Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||

By parx_bois23

2.5K 129 3

Book 2! Brook 1 Stupid for you ||Geoff Wigington|| Big changes happen in Chloe Jones life as her and Jack b... More

Work outs
Break up
The hurting
The i love you's
The healing
Control me
Mitchy's party
New Years
Lay low
Full of surprises
Pass out
Baby Daddy
Epilogue I
Epilogue II


51 3 0
By parx_bois23

⚠️Hi I was like really sad writing this so trigger warning babes♥️

January 25th~

I've been doing good on my YouTube channel recently not forgetting to post everyday. I've learned how to edit because Lindsay taught me. I've been hanging out with Awsten and the boys recently before they leave for Australia. Christopher brought over our food we ordered and gave me my money back. "Are you hungry Christopher?" I asked.

"I'm fine miss.Weber" He Said.

"I'm serious, take a $20 and get something." I smiled.
I gave it to him and started to eat my chicken salad. "Interesting." Otto laughed.

"Yeah, he's a really sweet guy and I try taking care of him because he only eats when I'm done going out for the day. Like last night Jack and I went to a birthday party and didn't get back till like three in the morning. I'm still fucking hung over." I laughed.

"Jones." A voice called.

I looked behind me to see Dallas making her way towards me. "Hello my beautiful." I smiled. She sat my my leg and took a bite out my salad. "Are you stalking me now?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm obsessed with you." Dallas said kissing my cheek.

"Is my clingy boyfriend with you guys?" I asked.

"Thanks babe." He laughed.

"Anytime." I giggled.

I grabbed Jack's hand and smiled. He tilted your head backwards and kissed me. "Tell me why you're here?" I asked.

"Because we just went on a run and were hungry and this is Rian's favorite place to eat, nice Work on the album boys...Chloe sent it to us and it was great." Jack smiled.

"Thanks Jack." Awsten smiled.

"Do we have plans tonight?" I asked Jack.

"We're going to Ashton's tonight for Calum's birthday, then tomorrow you'll be with the boys next day you'll be with Dallas."

"Sounds good, did you mail my check yesterday?" I asked.

"Yeah, they said they'd send you something in return."

"Dallas, Jack are you ready?" Rian asked.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow Chlo." Dallas smiled. She kissed my cheek and walked over to Rian.
"My turn." Jack laughed. He picked me up and spun me around kissing my face making me laugh. "I love you." He smiled. Our height difference really shows when we're next to each other. I pulled his neck down to my level and kissed him. "Be safe. I love you too Barakat." I smiled. He sat me back down in my seat and took a bite of my salad. "Hey fuck boy, you got ranch on your mouth, looks like someone came on you." I laughed.

"Bye princess." Jack smiled.

"How romantic." Otto laughed.

I looked at Geoff and Awsten who were both looking down at their phones. I was starting to get angry with them and threw away my food. "Awsten, Geoffrey!" I yelled.

"What Chloe?" Awsten asked.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"Wh- no why would I be mad at you?" He asked.

"I feel like you are, you too." I Said pointing to Geoff.

"No Chloe I'm not mad, I'm actually happy we're hanging out I'm just extremely tired." Geoff said.

"Come on let's go out." Awsten smiled.

"I have plans. so I'll see you tomorrow." Geoff said kissing my cheek. He threw his bread crust away and came back to the table to grab his phone. I pushed him in a chair and sat on his left leg. He closed his eyes and grabbed onto the handles. "Look at me when I'm talking." I Said grabbing his chin. "What's wrong with you." I asked.

"I hate seeing you with other people Chloe. It makes me think about the other things I could have changed to be with you." He Said.
His hands rested on my hips molding back in their spots.

"You have a girlfriend that's fucking beautiful and you gave her a promise ring for Christmas damn it." I Said.

"I fucking love her to death but I don't want Jack Hurting you." Geoff said.

"He'd never hurt me as bad as you did." I Said.

"Then why are you still hanging out with me? Is it because you like company from Awsten? I fucking know you hooked up with him." Geoff said.

"I did. I was hurting, Awsten was hurting and we both needed a break from the world. I did have sex with Awsten and it was amazing. Not to mention less then 24 hours later Jack and I got back together and he was supportive. You unfollowed Jack and I you because you were so angry. You are so two faced I don't even know who you are." I cried. "Justin died, you knew I was close to him only Otto, Awsten, and Grace talked to me knowing I was struggling with this lost...let me top it off, your girlfriend Got my email and told me she was sorry for me. Take a day to yourself and get me out of your head because I'm never getting back with you Geoffrey Donald." I Said. I got off him and yelled for Christopher. "You can go home Christopher, I'm done with my outings today." I turned around to see Jack standing there. He came at me with open arms and pressed me to his chest. "Shh, I'm here now Babygirl." He Said. He grabbed my purse and led me into Rian's car.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I forgot my water bottle, saw you yelling." Jack said. "Take a nap, I'm going to take you somewhere." Jack smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.


