đź’‹Material Girl// Gossip Girl

By notshawn

115K 2.7K 439

3 Alena Collier is not a material girl but as usual, Gossip Girl is sparking up new labels and her labels sti... More

01// European Exposé
02// It's You
03// "Fling with the Co-CEO"
04// Sweet Logan
05// "Talk not flirt"
06// Gossip served sunny side up
08// Moma's home
09// Crime and Prejudice
10// Romance Gesture Gone Wrong
11// you and I have history
12// Eternal Promises
13// Check me in, Ostroff
14// the bitter truth from an Archibald
15// The kids aren't alright
16// The Calm before the storm
17// The eX's are involved
18// Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
19// Valentines day with gossip
20// Waldorf Style
21// The Legacy
22// believe me
23// Go Home
24// Royal Drama
25// the wrong goodbye
26// City of Angels
27// No More Promises
28// Home
29// Who's the Father?
30// The Wrong Fianceé
31// The Inside
32// Reprecussions
35// Drunk and Stupid
36// Trapping Miss.Jonas
37// Lie to Me
38// Bits and Pieces
39// A Russian Twist
40// In the flesh
41// Bart and Sandwiches

07// White Lies

3K 79 16
By notshawn

They say waking up is hard to do, especially when you're not alone. They say that life is full of surprises, that our dreams really can come true. But then again... so can our nightmares.

-Gossip Girl

Heading off campus from my last class of the day, I get a phone call from Nate. He told me he's on his way to go visit his dad in prison. He started venting before I could bring anything up.

L: How's he doing?

N: Fine. He's been meeting with his attorney a lot lately.

L: You think he'll get released on parol?

N: I think so.

L: Nate, that's great news.

N: Yeah

L: You don't sound too excited.

N: I just think he'll screw up again.

L: Regardless, he's your father. You should be happy you'll be able to see him again.

N: You're right. I'm sorry. Speaking of that, how are you holding up?

L: Honestly, I'm not.

N: Well, when I get back into town we'll get ice cream and just talk

L: Okay, I'd like that.

N: Me too. I'll see you soon, Lou.

The call ended and I flagged a cab down to get to the Empire. I have a meeting then a few business calls to make meanwhile when Nate gets back then I'll talk to him about our friendship. I'm excited to see him but a bit nervous to speak about the certain topic.

A few days ago, Andrew Tyler called to notify me that he located my father. He's in a small town in Argentina now all he needs to do is find him in person. There hasn't been an update since which worries me. I've had the same nightmare for two days since the call about my father and he's calling for help.

At the Empire, I greet Mera who smiles widely. "You look amazing today. Your dress is cute." She compliments me.

"Thank you. I even wore these heels to school." I respond, I was too lazy today to stop by home and redress for work. "When my appointment gets here, send them in." I add.

"Sure thing." She says, a smile resting on her face.

I go into my office and sit at my desk. A green post it is stuck on my computer screen. It's from Chuck, his handwriting gave it away not his signature at the bottom. The post-it notifies me that he'll be out of the office for the rest of day but that I'll see him at the New York Observer party tonight. I have no idea what it is but I've heard about it all throughout the day.

My eyes shift to my phone as it rings from an incoming call from Logan. I answer the call, "What a surprise."

"You can never answer with a simple hello can you?" He asks

"I could but I chose not to." I respond "May I ask why you called?"

"To check on you. How's your hand?" He asks

"Functioning." I respond as I examine my hand, I could definitely use a manicure.

"No more pain?" He asks

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'.

"Only the first day, right?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Doesn't yours when you get into bar fights?" I ask in a sassy tone with a smirk knowing he would've given me his look when I sass him if he were here.

"Why did you punch Jace?" Logan asks changing the subject.

"Didn't he tell you?" I ask uninterested. Jace is the last subject I want to talk about.

"He did but there are two sides to every story." He responds

"Because he deserved it. I've been wanting to lay one of him since he stood me up three years ago." I say, I lay back in my chair as I let out of a puff of air.

"I forgot about that." Logan chuckles . "Why did you really hit him?" He asks inquisitively.

"Because, when I rescued you from the bar I saw Jace stoned and drunk. I knew then and there that he was the reason you were acting like a frat boy. He also made me angry so I punched him just to shut him up." I respond as I begin to grow slightly upset.

"You don't need to worry about me, Lena." He says

"I wouldn't have to if you weren't acting the way you are." I remark.

"You out of all people know what it feels like to hide something and keep it a secret to protect the one you love." He says, his voice growing tense.

"And you out of all people know what it feels like to be kept in the doghouse." I say.

