
By Cheesecake_fangirl

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What if the fandoms were personified? And what crazy adventures could they possibly go on? Especially with th... More

New Activity
The Library
Start of Closer Friendships
Let's Do This Again

Saying Sorry Is A Must

268 15 9
By Cheesecake_fangirl

We are now with the Hetalia fandom. The fandom is sitting waiting for Supernatural to come to the kitchen. He thought he would have been here by now but it seemed like he was taking his sweet time. Hetalia sighed. At this point Hetalia stood up and looked out at the fandoms who were eating their breakfast. Some passed by and said hi to Hetalia.

"Good morning." A fandom with black messy hair said.

"Oh hey OFF good morning!" Hetalia smiled brightly.

"Aren't you done with making breakfast?" OFF asked.

"Yeah but I want to make everyone desserts." Hetalia answered. "I just need salt. I'm waiting for Nat to come here since he has what I need. He's taking a while though...

"Ah I see..." OFF stood there. "Want me to find him?"

"Oh yes please!" Hetalia nodded. "If it's not too much to ask!"

"Ok then be right back." OFF turned around and headed out.

OFF went through the doors and started to wander around the halls looking for the Supernatural fandom. He asked around and every fandom he asked shook their head no.

"Hey have you-" OFF was interrupted by a fandom.

"If it's about Supernatural I have seen him." The fandom frowned. "He was very rude to me. I accidentally bumped into him and he told me to watch it."

"Oh..." OFF stood quiet.

"Treating a small fandom like me like that it felt horrible." The fandom looked down.

"Oh I'm sorry for the way he treated you." OFF comforted the fandom. "I'm sure he didn't mean to come off as rude."

"Yeah..." The fandom nodded. "Anyways sorry for rambling. He went that direction it looked like they were heading towards the cafeteria."

"Ah ok thank you!" OFF nodded. "Everyone didn't give me a direct answer or just rolled their eyes when I mentioned Supernatural."

"Ah I see why." The fandom laughed.

"What's your name?" OFF asked.

"Never Understand." The fandom smiled. "I'm a...comic you could say or manga to be exact. It's a very interesting love story between two guys! A lot of emotions."

"I'll check it out later." OFF started walking off. "I have to get to Supernatural now. Hope you feel better!"

Never Understand smiled and walked the opposite direction. Later on OFF finally reached Supernatural. He ran towards him.

"Hey!" OFF grabbed his arm.

"Ah!" Supernatural pulled away. "Oh OFF...what do you want?"

"Ah I see what they meant about you being rude..." OFF nervously laughed. 

"Rude?" Supernatural glared. "I am NOT rude."

"Nat..." Doctor Who sighed.

"No wait who are you to say about how I am?" Supernatural got closer to OFF.

"Now now..." OFF backed up. "I'm sorry I offended you...but um Heta wants you to hurry with the salt."

"Oh..." Supernatural calmed down. "Yeah I am taking long with this. Sorry."

"It's ok." OFF chuckled. "But may I ask what the others are doing with you? Heta only told me you were the only one going to help."

"Um...I'll be going now come on guys." Supernatural started to walk off.

"Alright." OFF just followed them. "I'm heading the same direction so I'll follow you guys."

No one said anything but Doctor Who smiled and nodded. The four fandoms walked quickly to the cafeteria. After a few minutes they arrived and saw Hetalia waiting for them.

"NAT!" Hetalia yelled. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!"

"Well you see little Heta I bumped into some of my very good friends and we wanted to hang out with each other so I told them they will be helping with making the desserts." Supernatural smiled. 

"That's not exactly the truth." Sherlock looked at Supernatural. "He actually didn't want to help you and told us to come so he doesn't have to do a lot of work. He just felt bad for you."

"Shut your god damn mouth Sherlock!" Supernatural glared. "That is not true!"

"I assure you it is." Sherlock smiled. "By the way you're acting it just shows that it's true."

"You know what just ignore him Heta." Supernatural chuckled. "Let's go make some desserts."

"You know you didn't have to agree." Hetalia smiled. "If you really didn't want to help then you could have said no...but you said yes so now you HAVE to help."

"You said you were going to make pie so I said yes." Supernatural pouted. "That's the only reason I said yes."

"Well that's your fault." Hetalia shrugged.

"Oh and one more thing." Sherlock added. "He was being rude to another fandom. Actually 2 fandoms."

"What?" Hetalia's smiled soon faded. "To who?"

"A small fandom and OFF." Sherlock smirked while looking at Supernatural. "He was about to punch OFF actually."

"Is this true?" Hetalia turned to OFF

"I mean..." OFF was hesitant. "Yeah...the small fandom was named Never Understand by the way."

"Nat..." Hetalia crossed his arms. "For your stupid and rude behavior we are NOT going to be making pie."

"What about Sherlock huh?" Supernatural glared. "He basically called someone stupid."

"Sherlock?" Hetalia turned to the said fandom. "Do you have an explanation?"

"I am not going to lie." Sherlock sighed. "So a random fandom came up to me asking if I could help with a riddle and so I took a look. I specially said 'oh you really can't solve it? A child could do it.' And then I asked how low their IQ is. That is all. I was not THAT rude."

