Sugar Baby

By bitchyminaj

46.9K 3.5K 6.2K

"Damn. Is it Christmas already?" Onika joked, surveying the room full of boxes of designer clothes and handba... More



10.6K 482 900
By bitchyminaj

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


October 15th, 2015 - 8:59am - ICBN - Hampton University - Hampton, VA

"Life As We Know It"

Nicki skipped up the stairs, two at a time as she raced to the testing center for her midterm math exam. Though she was infamous for being late to things, today being late wouldn't cut it. Once the doors closed, they locked. And there would be no exceptions. Or excuses.

"Fuck." She swore as she checked her phone at the top of the stairs. It was 9am on the dot.

She had less than 60 seconds to make it to class. That is if they hadn't already closed the doors. Nicki pushed her little legs as far as they would take her, ducking and dodging the few stragglers in her way. The door was just closing as she ran up.

"No no no no!" She slapped the door with her free hand. "I'm here Mr. Davis! I'm here."

"Onika." He rolled his eyes, but stepped aside. "Nice of you to join us."

She gave him a nervous smile as she slipped past, heading to her open seat in the back of the room. There were no assigned seats. Onika just chose to sit in the exact same place every class period. And though she was late almost every time, the rest of her peers knew it leave it for her.

"As I was saying." Her instructor continued. "You have the entire class period to finish the test but should you finish early you are free to go. I do recommend utilizing all the time you have, it never hurts to go back and check your work for operational errors."

Onika set her books down and fished in her bag for a pen. Though they were encouraged she hated using pencils, especially if they weren't mechanical. Pens motivated her to work carefully and if she ever made an error she would just simply draw a line through it and move on.

As she got settled the LED light on her phone flashed, letting her know she had a message.

Baby: You get in?

She responded quickly then dropped her phone inside her book bag to avoid the distraction.

Nic 😏: Yeah. No more sleepovers this week

"Take one copy of the test and pass it to your neighbor. Please make sure to show your work, even for the simplest problems." The class collectively groaned. "And to be sure that you do.. this will be a no calculator exam."

"Are you serious?" Onika made a face as she zipped her bag.

Math already wasn't her strongest subject. Sometimes she felt so unsure she would use her calculator to multiply or divide even the simplest equations. And now without the aid of it, it seemed as if she should've stayed in bed with her boyfriend anyway. There was no way she would be passing this exam.

The students begrudgingly passed back the tests until Onika was the last one to receive hers.

"Mr. Davis can we taulk about this?" She pleaded. "I mean.. this is worth ten percent of my grade."

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Why don't we see how you all do first? Worst case scenario you'll all receive an 8 point curve since everyone participated Factoring Bingo yesterday." This new piece of information was well received. "Everyone just try your best."

"Yeah okay." Onika muttered to herself as she chewed her pen cap.

There were 45 questions all in all. The first 15 were easy, just simple review. The ones after that took a sharp left.

"How the fuck am I supposed to divide polynomials without a calculator?" She said under her breath.

After 15 more minutes of deliberation she gave up. She decided to just take her instructor's advice and simply work through the problems as best as she could. Onika knew that she could always go over the test with him at a later time. The 8 point curve wasn't a bad incentive either.

The test ended up taking most of the class period. Onika gave up on the last three questions and just turned her test in unfinished, preferring not to stress herself out about it. She hung back, texting on her phone while she waited the remaining 11 minutes.

Baby: What time you out again?

Nic 😏: I'm out in like 9 minutes. Why?

Baby: Come back over.

Students began to gather their things, each turning their tests in on their way out until there was only 3 people still in the room. Onika could've talked about her test then but she wanted total privacy. She hated having unnecessary people in her business.

Nic 😏: I gotta study. I have one more test this week and I cannot be late again.

Though her words sounded final she got butterflies in her stomach from the three simple words. She had just left not even three hours ago and he already missed her company.

Baby: I'll help you study.

"I'm sure you will." Nicki giggled to herself as the last student left the room. She pulled her bag over her shoulder and headed up to her professor's desk. "Mr. Davis we need to talk about my test."

"Yes we do." He procured hers from the pile and held it up. "You didn't finish."

"It was hard!" She protested. "And you didn't tell us it was gonna be no calculator. I would've studied differently. You bogus."

"I'm sorry you feel that way." He chuckled.

He never showed it but Onika was more or less his favorite student. She was no brainiac on the subject but she refused to let that stop her. She worked diligently during class, participating in games, writing detailed notes, and taking advantage of any available opportunity for extra credit. And when she was on time she took it upon herself to play teachers aid and hand out material. He admired her personality and willingness to soak up as much of the material as possible.

"I just don't want you guys to get so dependent on your calculators that you forget simple formulas. Like you did on questions 42-45."

Onika smacked her lips. "Them problems was not simple." She sighed. "How bad was I?"

He flipped through a few pages of the test. "At a glance you're looking at a solid D. Maybe a C if you had finished the last questions, or even attempted them. Some points are better than no points."

Onika dropped her head on his desk in defeat. "I spent all last week in the help lab."

"Relax." He laughed again. "It's only the midterm. You can turn it around on the final. Plus, you gotta remember there's a curve. You'll end up with a C. Possibly a B once I look through it."

Onika lifted her head and beamed, her dimples making their appearance. "Well why didn't you say that at first!" She began walking backwards toward the door. "See you Tuesday Mr. Davis."

