My new neighbor

By booksaremylife12345

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Kaylee Josiah is your average American girl. She has her friends and gets amazing grades in high school. She... More

Chapter One~My new neighbor
Chapter two~So what now?
Chapter Three~Here comes Mr. Trouble
Chapter Four~ A new girl
Chapter Six~ What did you just do?
Chapter Seven~ Well here goes nothing
Chapter Eight~ Why did you help me?
Chapter Nine~ Fifteen Minutes Of Pain Instead Of Fifteen Minutes Of Fame

Chapter Five~My Project Partner

129 3 0
By booksaremylife12345

Chapter Five~ My Project Partner


“Crap” I said aloud, smacking my palm to my forehead. I heaved my multi colored backpack over my shoulder and strolled into my Government class. I was already in an exhausted mood. I didn’t anyone to make my morning worse.


I tried to be nonchalant and slipped into my seat.  Oh but that didn’t help, of course.


“Hey baby. Why so quiet?”


Jayden’s velvet voice echoed around the classroom as he made his way to me.


“ Don’t tell me you’re shy now, are you?” That smirk erupted across his face and he shook his hair.


“Oh come on Kaylee, why so quiet?” He purred.


Gag. My god cant he take the hint? Go away.


Before I could stop myself the words just flew right out of my mouth.


“God go away and quit being such an ass.” I slapped my had again my mouth and looked down. “ I’m just really tired.” I mumbled.


Jayden got an annoyed look on his face and put his lips into a hard, cool line.


“Look here-


“ Everyone, hush its time for the Pledge of Allegiance” Mr. Dingle shut the classroom door and stood in front of the flag.


“I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America.” The words flew out of my mouth without having tot think of them. Everyone has been taught to say it aloud since kindergarten.


The overhead speaker screeched and cracked. “ We may now take a moment off silence.” The mysterious voice boomed.


Jayden obviously didn’t care about some moment. He sat there and started to crumble up notes, using them as balls to throw at unsuspecting girls.


Such a flirt. I rolled my eyes and looked away.


“Mkay guys today I have a surprise for you.” Mr. Dingle started.


The class groaned.


“Now wait here, I think you’d all like this one. Its project time!” He cheered and started to gather up info sheets on his worn down desk.


“ Hey Ding, is this a group project?” Someone shouted across the room.


He pointed in their direction. “ Yes, but I already assigned partners. “ He passed out the last of the papers. “ I don’t any of you guys monkeying around.”


“Bull” “Awe come on man.” “What?”  I heard everyone grumble in response.


As for me? I don’t really care. I work well with everyone! Everyone except for people like him.


Mr. Dingle filed for the smart board remote. He reached up his hairy arm –gross- and clicked the on button. I could see the green light blinking in my peripherals as I waited for the board to light up.


“I put the partners up on the smart board. You have the rest of the block to plan out and ask questions. Be free children.”  He waved his arms around, motioning us to begin.


Okay. Lets see. My partner is… WHAT?! No. This has to be a mistake. There’s no way that I’m going to be partnered up with *GAG* Jayden Silver.


“Um Mr. Dingle, I think we have a problem here.” I fluttered over to his desk nervously. “ I can’t work with Jayden. Isn’t there someone else?”


Dingle looked up with a sigh and stopped grading his papers. “ Oh Kaylee don’t be such a drama queen. He’s new here. He needs to make friends here somehow. And you have such a kind personality.” He replied matter of fatly.


I twisted my hair around my finger and peered over my shoulder. There he was, worn down shoes propped on the desk in front of him. And then he looked up his phone to wiggle his fingers at me.


“But Mr. Dingle” I started to protest.


“Kaylee just give it a shot.” He proposed. “ Now please unless you have a question about the project, leave me be so I can grade papers.” He picked up his red pen and started to gather up old tests.


I walked back to my seat defeated. So what is this project on?


I put the rubric in front of me and took a good look at it. Hmm A time line of current events through the years. Events that related to government and during the time span of 1900-2014. It’s a pretty broad spectrum.


“ Hey kitty I got to ask the teach something real quick.” I looked up and saw Jayden peering over my paper.


Kitty? What the fuck?  I rolled my eyes and pulled out paper to get planning done.


“Mr. Dingle? Is there any chance that we could work in the courtyard?”


