Endings and Beginnings

De donmaryfan

82.6K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 66

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De donmaryfan

After heating up their lunch, the Gummers all sat back down to eat. While they were eating Henry looked at his father. "Daddy?"

"Yeah, Bubs?" Don asked as he saw the look on Henry's face.

Meryl noticed how focused their son was. "Gippy, what is it?"

"Who was that mean man?" Henry asked as he ate.

Don turned to his son and ruffled his hair. "What mean man, buddy?"

"He came in and yelled at me." Henry's lip quivered. "He took Colt. I was scared."

Don sighed as he pulled his son onto his lap. "I bet you were scared, buddy. I'm so sorry."

"Scared for Mommy." Henry whispered.

Meryl sighed as leaned over and kissed her son. "Oh baby, I was safe with Daddy."

"Daddy saved us." Henry said repeating words from when he was only 2 years old.

Meryl nodded at her son. "He always saves us."

"I'm sorry that man scared you." Don was glad that Mamie wasn't really paying attention. He knew Henry wasn't just scared of his grandfather; he was scared because of what he and Meryl had gone through 5 years earlier. Don hated that Henry was reliving that; even if he didn't realize it. "He isn't a nice man and he won't come near you again; Daddy promises you, H Man."

Henry looked at his mother; he looked just like Don. "Who is he?"

"You didn't recognize him?" Don asked and Henry shook his head. "He's my father. He is not a nice person, Henry."

Meryl nodded. "That is why Daddy won't let him near any of us."

"He mean to you, Daddy?" Henry asked his father.

Don didn't know how he was keeping it together but he was. "He has been, buddy."

"I won't let him be mean to Daddy anymore." Meryl choked. "Or to any of you; just as Daddy won't let him be mean to us."

Henry was thinking about this. "You save Daddy, Mommy?"

"She sure as hell did." Don choked.

Henry's eyes got big. "Daddy, you said another bad word."

"I guess I did." Don laughed. "Henry, I want you to believe me and Mommy when we say that none of those mean men will ever hurt you again. We are so sorry it happened."

Meryl nodded. "You feel better, Gippy?"

"He took my Colt." Henry said with an angry face. "Not okay."

Meryl and Don looked at each other and tried not to laugh. Meryl kissed Henry's cheek. "That's right, Hen; that was NOT okay."

"But you have Colt now; and you all are fine." Don breathed. "Why don't you eat and then it's rest time."

Henry groaned. "Ddaad."

"It was a long night last night." Don said. "You can lay in bed and read books if you want but your mother and I want you to rest. Okay?"

Henry nodded. "Okay, Dad."

"When are we having that glass of wine?" Don whispered in Meryl's ear.

Meryl turned her head to kiss his lips. "Soon baby, soon."


Meryl put Grace down for her afternoon nap while Don settled Mamie and Henry in his and Meryl's room. He found Meryl on the sofa in the den and went over and kissed her lips. "They're down with a movie."

"Are we spoiling them today?" Meryl asked concerned. "We don't often let them rest with a movie."

Don nodded. "It's a special day. We need to talk; and they went through hell last night."

"Okay." Meryl smiled as she reached for something she had ready for him. "This is for you."

Don smiled as she gave him a cold mug of beer. "It's barely 1:30. I thought we were having wine tonight."

"We are; but this is for you." Meryl winked; knowing he would need it for what she would later say. "I know you wanted to talk about James."

Don nodded as he tucked her hair behind her ear and took a drink of his beer. "Belgium." He winked at her causing her to smile. "As you know, I talked to Larry earlier. James will be charged with leaving Indiana while he is still on probation without telling his PO; and for breaking the restraining order. He will be transferred to Indianapolis first thing in the morning and Mike will be at the jail there to make sure he's processed. Only one more night with him in the city, baby. I promise you I'm making it okay."

"You always do, my Don Man." Meryl said as she kissed his lips. "I'm going to as well."

Don squinted his eyes. "What do you mean? This isn't your mess to clean up."

"It's not yours either. YOU have NOT created this; but you are protecting us just like always." Meryl pointed out. "Now it's my turn."

Don raised his eyebrow at her. "Why do I have a feeling I won't like this?"

"Because you won't; not at all. I need you to hear me out." Meryl said as Don nodded. "I'm going to the jail to confront that bastard."

