By Starmistie

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-A Hades Collection Novel- All it took was one look- a curse- and a God to capture the heart of Alessandra... More

Meet The Characters
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Ten

41 5 0
By Starmistie


                       T E N

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

—Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Mother! Mother!” Alessandra immediately rose from her seat just as the guards were closing in. She didn’t know what was going on, but she wanted to protect her mother just as she’d protected Alessandra all of her life.

“Get the Princess, take her to her room.” Duke Trescot ordered.

Someone wrapped their arms around her waist and began to pull her away from Elizabeth, but Alessandra did not relent. She frantically clawed at the arms holding her and desperately reached for her mother. “No, I want to stay with my mother!”

No one listened as she was dragged away from the throne. Elizabeth didn’t try to resist when a band of guards surrounded her. She would cooperate so long as Alessandra was all right. She watched her daughter being taken away and when she was finally out of the throne room, she turned scornful eyes to Nick who hadn’t moved or said a word to defend her.

“Winston, what is going on?”

Nick had been informed about Elizabeth on his way to retrieve the gardener. He thought that the killer for the mistress was the same as the one who killed the King, but he’d been wrong. It wasn’t Priscilla after all. “You didn’t tell me what you did, Your Majesty. He was my King too, and he deserves justice.”

 “How could you trust the word of a servant over your Queen?” Elizabeth argued while trying to best to hold on to what little innocence she had left. She knew she couldn’t keep the charade up much longer, and yet she couldn’t stop. She held on to the hope that all of this would turn around soon or at least long enough for them to let her go and she could go back to Alessandra to get her out of the palace.

"Because he isn’t lying. I had no knowledge of what you were going to use the poison for when you came to me for it.” Morton said. She’d forgotten that he was there.

 “I beg your pardon. See reason, all of you! What reason would I have to kill your King—myhusband?”

 Everyone considered it for a second; a little doubt took root in their minds. The boy could’ve been lying, but what reason would the servant have to point fingers at the Queen?

 Duke Trescot exchanged unsure glances at his fellow councilmen. They all agreed that this would be dealt with logically and by the law. “We don’t know, either. But we will find out soon.”

 “What does that mean?”

 No one answered her.

 “Please, follow us, Your Majesty.” Thomas said gently. He had the same amount of love that he had for the King and Queen and therefore, he would be loyal. He wouldn’t jump too quickly at the thought that the Queen was guilty.

 “What does he mean?” She asked him.

 “You will be put on trial, Your Majesty, on the charge of murdering His Majesty, the King.” Thomas replied.

 Elizabeth said nothing else as she was escorted into a special holdings cell. Morton would be questioned as well and he calmly walked with the next set of guards that escorted him to a cell.

The next morning came too quick.

With little to no sleep, Alessandra paced back and forth in her chambers. She was still dressed in the clothes from the funeral, but she didn’t care. She only thought about her mother. She tried to see her throughout the night, but there were two guards posted at her door that forbid her to leave. Breakfast was delivered to her, but she refused to eat. Food was the last thing on her mind whenever she thought of her mother.


She was accused of murdering her father—the King. That was high treason and it was doubtful that she would commit it. It didn’t make sense, why had the leads pointed to Elizabeth? Her mother never dabbled in medicine or herbs let alone poison.

I will fix this, Elizabeth told Alessandra the night the King touched her skin. Alessandra didn’t know how, and the thought never even came to her mind when she found her father dead the next morning. There was a chalice in his hand with wine inside of it, half spilled on the floor. It’d been obvious that it was poison, but her mother?

“My Lady?”

There was a woman on the other side of her door. Alessandra rushed to the door with shaking hands, unable to properly grasp the handle. She hoped that the woman would have news of her mother.

She recognized the woman as one of her mother’s ladies-in-waiting. Margaret was her name. She curtsied until her knee touched the floor. "Prince Daniel has requested to have brunch with you.”

Prince Daniel? Couldn’t he see that there was more at stake than some silly get together? He was there when her mother was arrested and didn’t lift a finger to help her. He didn’t even stop the guards that’d taken Alessandra into her bedchambers.

“Politely decline for me. I can not think to dine while my mother is persecuted for a crime she did not commit!” She yelled at the lady.

