The Cliché Cupid ||COMPLETED|...

By khushi_825_

32K 1.8K 2.2K

|| Highest Ranking - #2 in smart-ass (11 May 2018) || Andrea Red is a girl with a wild imagination. After rea... More

Chapter 1- The Wishing Well
Chapter 2- Not What I Expected. At All!
Chapter 4 - The Best Mistake That I've Ever Made.
Chapter 5- To Infinity And Beyond
Chapter 6 - Promises.
Chapter 7 - Alcohol Is Clearly Not For Me.
Chapter 8- Wanting To Slap You Into Next Week To Kissing You Senseless!
Chapter- 9 - Pretending To Be A Fake Ass Cinderella.
Chapter- 10 About As Useful As A Sweater In The Middle Of Summer.
Chapter 11- James Bond Is Going To Come And Take Me To Space Prison.
Chapter 12- The Story Of How I Knocked Out Shawn The Creep Baker.
Chapter 13- Don't Forget To Wrap It Before You Tap It!
Chapter 14- What Is He Trying To Be?! Edward Cullen?
Chapter 15- Wow, I Must Be On A New Level Of Mind-blown!
Chapter 16- Perfect
Chapter 17- As If Someone Ate Glitter And Threw Up All Over His Face
Chapter 18- I'll have to sanitize the couch and their bed after they leave.
Chapter 19- This Guy Should Stop With The Creepy Car Changing.
Chapter 20- Use A Tie To Strangle Them. At Least They'll Die In Style.
Chapter 21- Bad Boy's Princess
Chapter 22- Son Of A Biased Biscuit Bathing In The Bahamas.
Chapter 23- It's Boom Bang Bang Time!
Chapter 24- Marry Me?
Chapter 25- No
Chapter 26- Never Thought I'd Ever Awwww Anyone.
Chapter 27- Did I Just Time Travel A Century?
Chapter 28- They Hurt My Best Friend, They Won't Live To See Tomorrow.
Chapter 29- The Queen Is Back!
Chapter 30- I Am Dripping Wet. Come Here This Instant.
Chapter 31- You Forgive A Guy Who Gets You Food. It's A Rule!
Chapter 32 - Here's My Daily Dose Of Drama Served With A Side Of Bitchiness.
Chapter 33- I Have More Chances Of Dying Here Than In The Hunger Games.
Chapter 34 - Y'all Are Just A Bunch Of Dirty Minded Freaks!
Chapter 35- I Sound Like I Am In The Lord Of The Rings.
Chapter 36- Can I Marry This Dude?
Chapter 37- Remind Me To Burn My Shoes Later On.
Chapter 38- I Am Injured Not Blind Or Mentally Retarded.
Chapter 39- Jesus Is That You?!
Chapter 40- Look At This Place, It Screams Depression.
Chapter 41- He Is Probably Being A Basic High Scool Guy.
Chaptet 42-Basically I Am Hella Aroused And Hella Horny
Chapter 43- Let's Get Married In Hawaii?
Chapter 44- Why Cant My Fairy Godmother Bippity Boppity Me A Degree?
Chapter 45- Jesus Is That A Wedding Gown?
Chapter 46- This Is The End.
The Sequel

Chapter 3- Races And Much More.

1.6K 77 96
By khushi_825_

I woke up startled. My chest was heaving, I was sweating profusely.

I had one of my nightmares again. It rarely happened anymore. I got them because a few years back I had anxiety and depression, so the after effects caused a few nightmares here and there.

Shaking my head, I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower. I thoroughly washed my hair and sang to 'The Way I Are' by Bebe Rexha. It was perfect for my situation. I was insecure and had flaws, but I still wanted someone to love me and vice versa.

Sighing, I get out of the shower and head to my closet. I decide on some shorts and a white top.

Will do.

Then I headed downstairs for breakfast. It feels like I am forgetting something, I don't know what but it been bothering me since morning. Shrugging it off, I finally reach the kitchen and then I remember, today mom and dad were coming back.

A day earlier so that they could make the house look perfect for their, I quote 'amazing and lovely child'. And I have about an hour to get my brother who probably has a hangover alive and make the house presentable.

