Danger At College || LM x SPN...

By MqlfoysLcve

259 19 59

Rebecca Rhianna Leonie Nelson is the sister of Jesy Nelson, she's a 21 year old college student whereas her s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen - Four Months Later
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Authors Note: IMPORTANT!!
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Eighteen: 5 Months Later

11 1 4
By MqlfoysLcve

Becky was rushed to the hospital a week ago, her waters broke whilst Cas was in charge of looking after her. Dean, Tessa and I were all on our way to salt and burn some bones when Dean got the call, Cas had no idea what to do and was panicking like crazy. We got Becky to the hospital, Tessa and Dean went off to salt the bones alone whilst I stayed with Becky. She'd given birth to a little girl named Nikkiaya Mary Winchester, she wanted to name her after my deceased mother even though she never knew her. We were currently at home with the baby, back in Kansas. Dad had met Becky and his grandchild, Tessa and Dean couldn't stop fussing over her, none of Beckys family had been over as of yet, I wasn't even sure if she'd told them. I shook off my thoughts as Becky walked into the living room area of the Bunker, I was sat at the laptop and Dean had Nikkiaya in the garden. Becky dropped down onto the sofa beside me and rested her head on my shoulder, it had been a long week getting used to parenthood but we were slowly pulling through. "I need to go to New York." She finally sighed. "My parents and siblings need to meet Nik." She added. I nodded, "I'll tell Dean to get the car sorted." I told her before heading out to where Dean stood. He was in the field behind the bunker, his back was turned to me as he pointed out things in the sky to Nikkiaya, I smiled as he did. Tessa sat on the fence of the field watching him with a small smile, I slowly walked over and stood beside him.

He turned to me and smiled, "Is Anna awake?" He asked. "Yeah, she's awake." I nodded. "She wants to go to New York to see her family. I'm scared of how they'll react but she wants it to happen, Nik's too young to fly so we need to take the car. Can you get it ready whilst Ree and I get Nik ready?" I asked my brother. "Yeah, sure." Dean nodded as he carefully handed my daughter back to me. I walked back inside with her and Tess and Dean went to sort the car, once inside I passed Nikkiaya to Becky who began changing her and getting her dressed whilst I got her bag ready.

I stopped at the kitchen door whilst leaving the kitchen to watch Becky, I didn't wanna ruin her moment, she was playing peek-a-boo with Nik. "Are you ready to meet you grandma and your other grandad?" She asked in a cute voice. The baby obviously didn't reply as Becky picked her up carefully and laid her in her arms, "Yeah, I ain't looking forward to it either." Becky mumbled. "Sammy, is the bag ready?" She asked as she turned to me. "Yep. Ready to go." I smiled. She nodded and we began heading out to the car, Becky put Nikkiaya in her car seat and put her blanket over her. Dean and I got in the front and Becky and Tess got in the back, Nikkiaya was in the middle as Dean began driving.


We soon arrived in New York, Dean pulled up outside my mums house and Tessa grabbed Nikkiaya's stroller from the trunk as I got the baby out, I laid her in the pram before taking a deep breath. Tessa's family was also here as their car was parked up, nobody was expecting our visit. I soon felt someone squeeze my shoulder, I glanced back to see Sam, "We'll be okay." He whispered. "They're gonna hate me." I mumbled as I walked into the garden and knocked on the front door. It was pulled open by Johnathan, he squealed when he saw me before pulling me into a huge hug, Jade and Joseph soon joined that hug. Jesy then walked over and pulled me into a hug, "Come in." She said to us all. She even smiled at Sam and Dean, Tessa and I walked in first and the boys followed.

The conversation immediately stopped between our parents and the other three girls as Tessa and I walked in, Perrie squealed and immediately ran to hug Tessa, a hug that her parents soon joined. "Hello Miss White, Mr Nelson." Sam said politely with a smile. He had his arm around me, his large hand on the small of my back. "Mum, dad..." I began. "You disappointed us Rebecca, you purposely went against what we said. We told you over and over, just because Jesy is a Hunter doesn't mean you're allowed to be one or date one. And I told you boys what would happen if you came near these girls again..." My mum cut me off. "John, arrest these boys." She told dad. I quickly stood in front of Sam and folded my arms, "I came here for you to meet your granddaughter, mother. I came here for you to meet Nikkiaya. But seeing as you're being the way you are then you can forget it, it was clearly a wasted journey." I said as Jesy came over. "Oh my god RiRi, she's gorgeous!" She said. "Can I hold her?" She asked. "Yeah. Of course." I said as I gently picked her up out of the stroller. I carefully laid her in Jesy's arms immediately making Pez, Leigh-Anne and Jade gather around her, Johnathan, Joseph and my sister Jade soon surrounded her as I turned to my mum.

I shook my head at her before glancing at Sam, "At least this trip isn't a total waste." He said as he hugged me. I hugged him back and nodded, he was right, it wasn't a total waste. "What did you say her name was?" Perrie soon asked me. "Nikkiaya." I replied as I stared over. I stayed in Sam's arms as I spoke and Tess was hugging Dean, "You don't mind us being together, right?" Tessa asked her mum. "I'm not best pleased about it but you're an adult now baby girl, I'm happy as long as he treats you right and keeps you safe whilst on hunts and whilst he isn't." Her mum said. She immediately hugged her mum as her father and Dean got talking, I turned around just in time to see my father approaching me, "I'm proud of you baby girl. These past nine months have changed you, you've become a strong girl and you look like you're a great mother. I'm gonna go and meet my grandchild but before I do..." He told me before turning to Sam.

