(ON HOLD) Being a Shinobi

By KuroiOozora

134K 4.2K 1.1K

[KHR x NARUTO] (SLOW UPDATE) Tsuna wasn't sure if life loved her that much or hate her that much to make her... More

2 - Rebirth
3 - First Meeting Between Cousins
4 - Uchiha Obito
5 - Team Seven
6 - Hyuuga Kou
7 - Early Awakening
8 - Visitation
9 - Resolve, and The Fallen Genius
10 - The Academy
11 - Just Like Her Brother
12 - Team Nine
13 - Three More To Go
14 - First Ones Are Mostly Cursed
15 - Encounter
16 - Assistance
17 - Meet Again
18 - Bonds
19 - Identities
20 - Curiosity
21 - Back to the Village
22 - Interlude

1 - The Fall of The Sky

13K 268 88
By KuroiOozora

1 - The Fall of the Sky

= OOCs
= Wrong Grammars and Spellings

~ I DO NOT OWN KHR and NARUTO except OCs and THE STORY ~

Author Note / AN

= 3rd Person's POV =

It had been years since Sawada Tsunayoshi took the throne and accepted the title of Vongola Decimo, and her friends took their respective titles as her Guardians.

Many Famiglias had accepted that Tsuna was worthy of the title the boss of the bosses, when they acknowledged her, begrudgingly or not, to be able to lead the strongest mafia Famiglia. With all those ex-Arcobaleno backing her up and allying with her did put a big plus, and especially when the strongest hitman was her tutor.

Stronger Famiglias, such as Cavallone which was led by Dino, Giglio Nero which was led by the previous Sky Arcobaleno, Millefiore which was led by Mare ring bearer, and also there's Simon which had been growing stronger since the incident of ruining Decimo's inheritance ceremony *, were allying themselves, or in Cavallone's case was renewing the alliance agreement with the Vongola after Decimo took her throne.

Though Vongola being the strongest had been a fact, not many appreciated that, not especially when not only it was the strongest, Vongola was also growing to become much stronger, making their goal in taking Vongola down became harder and harder.


When a private meeting was hold by that certain Famiglias with its allies circle, complains, frustrations, and insults, were thrown around directed to Vongola and its Decimo.

"HOW can we take down Vongola when they won't stop growing and all those sh*ts?!" Boss A growled.

"My f*cking business was ruined because of them increasing f*cking securities around the port! I can't sell anymore of those useless slaves!" Boss C shouted, throwing an empty chair near him to the nearest wall, destroying said chair as a result.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't damaged my properties, C" Boss F narrowed his eyes at C.

"Shut up!!" Boss C shouted at him F.

"My experiment can no longer continue ever since that arrogant b*tch for sending her underlings to take down my laboratories. The risk of my remaining laboratories for continuing are d*mn f*cking high" Boss E growled, slamming his hand to the table.

"Curse them! The longer this happen, the faster our Famiglias fall" Boss D said, tightened his fists.

"We should take her down" Boss B said.

"Our Famiglias won't be enough to take down Vongola, genius!" Boss C sneered at him.

"Did you listen to what I said? I said take HER down!" Boss B narrowed his eyes at C, who was staring at him questioningly but anger was still visisble on his face.

"I see. Take down her only, huh" Boss F smirked.

Boss B nodded. "That's right. By taking the head out of the picture, Vongola will surely fall" He confirmed F's sentence.

"When Vongola falls, we will be able to continue our businesses" Boss D smirked.

Boss B turned his attention towards the rest of the bosses. "So, what do you think of that, future strongest Famiglia bosses?" He smirked at them, who smirked back at him.

"What's the plan?" Boss A asked.

So plan had been made, in order to take down Vongola, all they need to do was doing one thing.

If you chop off someone's head, the body would be motionless.

Thus, that one thing was to take the head.

Their target was Vongola Decimo, Sawada Tsunayoshi.


A large explosion could be heard through out Vongola mansion. It was in the middle of the night when it happened.

Many of the fighters immediately rushed outside to fight and protect the mansion, while some, together with Decimo's Sun Sasagawa Ryouhei by their side, rushed towards the explosion from the inside searching for any injured and survivors, as Tsuna and the rest of her Guardians too rushed out.

Tsuna couldn't help but widened her eyes and gasped in horror when she noticed where the explosion's exact location was.

That was when she realized that many of her people had a sure death.

The west wing of the Vongola mansion her predecessors left for her was burning. The west wing where the maids and butlers' sleeping quarters was located.

"No.. No!!" Tsuna screamed out. She promised them. She promised to protect them, and they believed in her to keep them safe as they happily work and stayed with her in the mansion.

"Tsuna-sama, I know that hurts you a lot but you will have to mourn them later, we have enemies to handle!" Hayato stood by her side, taking down any enemies nearby.