Margaret only kept her face downward. “He insists that Your Grace joins him."

Alessandra considered. If she went to meet him then she would be allowed out of her room. There wouldn’t be any guards following her because she’d be with the Prince. She could then find out something about her mother that no one was telling her. Maybe she could even talk to her.

“Very well. Can you find me a dress from my armoire, Lady Margaret?”

Margaret finally stood. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Margaret laid out a soft caramel toned dress. It was accented with burgundy trim and left only the cleavage area slightly exposed. This wasn't a dress Alessandra had grown used to but it would suffice. The sleeves were slim and shaping rather than free flowing and loose. The skirts trailed slightly behind her, and gave a regal appearance for her. While the gloves were burgundy and matched the dress, they had been lace material so they weren’t completely covering her skin.

She looked elegant but not too formal.

"Prince Daniel wishes to meet in the sunroom.” Margaret said.

Alessandra nodded and dismissed the lady. After she left, the two guards posted outside of her bedchambers escorted her to the location that Prince Daniel wanted to meet. Finding the Prince waiting inside the large open space of the sunroom, which had barely been used as of lately, there was a large burning fire in the hearth. It kept the room toasty warm upon walking in. There he stood beside the window, the stained yellow glass had illuminated the room with golden rays and gave it a soft ambiance.

"Prince Daniel, you look handsome this morning." She took note that he had combed his light brown hair differently and he looked clean-shaven. His attire was simpler with less coats and medals, and more casual. 

"Thank you. You look stunning." He noticed her exposed chest but averted his gaze quickly. She felt self-conscious as he flushed but shook the feeling and she walked to where he stood by the window.

"How are you feeling?” He asked, guiding her to the small two-seat table. He held out her seat, sliding it beneath her as she sat in it.

"Not well. I worry for my mother."

“Yes, being accused of high treason is surprising.” Daniel sat on the other side of her. He took the napkin from the table and flipped it on his lap.

There were a few finger foods that he’d had prepared for their little meeting. Although Alessandra didn’t tell him she wasn’t in the mood for food, she appreciated the gesture. She reached for a small plate and placed a biscuit on it.

Daniel began to scoop the fruit into her small bowl before rationing out small portions of the rest of the food on her plate. She’d meant to tell him that she didn’t want anymore than the biscuit she had, but he was insistent. He wanted her to eat well and he was going to make her. He would not have a sick queen, starving herself until she became scrawny. 

"Thank you much." She smiled.

Daniel didn’t start eating until she did. “I have splendid news from the Duke.”

“Oh?” Alessandra said. She poured herself a cup of tea and added a sugar cube.

“He has promised to proceed with the wedding as soon as tomorrow. He believes as well as I do that with all of these unfortunate events, we need something positive.”

Alessandra choked on her tea. “Tomorrow?”

“Yes, all will be taken care of. We will elope and after the trial of the Queen is handled then we will have an official wedding.” He informed her. Daniel took it upon himself to do what Alessandra couldn’t. He made sure he would take care of the wedding so that all she had to do was show up.

“Trial?” If she was on trial then that’d meant the council had already believed she was guilty. “Daniel, forgive me, but this is too soon.”

She’d only met him over a day ago.

“Nonsense, our marriage would aid your kingdom and soon children will follow so there will be no worries about heirs.” Daniel replied. He’d continued to eat like nothing was wrong, but Alessandra felt sick.

“Daniel, I can’t marry you.” She pushed away from the table to rise. She knew it would be a problem, but she didn’t anticipate it happening any time soon. And then at the mention of children, she began frightened to even think about consummating the marriage.

“Excuse me?”

“We can’t. My mother was just arrested for an unspeakable crime. I have to figure out how to help her because I can not let her go to trial for something I believe she didn’t do.” At least that’s what Alessandra refused to believe.



“You will marry me, Princess.” He stated adamantly. “It would be in both of our best interests.”

“Daniel, it’s too dangerous—“

“You know, I’ve heard about you.” Daniel said. He placed his napkin on the table and sat back in his chair. He regarded her with cool calm because he was determined to go through with the marriage whether she liked it or not.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve spent your whole like in seclusion because of some superstition that has to do with your hands.” Daniel laughed to himself. “People say you have scaled skin and that’s why you wear those gloves.”

