The Songs I Sing

By PandaEruption10

91 35 0

Have you ever yearned for something to the point you'll do anything to get it? Kailyn Gracchus rides the wave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

6 1 0
By PandaEruption10

My rear end was planted on some stubbly bark while my back reclined against the core of the tree. The back part of my right ankle crossed with the left while laying on the tree limb. These trees were great as they had large enough limbs to rest upon.

Crickets sounded from all around me. The evening birds sang their melody creating a euphonic song with the crickets. Chitter chattering of the squirrels added splurges of chorus. Picking a song that I loved, Into the West by Peter Hollens, I started to add some lyrics to nature's song. "Lay down your sweet and weary head. Night is falling, you've come to journey's end. Sleep now and dream of the ones who came before. They are calling from across the distant shore."

Noises from behind me disrupted the melodious feel of the music. Crunches against the ground brought in unwanted percussion that drowned out the wood peckers. Male voice chimed together as the evening birds flew off. Even with their unwelcome noises, I kept singing unbeknownst to them.

"What can you see on the horizon? Why do the white gulls call? Across the sea a pale moon rises. The ships have come to carry you home."

Five men tramped into the view before ruining its previous glory. Before me, there was a cliff that gave an overview of the forest below. At this time, the sun was going to sleep for the night displaying its wonderful colors across the clouds.

The last time I had seen people was around fifty years ago, a little before I had found this spot. I had decided to visit the cliff in one of my usual mourning times. Without Tayla to speak to, my thoughts were the only thing keeping me sane. It was uncommon for people to travel through this area but maybe that had changed during my slumber.

"Hope fades into the world of night through shadows falling out of memory and time."

The males dropped their items in the clearing to then pick up pieces of cloth to make mini tents. One of the men--that had left shortly after finding this spot--came back into view with three rabbits in hand. A tingling sensation knotted itself at the sight of the man. His hair was black enough to have a contest with the crows, a nose that was a little too big for his face, slanted eyes, and a rounded chin. He was lean throughout his body. All of his fingers were very slender.

A sense of happiness lifted my mood for no apparent reason. The other men were just that, men. They had no importance, so why was this man any different? I analyzed each one finding that they all had medium cut hair, t-shirts, jackets, long sweat pants, a bag each, a lean figure though some had more meat than others, and smiles. Their hair could be categorized as simple since they either had brown, black, or dark blond hair. They were about six feet tall making them all towering the poor shrubs on the ground.

A fire was ignited inside a fortification of small stones like the heating sensation inside my chest. Each rabbit was skewered and placed above the flames. I could practically hear the meat starting to simmer. All of the men, including the raven haired man, lounged around the burning wood. Laughter and voices mixed throughout the conversation as I observed them.

That man just kept drawing my attention no matter how much I try to view the others. My attention was dragged back to him against my wants. It wasn't until a voice I hadn't heard from long ago, did I give in to the current of emotions from him. Follow him; he's very important to us both, advised my wolf.

Night soon started to descend when I couldn't see him anymore.

During the night, I got down and scavenged the land for something small to eat. There were plenty of small rabbits and gophers but I wanted a larger meal than that. Then, the smell of blood hit my nose and I knew that my meal wasn't very far off. At the bottom of a hill, a doe had fallen.

The deer's legs were bent in all different directions. It was a very morbid sight especially since the poor thing was still breathing. Changing into my wolf, we put the thing to death so it wouldn't have to suffer anymore. We ate before taking a nice jog and going back to the tree. I changed back to sleep on the limb, waiting for the people to wake.

Whatever was with the man, I needed to be with him since Tayla told me to. I also wanted to find out why I was feeling drawn to this man. It was something that intrigued me to no end. How could this man gather my attention more than others when he looked and most likely acted like any other man?

A rustling sound from below caught my attention. Were they up already? A beautiful sunrise met my eyes from the cliff. It was already dawn.

When had I gone to sleep?

Voices came from the little encampment as well as the sound of boiling water.

"How many eggs should we boil for the trip back and for breakfast? I think I only want two for breakfast," one of the males with dirty blond hair asks. He was wearing long pants and a shirt with lots of pockets. Everyone around the encampment were wearing something like the sort.

"Just go ahead and make twenty," his voice floated up to me. I felt for the first time in years the need to be with someone. To have a conversation with. To spill out all my grudges against the world. To reciprocate for the person as well. "I'm going to fill up the water bags."

