The MacArthurian Era: A Kaise...

By USMValor

11K 147 4

After the Second American Civil War, With the defeat of both of Reed's failed state of Syndicalism and Long's... More

Chap.1 "Aftermath, Washington D.C."
Chap.2 "At First, An American Cincinnatus"
Chap.3 "Pre-Second Weltkrieg Events"
Chap.4 "Research and Development for the Military"
Chap.5 "The New Uniform"
Chap.6 "The Second Weltkrieg"
Chap.7 "Project Raven Rock,Plan E.N.C.L.A.V.E. And the Second Mexican Revolt"
Chap.8 "The Colliding Worlds"
Chap.9 "The Rise of The B.U.N.P. And The Second British Civil War"
Chap.10 "A Form of Misunderstanding or A more Sinster Objective"
Chap.11 "Stoping Another War Dead In It's Tracks"
Chap.12 "The Weltkrieg Resumes"
Chap.13 "Eisenhower's Grand Betrayal"
Chap.14 "The Capitulation and A New Universe Expands"
Chap.15 "The New TF2 Freak Nations and Their Bio's"
Chap.16 "The Battle of Black Mesa"
Chap.17 "The Setup Surrender of OWN"
Chap.19 "The Beginnings of the First American Cold War"
Chap.20 "April 5, 1950: The Saddest Day In History"
Chap.21 "The Inaugration of Kennedy"
Chap.22 Finale "The Timeline (1950-2000)"

Chap.18 "Dark Vipers Downfall"

147 4 0
By USMValor

When MacArthur was airlifted out of the desert, He ordered B-36 Peacemakers to bomb the living daylights out of OWN. The leader of OWN who's name was revealed to be an alias called "Dark Viper", Had made the worst decision that would cost OWN and their whole entire operation. The worst decision that Viper made was that he was going to try and start a coup in America, It would fail so hard that even his most trusted colleagues would leave. Viper was not very kind or tolerant to traitors, Traitors of OWN were given very harsh and almost sadistic treatment. The Punishments of OWN were exactly the same that engulfed most Totalist countries, Punishment methods were consisted of both Waterboarding and or capital punishment. When an OWN prison was raided, Paladins, Rangers, and Federalists were horrified with what they were meant with, They found what could only be described as pure barbarity. The Battalion had found three torture chambers, These chambers were originally used as food stock rations but turned into something more horrifying. When Schadenfreude and Cyborneer had went to see these chambers, They almost broke down in tears.

When the American Caesar was shown photos of these chambers, He feared the worst of what OWN was doing behind the scenes. When an Inner Coup had happened in OWN, Viper was said that he purged the disloyal and murdered them in cold blood. When Spies had infiltrated the main facility or base of operations of OWN, They transmitted a signal that came from The Brooks Range Mountains in Alaska. Their base of operations were inside a huge underground bunker like facility that once had housed secret advanced technology, The nature of these advance technologies is and remains unexplained, but in an interview in 1945, The American Caesar had said that "The Facility was formerly a Last Frontierian facility that the weather control program had control of.". On April 30, 1945 would mark the end of OWN and Vipers terror, B-36 Peacemakers and including Flying Wing Federalist bombers flew from Spokane all the way up to Fairbanks Air Force Base where they would fuel up and wait for the Final battle to begin. The 54th "Mitchell Memory" Bomber Squadron was assign to the Fairbanks Air Recon to see of what OWN was up to, When scouting the Base, They found several upon several of well dug in trenches that were just a little to the East. These trenches were the remains of what was left of the Last Frontierian Liberation Army, The Liberation Army remnants were non hostile but still thought that the Republic was still alive.

(A photo shot from the cabin of a B-36 Peacemaker picturing the Range with a squad of three B-29 Bombers scouting the remains of the Liberation Army and a very few outposts of OWN. April, 30 1945)

In Fairbanks, MacArthur had sent the Montana-Class of Battleships U.S.S. Ohio and U.S.S. New Hampshire on patrol to scout for OWN warships and Syndie warships. When the American Caesar had gotten aboard the lead ship U.S.S. Constellation a Lexington-Class Battlecruiser, He said "I will drive the OWN lunatics out of the Range and make them wish the never messed with America ever again". MacArthur was notable for frequent barking and almost going out of his way to give orders to his men, He was also reported to be a restless and tireless man who would stay up twelve hours straight but always resting his eyes. When Morning came on April 30, One of the OWN lookouts spotted the Norton Sound Battle Fleet, Big Warships waving the Caesar Flag, The Warships were of Pre-Dreadnought Era to Second Weltkrieg Era. They float with pride, They fire with pride, and carry the Star Spangled Banner and fly it higher than ever before. When the fleet got near of what used to be Barrow, They saw an opportunity to bombard the living hell out of the OWN bases and facilities.

