Chapter Twenty Two

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"I think that went well."

Hades was sitting in his study, legs prompt up on his desk when Hypnos had suddenly entered. He rolled his eyes at his best friend, wanting more time to himself; Alessa's face was still imprinted in his mind as he remembered her expression when he revealed her true identity. She is so beautiful, and yet she didn't want to have anything to do with the God of the Underworld.

It bothered him more than he let on. The only reason why his exterior was the picture of perfect calm was because Hypnos had come. He didn't want anyone to know that he was slowly loosing control.

Hades turned his gaze to Hypnos. Of course he'd been eavesdropping the entire time. "If I recall, you were the one that frightened her."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd react like that." Hypnos replied, truthfully. He didn't think a little levitation would make her so uncomfortable.

"You don't think at all." Hades teased.

Hypnos ignored his friend's jeer. "Now what?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's here, finally, you have a plan, don't you?"

"I didn't think that far."

Hypnos sighed. He walked over to the fireplace on the far side of the wall and immediately the flames flickered in his direction, almost as if he'd willed it to. "Hades . . . she's still human. You know how dangerous it is for her. The danger-"

"I know, just give me time to think."

"Does Zeus know?"

He hadn't expected that question. The last time he'd discussed Alessa with Zeus, it didn't end well. Zeus cast him out of Olympus and restricted him to enter for over three weeks. Within that time Hades had been cut off from the nectar that kept him in good shape. "Does it matter?"

"Hades . . ."

"Hyp, you're the last person I need a lecture from." He scolded. On his desk were two marbles that he weighed in his hands.

"True," Hypnos wasn't the most responsible God in the world, but he was loyal to his best friend, "but you know his rules-"

"You forget this is my realm, my rules, and mybusiness. What I do is not my little brother's concern." He emphasized, his deep blue eyes flickered between its natural color and black.

Hypnos knew better than to overstep. "Okay, well, what are you going to do?"

"I. Don't. Know." Hades growled. "And you're not helping."

Hypnos returned to his spot in front of the desk where he first appeared and bowed deeply, hating himself for upsetting the God of the Underworld and his leader. "I am sorry, My Lord."

"Hyp," Hades sighed. "Sit down, please."

He took a seat in one of the chairs posted in front of the desk. "I shouldn't have probed."

"No, it's fine. I just . . ." He pinched the bridge of his nose. There was a sudden ringing in his head that he was far too familiar with. He'd been experiencing the headache ever since he returned to the Underworld. "Zeus has been summoning me."

"What does he want?"

"I have an idea." He lied. He knew the very reason Zeus would want to talk to him. Zeus knew what happened with Alessa, he'd been watching the human realm from Olympus when Hades popped in and took her the night she threw herself off of the balcony.

Hypnos knew this too as he watched Hades expression. He could read his friend almost too well. "So he has been asking about her."

Hades didn't even try to deny. "Yes."

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