Don took a deep breath. "Can you tell me why?"

"I need to do it for you. I need to do it for Mames and Gracie and Hen. I need to do it for me." Meryl choked. "I need to see that bastard behind glass and let him know exactly what I think of him. What he's done. That you are the most amazing person in the whole fucking world; and that he doesn't even deserve to breathe your air."

Don nodded; understanding. "What would that do?"

"I would know that I've stood up to that bastard." She said as Don kissed her lips hard; and he reached over her for the phone. "Who are you calling?"

Don looked at her. "Liz to see if she can come babysit while we go."

"Baby, I want you to stay with the kids. I need you to stay with the kids. This is my thing." Meryl told him.

Don shook his head vehemently. "No, no way. I'm not letting you near that bastard."

"The kids are so jumpy; you would be doing the best thing for me by staying with them, baby." Meryl said. "There are bottles in the fridge in case Gracie needs one. I am hoping to go and be back before they even wake up; but I will feel so much better knowing you're here with our babies." She choked as Don nodded and turned his attention back to the phone. "Now who are you calling?"

Don shook his head. "Larry. To make sure he'll be there with you."

"Don, this is something I need to do my myself." Meryl said softly.

Don shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. "After all the fucking shit he's done to you? NO! NO!"

"Don Man, I'm not asking for your permission; that's not how our marriage works." She couldn't be mad at him; she knew he was scared to death and she also knew she would have the same reaction. "I'm asking for your support."

Don pulled her close and kissed her lips over and over and over again. "You're right; that isn't our marriage and you always have my support. I just don't want you to feel like you have to face that bastard..."

"I want to do this, Don; no, I NEED to do this." Meryl pressed her forehead to his. "For our family."

Don nodded as he continued to gaze into her eyes. "I love you so damn much, Meryl Gummer; you know that, right?"

"Better than anything, my love." She choked. "I love you more than anything."

Don wiped away a few of her stray tears. "You're leaving Gracie?"

"I don't want him to see her." Meryl choked. "He doesn't deserve to see her."

Don kissed her neck as she bent over to put on her shoes. "I agree. You'll come right back?"

"I promise I will." Meryl said getting up and grabbing her purse. "Would there be any point to tell you not to worry?"

Don followed her to the entry way. "What if the roles were reversed?"

"Good point." Meryl said grabbing his head in her hands and pulling it down to hers; and she couldn't seem to kiss his lips over and over. "I'm going to be okay, baby. I love you."

Don held her as close to him as possible. "I love you too; so much, Darl."

"Okay." Meryl tried to give him a smile. "If I'm going to get back before they wake up I better go."

Don nodded as he reached for her raincoat off the coat tree and put it on her. "Be careful; it's supposed to storm like this all day. I'll call down and have them hail a cab for you."

"I'll be back." Meryl winked. "Then we get the glass of wine tonight."

Don nodded and called to her as she walked out. "Darl?"

"Yeah, baby?" Meryl turned around.

Don tried to blink past his tears of worry and fear. "Thank you."

"I'll be back." She swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Before you even know it."

Don immediately went back inside and called down to the doorman asking for a cab for his wife. He then found himself walking around the apartment. He first checked on Grace and put her pacifier back in her mouth as he kissed her head. He then went into their bedroom and watched their other babies sleep. Counting down the minutes until they were all back together; safe.


Meryl was sitting in the small cold room and looked through the glass in front of her knowing that her father-in-law would soon be sitting on the other side. She felt like she finally had time to stop and think for the first time since walking into their apartment and finding James there, 2 of her children hysterical and her 3 year old daughter missing. She then thought of her husband; and she twirled her wedding ring. She was sure people thought she was disgusting at how she gushed over her husband; but she was head over heels in love with him. She didn't know what she did right to get to share her life with her husband, and for him to be the father of her children; but she thanked her lucky stars everyday that she had him. Then her heart broke when she thought of everything he had endured because of his father. She knew she had her chance at James before; but things had reached a new low and she couldn't bare to see how James' most recent appearance affected her husband and children. She took a deep breath as she saw the door open and James walk through. She picked up the phone when she saw him do the same. "What the fuck do you want, Meryl? Did my pussy son send you to fight his battles just like always? My god he is pussy whipped."

