A Fling Or The Real Thing?

By leighxxx

4.2K 105 61

Amber is a hard working twenty four year old, she keeps her head down and gets on with life hoping it goes by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

416 9 7
By leighxxx

Thanks for reading, hope you all enjoy it please comment and vote and let me know what you think


Chapter 3

Amber pov

"So cutie, fancy meeting up tonight in the restaurant and getting a drink after" Liam asked his voice was deep and husky and full of charm making me shudder, he was looking straight at me with a smug look over his face like he already knew the answer

"Or wont your keeper let you out by yourself?" he whispered in my ear making a shiver go down my body and to places it shouldn’t.

I blushed at the thought of what he'd just made me feel, things seemed different here, like it wasn't real and I wasn't me, this really was going to be an awesome holiday even if I did say so myself

"Do I look like the kind of girl who needs a keeper" I whisper laughed into this ear

 "And anyway who exactly is my keeper?" I asked somewhat confused at this keeper rubbish that he had just come out with.

He nudged me with his elbow and nodded towards Luc, Logan and Sarah who were sat at the other side of the pool. Logan and Sarah looked deep in conversion about god only knows what, Sarah could talk for England about everything and anything so they could be there a while.

Well it’s definitely not them I chuckled to myself quickly turning my gaze to Luc. He was hunched over the side of the pool, his face was screwed up and angry, and I mean angry I could read him like a book something or someone had pissed him off. He was bright red and glaring at Liam, what's the saying, if looks could kill. Well if they could Liam would be dead a million times over.

"Your friend, Luc I think you said his name was" he smirked "He hasn’t taken his eyes of you all afternoon and he definitely does not like me near you" he stated matter of factly not even bothered that he was getting some of the worst death glares I’d seen.

"Luc’s not my keeper silly; he’s just watching out for me, he’s my best friend.  And I'm sure he'll like you fine when he gets to know you" I laughed flicking him on the end of his nose

"And yes well meet you in the restaurant, we're going anyway" I smiled edging closer to his face.....

"What time?"

He looked right into my eyes and the dropped his glaze to my lips. A small moan escaped his throat as a moved his toned sun kissed body close to me

"Mmmmm I dunno bout eight?" he said lustfully all the time not moving his eyes from my lips

I moved closer still so there was no gap between us, I could feel his breath on my face he was so close. That was it, I shuddered and tingles sent shivers all through my body right down to my core. Oh god I needed him, it had been so long since I'd been with anyone, even kiss anyone, I was just so busy I'd never thought about starting anything knowing I didn’t have the time or the heart to start something I know I couldn’t finish but this was different, I was on holiday, it’s not as if a holiday fling ever lasted.

I was getting hotter and hotter until I couldn't hold it in any more. I crashed my lips to his. His taste was amazing and he was as good kisser if maybe a bit ruff but I didn’t care. I kissed him like I never wanted to let him go........

Wait a second what am I doing, I thought angrily to myself, way to seem like a slut Amber I scolded myself. I'd only just met him; I pulled away go see him with the biggest smile on his face. I smiled back

“Eights fine..... See you then" I said seductively.

I stood up and looked at Jenny and Cheryl who had stopped what they were doing and were sitting there with their mouths open in shock, I’m not surprised it’s not something anyone was used to seeing from me, apart from him that arse wipe no one had seen me with anyone except now

"Come on girls you coming?" I smiled and held my hand out to them pulling them up one at a time. Laughing like mad in head at their faces, pure shock honestly it was so funny I could feel myself wanting to double over and laugh out loud but thankfully I kept it in not embarrassing myself.

I couldn’t help but smirk as I linked arms with my friends and sashayed off wiggling my ass as I went. All of a sudden I heard a crash and a commotion going on at the other side of the pool, some drunken idiot I thought to myself. I didn’t let myself get distracted from me trying to look sexy for Liam.  With a little more ass swaying we were off the pool and in the corridor without looking back.