The telephone from Chuck's office rings echoing into my office.

"Lena, we've already discussed this." He says, followed by a sigh.

"No. You made me promise not get myself involved knowing that I don't break my promises. You can at least have the decency to tell me what's going on." I remarked bluntly.

"I won't. I will not have you insert yourself into my problem so you can try to be a hero." He says

"Who says I will?" I ask

"I know you. You won't like what I've gotten myself into so you'll try to help by inserting yourself into the problem just to help me." He responds.

Chuck's telephone rings again. "I just don't  like what you're doing. I want to understand..." I began until Logan cut me off, he's beginning to irritate me.

"No, I will not watch you get hurt. I promised myself I'll do anything to prevent you from getting hurt. I've already done enough damage and I won't do anymore." He states clearly with his voice slightly raised and stern.

The telephone ringing only irritates me more. I push the line from the incoming call and answer the call. "Hold on, Log." I say into my phone.

"Chuck Bass is out of the office, may I take a message?"  I speak into the telephone but no one responds. The call ends and I set the phone down. I then catch a glance at the phone number, it's all too familiar.

"What is it?" Logan asks.

"Nothing." I respond brushing him off.

"Anything else? I have work." I ask him sternly

"Are you going to the New York Observer party tonight?" He asks in a calm tone.

"My attendance is mandatory thanks to Chuck." I respond as I glance at the post it.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 6." He says, I furrow my brows.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember saying yes." I say

"Would you have said yes?" He asks

"No." I respond

"I didn't think so." He says "I'll see you at 6."

Later that day, after I had gotten ready earlier than I intended to. I sit in the kitchen watching Milly cook up a mouthwatering dinner.

"I like your dress but it's a bit too slutty for my taste" Milly says as she raises her eyebrow at me. I'm slightly offended but then I am not as I sort of purposely chose a short tight fitted dress.

"It was on sale." I lie as I adjust one of the long sleeves that is hanging off of my shoulder. Its sort of has this off the shoulder thing going on and it doesn't look bad but perfect.

"Mhm. Or maybe you just want to flaunt what you have because Logan is picking you up." She says with a smirk.

"That's ridiculous." I remark as I flip my straightened hair off of my shoulder. "What's ridiculous is the length of that dress." She scoffs.

I glare at her "You should be happy the dress covers all of my bottom, Milly. I could've chosen worst." I say which is true. It's just at a shorter length than I usually wear. "I suppose." She says

I roll my eyes and notice a sealed envelope on the counter. "Hey, Mills. What's this?" I ask as I pick up the envelope. It's addressed to a Sebastian.

"Oh, shoot. I forgot again, it's the gardeners check." She responds, shaking her head.

"We have a gardener?" I ask completely unaware and surprised.

"How did you think the lawn and plants are still alive? Magic beans?" She remarks and I furrow my eyebrows at her.

I fake chuckle "He should still be here. He came late today, I'll be back." She says and grabs the envelope.

"I can do it. I should know who all of my employees are." I say "Okay, he's in the garden house." She says and hands me the envelope.

I leave the kitchen and exit the house, I open the door to the garden house and enter. I scan the area to see someone kneeled down attending to the azaleas.

"Excuse me." I say as I approach him. I startle him as he jumps in fright and bangs his head on the flower table in the process.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." I say as I am worried at how hard he hit his head.

He gets up from the floor holding his hand on the top of his head with a look of pain. He looks at me and his expression changes as if he's shocked. He's a tall young man, most likely around my age but with great hair. He's a well-built guy, I pictured someone completely the opposite when I heard gardener.

"Are you okay?" I ask once again and he seems to be in a trance until he breaks out of it. His brown eyes meet mine once again "Sorry. Yeah, I'm great. I'll probably just have a bruise at the most." He responds as seems quite unsettled and his cheeks turn red.

"Um, Milly wanted me to give you this. Your check I assume." I say holding back my smile as I hand him the envelope

"Oh, thanks. Yeah, it should be." He says as he takes the envelope.

"Great job with the flowers and all." I say before I turn around to leave.

"Thanks, hey, wait. I believe we haven't met. I'm Sebastian." He says and I turn around, he extends his hand out and I shake his hand. "You must be Madaline, I must say you look a lot younger than I expected." He says, his cheeks reddening once again.

I chuckle "She's my mother. I'm Lena." I say.

"Oh, that makes sense. I just started working here actually." He says with a small smile, showing off his pearly whites.

"Well, welcome to my home I guess. Don't kill my peonies, please." I say and he chuckles

"I'll take great care of them." He says.

