Abelle- A Chinese Romance

By GarnetsPearls

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As everyone knows from the olden days to the present, people marry people that are up to their standards. It'... More

Abelle- Love Story
To Be Engaged (Part 1)
The Ball (Part 2)
A Song For Me (Part 3)
Close Encounters (Part 4)
A Partnership I Desire (Part 5)
The Reception (Part 6)
Escape in Taiwan (Part 7)
The Dangers of Falling for You (Part 8)
Teared Apart By Wealth (Part 9)
Forgive and Forget (Part 10)
What The Heart Wants (Part 11)
The Truth Hurts (Part 12)
What Is True Love (Part 13)
Officially Over (Part 14)
We Meet Again (Part 15)
Forever Together (Part 17)

To Risk A Fortune (Part 16)

230 10 0
By GarnetsPearls

"Did they make up already?" I slam down the back of the trunk lid to see Jack and Chelsie holding hands together as they walked out of the hotel. I sigh and take the pleasure of annoying Liu. "Well, they don't make a bad couple....guess James saw that in them too." Liu gasps and grabs my arm. Not far away from the parking lot, I see a few journalists taking note of Chelsie leaving with Jack. "So Chelsie broke up with James, and you broke up with Jack....you two are having a fiancee swap!" I wouldn't say fiancee swap yet, but close enough. The journalists come out of their hiding spot from the hedges and make their way across the parking lot. "Time for us to go." Liu and I go to the other side of our parked Infiniti just as James Chan walks out of the hotel with his luggage. Seeing the journalists rushing across the parking lot, James quickly gets into his parked Audi and drives away. "He didn't even look at you," Liu says with a sigh as we backed out of our parking space. "We don't want to drag attention to ourselves just yet. If the journalists see Chelsie leaving with Jack instead of James then they'll know something is up."

Liu laughs after hearing the plan that James, Jack, and Chelsie had made up the other day. "It's crafty, I'll say but have you figured out how to tell your parents?" My smile turns into a frown after the words come right out of Liu's mouth. "I don't know yet." That's the only best answer I can give for now. If I tell my mother about James Chan, would she see it as a family betrayal?

By the time I got back to my apartment, the news was already covering the break up of Chelsie and James. "We haven't been able to keep a hold of Chelsie Fu yet for an interview, but apparently it seems like she's being attached to Jack Ting." I listened to the reporter ramble on and on in front of Chan Enterprises about how devastating this could be for Chan Teng. 'A remarkable girl' the reporter called her. What's so remarkable about Chelsie? She just takes photography classes while her father is a well-known song writer. Hearing the reporter ramble on and on about James Chan, I turn off the TV. I lie on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. What to do now?


I take the time to look at myself deeply in the mirror. With no makeup on, I look very plain. It shocks some to seem me not covered up, but I believe in something that most famous models don't: natural beauty. I don't remember what pushed me to become a model. I could have been anything else I wanted to be to rise the Li family status, but I chose a model instead. Was it because I succeeded because they saw me as 'beautiful?' There's more to being a model than just being beautiful.......but that's how I feel now, only a "pretty face." While working in the fashion industry, I heard a lot of rumors fly by me of how Chan Teng despised me. It hurts my heart a little, but never my demeanor. I thought I could bear the hideous comments of Chan Teng for a little while longer until I could bear it no more.

Having just finished a photoshoot 15 minutes ago, I take a 20 minute break at a smoothie bar in the modeling area. Suddenly, I see Liu making her way towards me with a not-so-amused look on her face. "Hey-" "I can't believe some women here! Making rude accusations about you and Chan Teng!" I blinked at Liu's red face, unsure of what to say next. "It's been a week since James and Chelsie blew off their engagement, and everyone is like blaming you for it to happen!" I roll my eyes at Liu making her even more angry than she already is. "Why are you--" "What they're saying is true Liu," I cut in, "I am a reason for Chelsie and James to let go of each other. But it's not my fault that the two never truly loved each other. It's just silly gossip flying around us for now, we'll just ignore it."

