Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||

By parx_bois23

2.5K 129 3

Book 2! Brook 1 Stupid for you ||Geoff Wigington|| Big changes happen in Chloe Jones life as her and Jack b... More

Work outs
Break up
The hurting
The i love you's
The healing
Control me
Mitchy's party
New Years
Lay low
Full of surprises
Pass out
Baby Daddy
Epilogue I
Epilogue II


55 3 0
By parx_bois23

"Jack." I smiled.

I reached for his phone to see it was December 25th 8 am in the morning.

"Wake up." I Said in his ear. I laid kisses all over him and straddled his waist. As his eyes fluttered open and smiled at me. "Did I sleep with one of Santa's elfs." He smiled.

"Possibly." I said resting my hands on his chest. I connected my lips to his again. He grabbed my ass as a smile formed on his face. "My 4 days are up." I smiled.

"Good." He Said gripping my inner thigh. "Have you been good this year?" He smirked.

"Fuck no." I Said.

Jack pinned me to the mattress and untied my sleep pants. "Fuck, I should have gotten you underwear you can wear around my house." He laughed.

"It says yes Daddy on the back." I smiled. Jack threw my pants to the side and flipped me over.

"Are you kids up?" Joyce called.

I walked to the door and opened it. "Good morning Joyce." I smiled.

"Was i interrupting something." She laughed.

"No, just getting changed... merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas sweetie, we're going to be out on the boat for a little we'll be back soon." She Said leaving the room.

Jack took my phone and set it on the dresser. "You have to stop doing this to me." He moaned.

I rested my hand on his cheek and pushed him to the ground straddling his waist. "Just like that I'm in control again, you can be weak at times Jack." I Said.

"I'm gonna go sit by the ocean." I Smiled. I got up and threw my swim wear on and pair of black shorts. I grabbed my earbuds and my phone and walked out. I grabbed Bella and put her on a leash.

I shut the door and walked down the steps. I found a spot and sat down In the sand. I looked around to see kids playing in the water with their family. I couldn't stand looking at happy family and knowing I missed out on that growing up and creating new memories I would have had with Emma. I kept bella close to me afraid she'd run off. I didn't bother putting my earbuds in and just played my music so I could hear it. River by Bishshop Briggs started to play as I laid down. Jack stood above me blocking the sun from my face.

"I brought you a blanket so we could lay on it." Jack smiled.

I gave him the silent treatment and turned my music off. "This is the last night then you and I leave early. You'll be in California. I'll be in New York For Mitchy's Birthday for a few ." He smiled. Here, we're opening gifts." Jack said handing me a shirt.

Stood up and walked up The steps where everyone was sitting. I picked Jack's phone up and scrolled through his missed texts.

Lisa✨-Wishing you and Chloe a beautiful first Christmas together.
xx Alex and I

Jenna💁🏻‍♀️- Better be treating my best friend with love and respect... I can also never look at you the same now that your name is Daddy... know who is daddy your friend Zack


I laughed as Jack came over and handed me a large bag. "This is from me to you because I know you needed this because your old one got ruined." Jack smiled.

I took the tissue paper out and pulled out a black Louie bag with a matching wallet. My face dropped as I opened my arms out and kissed him. "Thank you." I smiled.

"This is the first gift and she's crying." Joyce joked.

I held my arms out again as Jack came back and hugged me. "This is perfect Jack." I smiled. He smiled through a kiss as May handed me the next gift. "I didn't know what to get you." She laughed. I opened the small bag to find a card. 'Merry Christmas Chloe, glad you could spend it with us, hopefully many more to come. xx May'.

I opened the rest of the gift. "Hell yeah." I smiled bringing out the black mug. "What doesn't it say?" Joyce asked.

"Fuck coffee get Tea." I smiled. I gave May a hug and smiled. "Thank you." I smiled.

"Well I feel bad I didn't get you guys anything... so have $100." I said handing everyone money.

"Thank you dear." Joyce smiled.

"Okay one more gift that's here the rest is at my house." Jack said handing me a box. "I was also to lazy to wrap it." Jack laughed. I opened the box to see a pair of gray vans high tops. "Adding onto my collection, thank you baby." I smiled.

I walked over and grabbed Jack's present. "Is This my thousand dollar gift?" He laughed.

"Open it." I groaned.

He opened the box and slid the guitar out carefully. He looked looked at the signatures then looked at me. "You didn't." He smiled. "Look at this." He Said Showing May and Joe. "Holy shit." Joe smiled. "A signed guitar from My Chemical Romance." Bassam Said.

"Even though I can call up Mikey Way-." Jack said.

"Don't ruin the moment." I interrupted

Jack set the guitar down carefully and picked me up and spun me around. "You're the best." Jack smiled.


I hate leaving Jack. It tugs at my heart knowing I won't be with him for a day. I know a day it shouldn't be that bad but it is. I walked out the airport in Jack's light weight sweat shirt. I saw multiple cameras coming my way as I was both uncomfortable and confused. Jack said that Jenna was here to pick me up. Cameras flashed in my face as some women started to speak German. "How does it feel being the lost twin sister to the Weber family?" She spoke.

I was completely lost with what was being tossed at me. "Hey, you probably have the wrong person. I'm sorry." I spoke.

"No no you're Chloe Jones. Daughter to the Weber's." She Said.

"Chloe." A voice called.