"Just shut the fuck up. Don is the best god damn person in the world; and this has to stop now." Meryl choked. "I watched him with Mamie this morning playing dress up and my heart broke that he never had parents who gave him a fraction of the love and attention that he gives to me and our children. That he will never know the unbelievable love and safety our children know because he had SHITS as parents."

James was already getting tired of this shit. "Meryl, is there a fucking point to this conversation? I swear, my pussy ass son needs to learn to put you in your fucking place. He needs to keep you in the kitchen where you fucking belong."

"I can't watch you tear my husband down anymore. I don't know why I'm surprised that you didn't adhere to your parole or broke the fucking restraining order; because you don't respect my husband." Meryl choked. "You will stay away, James. I can't bare to watch the ways you make my husband doubt himself. Even after her losing our daughter, I would NEVER make Don choose between us and his mother; which means you aren't going away. Whether you're in jail here or in Indianapolis or wherever the hell else. I promise you, James, I will throw your ass in jail every time you try to contact my husband. I will sue you. I will do whatever the fucking hell I have to do to keep you away. You know, I have been intentionally watching my husband with our children all day. The way their faces light up when he enters the room; the way his face lights up when he's playing with them and they run into his arms. And my heart breaks that he never had that. I see how damn hard he works to make sure our children and I never hurt like you and Jane have made him hurt. I hurt at how hard he has had to work to escape your clutches; but I am also damn proud of him for that. I will not allow you to bring him down; I will not allow you to break him."

James rolled his eyes. "Come on Meryl, I know the reason why you're here. I can SEE the reason why you're here."

"What in the fuck are you talking about?" Meryl shook with adrenaline.

James leaned in. "I know you came to give me some of that pussy. I can see you straining against your shirt how much you want this. I told you that he could never keep you satisfied."

"Stay the fuck away from the love of my life. Stay the fuck away from our children. Stay the fuck out of our life." Meryl swore standing up. "GO TO FUCKING HELL." Meryl could feel herself wobble out of that room; her legs feeling like jello from adrenaline. She wiped away her tears as she thought of how that man had fucked with her husband over the years; no more. She was glad the cab was waiting for her like she told the driver to; and she reminded him of her address. "Step on it."


Don picked up the phone for probably the thousandth time to make sure it was working; it was. He was hoping that no news was good news. He couldn't sit still. He kept walking from room to room. Constantly checking on the kids and kissing them. Then going to clean up the kitchen; though he and Meryl had already done that after lunch. He went into Mamie's room making sure it was clean and then Henry's room; of course they were. His wife made sure their children knew how to pick up after themselves. He smiled as he walked into Grace's room; of course it was picked up since she was only 4 months old and still slept in the bassinet in their room. He went to the office and then the den and then his studio up in the loft. Everything was picked up. All the bills were paid. All the mail was filed. All the laundry was done and put away. It was in that moment he wished his wife wasn't such an OCD overachiever because he couldn't find anything to do to keep him busy. After checking on all of their children again he found himself checking their phone line one more time; and then he found himself opening the balcony doors and watching for his wife. He didn't care that the cold rain pelted him. He would stand there until his wife was safely in his arms. Not that much longer he saw a cab stop in front of their building and then a familiar umbrella and rain coat came into his vision. He ran out to the balcony. "Meryl?!"

"Don Man!" She shouted. "I'll be right up."

Don looked over to the fire escape and started to run down it. "I'm coming."

"Baby." Meryl choked as she ran up the escape.

Don held up his hand. "Stay there it's slick."

"I can't wait." She cried as she ran up the fire escape and melted into his arms once he was close enough to pull her into them. She held onto him for dear life; and she felt like he was hanging onto her like she was a life raft. The tears came quicker when she realized that is exactly what she was for him; he told her over and over she saved him. She knew that he saved her as well; there was never a doubt in her mind about that. She threw her legs around his hips and moaned when she felt him instantly spring to life under their wet clothes. "I love you so much!"

Don was kissing all over her face; looking her over like he did with their kids to make sure there wasn't a scratch on her while he clasped his hands together under her ass to make sure she didn't go anywhere. He needed to feel her like this. He had been terrified that something was going to happen to her; and he never wanted to let her go again. "I love you, baby; are you okay?"

"I'm fine." It was Meryl's turn to kiss all over his face. "Kids?"

Don couldn't seem to remove his lips and hands from her wet and warm body. "Asleep. Come on."