Just as I finish my sentence, I see two girls walk by each holding a smoothie glance our way. "I didn't know Li Abelle would be here today, if I were her, I would just hide at home away from the reporters." The other girl looks at her friend and laughs. "Is she even aware of what's being said about her?" Liu gives me a look that says 'I told you so.' I leave my smoothie on the table and swing around in my seat to spot the girls. They were heading towards the exit. "Abelle, you aren't going to--" I jump out of my seat and walked briskly across the floor towards the girls. They don't notice me behind them until we come out of the building into the open. "Oh! Good morning, Abelle!" one of the girls say and holds the door open for me as I walk through. The two share a smile with me, but I don't return them one. Instead I smirked at them and said, "Did you two do any photo shoots today?"

The girl on the left instantly exclaims, "I did one! It was for an ad displaying orange soda!" I nodded my head at the girl and complimented her on her talent. Seeing how satisfied I was with the other one, the girl on the right pipes up, "I-I did one too! Instead of doing an ad, I was in a group shot with other girls; we all posed together!" I laugh at both the girls. Young teens they were just entering the model industry...yet so naive. "You both have done good work for beginners. Tell me, what do you expect to gain from being a model?" The girls' smiles turn into frowns after I asked them the question. Clearly this was not what they wanted to hear from someone like me, a top model. "Uh.....I hope to become as glamorous as those models that appear on the front cover of Cawaii and Vogue China!" The girl looks at her friend who laughs. "Well, what about you?" I directed my next question at the other girl. "Well...I chose my career as a model mostly because my parents pressured me to become one. While growing up, I always had a beautiful face--high cheek bones, a gorgeous smile, and sparkly eyes, those features made me perfect to become a model!"

The girl continues on waving a hand in the air as if signaling a cab, "I was beautiful to begin with, so I guess I'm lucky! Being beautiful really does come in handy in so many ways! Like...every photographer always compliments me about my face and the makeup I use and stuff! Though being praised about my looks and all, it surprises me how some girls in the industry can look so blank and just simply too plain." Hearing this come out of her friend's mouth, the girl embarrassingly looks away. So this is what they are teaching girls these days. "You really believe you are beautiful?" The girl scowls at me. "Are you saying I'm not? What makes you think you can be the top--your face is just the same as mine with makeup on!" Her friend gasps and grabs her arm. "Lili, don't say such a thing in front of someone famous!" The girl, Lili, rolls her eyes. "So what? I'm standing for what I believe in, unlike you Wei." Wei glares at Lili who doesn't seem to notice her anymore.

"You two girls are quite unbelievable. Especially you, Lili." Lili gufaws at me, her eyes saying What did I do? "The main reason for young women to become models is that to show that they are not afraid of who they are. Some can only be described as beautiful by the face or the body. But what's the point of being beautiful on the outside if not on the inside? A truly beautiful person has a beautiful mind and heart to do what she loves with passion. I don't see any of this in you two. Disrespecting your peers can also play a factor in decreasing your label as: beautiful. Spreading gossip around in plain sight in front of another is just plain evil. I see nothing fortunate happening for you anytime sooner with an attiude like that." I give each girl a glare before turning my back on them to go inside the building. I hope my words sting them like a quill pen, especially on that one girl, Lili.

"She's soooo arrogant," I hear one of them whisper as I leave. Didn't my words teach them anything? "Guess that shows what the mark of beauty is like to every person. A disappointment." I say casually. I close the door in their faces.

So, here I am in front of a mirror again, my own bedroom mirror. So far, nothing in the news has mentioned anything about what I said to those two girls. I take out my phone and send James a message: I want to see you. Before even two seconds pass, I get an answer right back. I want to see you too.


Here I am inside an elevator by myself, as I rise up the floors to the CEO's office. I'm making an unexpecting visit to see James Chan. Am I putting myself at such a risk? Ding. The elevator doors open and I walk out calmly. Right in front of me, I see the double doors displaying the golden name plate: CEO. I take a few steps forward before stopping; sounds like someone is arguing with another inside. Should I still go in? I move closer towards the doors, and it just so happens like magic. My foot accidentally touches the door, that was unlocked surprisingly, which swung open. I stand in the doorway and see my mother, Chan Teng, James Chan, Jina Chan, Chelsie Fu, and Chan Peng. It's like almost the whole family is here!