Alessandra clasped her hands together behind her back. “That’s not true.”

“Then tell me why you don’t want to marry me.” He said.

“It’s too soon after my father’s death and now my mother, this isn’t traditional or normal. Let us hold off for a few more days—weeks. We could use that time to get to know one another a little more.”

Daniel scoffed. Seclusion hasn’t taught her anything about what it means to be royalty. It meant that they had to do something whether they liked it or not. For a woman, especially a Princess, she had no choice. “Allow me to enlighten you, Princess, about how this goes.”

“Daniel, I—“

“It’s Prince Daniel to you and in time, I will be King. I did not travel here just to be turned down by a Princess that’s spent her whole life coddled by her mother.” He scoffed at the thought of being told what to do by a Princess, someone who had a weak claim to the throne.

“I-I think I should go.” Alessandra stammered, inching closer to the exit. They’d been in the small room alone with no guards so there wasn’t anyone she could call to save her.

“Why leave now? Have I frightened you?” He snorted. “You can’t even conduct a conversation without being scared and running away.”

“Where is all of this coming from?”

“I was told to play nice because you were sensitive, but I know you’re not dumb. Don’t worry, your looks make up for what you lack. I was worried that you wouldn’t be beautiful, but I’m lucky.”

“You’re being rude.”

“Am I?” Daniel said, feigning shock.

“I’m going to go now.” Alessandra turned toward the door.

“No, you’re not. Your future King hasn’t dismissed you.” He caught up to her quickly and yanked her by her arm to face him.

Up close, Alessandra could see it in his eyes. She could see the madness growing inside of him that he’d skillfully kept hidden all along. “Let go of me.”

“You will marry me, Alessandra. So help me I will have you whipped into submission.”

She gasped. This was not the man she’d met over a day ago in the foyer. Instead of a kind smile, she saw malice. He wasn’t who he’d portrayed himself to be to the public eye. Behind closed doors, he was evil.

She knew then that she didn’t want to marry him. And so she wouldn’t no matter what he’d do to her. She was the true heir of Evyon—not him.

“Let. Go. Of. Me.” Alessandra spat. “Or so help me, I will have you arrested for harming the King’s heir.”

“Do you think they’ll care? Before he passed away, King James gave me free reign to do whatever I please with you. And the Duke could care less about you so long as you produce heirs.” Daniel laughed wickedly.

“That’s not true.”

“Isn’t it? You’re a Princess. The rules are different for you, a woman must succumb to her husband’s will whether she likes to or not.”

She wretched her arm out of his grasp and seethed at the Prince. “You are a monster, Prince Daniel and I will not marry you. I don’t care for the consequences.”

“You stupid woman.” He charged at her, aiming to grab her by the arm again, but this time he didn’t get a full grip. His hand caught the very end of the gloves and he pulled the fabric until the glove came off.

Alessandra was on alert because now her skin was exposed and if he tried to touch her again, then he would succumb to the same fate her father had. He may have been an intolerable fool for trying to gain authority over her, but she didn’t want another person to die by her hand.

“No scales, I am happy to see that.” Daniel commented, tossing the glove aside.

“I am warning you, Prince. Leave Evyon now and no harm will come to you.” Alessandra said.

“Are we making threats now?” Daniel laughed. “That’s funny.”

“Please, let me leave.”

“Not until you accept that you’re mine and you will marry me tomorrow morning.” He said.


“Did you know in Riverna we’re allowed to beat our women? I’ve seen my father lay a hand on my mother a couple of times and maybe that’s why she’d been a good wife all these years until her passing. I am determined to bring that custom to Evyon when I am Crowned King.”


“I will teach you a thing or two about raising your voice at me!” He tried to grab her once again, but Alessandra was faster.

She didn’t have time to think; she just reacted. Raising her hand that was free of the glove, she slapped the Prince across the face with all her might. The clap echoed throughout the room and both of them stood frozen for a beat.

Daniel couldn’t believe it and neither could Alessandra, but for the first time, she didn’t feel too bad anymore about what she’d done.

Daniel was going to die.

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