"What the hell was that?” Jen asked laughing her head off at me

"I can’t believe you just did that" she was in stitches, nearly doubled over laughing at me

She was right I was never that spontaneous and I never did anything like that. I couldn’t help but blush at the thought of everyone seeing that but pushed it to the back of my mind, everyone else did why couldn’t I. I shrugged my shoulders

 "I dunno, I'm on holiday" I said my red cheeks slowly fading

Cheryl gained her composure after her little laughing fit and touched my arm

"I love holiday Amber, she's so much fun"

Once we all had composed ourselves we went into our rooms, Cheryl into hers and me and Jen walked into ours to see Luc pacing up and down making my shoulders drop never mind the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that he was so upset and angry.

"What the fuck was that" he snarled, glaring straight at me

"I... Err...what" I stuttered out, Luc had never shouted at me let alone swear at me, I didn’t know what to do, it was as if my words wouldn't form properly and my head wasn’t functioning.

"You behaving like a fucking slut with that cocky dick out there!!!" he was still yelling and me with a venomous but hurt tone in his voice that made me cower back in fear until I realised that he had no right to shout at me, what was his problem, I snapped I couldn’t help it I got so angry, what the hell was he yelling at me for I did nothing wrong

"Luc what  the hell is your problem" I yelled back shaking, I hated confrontation I always had and even thought my mind might be shouting at him my body was cowering and shaking like a leaf.

"I know lads like him he’s a player Amber and you're there throwing yourself at him, you do know what he'll expect from you" he said calming slightly as if he knew I was shaking and scared, come of course he knew, he knew me better than anyone.

" And what the fuck is that to do with you Luc, its ok for you and everyone to behave like that but just not me, why Luc why are you being such a dick" I asked half shouting half choking back the tears

He stood back looking shocked, so did Jen, no one had heard me shout before I never got angry like this and for the life of me I didn’t know why I was letting Luc's opinion matter so much to me.

"Oh forget it" I yelled at the top of my voice, so harsh and loud I was positive the whole hotel complex had heard. I turned around and ran out of the room slamming the door so hard it shook, tears streaming down my face I couldn’t see where I was going. I just ran. 

Why had Luc been like that, all I did was kiss someone, what was his problem, why did he call me a slut why did he yell at me. I had so many questions like that burning in my head. I was sobbing so hard I could barely breathe. I was still running until I stopped with a thud and fell back onto my backside.

Oh shit had I run into someone, my eyes were still blurry from all the crying I couldn’t see anything I was just in a state. My legs had be taking me but again my body and head weren’t connected I had no idea what I was doing, where I was or what I’d just ran into.

"Amber.... Amber are you ok...Look I'm so so sorry Ambs it’s just that, well never mind. I'm sorry"

I was still dazed I couldn’t place the voice and my head felt like it was going to explode I couldn’t breathe and felt like I was drifting off, floating even..... Then everything went black.

I could hear a rumble, like a something was happening but not near me, like it was a fair bit away. It was kind of like I was under water. You know when you can hear things but not quite make out what they were.


Everything was muffled, what the hell was going on, I vaguely remember running into something, oh shit I remember Luc, the dick how dare he say those horrible things to me I thought angrily while I tried to sit up when a searing pain shot through my head it felt like I’d gone ten rounds in a boxing ring, I slumped back down and let out a cry.

"Amber" a voice came echoing in my ears, my eyes slowly focused through the bright light.

Oh thank god, Jen

"Jen" my voice sounded raspy like I needed a drink, probably from all the crying. Damn I hated being so pathetic why did I cry at everything. I was twenty four for chuff’s sake I needed to grow a pissing backbone

"Amber how you feeling" she cried grabbing my hand and helping me sit up. She slowly helped my push my back against the wall.

I jerked wincing; the cold of the bare wall hit my back then because I’d moved quickly my head nearly exploded again, what was going on. I didn’t know anything all I knew has my head felt like it was going to explode making me panic, taking me back. I could feel my heart rate getting quicker and my breath shorter making me squeze my eyes shut and try and control myself.

"Jen what’s happening" I winced

 "My head" I said breathlessly, I put my hand up to rub the spot that was causing me so much pain and immediately regretted it. Pain shot threw me as tears streamed down my face. I pulled my hand back to see it was covered in blood.

Oh my god

I was bleeding, that was it I felt it rise from the depths of my stomach, and I turned to my side and then proceeded to hurl my guts all over where ever I was. I did not cope with blood well. In fact I normally fainted so barfing was actually a step up.

I was gasping for air when I felt a hand rubbing up and down my back, it was too big to be Jen's, I turned to look and saw the culprit.