"Both of you need to apologize to the fandoms." Hetalia turned to Supernatural. "Lucky for you OFF is right here so you know what to do."

"I already apologized to him." Supernatural said.

"I don't care." Hetalia glared. "Apologize again."

"It's fine reall-" OFF got interrupted.

"No he will apologize." Hetalia crossed his arms.

"Ok fine." Supernatural sighed. "OFF I apologize for nearly punching you."

"It's ok..." OFF stood there awkwardly.

"Did you do anything Doctor Who?" Hetalia asked. "You've been quiet."

"What?!" Doctor Who looked shocked. "No I didn't insult any fandoms like those two. That's not how I act at all."

"Alright..." Hetalia smiled. "I trust you."

"So..." OFF started to back up. "I'm going to go now so have fun everyone."

"Alright then boys let's get started." Hetalia started to walk in the kitchen. "I'm glad for the extra help."

"So will you be making apple pie?" Supernatural asked.

"Sure." Hetalia answered.

"Oh thank-" Supernatural got cut off.

"But you aren't getting any." Hetalia smirked.

Supernatural frowned and looked down. Sherlock slightly chuckled and Doctor Who just smiled awkwardly since he didn't know what to do in this situation. The fandoms were in the kitchen helping make all the deserts. They were having trouble but Hetalia was there to help them to not screw anything up as usual. Sherlock's scarf got covered with flour and he got annoyed and started to complain. Along with Supernatural since his shirt was black.

"Alright guys stop complaining." Hetalia rolled his eyes. "Look at Doctor Who he's fine with getting a little ingredients on him why can't you?"

"Well my clothes are dark colors and you can see that I got messy." Sherlock slightly glared. "And I barely washed these clothes."

"Yeah my shirt is black and I don't want all the ingredients on me." Supernatural said.

"Well lucky for you I got some aprons." Hetalia opened some cupboards and took out two maid like aprons. "Here you go. Nobody really uses them so they are kinda new."

Sherlock and Supernatural looked at the aprons with a disgusted look and Hetalia just smiled. Doctor Who couldn't help but laugh. It was their only option after all. It was either wear the apron or not. Sherlock slowly walked up to Hetalia and snatched one of them. Now it was Supernatural's turn to make a choice. Hetalia stood there waiting for a response while slowly bringing the apron closer to Supernatural, waving it in his face. The winged fandom groaned and just grabbed it and put it on.

"You two look lovely." Hetalia chuckled lightly. "Alright then guys lets start putting some stuff in the oven."

Everyone did as they were told and put some things in the oven. The fandoms that walked by the kitchen saw what they were making and were lining up for the delicious desserts that were about to come. Some mouths were watering and stomachs were growling. Everyone seemed excited. Through all the talking Hetalia could hear a familiar voice coming from the crowd.

"Homestuck?" Hetalia looked through the crowd.

"Excuse me everyone sorry!" Homestuck made it to the front. "Hey will I get the first dessert like you promised?"

"Oh yeah of course just come in the kitchen." Hetalia smiled.

Homestuck had a cheerful smile and made his way through the kitchen door.

"Hey the whole gang is here." Homestuck stood right next to Hetalia and then chuckled. "Oh wow what lovely aprons you two have on."

"Oh great now you're going to make fun of us." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Shut it you demon." Supernatural glared. "Before I do unspeakable things to you."

"Oooh I'm really scared." Homestuck teased. "You won't do anything."

"Oh you want to say that again?" Supernatural started walking up towards Homestuck. "I dare you one more time."

Hetalia stepped in front of Homestuck and glared.

"Nat!" Hetalia rolled his eyes. "Have you not learned anything? You know I was actually thinking of giving you a slice of pie but now you ruined your chance."

"Oh come on!" Supernatural pouted. "He was making fun of me!"

"Yeah Homestuck you're not going to get off that easy." Hetalia turned to look at Homestuck. "You don't make fun of somebody else either."

"Alright fine I take full responsibility for that." Homestuck sighed.

"Thank you." Hetalia smiled. "You're going to have to come with me to get some stuff."

"Ew going outside?" Homestuck groaned. "Ugh I hate going out in the real world."

"Alright the desserts are ready." Doctor Who opened the oven and took out some of the desserts.

"Oh here Homestuck." Hetalia grabbed a slice of pie. "Hope you enjoy it!"

"Ah thanks!" Homestuck grabbed a fork and started to eat. "This is delicious!"

"I hate you two." Supernatural crossed his arms. "This is not fair."

"Alright Nat." Hetalia sighed. "I'll give you this one chance to make up for what you did. You find the fandom that you were rude to and apologize to them. If you do that one simple thing then I will make you a whole pie for you. They are probably somewhere in the crowd. If you forgot their name was Never Understand."

"Alright everyone line up please!" Doctor Who yelled out.

"Yes we don't want any chaos happening." Sherlock added.

"Hope you enjoy the desserts everyone!" Hetalia smiled brightly. "It was fun making them for you! Now eat up!"

I did not proof read this so there is probably some mistakes somewhere lol. Also I added a fandom called Never Understand cause that is a good ass manga and I think you should check it out :) Also I will add another fandom in the next chapter the one Sherlock has to apologize to so hope you look forward to that. That is all I had to say so yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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