Haunted Love (One Direction)...

By blxckbxlloon

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{COMPLETED} "You don't deserve all this happiness," she smiled cruelly as she placed the knife to my neck, "A... More

Haunted Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 12
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Please Read :)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Please Read!
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 19

192 17 4
By blxckbxlloon

(The Next Day) 

We all went to sleep at like 2:00 in the morning, So I woke up pretty late... at 1:30

I was the last one to wake up, so I rubbed my eyes, and suddenly felt home sick, I felt like throwing up. Then I felt something rush up from my throat, I ran to the washroom and vomited. ew! 

Could I be pregnant? I pulled my shirt up and my stomach did look fatter. Even If I was...I think the best time to tell him would be at the party tonight. I decided to drive to the hospital to find out.

I told the doctor, how I was feeling, she took a blood test. I bit my tongue, as the needle poked me. Ouch. After she was done putting a bandage, my phone beeped. It was a text from Zayn.

*Were are u?*

*I was shoppin* I lied

*I could've took u!* He replied

*It's k, I'll be bak soon :)* I replied 

*see ya later babe ;)* He sent to me and then I put my phone back in my pocket. I looked around the room and waited for the results of my blood test.

The doctor came back with some papers in her hands. I crossed my fingers, hoping I was pregnant!

"well, your reports were positive! congratulations, your pregnant" The doctor smiled

I could litterly scream! I have never been this happy! I AM PREGNANT! I AM GOING TO BE A MOTHER!

"I can't believe it!" I  yelled

"well, you better eat healthy things!" She told me

"I will!" I promised and left.

I promised to tell Zayn tonight at the party! he's going to be so happy! I can't wait to see his reaction! I drove home and Zayn answered the door.

"Hey babe" He smiled, leaning for a hug

"Hi!" I smiled.

"so what did you buy" He asked. Shit! I told him I went shopping and now I don't even have anything 'bought'. I guess I'll have to think of something..... "I didn't find anything my type" I said

"uh huh" He said



It was 3:30 and the party started at seven. Me, Bella, Taylor and Lisa were sitting in my room, just talking. As I told them I was pregnant, they were going crazy and hugging me, except for Taylor, who just sat there with her mouth and eyes wide open. I guess she was really shocked... I mean like really shocked.

We talked for a long time and then realized it was five o'clock already!

we went downstairs and cooked some meals and desserts. 

Finally, it was six thirty. Meaning we had half an hour to get dressed, which was enough.

I put on a pink dress, which was up to my knees and strap-less. Then, I curled my blonde hair with the curling wand. It was a small party so no need for too much jewelry.

"you look so hot! so simple but so hot!" Zayn said, kissing my cheek.

"thanks! you look nice too" I grinned.

"I know" He responded. 

He was wearing black jeans with plain white shirt and a black and white Letterman jacket.



We went downstairs and Louis was setting up the music while Alona talked to Taylor, Lisa and  Bella.

"Hey, how are things?" Alona asked

"Great!" I exclaimed as I hugged her.

The music was loud, with a lot of bass. The sad part is, I won't be able to drink! It's not healthy for the baby. So I grabbed an apple from the kitchen. Zayn looked at me awkwardly, probably because I was eating a fruit! 

"your gonna eat a apple?" He asked, amazed

"Uh yeah... haven't you heard? An apple a day, keeps a doctor away" I said, I really suck at lying! 

I continued eating fruits and Zayn continued being shocked.

"wanna dance?" Zayn asked, asking for my hand. I took it and we went to a corner to 'dance'.

I put my hands around his neck and he put his around my waist. We danced to the song as he pulled me closer. After one song, he pulled back a little bit and straightened up. He kept one hand on my waist and he grabbed my right hand with the other. He moved our hands to his chest, and I was able to feel his heart beating.

"are you drunk" I asked

"not really, I only took three shots so far" He smiled " But I think I could use another cup"

"Should I get it?" I asked

"no stay!" He whined and pulled me in for a kiss.

"C'mon let's get something to drink" I said after a few songs were over. I was getting thirsty!

"you stay, I'll get you a drink" I said and pulled myself away.

I got him a glass of alcohol and a Glass of orange juice for myself. As I returned, I saw Zayn dancing with another woman. His hands around her waist and there heads touching... kissing!  The girl turned her face and it was familiar... of course... Emma. It wasn't just me who saw them kissing, everyone in the room did. Taylor stood by me. 

"Perry don't cry! it's not good!" she said

"you deserve better than him!" Lisa said quietly to me.

Zayn just stood there staring at me until he finally talked

"Perry... I'm... I don't-" Zayn startled to find the words to talk.

"Save it for later!" I snapped

"I really didn't except this from you" Harry said, disappointed.

"I don't know how it happened... again" Zayn said. 

That's what he going to say! How could he?

Emma was gone at least!

He stepped closer to me.

"I hate you!" I cried painfully 

"I love you!" He responded. That really pissed me off so I couldn't help it, so I slapped him right across his face. 


"I deserved it" Zayn said, breaking the silence.Tears filled his eyes and before they can fall, he blinked them away.

"Perry, should I tell him?" Bella asked

I nodded, he had to know I was pregnant! He had the right to, I din't want to tell him like this but I have no other option..

"Tell me what?" Zayn asked.

"Zayn, she's pregnant!" She told him.

I ran to my room, before he could say anything. I slammed the door and sat on my bed with tears running down my cheeks. 

The door knob twisted, I forgot to lock the door. Great, now Zayn's going to come. But, It's better to talk about the problem then ignore it. 

He came in and sat beside me, with his hand on mine. I wanted to pull it away but could'nt bring my self to.

"So your pregnant" Zayn said " I am such a bad husband, but Perry I don't know what happens to me when I am with Emma" He said and then a tear fell on my hand. 

It was Zayn's. This was the first time I saw him cry.



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