Sugar Baby

بواسطة bitchyminaj

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"Damn. Is it Christmas already?" Onika joked, surveying the room full of boxes of designer clothes and handba... المزيد



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بواسطة bitchyminaj

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


October 15th, 2015 - 6:03pm - Iota Phi Theta - Hampton University - Hampton, VA

"Beerbongs and Plain Wrongs"

"A single-celled organism too small to be—"

"Microbe." Onika interjected.

Meek nodded slightly. "Very good."
He flipped to the next flash card in the thick stack. "One of the most drug resis—"


"Do you even need me to read these?" He frowned, shuffling the cards.

"Yes." She pleaded. "I messed up on like six of them and I have to know this. I can't be blinded sided like I was earlier."

"You have an 89.7% in the class already. You pretty much know everything."

"Meek.." Onika groaned, knowing where this was headed.

"You studied all weekend," He listed, kissing her neck. "I helped you study again last night, and we've been at this for almost two hours. You got this."

"What if I don't got this? This midterm is worth 15%. If I pull another C, poof. My scholarship is gone. I can't afford this place without one. My mamas's already doing everything she can."

Meek was persistent. "C's get degrees?" Onika slugged him. "Ow. Damn. I don't know how you could be getting anything less than an A anyway. You go through all the material with a fine toothed comb. I think you're just second guessing it too much. Psyching yourself out."

"You just wanna have sex."

"Now that I don't deny." He answered honestly. "But what I said holds some truth. You get every answer right with me but when you test you just tweak." Meek furrowed his brow in thought. "I think you can get an accommodation for that."

Onika wiped her face and took a deep breath. What Meek said made a lot of sense. Sometimes when going over a test she often erased and rewrote answers only to find that she was right the first time. There was so much riding on her senior year. If all went well she'd have a job handed to her the moment crossed the stage. Onika would finally be able to take care of her mother the way she'd wanted to her whole life.

"Tell you what," Meek began. "We go through these again, even the definitions, and if you get an answer right I take something off."

Onika smirked. "This ain't Love and Basketball."

"I don't see why it can't be."

Two Hours Later

"Shit!" Onika huffed, gripping his shoulder with one hand and reaching out to steady herself against the bedside shelf.

In her hurry accidentally knocking over one of Meeks old Little League trophies. Though the boys had the music playing full blast downstairs, she still took care to be quiet.


"I'm sorry baby." She offered breathlessly. She pressed both her palms to his chest and bit into her lip, willing herself not to moan. "Fuck I'm—"

"Hey M--" She heard the voice before it registered to her that it didn't come from Meek. And that the door was open. And her chest was on display for about six guys. They didn't attempt to shut the door or cover their eyes. Onika was frozen. 

Before she could take her next breath Meek acted quickly, grabbing her by her hip and swiping her body to the side of the bed. Onika hit the mattress with a thud, finally regaining some feeling in her hands and covering herself as best as she could. Though she didn't really see the point anymore.

"Get the fuck out!" Meek yelled, shoving both legs into his jeans. He was on his feet in seconds as his brothers scrambled to get out outta dodge. 

Onika lay back on the bed, willing her heart not to explode. "This is fixable. I can fix this."

Her composure crumbled in mere seconds.

"Why God? Why me and not some white freshman?" She sobbed, feeling the beginnings of a panic attack.

She slammed a pillow over her face and whined for a solid minute before hopping out of bed with Meeks pinstriped sheets wrapped securely around her waist, in case any stragglers decided to return for seconds.

Onika searched haplessly for her bra and panties before pulling on her shirt and vest.

Whatever. Fuck it. She thought to herself. At least he has his own room.

When she was fully dressed she snatched her purse, keys and signature Ray Bans from the dresser, making no attempt to put her boyfriends bedroom back in order. The faster she left, she presumed, the better she'd feel about the last 20 minutes.

Onika stormed down the hallway, bobbing and weaving between the mass of faceless frat boys and red Solo cups. Leaning over the cherry wood banister she scanned the crowd below for Meek. She at least wanted to talk to him before she made her dramatic exit. Her eyes roved over the sea of plastered white boys and their equally wasted female counterparts. One girl appeared to be passed out topless on one of the couches in the den and it was barely 8 'o clock.

Giving up, she shuffled down the stairs, stopping a few steps before the bottom to still have somewhat of a birds-eye view. She knew it'd take her longer to push through and search for Meek on the ground floor. Onika was impossibly short and she was reminded of it every waking moment.

Her view was suddenly obstructed by a familiar face.

"Hey b-baby." He hiccuped, spilling beer from one of the two cups in his hand. Alcohol all but radiated from his pores.

"Baby?" She raised a brow. "You're drunk, Kevin." Onika dismissed. She was growing more frustrated by the minute.

Kevin played safety for the universities football team. He was just over 5'6  but what Kevin lacked in height he made up for in bulk. His biceps had biceps and if she had to wager, Onika was pretty sure he could easily toss any of these guys out the nearest window.

Though he wasn't much for distance, he knew how to mow a guy down, which made him a valued asset to the team. That and the fact his parents donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to rebuild the new stadium.

Go Pirates.

"Well-I'm mean you know I was thinking.." Kevin lawled, trying to grab the beauty's attention. "I was thinking that maybe me and you could spend some time you know."

