Chapter Seven

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                    S E V E N

"Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less."

—Marie Curie

“How can we be sure that is who he saw?” Elizabeth asked. She was doubtful and unless she was sure then she wouldn’t say a word without proof.

“The description matches.” Her former brother-in-law insisted. They were in a small sitting room next to her bedchambers. She’d relieved her ladies of their duties for the time being while she conversed with the Lord.

The gardener had been requested to present himself before the Queen. He was middle aged, though his hair was greying at the sides and his hands were rough and dirty from the dirt. He cast his gaze downward for he knew not to look a royal directly in the eye unless permitted to.

“Tell me what you saw.” Elizabeth commanded. She didn’t care for the mistress, especially since it is suspected that she might’ve been pregnant, but she wanted confirmation from Morton before she ever believed that. However, if the gardener had been correct then Alessandra was in trouble.

“Your Majesty,” the Gardener began, “I was performing my duty in the garden, tending to the flower bed located in the west wing of the castle, when I heard commotion coming from one of the bedrooms. It is not easy to overhear a conversation unless the window is opened, and I tried to ignore it, but the conversation was heated, Majesty.”

“What did you see?” Elizabeth asked impatiently. “Who, in particular?”

“A woman about the age of Her Majesty, and a younger woman about the same age as the Princess Alessandra.”

“Give me the description of the one that was the same age as my daughter.” Elizabeth commanded. She looked to Lord Winston who was just as eager to hear it even though he’d already heard the story.

“She was about the same height as the Princess, a little taller by an inch or two, and she had long blonde hair and she was wearing a pale purple dress. I could not make out anything else distinctive about her because I was so far away. The shape of her head and figure looked oddly familiar. I have worked on the lands of the castle for over a decade, Your Majesty, it is my job to memorize every royal who has residency.”

“It is not enough.” The description was vague and there weren’t enough leads to automatically assume the person Nick was insinuating. She dismissed the gardener. He bowed before he walked out of her sitting room and when they were alone, Elizabeth began to rise.

“Your Majesty, forgive me, but who else do you know that wears purple dresses more than Priscilla? The girl practically has a personal seamstress that customizes all of her wardrobe in entirely purple.”

“Yes, but her father is the Duke. He has more power than me. If he found out then he would undoubtedly make the evidence disappear.” Duke Trescot could kill the gardener and anyone else he told.

“The Lady Lucille was pregnant—“

Elizabeth ground her teeth. She couldn’t stand to hear it. “This is too soon after my husband, Our King, has passed. Why does anyone care about the death of a mistress anyhow?”

Lord Winston crossed his leg over the other and leaned back in his seat. “I know it is news that Your Majesty does not want to hear, but—“

“Enough, Lord Winston. I do not want to hear of this any longer.” She’d given it too much thought. Yes, the woman’s death was strange and it happened coincidentally after the King’s death, but it was out of her hands. She had bigger issues to worry about. “I want to be alone. Tomorrow morning is the King’s funeral and I expect you to be in attendance. Then, I want you to focus on finding my husband’s killer.” She surprised herself with how believable she sounded, but she suppose it was a good thing. It was better to play the role of the innocent than the guilty.

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