The room becomes silent after the swinging door slows to a stop, giving me a wide view of the scene before me. James Chan, as I last saw him in here, still sat in the CEO's desk with a deeply sadden look on his face. Sitting on the same sofa but each hanging onto the arm of it, sat Jina Chan on the left and Chelsie Fu on the right. My mother and Chan Teng were both standing up, a yard apart from eachother in a showdown. Chan Peng stood in the shadows by the windows with a frightful look on her face. "Who let you in?!?" Jina hollers out. A clock ticks silently in the whole room, all were awaiting an answer. "It was unlocked," I say quietly. Chan Teng glares at Li Hua and accuses her of doing it. "You told your daughter to come here, didn't you?" Li Hua clicks her tongue and shouts, "I had no idea!" I'll have no trouble figuring out the matter of this argument.

I take a step forward but stop after Jina sneers, "You shouldn't be in here without permission. Get out of this room, now." Chelsie mutters a word under breath that receives side glances from Chan Peng and James. "Now." "Hold on, she doesn't have to leave!" my mother exclaims. Chan Teng sighs and motions for me to shut the door. I do so. "For once, you are right Li Hua. Abelle, will have to be included in this argument since it involves her." Chan Teng says with a grunt. Chelsie scoots a little to the right to make room for me to sit on the sofa. James stands up from his seat up at the desk but gets a remark from Chan Teng to 'sit.' "Does this deal with Chelsie and James's break up?" I asked out loud. Chan Teng's back faced towards me tenses up, but only slightly. "It's more than that. I came here to confront Chan Teng of making unnecessary accusations against my own daughter in public! Since when have I made scathing remarks about your daughter?!" Li Hua points a shaky finger at Chan Teng.

Chan Teng takes a deep breath and goes, "There's a purpose behind every reasoning I make, Li Hua. I told you a month ago to not let your daughter near my son in public! Did you listen? Of course not! If it hadn't been for your daughter's interference at Hengshan Moller Villa in Shanghai, my duties with my son would have already been done!" I glance at Chelsie who stares down into the palms of her hands. She wasn't brave enough to confront Chan Teng on any of this. My mother doesn't say anything, leaving Chan Peng in the corner to have a say. "You can't prove anything without evidence, sister." Chan Teng snorts. "I thought you would be on my side, Peng. You're still dissatisfied about your own son's broken engagement with Li Abelle! Also to mention, how people have been seeing Jack hanging out with his ex earlier this day." Chelsie doesn't say a word. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Jina nodding her head to everything her mother says. That wannabe...... "You haven't even allowed Chelsie to speak in this yet, have you?"

All heads turn to look at me. Chelsie squeezes my arm and then let's go. I can only imagine in my head what Chelsie would say to me if she could speak. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DON'T DEFEND ME IN THIS! CHAN TENG WILL HATE JAMES AND ME EVEN MORE! THOUGH I APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORTS-- "You have a sharp tongue just like your mother," Chan Teng says disapprovingly. I see my mother smirk a little in Chan Teng's direction. Finally, something my mother could be proud of from me. A trait of her's. "You're just setting the blame on everyone you despise! It's not fair, Chan Teng!" I blurt out. Chan Peng gasps in the background and Jina hovers over the sofa to scowl at me. "Don't you dare say something so rude to my mother, the CEO of Chan Enterprises! She--" "Oh shut up!" Jina growls and starts to make a move towards me. "JINA! WILL YOU JUST QUIT!" James yells across the room and jumps out of his office chair to come to my defense. I stand up from my seat on the sofa and prepared myself to go against Jina. If that witch laid even one finger on me......

"BOTH OF YOU STOP THIS INSTANT!" Jina quickly collapses back in her seat on the sofa. James, only a few feet from where I'm standing stops running. "Really, I thought I raised my children better. Where have all those polite ladylike manners gone to?" Knowing the accusation was directed towards her, Jina hung her head low. Man, I thought to myself, Chan Teng held enough power over her family to even make a 30 year old woman to feel shameful. "Again, this is Abelle's fault." "Is everything my daughter's fault?!" Li Hua demanded sarcastically. Chan Teng turns her head back around to stare at her. "It certainly was your own fault eleven years ago now, Li Hua. I feel that every nasty comment you make towards me always stirs up the anger you had inside of you since that day...." My mother stands back dumbfounded. Remember what I said about forgiving James's mother? Forget that. I open my mouth, but Chan Teng continues, "I know you're always thinking that I'm putting the hate on you, Li Hua. But that's not true. Your the one who keeps adding oxygen to the fire. You keep yourself at a respectful distance away from me and the company and especially social events. What have I need to do, but to respect you in solitary?"

