouldn’t be returning to math today.

“We’ve got a problem,” she stated seriously then pushed the front door of the school open and leading me out.

Lamia’s POV

As I walked into the cafeteria for lunch, I automatically knew something was wrong. A quick scan of the room would reveal that there was no Cullen or pack member in the whole place. I all of a sudden wasn’t very hungry anymore but I grabbed a sandwich from the line anyway.

At our usual table, Kim sat looking around. I could tell she didn’t know what was going on either by the worry that was etched across her face. When I sat down opposite of her, her eyes snapped to me.

“Do you know where the guys are?” she asked, her words almost coming out to fast for me to comprehend.

“No, I haven’t seen Embry since before our second classes,” I replied my eyebrows furrowing as I thought about this morning. Lunch was in the middle of the day so I should have seen Embry at least twice since the last time I did. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it. Sometimes his teachers held him back or he was running late so I just chocked up his absence to one of those excuses. Now, I wasn’t so sure. It’s one thing if Embry is the only one not here but to have the rest of the guys plus the Cullens missing in action threw up red flags in my head.

“I haven’t seen Jared either. I got a bad feeling,” Kim said looking around the cafeteria once again. From where I was sitting at the table, I could see the entrance to the cafeteria perfectly. If anyone came in, I would know.

“I’m sure it’s nothing major. Probably just a meeting about the patrols they have been going on,” I said trying to reassure her but really I was saying it more for my benefit. She gave me a small smile and tentatively began to pick at her piece of pizza. She didn’t fully believe me but she was trying to.

My sandwich went untouched for the whole lunch time. I’m pretty sure my stomach couldn’t handle eating right now especially with my nerves through the roof. Once the bell rang signaling the end of lunch, I looped my arm with Kim’s. We made it to our lockers quickly and began gathering our books for our next classes all the while keeping an eye out for anybody. I had just shut my locker when I caught sight of someone. I could see the signature tattoo on the right shoulder that let me know whoever I was seeing was a pack member and they were heading our way.

“Come on,” I say to Kim and grab her hand to pull her down the hall. As we got closer, I recognized the person to be Jared. I heard Kim gasp once she saw him and bolted past me to get to him. The students around us were starting to thin out as they walked to class but class was the last thing on my mind at the moment.

Once I reached Jared, Kim had a death grip on him, her arms locked around his waist. He was whispering soothing words to her but I could see that his face was serious. His eyes were hard meaning he wasn’t just here for no reason.

“Jared, where are the others?” I asked just as serious. He looked up at me. Kim leaned back so that she could see him as well.

“We need to go to the Cullens’ house. There is a meeting going on,” he replied. Kim took a deep breath of relief. Did she not see how serious he was being? This was no ordinary meeting but before I could ask more about it, Jared took Kim’s hand and began to lead us to the parking lot.

The car ride was completely silent. Not even the radio played. The tension in the car was almost too much for me to bear but I kept quiet. Speaking might just add to the tension. I was stuck in the back of Jared’s car while Kim sat in the passenger seat. She held hands with Jared the whole time.

The Cullen house came into view shortly and I could make out figures in the living room. The car came to a stop and I was already moving. I ran up the stairs and didn’t even bother knocking as I went into the house.

As I rounded the corner into the living room, I halted in my steps. They were all there. The Cullens. The pack. Embry. Everyone filled the room making the normally huge living space feel very claustrophobic. Kim and Jared came to a stop behind me. Embry, who had been sitting on the couch, stood and walked until he was right in front of me. I looked into his eyes. I’d never seen so many emotions run across them.

“Tell me what’s going on,” I said in a whisper, afraid of what he was going to say. His jaw clenched but wasn’t him that spoke. Carlisle stepped forward bringing my focus instead of on my boyfriend.

“Alice has had a vision. We felt the need to discuss it with the pack before bringing it to any of the imprints attention,” he said. That would explain why Kim and I were left at school by ourselves.

“And? Alice, what did you see?” I asked knowing that whatever it was would surely change everything. Her eyes flickered to Embry who just nodded his head for her to continue.

“Jane is coming and she’s bringing backup,” she said. If she said anything else, I didn’t catch it because my body collapsed to the floor. Fear was taking over. I could hear Embry’s voice trying to tell me something but I couldn’t understand it. The last image I saw was his face over mine before everything slipped to black.

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