Deep blue eyes were looking straight into mine; he looked like he’d been crying. Lucas. What was he upset for, he’d caused all of this. One of my best friends had caused all this I had every right to be angry, it must have shown on my face because fresh tears filled up in his eyes

"Amber I’m so sorry, it’s my entire fault, I had no right to say any of those things to you, you’re not a slut you’re my best friend. I’m so so sorry Amber please forgive me" he said all in one breath his words were so urgent and close together I could barely make out what he was saying.

His gaze never left me waiting willing me for an answer, to forgive him, to forget what he’d said. I should be mad I should be furious even but his eyes melted me. I crumbled and gave him a weak smile. No one ever made me feel as safe as Luc I honestly don’t think I could stay mad at him if I wanted too.

"What happened?" I asked turning fully round and edging away from the nice pile of vomit next to me

"Amber I’m sorry, you ran out and I ran after you, you were kind of in a daze like you couldn’t see where you were running to and ran straight into me, bounced back and cracked your head on the top of the stairs." he sighed and ran his fingers over my cheeks, tingles fell from every part of my body, my entire body shuddered. Ok that was strange I’ve never felt anything like that before. Yeah sure I’d had shivers of anticipation before, like with Liam earlier but never like that. This was every part of my being that tingled. Body and soul. I blushed as he continued telling me what happened

"You went with a right force Ambs, I only just caught you before you went down the stairs, and you’ve been out cold for twenty minutes. The hotel doctor is on his way. I think you’ll need stitches though" he winced bringing his hand up to the back of my head

"Ouch, that looks bad Ambs" his eyes filling with tears again

"Yeah it is” I admitted with a sad smile

"But I’ll live, just don’t show me any more blood" another shudder past through my body. Not a good one but a shudder of terror at the thought of blood, I really was a wuss.

"Yeah you’ve left a nice present for the maid" he laughed and nodded towards the vomit stained hall.

People had gathered round now and were staring right at me as if I was just some drunken girl who'd had too much and passed out. My face turned as red as a post box, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I would never be able to live this down my friends would never let me forget this....great I thought to myself so much for this being an awesome holiday. I’d been here less than a day and had already fallen out with a friend, injured myself and embarrassed myself beyond belief.

I looked round the crowd and spotted Sarah and Logan running this way with and older man with a green plastic box. Oh he must be the doctor, the man probably late 30s with a dark tan and a podgy belly shooed the gathering crowd away. He then turned his attention on me. Shining a light in my eye asking me to count to ten. I wasn’t really paying much attention I was just watching Luc. His face was all scrunched up and sad, he really did look like he’d been crying. I had to forget what he’d said to me, he was beating himself up more than I ever could. All of a sudden a searing pain ripped through the back of my head and down my neck

I screamed out in pain “owww, what the hell" I yelled at the doctor who had been poking the gash on my head

"Hospital miss, your needing stitches" he said in a broad Spanish accent

Great just great stitches just what I wanted.

The taxi pulled up outside the hotel. It looked beautiful the fountain on the front was lit up and gleaming. Even after today’s events I was really glad I was here. I stood up and got out of the taxi leaving Jen to settle up with the driver, I’d sort it with her later. I sat down by the side of the fountain and dipped my hand in cool water. It was cool and refreshing, just what I’d needed after five hours stuck in that stuffy hospital. I was so glad they let me go, they weren’t at first but Jen convinced them she wouldn’t let me out of her sight so they agreed as long as I went back if my headache got worse, I got blurred vision or started being sick. So that was it eight stitches and five hours later and we were back at the hotel. I looked at my watch 2:36am oh shit we really were a long time.

"Come on missy I said I’d look after you, let’s get inside" Jen said interrupting my thoughts as she wrapped her arm around me and guided me through the hotel. We didn’t say a word, we didn’t have too I loved Jen shed been my friend since I was eight there was only one other person I was as close to and that was Luc.

We made our way into our room; everything was silent except the sound of Logan snoring. We smiled at each other and climbed into bed.

I was just drifting off when I thought I heard Luc get out of bed but I was just too tired to care, I hope tomorrow is a better day I thought as I drifted off to a dreamless sleep....


So hope that was ok please comment vote and let me know what you thought


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