Her voice in this saying changes to a more serious, but sincere tone. "I was only doing what was best for my company then...I didn't want it to end up like yours." Li Hua shakes her head. "The past is the past. What we have to leave behind is a bankrupt company, two deceased husbands, and a rivalry that still lives on." At the mention of 'husbands' Chan Teng's eyes crinkle a little. My mother has suffered, James's voice says in my head. "This anger and confused blame has to stop now. It's a bad influence on the family and business, sister. Don't you agree?" Chan Peng suggests quietly. Chan Teng clears her throat and replies in a steady voice, "Chelsie Fu, young lady......tell me why you decided not to marry my son." Chelsie's head snaps up in attention? "Me-me?" Jina rolls her eyes as if to say Who else is named Chelsie? "Mother, I need to speak for her here." Chan Teng frowns at her son. "I asked for Chelsie's answer, not yours. I'll deal with you later tonight." Chelsie turns her head to look back at James. "It's alright," she whispers to him.

Silently in my head, I cheered on for Chelsie to be brave. "Chan Teng," Chelsie begins, "the reason why I can't marry your son is because..." Chelsie pauses for a second, I could feel everyone holding their breath. "I don't love him." Jina drops her mouth open in shock, and so does Chan Peng. James stands off to the side looking away from his mother's face. Li Hua makes a face but doesn't say anything. "The-The reason why I don't love James is because.......I never really have felt affectionate towards him. Only when we were still friends." Jina looks like she's about to faint, Chan Peng slumps a little against the wall putting out her hands to support herself. Guess you don't expect such a simple answer from a woman like Chelsie. Who wouldn't want to marry a rich CEO's son? was probably on everyone's mind at the moment. Chan Teng remained calm. "I see. Why didn't you tell me since the beginning I met you?" Chelsie's lip quivers for a second. Was she going to reveal the plan that James and her had devised?

"I was scared. You put me right on the spot for James to become engaged towards me.......I couldn't deny since James has told me before of how your decisions were always final." With that being said, Chan Teng takes a moment to think. "You don't have to love my son, tenderly. I'm offering you a spot that no other young lady would be able to deny! James has good looks, a kind personality, and he is also the heir to our family fortune. You are the only woman I have ever seen to be 'fit' for my son." Jina opens her mouth to object but Li Hua cuts in, "If I remember a few years ago, wasn't Chelsie Fu the one who cheated on her ex-fiancee, Jack?" Chan Peng immediately nods her head up and down. Chelsie then hangs her head low, for what? Shame? "Did you know of what happened to our family four years ago? Chelsie ended up in the tabloids for cheating on my son! I find it such a disgrace for her to be marrying your son." Everyone except Chelsie turns their head to look at Chan Peng who came out of the shadows with an angered look on her face.

Chan Teng smirks at her sister and says, "I am well aware of who Chelsie is and what she has done, I read the news sister. From what I've heard, the man that Chelsie was after is already married now." A moment of silence passes. I look to my right and see Chelsie sniffling a bit. "What does it matter? She probably never loved my son anyway." Chan Peng huffs. "I DID LOVE JACK!" Chelsie gets up from her seat on the couch and glares at Chan Peng through tears. "I LOVED JACK ALL ALONG, CHAN PENG! THE REASON OF WHY I WAS WITH ANOTHER MAN HAS ALREADY BEEN TOLD TO YOUR SON! I WOULD NEVER HURT HIM!" Chan Peng's eyes widened a little in fear. Chelsie takes a deep breath and says in a calm voice, "That's why I won't marry James. Because, I still love Jack." Then she turns away and runs out of the CEO's office in a hurry, slamming the door behind her. Chan Peng looks like she's about to collapse; my mother rushes to her side. Chan Teng focuses her attention on me and says in a sharp tone, "So if Chelsie loves Jack, then I guess you love James?"