"Good to know. I'll see you around, Sebastian." I say and give him a kind smile before I head towards the door. "Feel free to get an ice pack from the house. I know it's not going to just bruise." I add before I leave.

Back inside, Milly is still cooking but buttering biscuits as her roast bakes.

"What took so long? Did you trip on your way over there and back?" She asks with a chuckle, I scowl.

"No, I just met Sebastian and he was nice." I respond.

"He's a sweet boy." She says.

The doorbell rings signaling that Logan has finally arrived. "What time is it, Mills?" I ask as I grab my clutch at the counter.

"6:10." She responds and I smirk "Save some roast from me." I say before leaving the kitchen.

I open the front door to reveal Logan on the other side with a bouquet of flowers. "You're late." I say nonchalantly as his eyes scan me head to toe. I smirk in triumphant, he has just confirmed that I look great by the look on his face.

His mouth slightly parted open and his eyes wider than usual as he continues to scan my body.

"I'll take these." I say as I take the flowers from his hands then quickly set them on the table near the door. I then grab my jacket and step out.

I begin to head to the limo leaving Logan behind. Waiting for us,  Jim stands near the open back door. Logan finally comes to his senses and tags along "You don't want to go back and reconsider your outfit?" He asks as we reach the limo.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask him as I face him, my eyebrow raised as his are furrowed.

"As a matter of fact, yes. You don't think perverts will be attracted and hit on you?" He responds completely bothered.

"If I wore a pantsuit, men would still be attracted." I remark before I enter the limo.

Logan follows behind me then Jim closes the door returning to the driver's seat. He still is bothered and annoyed but he can't keep his eyes off me which causes me to blush.

"What's this?" I ask as I see a box topped with a bow set on the other seat "Macaroons because you love them." He responds with a huff, grabs the box and opens it to reveal assorted macaroons.

"Thank you." I say as I take one then plant a quick kiss on his cheek "And for the flowers."

He softens up and I then offer Jim a macaroon. "No thank you, I'm unfortunately pre-diabetic but thank you. You're still the sweet girl from when I first met you." He says making me smile.

Jim and I then engage in a conversation as I recommend a few doctors and ways to prevent diabetes. It lasted until we arrived at the party, I thank Jim for the ride before Logan and I enter the party.

I remove my jacket and hand it to the lady as I scan the party. "Looks like every party in Manhattan." I say just as I catch a glimpse of Jenny Humphrey in the crowd. "Perfect." I huff as I begin to approach her. I haven't spoken to her since she tried to ruin my relationship with Nate. She hasn't even apologized even though it's been months.

I got stopped as a man blocks my path and smirks at me seductively. "Garret Bradford, and you are?" He says as he extends his hand out.

"Not interested." Logan intervenes before I could speak. He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me away. "He was being friendly." I say

"Lena, I'm a guy and I know what it means when one looks at a girl like that." He remarks as we stop at the bar. I look at him but before I could speak a fellow British intervenes, my temper begins to spike up.

"Well if it isn't my favorite duo in the world." Jace says with a grin. My mood shifts quickly, I glare at him and respond with my wit "Me and my fist."

His grin fades away and he glares at me as well with a scowl "Let's not start any fights." Logan interjects getting between Jace and I. "I won't." Jace says not breaking our intense glare.

"I was talking to Lena." Logan remarks and I smirk.

"Well, unlike her I still have my dignity intact."Jace retorts only angering me more.

Logan steps in front of me facing  Jace "Watch your mouth, Jace." He warns and Jace takes a step back holding his hands in defense as he smirks "I didn't mean to be insensitive." He says and I huff knowing he's a liar.

Knowing, Jace won't start a fight with Logan and neither will Logan. I back away and leave not notifying either of them. Logan can handle Jace as I go find something else to do.

I collide with Chuck as I wander off into the party. "Chuck, where are you going?" I ask as I know walk beside him. "Just enjoying the party." He responds but his expression says something else.

"Please, I can sense a scheme from a mile away." I retort, crossing my arms in front of my chest

"I suppose but it doesn't concern you." He says rather bluntly.

"What happened to that sibling bond we had?" I ask

"Not everything is meant to be shared, dear sister." He says before he walks away.

"You mean like working with Andrew Tyler again." I remark as I cross my arms in front of my chest. I watch as he stops in his tracks and turns around. He gestures me to follow him so I do.

Once we are out of ear-shot he faces me and speaks "What are you talking about?" He asks, his eyes staring at me attentively

"He called your office and when I answered he hung up without speaking. I thought he was smart and discreet but his actions speak otherwise. What did he tell you?" I respond, my brows furrowed and arms crossed.

