Brother || Teen Wolf

By anauthorname

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Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski and Jamie Tate. The trio was known to attract trouble, especially after a cer... More

Chapter 1 - The Bite
Chapter 2 - Stitches
Chapter 3 - The Girl who didn't have a pen
Chapter 4 - The Lacrosse Miracle
Chapter 5 - The woods can be peaceful too
Chapter 6 - First Line
Chapter 7 - Not a joke anymore
Chapter 8 - A party and a disaster (1/2)
Chapter 8 - A party and a disaster (2/2)
Chapter 9 - Aftermath
Chapter 10 - Renounce
Chapter 11 - Drugs. Work. Morgue.
Chapter 12 - The Wolfsbane Incident
Chapter 13 - Game Night
Chapter 14 - The Bus Attack
Chapter 15 - The Cool Kids Table
Chapter 16 - False Alarms
Chapter 17 - Batman and the Lame Sidekicks
Chapter 18 - Bowling
Chapter 19 - That Fateful Night
Chapter 20 - Little Talks and Parking Lots
Chapter 21 - Poison Flower
Chapter 22 - Audio, Video, Fiasco
Chapter 23 - Cool people hang out on rooftops
Chapter 24 - Alone
Chapter 25 - Learn and Survive
Chapter 26 - The Parents
Chapter 27 - The Sheriff's Dilemma
Chapter 28 - Constant Vigilance
Chapter 29 - Anger Management 101
Chapter 30 - Family History
Chapter 31 - Chased
Chapter 32 - Liars
Chapter 33 - To the rescue
Chapter 34 - Secret Unveiled
Chapter 35 - Pity Party
Chapter 36 - Biles Bilinsly and the angry Lacrosse Captain
Chapter 37 - The Remorseful Past of Adrian Harris
Chapter 38 - Scratched and Scarred
Chapter 39 - Life and Death of Mr. Bear
Chapter 41 - Figured Out
Chapter 42 - Beta meets Alpha
Chapter 43 - Lethal
Chapter 44 - Judge, Jury and Executioner
Chapter 45 - The Healer
Chapter 46 - Huntress
Chapter 47 - Don't tell me what I can't do
Chapter 48 - The Dance
Chapter 49 - The side effects of being in the way
Chapter 50 - Think or Do
Chapter 51 - In their Nature
Chapter 52 - Eye Opener
Chapter 53 - Where it ends
Chapter 54 - Epilogue
A/N: Sequel

Chapter 40 - Werewolf Club

2.4K 66 1
By anauthorname

Scott had no idea how dangerously close to the truth Kate Argent was when he heard knocking on his door. It was the night of the full Moon, and he had very pressing concerns to deal with. He was still himself, but he could feel small pieces of his mind fall under the influence of the Moon that was shining brightly in the night sky, taunting him. Stiles had joined him a few minutes earlier, bringing with him a sports bag full of heavy-looking chains he well intended to use. Being chased around by his werewolf friend was getting old already, and he didn't intend on letting it happen once more. 

Scott quite agreed with him, at least for now. The more he thought about it, the more reluctant he felt. The sight of chains truly made him feel like he was some sort of dangerous animal, a threat to his friends, and that said friends didn't trust him. Scott knew the full Moon was influencing his thoughts, but he couldn't stop the disdainful looks from leaving his eyes, hurting Stiles once he found himself their target. The spastic teen steeled himself and opened the door, welcoming Jamie and Lydia inside with a small smile that revealed how bad the situation was.

If Lydia appeared to share Stiles' gloomy mood, the same could not be said from Jamie. He was smiling to the point his cheeks were hurting, appearing much happier than a few days prior. He rubbed his hands together and reached the room Scott was about to spend the night in, a witty smile on his face. Stiles and Lydia followed after exchanging amused looks, glad to see at least one person remained unfazed by the ominous sight of the full Moon.

"Oh, I love this so much..." Jamie cheered, taking place on Scott's bed. "It's like we're part of a secret society, you know? Like Fight Club, but for werewolves."

"Werewolf Club?" Stiles offered, his eyebrows raised.