No I don't have dying rats or pizza boxes lying around in my house, it's just that my parents have a totally different view on anything that I do.

For example if I got a B- in my test I would get a lecture, be grounded for a week and my phone would be taken away.

And if Aiden got a B- my mom would give him some money saying him to 'buy whatever you want honey' and dad would just shrug it off like it didn't matter at all.

But I was used to it and Aiden would always take my side and he didn't like our parents much either.

I decide on skipping breakfast and waking Aiden up. I go to the couch and shake him violently. He doesn't wake.

I pour water on his face. He doesn't wake up.

So I do the most genius thing ever, I screamed "OMG! Is that Megan Fox? Omg she is so hot."

That did it my brother was up faster than lightning. Shaking my head I say," Go and shower, I want you down in fifteen. Mom and dad are coming in 45."

He groans but does what I say. I then start cleaning the living room, placing the cushions in their places, folding the blanket and put it away.

I then go to my room and stuff all my clothes which are lying around in my cupboard.

Will do.

I hear Aiden call me, "Shawty, come down I made brekky."

Grinning like an idiot I went down and saw the pancakes which were slightly burnt, but they were yum.

I checked the time 7:45 am, perfect.

They would be here in fifteen minutes and before that I would go to school.

Considering it was Monday and my current outfit would get me a detention slip I went upstairs and wore some jeans and a sweater (A/N: It's at the top) since it was December and Christmas was the week after it was pretty chilly so I grabbed a jacket just in case.

I went down and grabbed the keys to my black Audi. I know it's expensive but that was the only thing I liked about my parents, in my birthday they would do anything I liked even if they regretted it the next second.

I got this baby for my last birthday and it's been a dream since. I go out and shout a quick, 'bye Aiden I am going to school, love you!' behind my shoulder.

I ran across the freshly mowed grass. I guess you could say I lived in the rich part of the town, it was not as great as it seemed though.

All our neighbours are snobby and the old lady who died recently was the meanest one so far.

I am dreading our new neighbours as they most likely are old people, but if they are my age my mom would always compare them to me and tell me to be more 'social and ladylike'.

I scoff, as if I could be ladylike. I mean I am the most boyish, loud and antisocial human being on earth and the fact that I am a potato doesn't help at all, as I always say full of fats and carbohydrates.

I put pressure on the gas pedal and my car zooms out the driveway leaving a trail of dust behind.

In 5 minutes I was at the hell hole we call school. I park my car and get out, I walk - more like drag- my way to my locker to grab my books and go to the library to meet Sof and Kyle.

I still have 25 minutes to my first class and it's not like I am actually dying to go there. Just then my phone pings.

t's Sophie,

Hoe bag supreme 😈🍑🔥

Sorry girl but I can't come to school today, mom is sick.

Oh. Okay. Tell auntie to take care and I will come to yours later.

Love you...

You too. Bye.

So I am alone now. Because Kyle has football practice today and it is also before school. My phone chimes again.


Hello princess

Not you again.

Well you can't get rid of me that easy. Where are you?

Now that I need you...

Quoting Justin Bieber are we?

What do you mean?

Forget it. Did you know that I am painting my room today?

If you hadn't noticed I don't stalk you so I didn't know.

I was wondering if you would help me paint my room?

Wait. You are asking Me to help YOU paint your room?!

Not unless you are some creep who has stolen Rea's mobile?

No I am not a creep. But why should I help you?

Because you love me? And I brought your brother back home yesterday.

Okay fine. Just because you brought Aiden home.

Yay! I'll drive us. Meet me at the parking lot at three.

I am taking my car. And I will meet you at 3:15. I have to talk to Kyle.


I close my phone.

The only reason I agreed is that I wouldn't have to face my parents, and they are leaving day after tomorrow.

So one day less is really helpful. I make my way to Calculus as the bell will ring in 4 minutes.

I get in and sit down at my desk. After a few minutes the teacher came in and he began droning on some shit that wouldn't be useful in my life, so I decided to drone and decide on an excuse for my parents.