Jack's pov

I looked down at my lap looking at Chloe asleep with her tears dried on her face. Awsten and I talked on the phone about what happened and understood every word he said because I was once in the same boat where I was with someone but couldn't get Over them. I looked at her hand tracing the 'J' on her ring finger and looking at the 'C' on mine. We pulled into Alex's house. "Wake up princess." I smiled.

She opened her eyes and sat up. We got out the car and walked in. We were greeted by their dogs they had and Lisa came running over to Chloe and Dallas. "Hey." Chloe said giving her a small smile.

"Text me of you need anything I'll be upstairs." I Said. I waited for her to kiss me but she just stood there looking at her feet. "Feeling Okay?" I whispered into her ear.

"Yeah." She smiled. I couldn't tell if she was lying to me or not but she seemed a little off. I kissed her cheek and walked upstairs with Rian into Alex's small office space.


We've all eaten dinner by now...most of us. Chloe wasn't hungry she just sat at the table looking down at her fingers just twirling her hair. "I'll be back." She Said taking her purse to the bathroom. "Chloe." I called. "I love you." I smiled. She nodded her head and walked towards the bathroom past the corner.

It's been 15 minuets and Chloe has yet to come out the bathroom. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom I tried opening the door but it was locked. "Chloe." I knocked. Nothing came from the room just the went running in the hallway. "Chloe!" I yelled. I got on the ground and looked under the carpet for a key. I opened the door to see Chloe laying in the tub with small cuts on her wrist. "Babygirl." I frowned. I touched her hand but she didn't move. "Chloe?" I Said. I looked around me to see have swallowed half a bottle of pain killers. "ALEX!" I yelled. I lifted her out the tub and sat her down. "No, Chloe please." I cried. Alex ran in the bathroom and called 911. I didn't know what to do but to just hold her warm body. I still heard and felt her heart beat. I just gently rocked her body back and forth crying on her shoulder. I looked at her wrist to see she only did 4 cuts on each arm. I knew how to treat these before they turned into scars. Sirens began to come closer and pull into the drive way. I let go of her as she was strapped onto a stretcher. As she was pulled away everything turned black. "Jack." Chloe said.
I couldn't see her but I could hear her and feel her touching my chest. "Jack, wake up!" She yelled. I sat up quickly bumping heads with Her. She seemed fine, I rolled her sleeves up to see her wrist clean. I pulled her into a kiss afraid to let go of her. "I love you and I appreciate you so much." I smiled.

"What's going on with you?" She asked.

"Where Are we?" I asked.

"Uh, In my Drive way." She laughed. "I thought you were dead, you wouldn't wake up."

My heartbeat was fast and I felt as If I was going black out again. "Babe, do you need water?" She She asked. I shook my head no and grabbed Chloe's hands. "Can you promise me something?" I asked.

"Yeah." She smiled.

I couldn't spill out the words I wanted to say to her I just had all this fear built up afraid to say anything. She got out the car and walked over to my side. "Bye Dallas, Bye Ri." She smiled. She got me out the car and walked me to the house. I felt as it I had no strength to hold her to my chest. We carefully walked up the stairs and walk into her room. "Sit, I'll be back." She smiled. I was left on her bed with my own thoughts. A few minutes later she came back with a drink in her hand and a baggy shirt on. I took a sip from the whiskey She handed me. "Will you lay with me?" I asked. She nodded her head and crawled over me to get to her side. She laid her head on my lap. "Will you tell me what's going on?" She asked.
She sat up and looked at me in my eyes. "I guess I fell asleep in the car and I had a bad dream that you weren't happy with anything and you hurt your self so badly you wouldn't wake up and I didn't know what to do. I remember just holding you till ambulance came. Then I woke up." I Said.

She sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her in closer. "I'm sorry if I ever put that thought into your head Jack." She said. "As long as I keep getting the help I've asked for from you and the boys I think I'm going to be better." She Said.
Chloe pulled away and got up from me and walked to the mirror. "Have you talked to Awsten at all?" I asked.

"Yeah, Geoff wants me to meet up with him later today while they go to idobi." She Said putting her hair up. "I love you Barakat." She smiled.

"I Love you too Babygirl." I smiled. I pulled her back on the bed with me and threw the covers over us. Her laughs stayed in my head as I tickled her. I kissed her and closed my eyes. "I can't express how much I love you." I Said against her ear.


Chloe's pov

Awsten picked me up and took me into town. "Geoff said he's extremely sorry for the way he's been acting recently." He Said.

"I feel like he still likes me but won't let go. He has a beautiful girlfriend and she's really sweet. I just want to be with Jack and I want him to be happy with that decision I've made. He's still my best friend." I smiled. How'd he find out about you and I by the way?" I asked.

