After Shock (#2 - Semper Fi S...

By caffrey1974

38.2K 1K 115

Amanda Vickers is a Detective for Grubbs County Sheriff’s Department in Grubbs County, GA. She is widowed, ha... More

After Shock
5 Years Later
Who said going to California was fun?
Unbreakable Bond
Closer to the Truth
Preparing to Face the Enemy
Fraction of A Second
Heaven's Role
What Next?
Fear Has a New Name
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Planning a Wedding and maybe a Funeral
Grace and the End

Happy Beginning

1.5K 58 1
By caffrey1974

The morning sun streamed through the hospital windows, rousing Amanda from a peaceful dream. Once she was out of that fog that comes with first waking, she smiled broadly and moved the hospital bed into a sitting position.

The nurse came in before the end of her shift. “How’d you sleep?”

“Pretty well. The pain is less today than yesterday, so the meds are working decently.”

“Do you think you’re ready to be discharged?”

“I don’t like being cooped up too much, so my brain is ready to go, and my heart is definitely ready. I guess it’s the doctor’s decision if my post-surgery body is ready.”

“He should be in shortly and congratulations on your wedding. You two are the cutest couple. I hope you are very happy together.”

“I appreciate that. Have a great day. Are you coming to the wedding? We only have about 20 of our best friends, so you are more than welcome. I have a tendency to bond with people who take care of me.”

“I’d be so thrilled to be there. I may take a short nap beforehand, if you don’t mind. This is my night so to speak. I sleep while the rest of the world functions. It’s one of the joys of being a nurse.”

“Two of my closest friends are nurses, and I don’t envy the night-shifters one bit. Thanks for doing it!”

The doctor walked in as the nurse was finishing up Amanda’s vitals. He asked the same questions, though more in depth than the nurse, and did a check on the surgical wound and the stitches.

“Amanda, you seem to be a fast healer. I think with proper care, you should be able to have the stitches out in a week or so. Take it easy. No heavy lifting, no strenuous activities, and no driving for at least two or three days after you need the narcotic pain relievers. Enjoy your honeymoon, but don’t be afraid to let him know if you are in pain, okay?”

“He’s a good man, doc. I know he’ll take good care of me. Am I allowed to travel? I live in Georgia, and he’s in D.C. We’ll be doing quite a bit of traveling at first until we’re settled in and decide where to live.”

“I think traveling is fine as long as it’s not by wagon or horseback. I want you to have a thorough post-surgical exam with your doctor next week if possible. If you have any unusual signs like redness, swelling, more intense pain, or fever, please have yourself checked immediately.”

“Thanks doc.” She signed her half of the discharge papers. “I’ll see you at ten, right?”

“I will be there.”

“Great. I have to start getting ready soon.”

“Well, we will leave you do just that. Have a great day!” He kissed her hand and gave the nurse his instructions for discharge.


Cammie came in with several tote bags as Amanda was finishing breakfast. “Hi! Whatcha got here, Cammie?”

“Everything you need to be beautiful for your big day: make up, nail polish, and anything and everything for fixing your hair.  Did you get a shower yet?”

“Yes. I showered as soon as the doctor gave me the discharge papers. I’m ready to be pampered.”

“Good. So, how do you want your hair done?”

“Romantic up-do with cascading curls? Or just work your magic, and I’m sure it will be gorgeous.”

“And your nails?”

“Do you have a French manicure set? That would be perfect!”

“Got it! How about simple make-up, since you don’t wear much. You’re gorgeous naturally, so you don’t really need it at all. You are a little pale, so I’ll do a light blush and lip gloss. Let’s get started.”


Paul had not had much luck getting to sleep. Finally, he had dozed off about five in the morning. Around seven, he was wide awake. His mom was making breakfast for him already, so he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table.

“How’d you sleep, son?”

Paul chuckled, “I didn’t! We have so many variables to figure out. My mind raced all night. I think I may have had a two hour nap. I am still a little worried that she may not be quite ready to leave the hospital. I have to admit, I’m a little, okay, a lot, nervous.”

“You’ll be just fine. Your Grandmother would be so happy and very proud of you.”

“Thanks, Mom. I know it. I miss her something terrible right now. She would’ve adored Amanda. They probably would have been fast friends.”

“I’m sure of it. We’d better get ready. Your bride is waiting.” Lorraine laughed and wiped a tear at the same time before hugging her son.


The friends from both the Semper Fi and Sight Unseen arrived at the hospital. The guys went on to the Chapel and the ladies went to check on Amanda.

Cammie was spraying her hair, which was upswept in a French twist with curls coming from the top. She had already dressed and affixed all of the different jewelry pieces she’d received. The brooch was on her left lapel. The dog tags were woven into the flowers as was her grandmother’s locket. She had already donned the jewelry Paul had given her and placed the engagement ring on her right hand to make room for the wedding band.

The ladies gushed, oohed and aahed as Cammie put the veil on over Amanda’s hair.

Judy, who stood by just glowing, looked at her daughter. “You look absolutely beautiful, dear. I’m so happy for you.” Amanda hugged her mom while choking a back a sob, thankful that she wasn’t wearing too much make-up. She was very adamant about not wanting mascara: this ensured that if she cried, and she was sure that she would, she wouldn’t look like a raccoon. “Are you ready? It’s almost time to go down to the chapel.”