I glance over at James who seems to be spacing out at the moment, Chelsie's outburst must've shocked him. I take a deep breath before saying in a clear voice, "Yes, I do." My mother seems to be more effective by this sort of news than Chan Teng. "AY?!? What did you just say, Li Abelle?!?" Chan Teng looks at me up and down, though she was frowning, her eyes seemed to be laughing. "You? What qualities do you have that are fit for my son?" Chan Teng stares back at me with a cold expression. "I am good enough for James Chan! You only despise me because of my mother!" Chan Teng looks at Li Hua with a gentle smile, the softest I have ever seen Chan Teng become. Even my own mother is shocked. "I have told you many times before, Li Hua, it was your own fault that Li Company did not survive long. But instead of putting the blame all on me, you should think of your own actions first. Let's not toil in the past anymore, for the past is so unforgivable." Chan Teng then walks up to her son and asks him, "Is it true that you love Li Abelle?"

James takes a deep breath and nods his head. "Yes I do, mother." Jina looks like she's about to faint herself. Chan Teng glares at her son. "I don't see how special this woman is to you at all. I've given you plenty of young ladies in the past to make you happy, yet you choose to settle on this particular lady. I'll let you have her my son. But if you do accept Abelle, then I can't risk giving you Chan Enterprises." I stare at James whose face turned pale instantly. This can't be fair, I think to myself. James has always dreamed of inheriting Chan Teng's spot as CEO. Even Jina looked surprised herself; I thought she had wanted to inherit the family fortune, even though she's a female.... "That's completely unfair, sister!" Chan Peng cries out. Chan Teng stands taller than her son by an inch on her heels, she looks down at him with a serious expression. "You choose, James. If only my husband were here to see this......."

James clears his throat and answers, "I.." He looks over to where I'm standing in the middle of the room. I sense regret coming from him. I don't need to hear this. I turn away and rush out of the room. I don't need to hear this, I tell myself a thousand times over in my head. I don't need to hear this.

I sit on my bed texting to Liu of today's events, I tell her everything that has happened so far:

Liu: I feel terrible now Abelle. What do you think James will do now?

Me: Beats me. It's his choice. The same happened for me and my mother too.


Me:.....I try to keep my emotions in, Liu. I'm trying to be a stronger woman.

Liu: It's okay to cry sometimes. I cried before in public and Shu comforted me.

Me: You're so lucky to have Shu in your life. DON'T EVER GIVE HIM UP.

Liu: LOL! I won't! I believe that there's someone out there for you.

My phone vibrates in my hands suddenly. It's James! He's calling me now?!? Maybe he's finally come to a conclusion...... I nervously hold up the phone to my ear. "Were you asleep before I called you?" I feel goosebumps rise against my arm. "No." "Good. I have something important to say to you, right now." I hold in my breath and reminded myself of how strong a woman I could be. "Listen here James, I don't want this to ruin our relationship. I understand your mother's needs for you to be her heir, don't risk it all on me if it doesn't work! I love you as my partner,...but I better not see you hanging out with any other women after this!" From the muffled sound coming from the phone, I guess he's snickering at me. "You were always so unrelenting. I like that about you, so I'm going to keep you." WHAT?!? I almost lose control over the situation with my emotions.

James laughs and says, "I really do want to become the heir to my family's fortune. It was a difficult decision for me, Abelle. In the end, I told my mother that it didn't matter if I served as the CEO or not. I have my own fortune..enough to start my own company. But I didn't mention to her how much of a compassionate person you were. I expected my mother to send her wrath over me, but it was surprising what she said next. 'You are just like your father, never denying your duties towards your career and never ignoring those who love you' were her exact words. Your mother left after I gave my answer...you should talk to her soon Abelle."

"You...You-You actually risked a fortune for me?" I say quietly. James chuckles. "Not just for any girl, I've known you for a long time Abelle. I trust you, and I think Chan Teng will soon to learn to trust you too." My vision blurs with tears as I lie down on my bed crying just a little. "Even if you didn't love me James, I want you to know that you're still a great friend." I hear James sigh before wishing me a goodnight. My phone vibrates again, a message from Liu. I eagerly pick up my phone and text her back:

Me: There really is someone for me out there.

--------------*End of Part 16*-------------------------

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