Watching as he strutted into the forest, I felt a presence. Turning back to the others nonchalantly, I saw a black haired person squinting at me. I guess it was time for me to leave. Maybe, I could follow the other person.

Using my speed to my advantage, I wisped out of there.

Taking to the trees, I followed the intriguing person. He went towards a small creak with six water pouches. As he leaned down, I got down out of the tree that was opposite of him. Being cautious wasn't even a priority any more.

I observed his actions as he pursed his lips. He took a deep breath of air before raising his eyebrows. Taking another whiff of air, his eyes traveled to where I was leaning on a tree.

His gray eyes met my azure blue ones. One word was whispered from him that my werewolf hearing was able to pick up on. "Mate."

So, that's what you meant about him being important to us, Tayla. Why couldn't you have just said so?

I didn't feel like spoiling it for you, she goaded.

A crunching sound from behind him had me tensing up. I really didn't feel like revealing myself to anyone other than him. Right when the male came out of the foliage, I whisked up into the tree.

"What was that!?!" was the exclamation from the new guy. "Did you just see that? I'm pretty sure that was the ghost Tom had seen earlier!"

"Ghost huh?" For some reason, I could just imagine my mate smirking.

"Yeah, come one Alpha," urged the other man. "We've gotten everything in order to leave."

My mate's an Alpha? That means I was meant to be a Luna? Would he mind getting changed into an Immortal werewolf? Would his pack mind?

Am I even going to accept him as my mate? What if he wants to reject me since I'm going to turn him into an Immortal? What if his pack rejects me being Luna?

Okay, okay; just stop already. I want you to just follow him for now; follow your instincts.

The two rushed back to the camp with me behind them. All the other men had everything put together: sleepings bags were rolled, campfire cleared, items no longer out. Once they chatted a few minutes about the route, they got going in the opposite direction they came from.

Were they going back to their pack now or were they visiting one? Why did they come through this area?

How about you just marvel how you met our mate. What's the chance of randomly waking up to find your mate? Almost 0.5%.

"This place is really haunted; I'm not joking. Alpha and I just saw this teenage girl near the creek. She was there and then she wasn't! Isn't that crazy?" It was the guy who came to get my mate.

He's an Alpha. So, he's not an Immortal werewolf. I think this is the first time an immortal was mated to a non-Immortal.

I don't think it really matters either way. The Immortal population was waning even further.

"I told you I saw a girl up in the trees!"

"It's so weird how this place is haunted. I mean, wouldn't everyone who were killed go on to heaven."

"Nobody knows how this pack was killed. Maybe she wants retribution for her pack? Like getting people to know how she was killed. They did just disappear overnight."

"I think you guys are reading or watching too many sci-fi stories," my mate chuckled.

"It sounds like you know something Craig," whispered the man who came to the creak.

"You'll know when it wants to be revealed Adam," my mate, Craig, whispered so quietly that nobody else besides Adam and I could hear. Adam.... It's been awhile since I've heard that name.

Adam gave him a questioning gaze while stopping for a bit to look to my right. "He just loves being mysterious," he muttered in exasperation.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the whole dialogue. This pack was so lively with each other. Just maybe, I'll be able to let loose with them.

They journeyed across the territory for another hour before taking a break. If we kept going any further, we would be at the pack Harley and Travis joined.

The males sat down amongst the trees hydrating themselves. Feeling compelled, I slithered down my tree without being noticed. Then, I snuck over to Craig's tree. Where I sat next to him, Adam was the only one that could see me.

Craig's humble smile lite up for just a second before falling into a peacefully relaxed face. Our hands intertwined as I rested my head on the rough bark. Leaves colored my vision except for a pair of narrowing eyes.

"And so it is revealed," mouthed the beta with a tiny smirk. I'm sure he could feel the connection I have with the whole pack already. The others might feel it as well but can't tell why.

When a Luna was found and acknowledged, the pack could sense that person. Even though, the other travelers couldn't see me, their wolves were still able to sense the connection with their Luna.

The chattering, that had gone on before, stopped unexpectedly. A couple sniffs hit my ears before a question was directed at my mate. "Craig? Have you found your mate?"

I sensed Craig turn his head towards me before leaves crumbled and twigs snapped. Members surrounded us both as I leaned against the tree with my eyes closed. People were so curious sometimes.