(This photo was taken by an OWN Scout that pictures the Battle Fleet, U.S.S. Missouri is pictured to the left with a landing craft, The Omaha-Class Light Cruiser that is to the right is the U.S.S. Raleigh.)

When the volley fire of the Montana's had commenced, It would rock the ship as if a huge wind pushed the ship. Even the Maximum-Class of Super Dreadnought Battleships would volley fire and it would get the same results, Meanwhile after the bombardment, Verti assault teams filled with Enclave and Paladins arrived while Federalists and NCR Rangers go into Airborne combat. While the Airborne troops parachute out, OWN was now officially encircled by advancing Battalions. Viper was not going to give in easily and would fight till the last man died, OWN robotic troops were stationed near the entrance while they could see a convoy of troops that were coming from the south. The troops were Sturmabteilung troops that were being led by Dr. Schadenfreude, Another thing to add on top of the main Sturmabteilung men are that they had the color Grey instead of brown. This was a great tactic that Schadenfreude had, It was to disguise his own troops in battle.

After a good five hours of constant non stop fighting, Dark Viper had made the most terrible decision that would cost him his life. Viper made a break for the mountains while escaping the all ready bombed facility, Once he was running into the wooden and alpine areas with some ninety of his staff and soldiers, Nora and Autumn were near his current position talking about their lives and past events. When Nora and Autumn were sitting on a bench that looked straight into the woods, The two herd a branch crack in the woods, Once they shined a lamp into the woods they saw of what could be described as a chaotic scene. MacArthur's orders were to get Viper alive, Everybody agreed to this that Viper needed to be shown justice before a court.

Once Nora and Autumn got a good look into the woods, They finally got a good look of the last surviving OWN members and what was left of their military fighting off the Last Frontierian Liberation Army. Once Viper looked at them, Their was a pause, Viper had the eyes of someone who was not sleeping well and had a bullet wound in his left knee which was bleeding out. Nora knew only one thing to do while Autumn commanded and shouted orders, Nora started to run after Viper who was already almost like a snowman. This was a very foolish and almost dare devil decision that Nora make, But, Nora had some feelings for Viper that most of the Alliance were unaware of. Viper was running through the Alpine woodland while it was almost -10 degrees Fahrenheit, When he reached the top of what is Mount Isto, He collapsed due to his wounded leg that was bleeding. Nora and Autumn were nearing the top of where he was, Nora starting yelling saying that were not going to hurt you and or kill you and we just want to talk. Viper was if not scarred but not scarred to die but scarred of what he found himself up against, He mistakingly fought against the wrong people at a wrong time.

When Nora and Autumn finally reached the top, They found Viper huddled up next to a boulder that two of his aides were armed and aiming at Autumn and Nora. He was then encircled by everyone, When Douglas reached the Mountain, Viper was still conscious or as MacArthur and everyone else described it as "Barely or at least trying his very best to hand on to life, It was like a light sleep or just going into the first stages of being unconsciousness". A dialogue was written between the both Viper and the Alliance, Here is the written words that would change the whole course of History:

Original Text, Truce of 1945

MacArthur: "Well, We finally meet face to face on Mount Isto."

Nora: "Please, Don't kill him."

Autumn: "Nora, What are you trying to say, This man is a traitor to the United States Government and the Enclave."

Frank Horrigan: "You and your mutie bastard friends have gotten a lot father than you should have."

Viper: "Well? What are you waiting for, Shoot me."

Cyborneer: "We don't want to wish harm upon you or your men."

MacArthur: "Listen Viper, I want to know why you attack first?"

Viper: "Is it not obvious, I tried to protect the citizens of Alaska from the Frontierian Liberation Army."

Schadenfreude: "Viper, I tried to tell you back in our universe that if we crossed over, We would have gotten ourselves killed."

Viper: "Ha, Your lucky to even survive that catastrophe back in our universe if it wasn't for me opening the portal to here."

Everyone except MacArthur, Viper and Schadenfreude: "Wait, What?"

Viper while clenching his jacket for dear life: "A...Al....low me to explain."

MacArthur: "Listen, We can talk this over in Washington, We have to get you out of here Viper."

MacArthur then radioed in for a helicopter to carry Viper to Washington, Though the flying would be long, Viper just wanted to get to a medical facility and rest. He also wanted to tell the American Caesar the truth of why he was there.

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