The Cold Never Bothered Me An...

By renrose_

9.9K 371 46

A car crash. Memory loss. Dead parents. Elsa Arendelle's life is full of bumps and surprises. But she and he... More

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 27

157 6 0
By renrose_

Elsa's POV


I turn slowly towards Pitch so that my chest is square to him. He stands in his black...dress? I don't know. Well, let's just says he stands there dressed in black, a huge grin splayed across his face,"What do you mean?" I croak, my throat closing quickly.

He chuckles for about the hundredth time, and says,"As I said before, the last time you did this to her, she had about a day before the ice completely took over her body. But, as you can see, the ice within her has taken its toll already. And it won't be long before it finishes what it plans to do. And there is no way to stop it."

His words punch me in the gut, and I quickly turn away from him, not wanting him to see that my eyes are filling with tears. But something nags at the back of my mind, something telling me that there is a way to stop it. I just don't know what it is.

And my stupid memory loss is of no help whatsoever.

I train my vision, I train everything onto Anna. I completely forget about Pitch, the school, and Jack. I only focus on my sister.

She slowly gets to her feet, hand still to her chest. She looks up, and I see that her eyes are full of fear. I take a step towards her, but feel like I'm moving through a big bowl of syrup. Each step I take is sluggish. I look at my feet to see black sand swirling around them, around my whole body. But obviously no one can see that.

Anna takes a step, but when her foot steps down, it completely turns to ice, along with her other foot. I can see the ice creeping up her body, slowly, but way too quickly. She looks up and looks into my eyes,"Elsa?" She says weakly.

"I'm here Anna. Right here. Just hang in there, ok?" I can hear my own voice cracking.

Her's does too as she responds,"Elsa, I'm scared."

Those words make me want to sprint to her, do something, but I can't. And Anna thinks that for some sick reason, I won't go to her.

"It's ok Anna," I say, the tears falling,"It's ok."

Tears fall down her face too, but they freeze before they can fall off,"I'm so sorry Elsa. I'm so, so sorry," I can hear the sobs escaping her lips. I can feel myself about to do the same, but I can't let that happen. I have to stay strong. For Anna,"I'm sorry for everything I said..."

"Anna, I'm the one who should be saying sorry." I say,"Just hang in there."

Anna shakes her head,"Elsa-" the ice is creeping up her neck now, and is about to reach her mouth,"I love you Elsa!" She shouts, and then the ice covers her face completely. Her whole body, frozen.

I stand, breathing heavily, looking at her frozen form,"Anna?" I say weakly,"Anna!" I yell, and sprint towards her. Right after she froze, Pitch's sand pulled away from me.

When I reach her, I stare at her blank eyes for a moment, then say,"No no no no no Anna. Please, please..." But there is nothing I can do.

I throw my arms around her neck and sob into her cold shoulder,"I love you too Anna. I always have and I always will." I whisper. But she can't here me. And she never will be able to again.

I cry and cry and cry, forgetting track of time, forgetting everything. But suddenly, a familiar falling sensation takes over me, and the next time I open my eyes, I'm not by Anna, but closer to the crowd. Very close to Jack.

I look around me and see that Jack's face looks incredibly sad, for both me and the loss of Anna. Everyone's face look similar to his. I look and see that my body is by Anna, but I'm over here. Another one of Pitch's tricks, I guess.

I turn around, and, as expected, I see Pitch, shaking his head,"Oh Elsa, you know that it was bound to happen. With that power of yours, it was only a matter of time. But I never thought that it would be unleashed on your own sister..."

"Just stop!" I yell at him. I'm sick of everything. Especially him and everything he tells me,"Stop! You're a lier! You lie about every little thing! Just shut up!" Now, I usually don't have any of those out bursts, but with everything happening, I really have a reason to act like that.

He looks slightly taken aback, but his face quickly diminishes the signs of that,"I was just going to offer you the opportunity of a life time. With it, you won't have to be afraid of your powers. You can be free."

His words surprise me,"O ya? And what is that?"

"Join me." He says.

Despite everything, I laugh,"What? Why do you expect me to join you? I never will, ever." I stand up straighter, a pure look of hatred on my face,"I can't believe you would even think that that could even occur to me."

I turn away from him, and I begin to walk away, when he says," A-a-a, I'm not exactly giving you a choice. And if you refuse, the consequences will be severe. And not to just you. Turn around and see what I mean."

So I do turn, and what I see causes my heart to leap into my throat. Pitch's hand is hovering right over Jack's heart, the black sand surrounding his hand. Of course, Jack is oblivious,"You see," he says,"If I inject this sand into Jack Frost's heart, he will die a very slow, painful death. But, if you join me, he can live. Along with every other person you know."

I look right into Jack's eyes, pleading him to see me. But he won't.

If I don't join Pitch, Jack will die, along with everyone I care about. But if I do join Pitch, everyone will be spared. But my life will never be the same.

"I'm waiting," says Pitch.

"Fine fine!" I say,"Just don't hurt him, please."

He lowers his hand, and I internally sigh.

"Good choice," he says, and he holds out his hand," Now, in order to join me, I need you to shake my hand."

Confusion and fear consume me. What does he mean? "Why do I need to do that?" I ask.

"Do it. Or you know what will happen."

I look at his hand for a few more seconds, then at Jack, at my friends, and then finally at Anna. I'll never let anyone else get hurt. And maybe, just maybe, I can figure out how to save her. Eventually.

I reach out, and take Pitch's hand. Immediately, a searing, horrible pain rips through my body. I cry out as my vision suddenly turns dark, but I'm still conscious. I close my eyes and grimace, slowly sinking to my knees. All the while, I keep on holding Pitch's hand.

Then, as that falling sensation occurs again, I hear Pitch say,"I'll tell you when I need you. Just be patient." And then everything goes black. And this time, I'm actually unconscious.


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