Tsuna snapped out of her horror, and nodded, immediately assisted her fighters. Entering hyper mode, she jumped, dodging a Lightning arrow, and rushed to Hayato's right and kicked an enemy who trued to make a sneak attack.

She then made a quick look around her. Her Storm, Gokudera Hayato, was by her side, fighting together with her.

Her Rain, Yamamoto Takeshi, was fighting side by side with her youngest Guardian, the Lightning, Bovino Lambo, where he be the defence and Takeshi as the offense.

Her Cloud, Hibari Kyouya, was fighting near the forest at the mansion's entrance. Taking down as many enemies in sight nearby all by himself.

Her two Mists, Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro, were also fighting side by side, where Chrome casting illusions everywhere, and Mukuro took them down right after they were trapped in Chrome's illusions.

Turning her attention back to the enemies in front, after seeing many kept their distances from her, definitely knew she was a close-combatter, Tsuna pulled out a gun, immediately pulled the safely off.

A gun she never thought there would be a time she would use it, given by her tutor, Reborn, when she was still being the boss-in-training.

"Here" the still in an infant form Reborn said, putting a revolver in her hands, after he led to a shooting field.

"Huh? A gun? For what?" Tsuna asked staring at the weapon she was given.

"You will never know when you will need it" Reborn replied. "Your hand-to-hand combat won't be able to save you in every battle field"


"Now shut up and start shooting" Reborn shoo-ed her to stand on position. Grumbled at him, Tsuna still listened and opened fire, which she only managed to hit two out of six on the target board.

"I did it! I got two!" Tsuna exclaimed, making Reborn smacked her once.

"Not enough satisfaction. You should at least be able to get four bullseyes or at least close to bullseyes. Calm down, focus, concentrate, and aim. Again" Reborn said, making Tsuna gave her tutor a 'did you even realized I am a novice?' look, which of course, said tutor ignored it, and Tsuna grumbled at the hitman.

She trained in that field for many hours, and after Reborn gave her an okay, she immediately ran out from said field, took a shower, have dinner, and immediately crashed on to her soft bed. Her hands were tired! They were still trembling!

Taking a deep breath, Tsuna pointed the gun at her opponents in front of her. 'Just like Reborn said. Calm down. Focus. Concentrate. And aim!' Tsuna pulled the trigger.

Her Guardians blinked when they saw her used it, they after all never saw her used a gun before, well, they didn't even know she trained in using a gun.

Seeing those confused looks, Tsuna only said Reborn's name and they immediately understood. Of course her tutor would want his students to take after him or at least learned his speciality in his weapon of choice. Even Dino was taught how to use one, though he only used that once in a many battles, as his main weapon was his whip given by said tutor, made by Leon. It would be laughable if the tutor's main weapon were guns, but none of his students were able to use said weapon.

Tsuna dashed forward, catching her opponents off guard as they thought she would keep using the gun until it losed all bullets before doing a close ranged fight, and gave a roundhouse kick on one of them, making him tackling several of them away, before she jumped away, letting her Storm's Flame Arrow took them down.

Not looking back, she dashed forward again. Touching and immediately froze them one by one, then she flew up and landed right beside her Storm, who protected her using his System CAI from multiple flames attacks.

"Tsuna-sama, are you okay?" Hayato asked, not turning around as he focused on taking down his opponents.

"Yes, what about you, Hayato?" Tsuna asked, aiming her gun and pulled the trigger, saving Lambo from getting a stab from a flaming weapon, which said Lightning turned to her slightly and nodded as thanks, and Tsuna nodded back.

"I am unharm. Tsuna-sama, I saw few familiar people" Hayato said, firing another Flame Arrow at his opponents.  "There's Allox, Credo, Draz, Gallia, and presumably there's more familiar ones on the other Guardians' sides" He continued.

Tsuna nodded. "Hm.. Four out of many that opposed Vongola as the leader of the leader, huh? By the way, whe-" Her question was cut off when she heard a familiar pissed off shout.


And explosion everywhere, including enemies' screams.

"-Nevermind, I know where Varia is now" Tsuna continued calmly, and Hayato sweatdropped at that. He could even hear Takeshi's laughed when they heard a certain "VOOOOII!! I'll turn you into shark foods!".

Tsuna turned to her rings, and summoned Natsu out. "Well, they are all distracted by Varia's destruction now" Tsuna said, before turning to her small partner.

"Ready, Natsu?" Tsuna asked, which the Sky lion nodded with a "Gao!", and she immediately flew up, before Natsu turned into a familiar guntlet.

"Burning Axle!" She shouted out, throwing a large powerful Sky flames towards the enemies, who scrambled everywhere to prevent getting hit, which proved useless as the blast covered a large area.