Opening my eyes, I gently opened them to see the amazed faces of my people. I stood up with a pleasant smile. As I extended my hand for them to shake, I leaned back with my head to the side a bit. "Pleased to meet you, my name's Kailyn."

"You're the girl that was in the tree," gawked one of them.

"That I was."

After them introducing themselves, we left on our way towards the pack. To be honest, I can't quite remember their names at all. You could say I wasn't really paying attention as I thought about one thing: they'll want to know about my past.

I don't think I could tell them. Craig might want to get rid of me. Actually, why isn't he asking any question? I know he has some. He has to.

Like how I could move so fast. How I could travel without being heard. Why I was in that territory in the first place. Why I ran when Adam came.

I glanced over at him to notice he was drifting peacefully. Was there really nothing bothering him?

When we were ten minutes away, Craig and Adam immediately stopped in their paths. They were both stock still and becoming more tense by the second. They were being mind linked. Something was wrong.

"We got to hurry up. Our children were attacked." Craig's words whipped us into an all out sprint.

Why does everyone have to get hurt when I'm around?

Craig's POV

Why did my children have to be attacked? Who would do this? My breathing heavy and small growls came out of my mouth at thought of my children.

My mind began to wander back to Kailyn. There was so much that I wanted to ask about but I knew she wouldn't appreciate that. I sensed that she needed some time to get used to me before she blurts out her past.

Our mate probably went through too many horrors with the way she keeps things from us. We need to gain her trust in some way.

I pushed the doors slowly open to reveal a room with beds traveling down both sides and windows between every other bed. A side table accompanied each one. My heart tore a little as I saw that there was a bed for 75% of the children in my pack. I knew each one personally, all forty-five of them that were here.

The ages in the medical ward ranged from five to fifteen years of age. Some had abrasions while others were pasty white. What happened to my children? How could someone do this to my innocent children?

Parents and siblings were scattered throughout the ward standing or sitting next to their loved ones. Each and everyone of them looked up at us when the doors creaked open. They needed to be oiled.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kailyn start to take strategic steps inside the room. Her stride was gracefully quiet as she gave a once over of all the children for a couple seconds. The kids and family members gave her weary looks. I knew they wouldn't attack her because she had come in with me, but that didn't mean they completely trusted her.

"Parents," I spoke aloud trying to get back their attention; I needed answers. "Please come here."

Waiting outside the doors, I saw that Kailyn had moved out of the way for them to reach me. For some reason, I was very intrigued in what she was doing even when I had more important things to do. Like for example, protect my pack by learning what happened while I was gone.

Once each of them were in the waiting room, I shut the door quietly. I got in a position so I could see Kailyn through the window and my pack members at the same time. Motioning with my hands for the parents to sit in some of the chairs, they did. There were about seventy of them here with me in the room.

"I want to know what happened while I was gone. From the left, each of you will tell me an account of what happened to your child or children." I leaned against the wall knowing that this was going to be a long process.

"Well," a mother hesitated before sobbing out, "all I did was just leave the house for a minute. I wanted to check on the garden before the storm hit. By the time I came back, wolf tracks were in my house leading to Jaylen who was stabbed and beaten." A nearby mother comforted her before speaking as well.

"Andrea was in her room per usual playing with her dolls. I went to go see if she wanted a snack and saw wolf tracks as well. Only Andrea hadn't been beaten but poisoned! The needle was just laying there next to her fragile unconscious body!" The husband's grip on her shoulder tightened while she recounted what happened.

After a few stories, I was learning the gist of all the attacks. Each child was either beaten or poisoned and wolf tracks were the only evidence. Before I could ask if the children could remember who their attackers were, my attention got stolen by Kailyn.

My obvious staring at Kailyn brought her to the attention of the other pack members as well. She was taking slow, steady steps down the left side with her hand running along the bed frames. Her aura was something I had never seen on such a young person. Only the elders carried such wisdom and knowledge about them yet she did it effortlessly.

"What is she doing?" "Where did she come from?" "Who is she?" "Why is she so close to the children?"

Before I could even open my mouth to answer their questions, a beautiful voice took over everything. It was melodious with a euphonic ring. Her words captured me in its safety and hope. They lulled me into a peaceful state of mind.

"Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay. Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay. Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby." She spoke each word with so much emotion that I was lost inside them. "Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay. And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow. Bless you with love for the road that you go." She kept moving down the aisle locking eyes with each child.