“That’s a great idea! Fresh air will make your brain juices flowing. Go right ahead. Everyone! Mr. Silver had the idea of working outside. Go on if you’d like. “ Mr. Dingle called attention to the class.


“Lets go.” Jayden muttered next to me and grabbed his brown, battered bag. He moved into the hallway swiftly and waited by the lockers.


I grabbed my things as quickly as I could and followed shortly behind him. I saw his lean body against the locker and really noticed how tall he really was. Six feet? Huge compared to my 5’4 frame.


He turned around and looked at me with a curiosity. “Kitty, if you want to stare at me, take a picture.” And with that note I was out of my awkward day dream- stance.


I scoffed in reply. No thank you.


“So I have some thoughts on how to do the project.” I pulled the strap of my bag over my shoulder as we began to walk.  “ Wait what are you doing?”


“ Did you really think I was being serous?” He raised his eyebrows at me. “Yeah no. I run a business and my client would like his prescription today. “


I choked on my own breath from gasping. “ So you’re really a drug dealer?” I questioned him and stopped dead in my tracks.


“So what if I am? Going to go tattle and be a goody two shoes?” He challenged back. “You know what? I don’t give two shits anyway. See ya later babe.”


“Don’t call me babe!” I called out back to him. Putting my arms tightly across my chest.


That did nothing because I heard a booming laugh erupt a moment later. He wiggled is finger from behind his back and took off to the football field.


Well what am I supposed to do now?


I tried my best to start off our project. Well more like MY project since he’d be doing aposultly nothing. Ugh.


I wandered back into the classroom with roughly 10 minutes left.


Mr. Dingle was marking off everyone who left and made sure that they came back.


“Jack. Gracie. Kylie. Jeremiah. Caleb. Morgan.” He spoke to himself while gazing at the door.


“Wait a minute. Kaylee?”


I froze and spun around on my heels.


“Yes Mr. Dingle?” I answered politely.


“Do you have an idea as to where your partner ran off to?”


Oh crap.


“Um Jayden?” I twiddled my thumb nervously.


“Yes, I see he hasn’t come back to join us.” He added with a slight amount of annoyance in his voice.


“Uum I think he left school.”


I scratched the back of my head and closed my eyes.


“Wow first two days and he’s already gotten himself into trouble. Okay Ill sign him p for detention.” He sighed and pulled a paper out from behind his hand.


“Oh Mr. Dingle, I don’t think that will be necessary.”


“Kaylee, please don’t argue with me today.”


Okay.  Please don’t kill me Jayden. I want to live!



“ He’s your partner? Ha-ha seriously?” Jenna practically spat out her water from giggling.


“Shut it. Yes and now I’m going to have e to do all the freakin work.” I stabbed my strawberries with my fork.


Come on Kaylee, stop with being aggressive.


“I’m sorry I think that’s hilarious.”


“What’s so hilarious?” Landers slid in next to me. But not so smoothly as he caught his jeans on a loose piece of wood.


“Nothing. You do not want to know landers.”


Last but not least, Drew came strolling up to our table. Avery doesn’t have lunch with us today, so this is a perfect chance to get some deets out of Drew.


“So what’s the plan of action?” I turned towards him


A wide grin spread across his freckled face. Awe this is so cute!


“ I actually do have a great idea. Be honest if you like it or not.” HE motioned all of us to scoot closer.


I filled in Landers and Jenna during the beginning of lunch.


“ I want to get her white roses, and paint them green. And then pain of the siren on them too and ask if she wanted to get some Starbucks with me. “ He beamed at his idea.


A siren is another word for a mermaid. Just In case ya didn’t know.


“Awe Drew that is so creative!” I gushed at him. “I really love it.”


“Ditto from us too. And you’re a wiz at art, so this is perfect.”


We went of talking about when he was going to ask her when I felt a presence. Or more like a stone, behind me.


Jenna looked up anxiously and quickly tapped my hand. I gave her a weird look and turned to see whom she was staring at. My was that a bad idea.


“Why the fuck did you rat on me?” Jayden’s voice was full of rage. 


This got me a wee bit nervous. I don’t like being yelled at.


“I’m sorry okay? I didn’t think.”


HE grabbed my arm and tried to yank me wherever he was going to.


Fortunately that wasn’t successful since Drew and landers got between us.


“Dude. Leave her alone.” Drew used a stern voice.


“Dude. Stay out of this.”