Amanda suddenly had to sit down, feeling a bit dizzy. She started fanning herself. Renee and Terry had the same thought at the same time. Renee went for water while Terry found a paper to fan Amanda, who put her head down between her knees until the dizziness subsided.

“I’m okay.” Amanda volunteered before anyone could ask. “I just need a moment and it will stop. I don’t know what happened.”

“Sount ta me like ya got da weddin’ day jittahs,” Lola said, giving voice to what almost everyone else was thinking.

“Just feeling a little lightheaded; I’m sure I will be fine in a moment or two.”


Ten minutes later, Amanda was ready to go down to the Chapel.

Finally, everyone was there and waiting for the ceremony to begin.

On cue with the music, Fr. Duncan, Paul and Leroy walked in, followed by Natasha.

With Joe on her left and Max on her right, Amanda started down the small aisle.

She reached the front in a few short moments, and both escorts gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Paul reached his hand out to her and offered his arm. “Thank you, my knight in shining armor. You look dashing, my love, positively dashing.”

“And you my sweet, are ravishingly beautiful and taking my breath away.” She smiled as they walked together to the altar in the little hospital Chapel.

“Who gives this woman in Holy Marriage?” The minister asked.

The whole Semper Fi team stood and answered, “We do!” Their laughter was heard down the hallway.

The minister had a few comments about marriage and its sanctity. He also said a few words about Christ loving the church and how a husband and a wife are supposed to love and cherish each other always.

He then asked Paul and Amanda to recite their vows in turn.

Paul turned to Amanda. “Mandy: for so many nights I’ve wanted to be by your side; to hold you when you cry; to make you laugh at silly jokes, just to live life with you. I never thought in a million years I’d have my best friend for a wife. I know that sometimes God’s plans feel like they’re all mixed up, and that things seem backwards for a season. This life that we start here today was part of the plan. I want you to know that I will put my whole being into making you happy, and loving you every single day for as long as God lets me. I give you all of me, heart, soul, body, and possessions. I will never hurt you on purpose, and I will try not to be a stubborn man too often. You’re my everything.”

“I doubted for so long. I didn’t want another man after Dan died because I was afraid of losing him, too. When I finally realized how much I loved you, I couldn’t hold it inside me; I couldn’t wait to tell you. I’m not anywhere near perfect, but what I am is yours. What I have is yours. I can’t be anywhere but next to you. This is right where I belong: in your arms for the rest of my days. I’m not afraid of loving you anymore. I want to be here with you every morning, sharing life and laughing, crying over our joys and sorrows, loving you and making you happy. I choose to love you every single day, even on the days when I don’t feel like it, I will choose to love you. God has given me the gift of loving twice in this life. I won’t take it, or you, for granted.”

After they exchanged rings and the minister said a prayer for them, Amanda and Paul joined hands, and walked to the Unity Candle on the left side of the altar. As they each took their own candle and joined the flame, Amanda’s breath caught in her throat. A song was playing from when she met Dan: “I Do It For You.” She looked at Paul and the song had a new meaning to her in the deepest part of her soul that most people never saw.

Then, turning to go back to where the minister stood, she stopped cold. In the back of the church she saw three people. She looked at Paul, and whispered, “Please tell me I’m not the only one seeing them. Otherwise, I may have to go back upstairs for an evaluation.”

Paul shook his head. “You’re not the only one seeing them. You’ve met my grandmother. The other is George, my grandfather. I don’t recognize the third one.”

“It’s Dan.” Amanda’s voice hitched on his name.

He squeezed her hand as Dan came towards them, almost like he were still alive. He spoke to Paul first. “She was my life and she has so much love to give. Take care of her. Love her with all of you. Mandy, my sweet love, never forget how much I love you. Now love him with everything you have. Go, be happy.” He smiled and was gone, as were Paul’s grandparents.

Everyone else looked around wondering what was going on. They only saw Paul and Amanda, who was suddenly crying.

Paul looked at her, wiped her tears away, and then gently lead her back to stand in front of the minister.

“Everything alright?” He asked.

Paul nodded.

“Wonderful. Then, by the power vested in me by God almighty, and the State of Kansas, I pronounce that you are husband and wife. What God had joined let no man divide. Paul, you may kiss your beautiful bride.”

Paul took his time. He put his hands on either side of her head.

Amanda wrapped her arms around Paul’s neck, anticipating their first kiss as a married couple. The song, which had started a few minutes before, was ending.

Paul brought Amanda closer. He finally lowered his mouth to hers, and she returned it with a new passion and freedom that she had not felt before.

After a very long moment, the guys from both Semper Fi and Sight Unseen, as well as some of the ladies, started whooping and cheering.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reinhardt.”

More cheers and clapping came as they walked down the aisle and out into the corridor. Amanda had forgotten she was in a hospital chapel for the romantic atmosphere and exceptional peace of the wedding.

"Well, Mrs. Reinhardt, how do you feel?"

"Like I'm on top of the world. I like my new last name. It suits me! How do you feel, Mr. Reinhardt?"

Paul bent down and gave her yet another kiss, though it was way more than just a church kiss this time.

The future was bright; very bright indeed!

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