The parents that had been crying stopped. Her voice calmed the crowd. It was like she had been through the torment of almost losing someone she loves. Her voice spoke volumes of the pain she went through. My heart completely shattered as I thought about what she might have went through growing up.

"May there always be angels to watch over you. To guide you each step of the way. To guard you and keep you safe from all harm. Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay."

She began her journey down the right side of the room. Her gentle touch of each bed still going on. Now I could see her face which was softened like warm butter. Her eyes harbored deep emotions and lips turned up into a loving smile.

The children ogled her every move. Some eyelids were closed and others were blinking slowly. The other siblings leaned on the bed as if to fall asleep themselves. A little girl named Beverly was already fast asleep by the amazing lullaby. Actually, I don't even know if it was a lullaby or not.

"May you bring love and may you bring happiness. Be loved in return to the end of your days. Now fall off to asleep, I'm not meaning to keep you. I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay."

By now, more than half the kids had already nodded off. I noticed that even some parents had begun to finally rest. Nodding to the others, I mouthed that I got all I needed and to rest.

"Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay. Loo-li, lai-lay," Kailyn held out the last note until it seemed to disappear into serenity. She laid her hand on the last child's head before making her way back to the door.

The door, that had creaked like a banshee, opened with no sound attached. I noticed earlier that whatever she did, it was absent of any clumsiness, mechanical movement, emotion, and sound. If her and a mouse went into competition for not being noticed, she would win without a doubt.

Without realizing it myself, I caressed her hand in mine, leading her through the hospital and back to the pack house. She was going to be my perfect Luna.

That night Kailyn was a little hesitant to lay in bed with me. After a while of just shifting on her feet next to her side, I turned around so she could only see my back. I had a feeling that things were going to be a little difficult with our physical relationship. But, now wasn't the time to worry about that.

When I was about to fall asleep myself, the bed dipped just a tiny bit. Puffs of air hit my neck and my T-shirt moved as she snuggled up close. I couldn't help but think of how adorable she was at that moment.

Kailyn's POV

I was sitting at the counter while Craig cooked some breakfast on the stove across from me. My stomach swirled a bit since this was my first full day here. Who knows what might come to create further haunts in my nightmares?

Loud footsteps crashed against the stairs along with some yelling. I turned in my seat, readying myself for the onslaught of words that was about to be spewed. "I'm not going!" exclaimed a frustrated kid.

"Oh, yes you are!" snarled Adam. I was positive that I could almost see the determination from the two as they came down the stairs.

"You're not mom and dad! You can't make me do anything! I'm not going back to that hell hole just to be made fun of for others enjoyment. Just leave me alone, you pack lover!" I was under the impression that loving your pack was a good thing but with the kid's tone, he made it sound like an insult.

Adam and the kid rushed into the kitchen before stopping to glare at each other. I could tell that it was a battle of wills for them both. By the aroma of the kid, I knew he couldn't hold himself against the beta.

Both of their sparkling blue eyes, lean frame, and sharp chins signified that they were brothers. The kid had light blond hair that came over his ears a bit. His fingernails and toenails needed to be cut down a little. Plus, it looked like he was beginning to grow some stubble. I guessed he was around fifteen almost sixteen in age yet there was no presence of his wolf. A bruise could been seen as his sleeve rubbed up his arm a bit.

There was something going on here and I think I knew what it was. My throat clenched as I remembered all the times people tried to hurt me. To all the times someone tried to make me lonely. This kid was getting bullied physically and emotionally.

Another second went by before the kid went to sit on the sliding door step by the kitchen. He didn't make any move other than that. Adam came to sit next to me with a deep sigh.

"He doesn't want to go to school anymore," he informed us both. "I can't do anything besides take him out but that's not an option. Without his wolf, he needs to get an education and choose a career. He's never going to be a warrior like he wants. It's just not possible. If I do anything to help with the bullies, they're just going to get worse."

I felt a little irritated at his words. There were plenty of things he could do to stop the bullies; he just wasn't looking hard enough. Then, there was the matter on saying that he couldn't be what he dreamed. Let's not forget the kid was right there. Just because he didn't have wolf hearing doesn't mean he couldn't hear at all. His brother was probably the only one he had and, yet, it was like he didn't even have him.