Don and Meryl finally made it up to their balcony and stumbled into their apartment. Barely able to pry their lips off one another. As soon as Don turned around to close the french style patio doors he found his wife quickly lifting the wet t-shirt up and off his body while she was still in his arms; he didn't dare let her go. Don closed his eyes at the sensation of her warm wet mouth open and hot over his chest. He threaded his fingers through her wet wavy blonde locks. He knew he needed to stop her; though that was the last thing in the world he wanted to do. They needed to talk. He needed to know what happened. He wanted to make absolutely sure that his father didn't hurt her. He pulled her head back up to his as they were both breathing hard. "Baby, we need to talk. I need to know what happened."

"We'll talk later." Meryl whispered as she peeled her wet raincoat off throwing it to the floor; her umbrella was left somewhere on the fire escape. "Right now I need to tell the world's greatest father and the best damn husband ever how much he is loved...how much he is treasured...how god damn much I need him."

Don didn't need to hear anymore. He quickly moved to a wall and pinned her against it. He attached his mouth to her neck as he quickly unbuttoned her shirt now that the wall served as another hand to keep her in place. He trailed his lips down her neck to her chest. Words were no longer needed. It wasn't about telling one another how much they were loved and cherished; it was all about showing and feeling. The thought that their two oldest kids could walk out into the living room at any time and find them in this position didn't even enter into their minds. All they could think about in that instance was how much they loved and needed the other. They were moving frantically as their hands went to each others jeans. Don knew he needed to get her jeans and panties down her legs. He kissed back up to her mouth as he devoured her lips and tongues; not wanting to lose their momentum. "Lift your hips, baby."

"Better?" She moaned as she felt him continuing to use the wall as an anchor so he could trail his free hand to the area between her legs where she craved him. "Shit, baby!"

Don groaned as her hands started to stroke him just like he needed once she was able to push his wet jeans and boxers down his legs. "Fuck, Darl. Oh, shit."

"Take me, baby." Meryl moaned as she could feel herself approaching her climax much quicker than she wanted as her husband's fingers worked her like the expert he was. "Please, Don...NOW!"

Don didn't need to hear anymore. He shoved his tongue in her mouth as he entered her just like they both craved. As soon as he felt her warmth accepting his length hard and deep he rotated his hips and slammed into her harder and harder. He slowed down when they both got too close. He sped up his moments when he could tell that was what they both needed. When Meryl tore her lips away from his when the need for air was too great he attached his lips to her nipple. "Fuck, Meryl; you're so damn warm and wet."

"God, you feel so fucking good." Meryl gasped as she held onto his hair as tightly as possible; scraping her nails over his scalp. "I'm there, baby. Oh fuck, Don. I wanted to hang on."

Don's mouth was wild over her nipples and chest as he was losing all semblance of control. As he felt his wife get closer and closer he needed to feel her lose control. He kissed up to her ear and whispered into it. "That's it, baby; let go. I've got you. Come for me, Darl. I didn't get to make you come last night on our anniversary. Come hard for me, baby; oh God that's it. Let go. I've got you."

"DON! OH GOD! OH GOD! YES!" Meryl screamed and before she had really come back to her senses she felt her husband letting go. She spurred him on, clenching him as he moved in and out of her, just as he did for her. She clamped her mouth over his ear. "Show me, Don Man, show me how I make you feel. Don't think, baby; just feel. Let go."

Don buried his face into her chest as he gave her everything he had. "Oh fuck, Meryl. Oh God, baby. Oh Yes. Oh ssshhhiiittt."

"That's it, baby." Meryl whispered as they then whispered their love for each another as she rubbed his back. She smiled at him as she pulled his head up to hers and she placed kiss after kiss on his lips and realized where they were. "I can't believe we didn't wake them up; and we didn't think about them walking in."

Don laughed at her. "Wouldn't be the first time. Besides, they're conked out."

"Good." Meryl smiled as he put her on her feet but then quickly swept her up in his arms once he kicked his shoes and pants off. "Now what are you doing?"

Don kissed her once again; still unable to resist her lips. "Taking a much needed and deserved anniversary shower with my wife."


After Don and Meryl took a nice hot shower together and changing into sweats, Don sent her to rest on the sofa and came back into the den with hot tea and snacks. Meryl accepted the hot tea he handed to her with a kiss to his lips. "No wine?"