"I think Jawn told him." Awsten frowned. I let out a sigh and noticed a Starbucks near by. The smell of coffee made me gag but there was just about no one in line so I gave Awsten a few dollars to get me a drink. "Do you know my regular?" I asked.

"Yeah, Take a seat." He smiled.
I sat on my phone for a few minutes before Awsten came back out with my drink. "Thank you." I smiled.

We walked along the Hollywood stars and caught up on everything. "Have you met Fish before?" Awsten asked

"No but I've seen interviews and he seems sweet." I Said. Awsten opened the door for me as we walked in. I made eye contact with Geoff as he stood up and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry." We said in unison. "I sorry Chloe, I Never want to hurt you and I'm sorry I made you cry...and you're my best friend and I want to keep it like that." He Said in my ear.

"I'd like that a lot." I smiled.

"Thank god." He Said.

"Chloe Jones wow nice to finally meet you." Mike smiled.

"You too." I smiled.

We all walked into a room set up with 4 microphones. "Okay we're just going to get into. Don't swear, say whatever you want about your album and I'll ask you some questions that were sent in." Mike smiled.

I found a couch off to the side of Otto and laid down.


"Jones." Awsten called.
I looked over and saw Awsten motioning me over. I got up and made my way over to the boys. "Hi." I laughed. "We can't fit another chair in here so pick a lap." Mike laughed. I sat on Geoff's lap and put the head phones on. "Chloe, how are you?" Mike asked.

"I am fantastic." I smiled.

"Great, so you've been everywhere on the news recently do you mind explaining it?" Mike asked.

"Okay so about a month ago a woman named Sydney passed away, she raised me and loved me when i needed it...like a mother would. My lawyer flys to California and tell me she actually wasn't my mom." I chuckled.

"My real family lives in Germany, along with my twin!" I smiled.

"There's another one of you?" Awsten laughed.

"She dyed her hair black, but looks just like me. Her name is Cheryl and she made a video on her YouTube channel saying like. "Find her, use her social platform to get her to me. She's a very smart girl and we plan on meeting in March in the U.K." I smiled.

"That's amazing, and you're like a big deal in Germany now, your parents are business owners?" He asked.

"I truly have no idea." I Said.
"I do know that I Sydney bought me from my family for like $700k." I groaned.

"Wow, mind is we steer away from this topic? Let's talk about your relationship." Mike said.

"Jack? My favorite topic." I laughed.

Mike pulled her phone out and scrolled through messages. "You've been a fan of all time low for a while right?" Mike asked. "Yeah about 6 years? 7?"

"I have messages from Jack about you since August." Fish Said.
My eyes widened as I looked at him. "A-August? We didn't get together till the end of September." I laughed.

"Here these are from August read them."

Jack B: Fish I need help, I'm in love.

Me: what's up buddy?

Jack B: (photo) what do you think of her?

Me: she looks beautiful.

Jack B: She's interviewing Alex and I next month and i can't even look at her in a photo without getting a boner.

Me: Shit didn't need to know that, ask to meet her, you're in California.

Jack B: She name is Chloe Ash-Lin Jones. She's from New York moved to California. She has green eyes and brown hair and she just turned 21.

Me: brown hair huh? That's new.

Jack B: Only problem she's dating a friend.

Me: just looked her up  she's dating Geoff. Sorry dude.

Jack B: I'll keep you updated.

September 25th

Jack B: I met her, I was drunkshe got drunk, I kissed Her twice I think she's mad at me.

Me: well she has a boyfriend I'd think she has a reason to be mad.

Jack B: our rooms are right across from each other. Now she's yelling.

Me: Go check on her.

Jack B: Mike.

Me: well it's been two days since you texted me what the fuck happened.

Jack B: Best sex ever... that's what happened. Jesus Christ I'm taking her with me to Vegas. I've never felt so good after sex like that, I'm going to marry this fucking girl. I've never jumped to conclusions so quickly in my life, we just had breakfast and I'm Going to ask AP if I could take her to write for the band.

As I handed fish his phone back he's phone buzzed and it was a text from Jack. Simply saying "I love you."

"Jacks watching." I smiled.


The boys did amazing on their interview, i met fish and we told me some embarrassing things about Jack. I made my way into my house slowly and kicked my shoes off. "Fuck." A Deep voice moaned.

I went upstairs and saw Jack laying down with his computer watching porn like usual when I'm gone. I hated when he did that and he knew that when I found out he'd get sex out of it. I grabbed his laptop from his legs and got out the website. "You know I hate when you do that." I groaned.

"W-why do you always come home early." He Laughed.