"I want you to know that this is for life now, son. I don't want my baby ringing me up in tears some time in the future telling us you've left her, I want you to keep her and your child safe regardless of whether you're on hunts or not. No matter what happens, she and your child need to be your top priority, okay? You need to swear that you won't give up on them, protect them with your life, don't mess this up and don't break her heart, she's had enough assholes do that to her." He told him. "Sir, I promise I'm here to stay. I'm in this for the long run. I knew what I was getting into with this life, I know I need to protect them both and I will, I'll protect them with my life. I love the both of them, sir, so much." Sam replied. My dad nodded and shook his hand, "You're a great man Sam." He said before heading towards Jesy and the others.

I watched him go before turning to my mum, "So is this it for us? You're not gonna bother with your daughter or granddaughter just because I stayed with a boy you didn't like?" I asked her. She sighed, "I want what's best for you Rebecca." She told me. "Sam, Dean and Tess are my family now mum. Sam and I have a daughter, she's so precious mum. And she needs to know who her grandmother is... You're the only grandma she has." I told her. "What about Sam's mum?" She asked. "My mother was murdered by a demon when I was only young." Sam told her. "Miss White, please give your daughter another chance, if not for her then for your grandchild." Sam begged. "That's all she's asking for." He added. My mum stared at us both before nodding, "Okay, one more chance, don't mess up again Rebecca." She said as she hugged me before heading towards Jesy and Nik.

I rested my head against Sam's shoulder as Dean and Tessa came to stand beside us, Dean put his arm around Sam's shoulder and we all stood together, my dad walked over to us with Nikkiaya in his arms, "She looks so much like you did when you were born." He told me with a smile. I smiled as he headed back over to my mum, Tessa's family had gathered around my parents now and were cooing over my baby. Jesy walked over and slung her arm over my shoulder, "Wow. I'm so proud of you RiRi. You've had your first child, you have a successful relationship and you're doing what you want. I'm happy for you and so fucking proud." She said. I smiled, "Thanks Jess." I replied. She kissed my cheek before sitting down.

The day was finally ending, Sam, Dean, Tess and I were all heading back out to the car just as Nathan walked by. "You a babysitter now Becca?" Nathan mocked. "No, I'm a mother." I replied as I stared at him. "NO FUCKING WAY! WHO'S THE DAD?!" He said. I raised an eyebrow before pointing to Sam, "MR TURNER?! YOU FUCKED YOUR TEACHER, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" He yelled. "I did tell you that I'd give it up for Mr Turner." I smirked. "You fucking slag. And yet you'd never give it up for me?!" He said angrily. "Shut the fuck up Nathanial." Dean spat. "What you going to do, Mr Romell?!" He spat back. "I will fucking end your existence." Dean spat whilst getting closer to the boy. Tessa quickly pulled him back and distracted him with a makeout session just as Casey and Caitlyn walked by, jealousy instantly filled Caitlyn's face when she saw Tess and Dean making out whilst Casey stared at Sam, "Back in New York sir?" She asked. "You come back for another piece of this?" She questioned before smirking. She then leant in to kiss him but he pushed her back, "I didn't come back here for you, I came back to introduce my daughter to her grandparents." He told her. "Daughter?!" She asked before seeing me holding the stroller. "No fucking way, you guys are a thing?! You're dating your fucking teachers?!" She yelled. Tess and Dean soon pulled away from eachother and turned to Casey and Caitlyn, "YOU HAVE A FUCKING DAUGHTER WITH YOUR TEACHER! HOW SLUTTY IS THAT?!" Casey screamed.

I rolled my eyes before turning to Dean, "Dean, Tess... Can you guys take Nikkiaya to the park for a bit please?" I asked before turning to the three people now mocking me and calling Tessa and I sluts. "Yeah, of course." Dean said as Tess began pushing the stroller and Dean walked away beside her. I watched them go until they were out of sight before punching Casey across the face as hard as I could, "Slut?! Fucking sluts?! You're the only fucking slut around here you two faced, good for nothing, bitch!" I spat as I began laying into her. I then turned to Nathan and punched him as hard as possible whilst Sam stood with his mouth wide open in shock as I beat up my ex boyfriend, I then turned to Caitlyn and began laying into her. I was soon pulled back, "Woah, easy tiger." I heard Leigh-Anne say. Her arms wrapped around me as she pulled me away from the three of them, "Get the fuck outta here before I end all three of ya!" Jesy yelled. They quickly hurried away as Jesy turned to me, "You're an amazing fighter but if mum and dad would have seen that you'd be in massive trouble." She told me as Leigh-Anne finally let me go.

I shook my head before sighing, "They were calling Tess and I sluts." I sighed. "Babes, you can't let good for nothing scumbags like them get to you." Perrie said from behind Jess. "They're fucking cunts and you're not.. Also, I don't know why Casey and Caitlyn were giving it large, they were the town bikes back when you lived here and not much has changed since." Jade put in with a small laugh. I quickly messaged Tessa to come back before leaning back against the Chevy, "A 1967 Chevy Impala, I am impressed." Jesy said as she stared at it. "It's Dean's." I replied with a small smile. "It's nice." She stated as Dean and Tess returned. I carefully picked Nikkiaya up out of the stroller and placed her back in her car seat, I strapped her in as Tess folded the stroller up. "We'll come down to Kansas at some point to pay you girls a visit." Jesy told me as she hugged me one last time. I nodded, "Good. Text or call me before you do though just so I know whether we'll be in or not." I replied before pulling out of the hug and climbing into the back seat beside Nik. Tess pulled out of her hug with Perrie and climbed in on the other side of Nik whilst Sam and Dean said a quick 'goodbye' to the girls and climbed in the front. Dean immediately began driving as we headed backward to Kansas.


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