I know that I was putting in my personal feelings but I couldn't help it. I had been abandoned by the one I needed most at the time. There was no way I was going to watch someone go through that pain as well.

Slipping off the chair, I slid down next to the kid. I knew that the other two were watching my every move. Adam's nerves hut ne from where I sat. Apparently, everything I did was just interesting to the people around me.

The poor guy tensed a bit with me next to him. I guess he wasn't used to these type of things. Just sharing the company of others without the need to speak. Too bad I needed to speak.

"Pain," my first adjective was filled with emotion. "Stress, abandonment, whispering all around, notes filled with lies about you, stealing of your work, nobody believes you, everything just becomes a mess and there's no relief. Sure, some people might try to hear you out, but that doesn't help what's happening inside. Then, there's also a little pride."

"Pride?" his voice captured his incredulous feeling.

"Yeah, with all these people trying to harm me without actually making it seem like a fight, I was able to achieve loads. I took it as a challenge to get better at my reflexes. One time, this person tried to trip me down the three story stairs," I chuckled a bit at the memory. It's still awesome to this day. A low growl came from the eavesdroppers from the kitchen. It was weird how I didn't even care that they were listening. Some of this stuff I didn't even tell Joshua. "I fell but my hands landed on a step so I was able to push myself into a flip. Landed perfectly and kept on going to class. I got to admit, it was awesome."

I leaned back and turned my head toward the kid. His mouth was parted a bit with wide eyes; he was admiring me. That's so sweet.

I instantly like this kid; we need to help him. I'll get the training plan started.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her antics. Finally, she was beginning to be like her old self. This kid's world was about to be rocked.

"You don't have to tell me about the experiences you've been going through, but your name would be nice."

"Brandon Rivera. My I ask you something?" His voice was soft to the ear. I nodded for him to go on. "What's so bad in your life that makes you think you can understand what I'm going through? Me, a beta's child without a wolf. My life is basically hell because of it. My parents wish I wasn't born while Adam just cares about the pack."

I smirked inwardly because I knew what nobody else did. This kid wasn't going to be shoved around once I was done with him. I could feel it if I payed close enough attention; he was just waiting for a chance to show himself and that's what I was going to give him.

I could feel the other two in the kitchen wait patiently as I took a deep breath. They wanted to know even more than Brandon.

"I'm an Immortal werewolf," I guess blunt was the way this was going to go. "I've seen kids be born, turn into grown ups, gain gray hair, and then die. There's been plenty I've been through because of what I am. I'm not saying I've been through everything in the world but a lot has happened in my life. If you promise me your effort, I can do lots for you. Is that a promise?"

He grabbed my hand forcefully and shook it once. I guess I didn't even need a persuasion technique.

"I trust you."

"Okay, go put on some sport clothes and get ready for breakfast. No school today."

He dashed away as I got ready to face the two in the kitchen. I knew that Adam wouldn't want Brandon to skip school, so I needed him to start online schooling. These next few weeks were going to be full of intense training.

"Look Adam," I started out as he gave me a death glare. "I'm going to be giving him training and regular schooling will just slow him down. Don't worry, I'll also help him with his schooling. If you have a problem, how about you watch our training for two days. After that, you can get him back in public school when he hasn't made any progress. Alright?"

He was sort of hesitant so I had to add on some persuasion that I was going to use on Brandon. "You want him to get better right?" A grimaced nod was my only answer. "A Luna is supposed to help those of the pack right?" A thoughtful nod from one and purring from my mate. "Then, let your Luna handle this."

A chuckle came from Craig along with some more purs.

"Keep up with all that 'I'm the Luna' stuff and I think our Alpha will turn into a cat." All three of us laughed at his lame joke.

Afterwards, Brandon came in and sat down next to his brother. We all let Craig give us chorizo and eggs with a little bit of toast. He then came around to sit next to me. Slowly, our hands intertwined as we ate our meal in peaceful bliss.

Before I left to begin Brandon's training, Craig whispered a promise in my ear. "It's time we create beautiful memories to wash away the painful ones I was never able to bear with you." And this, melted my heart into lava. Only if Joshua was here to meet him as well as Rachel and Antonio.

There was no pity, nothing depressional, or 'I'm sorry' from him. Just a promise filled with love. He knew the right thing to say for this serious moment; this was why he was my mate.

'Tayla and I accept you Craig and Nitro Ortivo.'

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