"I wanted to save that for tonight." Don said; inferring he knew she couldn't have too much because of nursing. He sat down and opened his arms. "Come here."

Meryl sighed happily as she cuddled up to him. "Kids were okay?"

"I think they were exhausted; they've barely moved." Don said making her laugh. "How was it, baby? Please tell me everything that happened."

Meryl sighed as she looked up at him. "It was really okay, Don Man. He was just James."

"Meryl, please." Don said tilting her chin so he could look at her. "Baby, I NEED to know."

There was something about the way that Don said he needed to know and the earnest look in his eyes that she knew she needed to tell him everything. "Okay." She whispered with a kiss to his lips. "I was in and out quickly. I had the cabbie wait for me. Anyways, there was very thick glass between us and we used a phone to talk; if you could call it that. He asked what I wanted. Called you a pussy who sent me to fight his battles and I lost it."

"Baby, he just does that to get a rise out of us." Don sighed as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

Meryl laughed bitterly. "It worked; I can't stand it when people talk that way about you. And don't pretend that you don't feel that way about me." She winked when Don smirked. "I told him to shut the fuck up and how I watched you play with Mamie this morning and how my heart broke that you had shits as parents. That you will never know a fraction of the love and safety our children know because your parents sucked."

"But I do." Don tried to assure her. "Because of you."

Meryl choked as she leaned further into his embrace. "Thank you, baby; but you know what I mean." Don nodded. "He said that you need to learn to put me in my place and keep me in the kitchen where I belong."

"Such a god damn fucker." Don cursed. "What then, Darl?"

Meryl took a deep breath. "I told him I can't watch him break you anymore. That I would NEVER EVER make you choose between me and the kids and your mother; and your father is part of the package with your mother no matter how much we hate it and wish and hope that will change."

"There isn't a god damn choice to make." Don said strongly as he held her head in his hands. "You and the kids every time." Don kissed her hard; though he knew she knew. "Besides, you know how I'm feeling about my mother at the moment."

Meryl nodded; she was feeling the same way. "I told him I will do whatever I have to in order to keep him the hell away. I told him that I have watched you all day with the kids: the way your face lights up when they run to you and you play with them, and how they laugh and smile when they play with their daddy. That I know how damn hard you work to make sure our babies and I never hurt like your parents have hurt you; and how I hurt when I think of all they have done to you but then I'm so damn proud of you for escaping them. I told him that I will NOT allow him to break you; and I won't, baby."

"I love you so damn much; you know that?" Don asked as he pressed his forehead to hers.

Meryl smiled at him through her tears. "Not as much as I fucking love and adore you."

"We'll agree to disagree." Don ran his fingers through her wet hair. "What then, baby?" He noticed the look on her face and how she turned away. "Hey, this is me. What is it, sweetheart? What the fuck did he do?"

Meryl took a deep breath. "He said he knew why I was there; he could see why I was there. He said I came to give him...well...for..."

"What, baby?" Don said softly though he was wanting to kill his father though he didn't know exactly what he said.

Meryl swallowed hard. "Pussy. He said he could see my nipples straining against my blouse and that I wanted it. He said you couldn't keep my satisfied. It's like what Mann said when he was...IT'S FEAR, DON! I wasn't turned on. It was fucking fear and adrenaline. It made me think of the things he and Mann..."

"That fucker." Don held her as close as possible. "I know that, baby. Those fucking fuckers. He knows you were raped; hell, he orchestrated it. I could fucking kill him! Was that it?"

Meryl moved away slightly and nodded as he wiped away her tears. "I told him to stay the fuck away from the love of my life, our children and our of our life. I told him to go to hell and came home to the best things to ever happen to me."

"You're okay, though?" Don asked as she nodded. "You know you didn't have to do that, right?"

Meryl finally smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I did. For you, and the kids and myself. You are always standing up for us, Don Man, I wanted to do that. I am so lucky to have you, Donald Gummer."

"I am so damn grateful I brainwashed you into spending the rest of your life with me." Don told her his usual joke that always made her laugh. Then he just looked at her for the longest time.

Meryl noticed he was deep in thought, staring at her. "Baby, what is it?"

"How do you do it?" Don asked as she obviously didn't know what he was talking about. "How do you make me fall in love with you all over again? I mean I fall in love with you every single day and then when I think it can't happen again; it does?"