Tsuna knew her friends would be fine, as before she released the powerful blash, Takeshi jumped behind Lambo, which the boy increased his flame in his Lightning barrier to protect them, while Kyouya already dashed away from blast range and searched for another enemies to beat. Her Storm, Mists, and Varia were outside of range, so they continued attacking the enemies on their sides.

Right after the blast, Takeshi jumped out and started slashing his enemies again, which Tsuna then flew down, dropping a kick at the one on Takeshi's left.

"Haha, thanks, Tsuna" Takeshi thanked her, eyes still focused on his opponents, which Tsuna make a soft "be careful" and flew towards her youngest Guardian, kicking away the people behind him.

Hours passed, when all enemies finally fell. Tsuna and her friends then regroup, including Ryouhei who joined in the fight few minutes after he healed all all injured inside and outside of the mansion.

"That was tiring. We didn't even manage to call for help from our ally" Hayato sighed. "But it was a good thing we managed to take them all down"

Tsuna looked at her friends. Including her, they all were injured in various parts, cuts and bruises everywhere, though none of them were life threatening. That fact made her sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you all are okay" Tsuna smiled at them, which most of them smiled back.

Tsuna then looked at her surroundings. Bodies littered everywhere, holes on the ground everywhere, many of the tress were destroyed making the forest looked weird from her point of view, it looked like they turned the forest into a gate to hell or something.

Everyone was staring at the pitiful sight of the forest, and awkward silence enveloped them, before Tsuna slowly break it. "Well... I guess we should go back ...and have a shut eye? I'll ....handle the ground fixing and broken trees removal tomorrow" She said, and everyone sweatdropped at her.

"Ah, Xanxus, can you guys handle the bodies removal?" Tsuna asked, turning her attention to the leader of the assassination squad, which said leader only grunted at her, before leaving and followed by his Guardians.

But before Varia could make more than five steps away from her and her Guardians, a sound of gunshot rang through the field. The place was silent, making the sound was loud enough to be heard by everyone in the mansion.

Blood splattered everywhere, as everyone with wide eyes turned towards the one being shot.

Tsuna coughed out blood, slowly looked down. The colour of red bloomed on her chest and they flowed down to the ground. Blood started to gather around her feet, as she coughed out more blood, and stumbled forward.

Hayato and Takeshi who were standing on each of her sides rushed to catch her. Kyouya growled and glared at the direction of the gunshot was heard, immediately pulled out a box weapon and shot out a Cloud Hedgehog at said direction, and explosion appeared, screams of pain could be heard by everyone, but none of them were paying attention to that.

Hayato and Takeshi hurriedly layed her on the ground, which both Ryouhei and Lussuria immediately rushed towards her, Sun flames glowed around their hands as they put their hands above her chest.

Tsuna knew that both of them knew she couldn't make it, but the two Sun Guardians still kept on trying to heal her, trying to keep her alive.

Tsuna smiled softly as she pushed both of the Suns' hands, which the two of them flinched at her sudden movement.

"Tsuna.." Ryouhei murmured, as he looked at her in horror.

"Tsu-chan.." Lussuria murmured, and bit his lower lip.

"It's ...fine. I know I ...won't make it" Tsuna smiled.

Ryouhei was about to retort, saying that she would be fine, but he stopped as Tsuna smiled thankfully at him, and tears gathered and flowed down his cheeks. "...I am so so sorry, imouto**" Ryouhei choked out as he sobbed, making everyone, other than the dying Sky and two Suns, widened their eyes.

"Nii-san***, please say sorry to Kyo for me. For leaving him so soon" Tsuna smiled softly, as she whispered that out towards her supposed to be soon to be brother-in-law, after all, both her and Ryouhei's younger brother, Sasagawa Kyo, were going to get married soon, but it seemed that they would have to cancel it.

Ryouhei nodded, "I'll extremely tell my brother" Ryouhei said, trying to make a smile.

Tsuna smiled softly at him as she slowly turned her towards every single one of her friends. "I ...will watch over you all ...from the sky. Please ....be happy and ...thank you ..all of you ....Arcobaleno ...Yuni-chan ...Dino-nii ...Bya-kun ...Enma-kun too ...for staying ...by my side." She whispered out, as everyone denied immediately that it should be them who should say thank you for her accepting them for who they were.

Hearing that, Tsuna widened her eyes a little, letting her tears she had been holding fell, as darkness slowly surrounding her vision.

"Thank ...you.."

Tsuna smiled softly one last time at the precious people surrounding her, before finally her last breath.

* Simon Famiglia only appeared in manga, right after the Future Arc.

** Imouto : younger sister

*** Nii(-san)  : older brother

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