Jayden narrowed his eyes at me once more and then sauntered off.


“What was that about?”


‘I’ll tell you guys later.” I rubbed my arm where he gripped it too tight.


“You know he’s kind of cute. In a way.” Jenna stepped up behind me.


All of us turned our heads in unison. “Jenna!”


She held up her hands as in a surrender and giggled to herself 


The last bell of the day just rang, signaling us all to finally leave prison. Ahem I mean school.


I got the last of my belonging from my locker and made my way down the narrow hallway.


I felt someone lean their arm against my shoulder, causing me to jump. I’ve been jumpy ever since the lunch mishap. But that god it was Avery. She raised an eyebrow at me and just rolled her eyes.


“So. I heard that there’s going to be a mad rager at Chloe’s house on Saturday. You in?”


“But what about your parents?” I answered back.


“They are flying out to meet your parents for some reason. Beats me!” She shrugged her shoulders. “And Chloe’s family is going to visit some friend for a baby shower.”


She turned around and took me by the shoulders. “Come on! I think I could even bribe Colton to come home for a day.” She basically gaged at the last part, but that’s nice that she could think of me.


Oh Colton. I miss your warm brown eyes. Your hugs and kisses.  Your soft, warm hands that are so comforting. I stared off dreamily into the distance, completely ignoring what Avery was saying.


I came to when I noticed Avery frantically waving her hands in front of my face.

“Hellooo? Earth to Kaylee Josiah?”


“Hhm what? Oh yeah sure.”


“You didn’t get a word I said, did you?”


Oops she caught me. “Oh yeah totally.” I added sarcastically.


Avery threw her head back and opened the creaky doors leading to the student parking lot. On the road again!


“I’ll fill you in. Just pay attention this time!”


I pushed her playfully and opened the passenger door.


And we were off to an empty house and nothing to do. Boring right? OH well.


We pulled into her driveway shorty after grabbing some Panera for dinner. WE can go on starving ourselves. Avery locked her car with a timid bebop. I made my way to her front porch when I heard her struggling.


“Avery, here let me help you.” I offered opening op my spare hand. She handed me the drink tray as she dug into her maroon bag for the keys.


And inside to warmth we went. Finally home sweet home. Well not exactly my home, but you get the picture.  I walked to the banister and shoved my backpack on the little knob. Avery followed my suit and then made way to the clean kitchen table.


“Finally we can relax. “ She slumped down into her seat. “The straws are in the bag.”


I reached over and grabbed them and then plopped myself into the seat right of hers. I got the best chicken Caesar salad ever, and Avery got soup and a bread bowl. Her usual.


We gobbled up our dinner while getting our homework done. I haven’t had much homework this year so far. It’s pretty refreshing. As for Aver, she does get quite a bit for AP government. I’m happy I didn’t take that class. Regular is just fine enough with me.


I reached for my napkin and balled it up. “Man that’s delicious. I could eat a million of these things.”


“Girl, you already know that I could eat millions of these things too.” She added in. “Do you want some help with your project? Since the little brat isn’t going to help?”


I gave her the run down of my day and the lunchtime extravaganza on our way home.  And in all honesty I would love some extra helping hands.


“Actually yeah, thanks.” I stated genuinely


We raced upstairs after we threw our garbage away. I padded my feet across the plush cream-colored carpeted floor. I found Avery pulling out craft supplies in her closet. I turned on her overhead light and joined her picking out things for the project.


WE ended up getting probably half way done. But hey! That’s a great start. I put the poster on a shelf neatly, allowing the glue and glitter to dry safely.


It was about 10:30 when I got the best call of the night.


My boyfriend, Colton. His rich voice came over the line, making my heart melt instantly.


“Hey I can’t talk long. I just wanted to say that I could come home for satruday. IT’LL be a special day. But after that, I need to go back.”


I couldn’t help but have my heart feel heavy at him saying that. “That sucks, but I am glad that you can come home for at least a day.”


And after that we didn’t speak for much longer. We said our goodbyes and I told him I loved him. But he didn’t say it back, which is weird. He always says he loved me.


Hm maybe he did and I just didn’t catch it.


I Let it go and drifted off to sleep that was filled with sweet Colton’s and how amazing the party will be.



That is the end of chapter 5! I hope you enjoyed it and are enjoying it so farJ I’m really getting into writing it. That’s probably why I’ve written so many chapters lately. Any who



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