"Shh, don't talk." I groaned. "Just finish, I'll be downstairs." I Said throwing his laptop by his feet. I walked downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine. I played fall out boys new album. I looked in the fridge for something to eat. I decided to do a instagram live just to catch up on things. Jack and downstairs and placed his hands on my waist. "I love you." He smiled. I ignored him but he tilted my head back and kissed me. "I love you." I Said. Those words slipped out my mouth as if he was pulling them out. "When are you leaving with the boys?" He asked.

"I don't know, they have to be there before 5." I Said grabbing my laptop.

"You can get that tattoo that you wanted." He Said in my ear.

"Yeah, id like that." I smiled. "Jack wrapped his arms around my neck as he looked at the chat. "Songs that you've had on replay the past month." Someone asked.

"Anything from Fall out Boy's new album." Jack smiled.
"I fell in love with that album. When it came out I fell asleep but Jack woke me up and I cried at 12. My song it probably 'Mine' by Bazzi. I get a lot of new songs from edits I watch of us." I smiled. "Do you want to watch a movie tonight?" Jack asked.

"I kind of just want to lay with you till morning." I smiled at him. He latched his lips to mine and smiled. I let out a scream and laughed. Jack kissed me again and looked in the fridge. "Can't Tell if you want to get laid or if you're just tired and want to lay down." I laughed. "I'm tired." Jack said feeding me grapes. "Go upstairs I'll make dinner." I smiled.

"You sound like a house wife." He chuckled. I gave Jack a hug and looked up at him. "You should make me your wife." I joked.

"Will you marry me?" He asked.
Just those words that make out his mouth made me happy even though we were just playing around. My heart skipped a beat as I thought about it more. Jack and I talk about our future a lot together but I've never been so afraid to say yes or no. I stood there for 30 seconds doing nothing. "You're pretty when you think." Jack smiled.

"I'm going to marry the fuck out of you." I laughed.

Jack picked me up and spun me around in circles. "I'm so in love with you." He smiled.
"Stop it." I blushed.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the chat of people with heart eye emojis and crying emojis. "Okay, Jack wants attention so I have to go. My new YouTube video is up, go watch it, like it, dislike it I don't care." I giggled.

"Go like it, I'm in if so I made it better." Jack laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." I groaned. He kissed me gently and rubbed my back. "Okay bye, I love you." I Said ending the live stream. I shut my phone off and smiled. "So how was fish?" Jack asked.

"He's nice, is like to hangout with him." I smiled.

"I watched it tonight." He Said roughly grabbing my sides. I sat on Geoff's lap for the interview. "Lets go to bed princess." He Said in my ear. His grip on me got looser and his hands traveled up my back making my nerves tense. I walked up the stairs and stripped down into my underwear and a t-shirt. I enjoyed nights like this when jack and I could just lay with each other and sleep. Bella jumped onto the bed and laid between us. I kissed him gently and smiled. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my waist going over my stretch marks with his thumb. "I love every inch of you." Jack smiled.

"I wish I saw what you see." I frowned.

"Stand up." He Said.

"I just laid down." I groaned.
I stood up and and Jack guided me to the mirror. "Point to something you don't like." Jack said.

"Jack I don't want to do this right now." I Said.

"You look beautiful, and I can't even describe how fucking pretty you are without tarring my clothes off. You're so fucking beautiful and I love showing you off to friends. And I love your laugh, I love everything about you." He Said wrapping his arms around me. "I love you Chloe and I think you're going to do great things in life and I'm going to be there through it."  He smiled. I turned my body and kissed him he still had whiskey on his lips. I bit his bottom lip and smiled. "If I had the time I'd marry you right now." He smiled.

"People actually think we're married." I Said grabbing my phone. I went to my instagram and looked at some of my comments.

'They're obviously engaged or something.'
'If Jack doesn't propose to Chloe in 2018 I will.'

I scrolled through my instagram feed as Jack picked me up and set me on my dresser. "Wanna go to Mexico?" He asked. He caught me off guard as I looked at him. "Ashton, Andrew and a few of my other guy friends will be there... some girls will be there too so you aren't the only one."

"Sure, when?" I asked.

"Only for a few days leave the 2nd."

"Sounds fun." I smiled. Jack rubbed circles around my thigh. I didn't mind him touching me because I trusted him. Jack's fingers hooked my underwear as he looked at me. "I think we need sleep." I Said holding his hands.

"Ye-yeah we've had a rough day." He Said.
"Hey." I Said grabbing his hand before he walked off. "Kiss me." I smiled. His fingers tangled in my hair as he kissed me. I pulled back slowly as our hot air hit our faces. "I'll shut the lights off." He Said.

I look at my phone and put it on do not disturb. I put my hair up and got under the covers. Jack got under the covers and pulled me closer to him. My head rested on his bicep and my arm draped around his waist. "Goodnight princess." He Said kissing my head.


It's 10:35 PM and I'm tired so I don't want to proof read. Oops😂💖

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