Hmm they really like Sof, so I will tell them that I went to her house as she missed school today. Halfway through the class Mr. Bert said,

"Miss Red what is the answer to the seventeenth question?"

Crap. I don't know.


"It's 43.254 Mr. Bert."

That was not me, it was Ryder and he said this while coming into the class.


Is he a wizard or some shit, because I swear he wasn't here a second ago. Mr. Bert just nods and lets him go without a detention or punishment.

That's probably because Jerkface's (that's his name from now) father owns more than half of our measley town where the most interesting thing that has happened is a cat banging her face into the door and passing out.

Ryder's father owns a huge company, I am not sure of what though. His mom is a school trusty so the principal treats Ryder like a god and so does the major population of our school, leaving his closest friends, Grayson, Cole and Alex.

They are those people whom your parents warn you about, well most parents my parents on the other hand literally would like the ground they walk on especially Ryder.

They all come from wealthy families and my family wants to make ties with them so that they can expand their business it is quite disturbing most of the times.

Because of the internal rambling going on in my head I didn't notice that Ryder had sit next to me, what happened to that blue haired girl that sat here two seconds ago. I look up to see him smirking. Typical.

"I saved your cute little ass back there, princess." Ryder boasts.

"I could have done it myself." I huff.

"Yea sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." He teases much to my displeasure.

I then look ahead, and after a minute or so Ryder pokes me.






Poke poke.


Poke Poke Poke.

You can do it deep breaths.

Poke nudge Poke Poke nudge.


I finish my speech and notice everybody staring at me, some laughing, some recording and some looking scared.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"DETENTION." Mr. Bert screams, I am so frustrated so I flip him off and storm out of the class, 'accidentally' pushing him out of my and toppling on the desk falling onto the  ground.

Ha. Serves him right.

Karma is a bitch.

I could still hear howls of laughter from the class and a satisfactory smirk makes its way onto my face. I could hear footsteps behind me.

"Skipping?" I ask.

He lets out a hum in agreement. So we head out.

What?! I am a rebel, you thought I was some goody two shoes.

Oh hell no.

I go out to the parking lot and get in my Audi I see Ryder pulling out in his G-Wagon.

I expected him to be a motorcycle kind of guy but as they say don't judge a book by its cover. He pulls up next to me and whistles,

"Damn this car is hot."

I grin.

I love my car more than food, and that's saying something as I almost got married to a pizza slice in third grade.

Ah those days.

Ryder asks, "Where do you want to go?"

"Pizza" comes out my instant reply.

He nods and starts driving and I have no choice but to drive behind him, considering I didn't know where we are going I called him and put it on speaker.

"Hello." came his instant reply almost as if he were waiting for me to call.

"Where are we going?" I enquired.

"To infinity and beyond." came his childish reply.

"Be serious Arrows." I say trying to hold my laughter.

"I am being serious." he whines and I can already imagine him pouting at the phone.

"Yeah and I am Beyonce." I retort.

"No. You are prettier." he says smoothly.

Smooth fucker.
I blush and as if waiting for my reaction he slows down until he is next to my car and by the looks of it he is over smug about this situation.

So me being the she devil I am I apply full pressure on the gas pedal and scream on the top of my voice, "Race you." not realising that I didn't know where we were going.

Once I realised it I slowed down and waited for Ryder to catch up only when he didn't I panicked.

And that's sugarcoating it.

I full on hyperventilating and banging my head on the steering wheel. Just then I heard my phone ring.

Jerkface read the caller ID.

I picked up and heard him saying something slowly almost inaudible but I caught it.

"Andrea..... Help...... Car....... Crash..... Tree...... Blood...... Please.... Help....... Can't breathe....... Andrea..... Come fast....... Near...... the petrol...... bunk...... Help.... " and then the line got cut.




Cliffhangers. Don't we all love them. And please don't kill me.
And this chapter is dedicated to jellytots_xoxo for being an amazing friend and supporter.
What do YOU think about this chapter?
Do you think that Ryder will be severely injured?
What will Andrea do?
What do you think about Andrea's parents?


Peace out my lovelies,

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