I turned around to see Jenna standing by the car worried. I put my bags in the back and put my seatbelt on. She sped off not worrying about a seatbelt and didn't say a word.
She took a different street then what im used to. "You took the wrong turn." I laughed.

"I'm taking you to Jacks, and I'm taking your dog for the week." She Said.


"Because I was asked to take you to his house, then he'll see you in the morning." She Said handing me a card.

I opened the card as a pink and white striped gift card fell out.

'Hey bitch, merry fucking Christmas. Love Jenna. The card read. "Thanks." I laughed.

"Use That well." She laughed.


I reached Jacks house and got out the car. Keep suit case I have clothes here." I Said grabbing my purse from the seat.

"Bye Chloe." Jenna smiled.

I grabbed the spare key from the light and walk into the house. To find it was completely empty but a few boxes and a couch. I set my purse down on the counter and looked at the clock to see it was 8 at night. I walked upstairs into our room and turned the light on. Our bed was gone and Jacks Dresser with my clothes were gone. I walked into the bathroom and started some bath water. I grabbed a bottle of wine and popped the corkscrew off. I put bath bubbles in the water.

My phone buzzed to see it was Jack texting me.

Daddy💍- Call or text me so I know you're safe🖤

I set my phone down and shut the running water off. I threw my clothes in a empty hamper. I picked my phone up and swiped to my camera. Wasn't everyday I sent something like this to Jack. Just the lonely night when I really want him.


Me- I'm safe daddy.

I played Sam Smith on shuffle and sat in the tub covering myself to the neck. Everything felt right in the world nothing negative on my mind nothing to hurt me.

Jack's pov

"Catch." I laughed. Mitchy caught the beer I threw at him. I laid down on the couch and grabbed the remote to the tv. My phone buzzed on the kitchen counter but I was already comfortable they way I was. "Mitchell Go get my phone." I laughed.

"Damn making me do all this work." He laughed. I looked for something to watch.

"Holy shit!" Mitchy yelled.
"Holy shit." He repeated.

"What now?" I groaned.

"How old is your girl?" He asked.

"21." I Said standing up and walking to Mitchy.

"Well daddy, your girl is safe alright." He Said handing me my phone. A smirk formed on my face as I saw her in her full. I put the phone to my ear and waited for the ringing to stop. "You're calling her?!" He yelled.

I heard running water in the back as I stayed silent. "Jack." She spoke softly.

"Hi baby girl." I smiled.

"Why'd you call?" She asked.

"I-i got your picture." I chuckled.

She stayed silent for a few seconds till she spoke up. "Come home, I already miss you." She snickered.

"I know Chlo it'll be a fast trip. I'll seriously be home around 3 in the morning California time."

"Can you hold me till we fall asleep." She asked.

"Hell yeah, I'll be home soon princess." I smiled.

"Well you'll be holding me on the couch because everything in the house is gone." She Said.

"I know, leaving that house, going to an apartment." I Said. "Get some rest."

She let out a quiet moan and a giggle. "Good night baby.

"Good night Chloe." I hung up.

"Alright I'm going to leave for 30 minuets... you take care of yourself." Mitchy Said pointing down to my pants.

"Fuck." I laughed not realizing. "I'll probably pass out after." I laughed.

Mitchy left the room and now it was just me and my thoughts. I started to run water through my hands and splashed it on my face. I started a shower and grabbed a few shampoo bottles the hotel gives out. It was a lonely night without Chloe when she's the only thing on my mind. I looked at my phone again and saw Chloe posted a new photo. I swiped over and waited for my instagram to load. It was a picture of her In one of my Boner t-shirts and a pair of black laced underwear. '💍.' Her caption said. I liked the post and set my phone to the side and got in the shower. I let the hot water hit my back and ran my fingers through my hair. My phone started to buzz. I ignored it and started to wash my hair. My phone buzzed again, Alex, Rian, and Zack were all texting me and calling me. I dried my hand and called Alex back. "What, I'm in the shower." I groaned.

"We need to talk about Chloe." He Said.

"My favorite topic." I laughed.

"Does she have some sort of secret life or something because Lisa just showed me a fucking TMZ article on Chloe Weber the lost twin Daughter to a family in Germany. 'Chloe Weber (Jones) best known for relationship with guitarist Jack Barakat has been seen hanging out with the boys of 5sos. Chloe has been missing for 21 years.' Alex read. "TMZ Jack, let that sink in." Lisa spoke.

"Christ, send me the fucking link to my email I'll look at it when I get out." I Said leaning on the wall.

"Is she adopted?" Alex asked.

"I'm getting on a plane in a few hours to see her I- I'll ask if she knows anything." I Said.

"Can Lisa and I have Jenna's number she probably knows a lot more." Alex asked.

"Yeah sure. Give me like 15 minuets" I Said.


Hi Okay so it's March 7 Waterparks are currently on their Entertainment tour and I'm just now tellin y'all I met them back in November💀 11.26.17.
So yeah 5 months later here's my pic💀😂 I look EXTREMELY atrocious in this but it's okay because I'm gonna see them on Warped and take a better one. Can I just say that I had to travel outta country to see this damn band. That's how much I actually love them. I'm trying to convince my mom to take me to see ATL in South Carolina because my sister lives in North Carolina and I'm going down there anyway for spring break. (10 hour drive rip).
Sooooo wish me luck💀💝

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