"First rule of Werewolf Club... you do not talk about Werewolf Club," Jamie said in an overly dark tone, reenacting the movie scene he had watched countless times.

Lydia rolled her eyes and took place beside him, letting her bag fall at her feet. Stiles closed the door and looked at his co-conspirators, determined to get through the night without having to chase after Scott in the middle of the woods again. That what was this whole night was about, but that didn't mean they had to stand around doing nothing until the Sun rose. If they were to spend the night locked inside, they might as well make use of the time. Stiles sat at his chair, the one Scott had clawed what seemed like a long time ago. Just like with everything he repaired, Stiles had relied on duct tape to hold the torn fabric together. It was far from pretty, but it did the job. He grabbed a small piece of paper from his desk and showed it to his friends, his detective face on. It was a distinct look, one his friends instantly recognized. They all peered at the paper, which was a piece of evidence Stiles had 'borrowed' from his father's office. It was a poorly drawn animal, standing on all four in the middle or a circle. Whoever drew the creature had done so with a shaking hand.

Lydia's eyes widened when she recognized what it was, for she had seen it before. On a pendant, the one that Allison wore every day. Stiles jumped on his feet when he saw Lydia's expression, an expectant yet triumphant smile on his lips.

"What? What is it?" he questioned, impatient to get an answer.

"It's the wolf on Allison's pendant," Lydia explained, sending Stiles in a fit of spastic gestures. "But what does it mean? Where did you get this?"

Jamie nodded, these were questioned he had been meaning to ask as well. Stiles deliberately took his time, and with a mysterious air, showed his friends a file -- yet another item he had 'borrowed' from his father's office. How the officers had yet again failed at spotting him coming in and out of the building was truly a cause for concern for Stiles, who was now questioning how safe the police precinct really was. But the lack of security had played to his advantage, and if he wanted access to supposedly confidential documents again, he knew better than to express his concerns to his father.

The file in his hands was a detailed account of the investigation on the Hale fire, that he had found right next to the drawing. Stiles had read it all, eagerly learning about every detail of the case, no matter how disturbing some of them were. This was truly a horrific matter, but Stiles knew he couldn't let himself be affected if he wanted to keep a clear head. They needed to be rational about this. He looked at his friends, all traces of cheerfulness gone from his face.

"Mr. Harris drew this. He said it belonged to the woman responsible for the Hale fire."

"Kate," Jamie replied immediately, "Allison said she got the pendant from her aunt, Kate."

"Stop talking about Allison!" Scott yelled, startling his friends. He was on the verge of tears, holding his head between his hands and swaying slightly on his heels, kneeled next to the radiator he was chained to. The Moon was erasing all traces of humanity from his mind, leaving him with only pain and rage. He was struggling to resist the urge to break free, but he was losing the battle. He saw his friends take a step away from him, visibly frightened by his outburst. That was what made him fully lose it. His friends, his own friends, didn't have faith in him. He roared and planted his claws in the metal, tearing the chains apart. He didn't look back and jumped through the window. The Moon was calling, and so was his Alpha.

"Scott!" Stiles yelled, completely panicked. He flailed his arms around and rushed for the door, his friends on his heels.

"Wait, Stiles, we need to think!" Jamie stopped Stiles, grabbing him by the arm. "Where is Scott going? What does he do during the full Moon?"

"He goes to Allison," Stiles answered, breathless.

"Then let's go there first. I'm driving," Lydia stated. She walked out of the room, determined, and led them to her car. She rushed to Allison's house, pretending not to see a few stop signs on the way. They reached their destinations in mere minutes, but Scott was already there, standing fully wolfed out in front of the house. His gaze was fixated on a window, behind which two silhouettes could be seen. The first one belonged to Allison, but the second one was harder to identify. But Scott could see better than his friends could ever hope, and he recognized the second silhouette instantly. Those cheekbones, this arrogant air.


Scott was enraged. Jackson needed to pay. Scott roared when three silhouettes stood between him and his prey, shaking, but determined to make his task more difficult anyway. One held a baseball bat, another a pepper spray and the third a wrench. But the real threat didn't come from them, it came from behind Scott.

And it hit him before he could even move.

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