Meryl cuddled into his arms as she kissed his lips over and over. "Just as you do for me. Because we just fit. We're perfect together. What an anniversary."

"True." Don laughed as he lifted her head. "In the end I'm with you and our children; and that is all I ever want."

Just as Meryl placed her lips over his she heard little footsteps. "I think we've been found."

"I think you're right." Don laughed as their two oldest ran into where they were. "What are you two up to?"

Mamie jumped up on the couch in between her parents once they reluctantly pulled apart. "Mommy! Daddy!"

"There's our babies!" Meryl and Don hugged their two oldest.

Henry rolled his eyes. "Mom, I am not a baby."

"You will always be our babies." Don said as he tickled them. "Now, who wants some ice cream?!"


"I was so scared when we walked in and saw James there and Henry and Gracie were screaming." Don said as he held Mags in one arm; and pulled Meryl who was holding Brady in her arms close to him with his other arm. "Then when we discovered Mamie was gone..."

Meryl nodded as she looked up at him and gently kissed his lips. "I know baby, me too; and then when you went after him I was terrified he would hurt you."

"I couldn't risk him doing something to you; or more to Henry or Grace especially when we didn't know what happened and that Mamie was gone." Don said as they continued to remember that frightening evening. "I love you."

Meryl smiled broadly at him. "And I love you, my Don Man; but what was that for?"

"I just needed to make sure you know." Don smiled.

Meryl knew it was partly because of his amnesia. "I know, love."

"Are you really okay with Mom and Dad staying here?" Don asked in concern. "I mean between me, the babies and you healing and..."

Meryl turned her head so she could kiss his lips to stop what he was saying. "I promise, sweetheart. Like I said it would be nice to have help with stuff around here so I can focus on you and the babies; and so you're not up doing more than you should be doing."

"There's more." Don said making her laugh. "I know my girl."

Meryl winked at him. "That you do. I also want you to have some time with them. So many amazing things happened with them that you don't remember; and I want you to so badly. I thought maybe some time spent with them and seeing how much things have really changed will help you."

"She does seem much better towards you." Don acknowledged. "If she wasn't then there was no way I would let..."

Meryl winked at him. "Believe me sweetheart, I know that. Don?"

"Yeah?" Don knew she was serious by his tone. "What is it?"

Meryl took a deep breath. "Should we reconsider letting her babysit? I mean in our conditions and with me nursing it wouldn't be for long at all."

"No." Don said shaking his head. "No way. You've always backed me up on this."

Meryl turned towards him more. "I still do, Don Man; always. You have always been my back up."

"And I always will be." Don smiled. "No matter what tricks these two little ones pull later."

Meryl laughed at him. "And I will ALWAYS be yours. Sweetheart, things are so much different now. Our relationship with her is in a better place; she is in a better place. It would show that we are moving forward and trust her. That the past is in the past."

"It's not just James." Don pointed out. "He's not why Mamie left."

Meryl nodded. "No, that's right. But, we both acknowledged Mamie shouldn't have left; even if she was only 3 years old. Your mother is trying so hard. Now Brad is here; he would NEVER let anything happen to them."

"Yeah." Don said as he was thinking about it.

Meryl took a deep breath. "Baby, I know I pressured you back then to let her watch the kids; when you didn't want her to."

"No, no you didn't." Don said strongly. "She manipulated your love for me and the kids. You didn't pressure me."

Meryl smiled softly at him. "Thank you; but back then I told myself I would never mention her watching our children again unless I really thought she had changed. Baby, I really think she has. Which is what I've always wanted for you."

"I know that, Darl." Don said thinking about it. "Okay; sometime in the future she can, but not right now. I feel like I am just getting to know our babies. For me, this is our first full day home together. I want this time with all 4 of us. I'm not ready to leave them; even if it is for only half an hour. I want us all together."

Meryl smiled broadly at him. "I sure as hell can't argue with that."

"And right now I would just like to hold you and our babies." Don said smartly.

Meryl leaned her head on his shoulder. "I really can't argue with that."


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Just a fanfiction of what it would've been if Meryl and Don had gotten divorced but fell inlove again anyway. taking this more to mordern and into to...
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(sequel to new beginnings) the future of summer and michael.
3.4K 93 6
the story of love after death and the memories two can share