He tried putting his hand over his heart and ended up sloshing more of the cheap beverage all over himself.

"I brought you a drink," He continued. "But don't worry I didn't put nothing in it or nothing. I'm a good guy." Onika watched as Kevin poured about half of her drink into his own. "See? All good." He assured her taking a big gulp.

"Have you seen Meek?" She asked, cupping her hands to be heard over the music.

"Meek? Why you wanna tal--let's talk about us girl--you like white guys?" Onika's features contorted into a look of pure aggravation. "W-Wait before you say no. I just wanna say that I am totally here for womens rights and shit. Go feminism man. I'm feeling that shit. I love black women--"


"--I'm all about black lives matter Queen."

"KEVIN! Where is Meek?" Onika practically shouted.

"Wh-Why you wanna talk about him for?" Kevin reeled, his face flushing red with embarrassment. "He's doing his thing right now. I'm the one here with you. I thought you guys were over."

Onika frowned down at an inebriated Kevin before something drew her attention to the corner of the room. Within seconds she spotted her boyfriend, who was very shirtless, nursing his own red cup and talking with two girls from the dance team. Their proximity to naked chest was closing in by the second.

Onika was incensed. Hardly an hour ago five of Meeks brothers had stormed in on them in a compromising position, and he hadn't so much as offered an apology or at the very least any assurance that the exact size and shape of her areolas wouldn't get out.

Meek looked up suddenly, as if he had felt the intensity of Onika's stare across the room. His expression and body language immediately changed as he attempted to put distance between himself. He looked as if he'd been caught stealing loose change from his grandmas purse.

"So.." Kevin wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist. "You down to swirl?"

Without another word Onika snatched the lesser of the two cups and chugged it's entire contents. The beer was warm and tasted like a mix of Coors and Bud Light. She gagged before tossing the cup away and storming towards the front door. Kevin could find another willing 'Queen' to spout his politically incorrect bullshit too and Meek? He could just plain go to hell.

She sprinted down Greek row, clothing herself in the shadows of the staggering maple trees as she called for Lauren to meet her at the Waffle House nearby. It took Lauren all of 30 minutes to arrive in another sleek black towncar. Much like the one from earlier.

"Get in." She nodded to the unoccupied seat on the other side.

"I thought maybe we could eat and talk?"

"Yeah. If you wanna end up on the 9 'o clock news. Get in." She was more insistent this time.

"Okay okay." Onika conceded, sliding in beside her. "I hope you have food at your place I'm starving."

"After sex munchies?" Lauren smirked.

"Shut up."

"I jumped out of bed to come get you after I'd just washed my makeup off. Bitch you owe me."

Onika crossed her arms tightly. "It's too humilating."

"You mean more than the fact you're actually dating that toad?"


Lauren held her hands up in defense. "Okay fine." She brought her fingers up to zip her lips. I'm all ears.

Onika shut her eyes tightly before voicing her next thought. "A couple guys from his chapter saw me naked."

"You mean like half naked or titties out full frontal naked?"

"It's jus--it was my boobs." She flushed. "They just burst in out of nowhere. He left the door unlocked and they saw me."

The whine was returning in her voice. She couldn't bring herself to cry in front of Lauren--who's only emotion was hunger and maybe disdain. It would be the cherry on top of a disastrous Thursday. 

"Then he.. was cozied all up with Rihanna and Bernice and you know what they're about." She twisted the rings on her fingers. "I think he tried to come and explain himself to me but couldn't even look at him."

"Girl." Lauren sighed, dropping her head back. "You are so much better than this entire situation. This is a blessing in disguise."

"How so?"

Onika was generally optimistic, but she couldn't bring herself to see what good came out of her brief stint of exhibitionism or Meeks roving eyes.

"In five years, you'll be a hitmaker, producing music girls like us wanna pop our pussy to." Onika cracked a smile. "And Mark's probably gonna knock up one or both of those bird ass bitches before he even makes a third string draft and that's me being generous."


"Like it matters."

Onika was silent a moment, taking in everything that'd happened over the last 12 hours and also, her surroundings.

"Where are we going? The dorms are back east."

"Oh. I don't live in the dorms." Lauren answered casually. "Moved out two semesters ago."

"..Okay...." Onika cocked her head. "Why is this the first I'm hearing of this? And where are we?"

"Twelve minutes from the interstate. It's really peaceful up here. You'll love it."

Onika frowned, unsure, and turned back to peek out of the back window. The twinkling lights of the city were long past a simple glance. They were entering a wooded area, the car creeping along a narrow dirt road. She could hear the foilage crunching underneath the tires before coming to a full stop at the end of the driveway.

"This shit some cabin in the woods shit." She whispered to herself.


Just in case I haven't before, I want to thank those of you that continuously support my works with a vote and a kind word. Your efforts do not go unnoticed and my rational mind thanks you.

I would not be writing if it weren't for my most dedicated barbies. You guys help me grow. I'm feeling so appreciative this fine Monday morning 😌.

None for you though ghost readers. Y'all can choke on a sick dick 🔊

100+ votes and 200+ comments for an update 💖


Is Meek completely at fault here? Or is he just being (a stupid) guy? 😕

Thoughts on Kevin? 😂

Where do you think the next chapter is headed? And how many of you hedge that Onika will leave before the night is over? Lmao 🌚

xoxo 😘


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