She opened the door and rounded the corner. Almost smacking right into a blonde standing nearby.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry." Onika held her hands up. The figured turned around and smiled. "Oh. Lauren. Were you waiting for me?"

"Yeah. And you was taking forever." The blonde returned, as they both headed down the stairs. "Did you at least get his number?" She bit her lip.

Onika blushed and rolled her eyes. Lauren was always tryna get her into some wild ass shit. They met during welcome week freshman year and had been attached at the hip ever since. Lauren was the kind of friend people rave about meeting in college, going through trials and tribulations and building bonds with them that would eventually last a lifetime. Onika was lucky to have her.

She'd followed her boyfriend to Hampton on an academic scholarship, and he on athletic one. Her mother would be disappointed that she had turned down Brown University in favor of staying close to her lover but Onika was firm in the fact that she could still receive an excellent education at the lauded HBCU. She could have her cake and eat it too.

"He's cute but I don't think of him like that. He's just really cool." She smiled.

"Uh huh." Lauren was unconvinced. "Look at you, you're practically red in the face."

"Cause you're making me uncomfortable." Onika giggled. "And I love my baby. He is everything I need in the whole world."

"Love is for fairytales." Lauren held the door open for Onika as they walked out onto the quad. "You'll soon find."

"Yeah okay." Onika grabbed the straps of her backpack leisurely. "I don't know what kind of guys you dated but my baby is the sweetest."


As if to emphasize her point she spotted Meek across the student lot leaned up against car. Onika waved him over so the two could be properly introduced.

"That's your man?" Lauren popped a stick of spearmint gum in her mouth.

"If you say anything outta pocket!" Onika laughed, slapping Lauren's thigh.

Lauren plastered a smile on her face as Meek caught up to them. Onika wrapped her arms around his waist for a hug and stood on her tip-toes for a kiss. He met her lips for two.

"Más." She beamed, tapping her lips. Meek did so. "Okay now one more to make it even."

"Girl you annoying." Lauren made a face.

Onika blushed and buried her face in his chest. "Meek this Lo. Lo, this is Meek." She introduced. "Finally I can get you two on the same part of campus together."

"Wassup." Meek nodded.

Lauren smiled tightly. "Pleasure." She turned her attention back to Onika. "You wanna hang out tonight?"

"I can't." Onika answered truthfully. "I have another midterm tomorrow and he already asked me first if I was free anyway."

"Mmm." Lauren rocked back and forth on her heels. "Well let me know if you change your mind. Just text me. I'll be at home."

Just then a black Lincoln town-car pulled up the side of where there were standing. The chauffeur stepped out and held the door open, patiently waiting. Onika's head swiveled between the man and her friend. As far as she'd known, Lauren barely had enough money for an Uber. Let alone renting a car and a chauffeur.

"Is that.. you?" Onika raised an eyebrow.

"It is." Lauren confirmed before walking off. "Nice meeting you Mike." She threw over her shoulder.

Meek knitted his brows together as Onika cracked up laughing. "Uh.. it's Meek."

"Sorry!" She yelled out as she climbed inside the luxury car and took off down the street.

"That's funny to you?" Meek half smiled.

"No." Onika giggled. "Okay maybe a little funny."

He pulled back a little. "You told me she was nice."

"She is nice!" Onika protested. "I can tell she likes you Mike."

"Oh you got jokes, huh?" He chuckled as they headed over to his car, hand in hand. "Why you didn't answer my call when you got out?"

Onika felt her pockets with her free hand. "My phone is still in my book bag. I put it in there before I talked to Mr. Davis about my test."

"You did good?"

"No. Not even close. It was no calculator."

"Damn. How the fuck you was supposed to do the problems then?"

Onika smacked her lips. "And that's what I said!" Anxiety about her grade began to settle in once more. "There's a curve but I don't know. I don't wanna lose my B in the class and potentially lose my scholarship. I studied hard for that test too."

Meek tripped the locks to his car but before he let Onika he stopped to talk outside the car.

"Woah. You only speak things into the universe that you want to happen." He said, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Like, you're gonna get the grade you deserve.. and we're gonna spend all night celebrating."

Onika could feel a smile pulling at her features but she fought it. "Stop. I'm nervous." She pouted.

Meek leaned down for a peck. "Well lets be nervous at Chic-Fil-A." He suggested. "You didn't have time to eat before you left and I know you hungry."

Onika's dimples made their appearance as punched his arm. "You sayin I'm fat?"

Meek pulled her door open. "I'm sayin come on before you get left. I'm hungry too."

"Uh huh, nice save." She giggled as she climbed inside.


Hi babies. New book. Shoot me 🤷🏽‍♀️

Yes this is fluffy ass Omeeka but it'll eventually turn into Beynika. You'll see how as the story progresses.

Yes I'm aware a lot of you don't like Omeeka. I don't particularly care for it either, but it's necessary to the story and will bring me new fans so please be polite to ME and the Omeeka ship by not trolling Meek in the comments.

I'm asking nicely first. I don't wanna have to mute or drag anyone. 😪

P.S. It goes without saying that Realize is FIRST priority so the updates on this book may lag but I intend to write this book in shorter chapters so the updates can be more frequent.

P.S.S. Tomorrow is my first day of classes for this semester. It'd mean a lot if you wished me luck 😪💖

xoxo 😘

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