"Just enough, why didn't you tell me you're looking for your father?" He says, his expression mimicking mine.

"I don't need help." I scoff

"Your self- absorption is clouding your judgment." He remarks coldly

"Your meddling is unappreciated." I reflect.

"I lost my father and I don't want you to lose yours. My meddling is actually sincere, Basses aren't always cold-hearted." He says only striking sympathy in me.

"I didn't know you felt that way." I say, softly as I look at him with downcast eyes.

"How are you when you keep yourself in a bubble?" He remarks before he walks away.

I sigh in frustration then return to the party, I already just want to go home. I walk around just trying to somewhat enjoy the party but I can't. Chuck is right, as usual.

"Hey, princess." I hear the only voice that brings a smile to my face. I turn around to see Nate, I throw my arms around him and pull him into a hug. I've missed him yet I'm confused, he's back in town but he didn't call.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks in a concerned tone. "A few problems and an angry Bass." I respond holding back the full truth. I don't want to spark up something that's unnecessary.

"Nothing hot cocoa can't fix." Nate says bringing a smile back to my face then I see Jace behind Nate as he speaks to a girl. I then remember I came here with a date, with Logan. "Lou." Nate says catching my attention

"I'm gonna need a raincheck." I say and give him a disappointed look. "Anytime." He smiles.

"I have to go find my date." I say and give him another hug "Logan, I saw on Gossip Girl." He says as we part from our hug.

"I came with him involuntarily actually." I say and he chuckles "It's a start. I'll text you later." He says then we part our ways where I question whether he will or won't.

I search for Logan and quickly find him as he chats with someone. Once he sees me he excuses himself and approaches me "I was looking for you, one minute you were with me when I look back and you're gone." He says as seems rather irritated.

Instead of responding, I wrap my arms around him and pull myself into him where I lay my head on his chest. "What's wrong?" He asks as his voice softened and he wraps his arms around me.

"I want to go home." I say "Okay, I'll text Jim." He says then pulls out his phone.

Logan and I then leave the party, we sit in the limo beside each other. With his arm around me, my head rests in the crook of his neck.

"Was it Jace?" Logan asks

"No, I know how to deal with idiots." I respond and he chuckles "Then what was it?" He asks.

"It's Chuck. I didn't know having a brother was so difficult. I already knew tolerating Chuck Bass was difficult but tolerating him now that he's my brother is ten times worst." I express as I stay in Logan's hold.

"Unfortunately, I can't give advice because I'm an only child and also because from experience the Bass family handles situations differently than normal families." Logan says as he caresses my hand.

Logan is unfortunately accurate. I can't just send Chuck a bottle of scotch as a gift and ask for forgiveness and ask him to back off at the same time. It's one or the other, it's never both.

"What else?" He asks "I know there's something else." He adds.

"We have arrived." Jim announces as the limo comes to a stop. I exit the vehicle as Logan follows. I dodged a bullet, I was not about to talk about Nate to Logan especially since it may provoke certain emotions .

Logan's phone buzzes and he reads his message, I take a look at the lawn. It surely is alive and well managed, I never realized how beautiful it looked and to think I didn't know I had a gardener. I don't pay attention to many things since this house is too big or my mind is occupied with other things.

"I have to go, my dad needs me. He said he has something he needs to discuss with me." Logan says but he wasn't so subtle with his displayed emotions. He's lying and his eyes are telling me so.

"Okay." I simply say then walk away to the house.

"Hey." Logan says as he grabs onto my hand gently and stops me. "Were you expecting something?" I ask.

"Possibly a proper goodbye." He responds "Goodbye." I say nonchalantly much to his dismay. "Lena." He says softly as he places his hand on my waist and pulls me into him.

"I said my goodbye." I say but softening up, I'm tired of keeping myself from him. "I didn't." He says then leans in to kiss me but I moved my head away.

I can how hurt he is by my rejection, it hurts me too. I hate this, I resent this but I will not put myself in a relationship with lies. Not anymore, I've had one too many experiences with the bad outcomes.

"Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy. Sound familiar?" I say before I moved out of his hold "I know when you lie to me, Logan. Three years of knowing you really pays off." I add then walk away.

A/N: Don't worry ya'll the next chapter will have you smiling. I added a new character, Sebastian, who will be important. I picture him as Diego Boneta, he's cute for the role. And for pothead Jace, I can picture him kinda as Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper from Twilight. With the blonde hair but with green eyes just as he's described in the book. Feel free to imagine them as anyone else. (:

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