
By makeboyscry

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"Don't make homes out of people. This will leave you homesick and sad, missing arms that cannot hold roofs, h... More

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XXI

Part XI

4K 80 20
By makeboyscry

Part XI:

Mexico was nice; it was beautiful actually...

It was something about Mexico that made Chris so happy. Maybe it was just the fact that he was traveling and escaping whatever troubles were back in New York. Maybe, it was the fact that everything seemed serene, and that made him feel normal..

It was something about Mexico that made him affectionate, passionate..

Mexico, that's going to be ours. That's going to be our spot, our escape, our everything.

I sat in the sand, at the beach, watching the sea sway. Chris was doing whatever impulsive things he does when his mania kicks in.

"Hazel! Hazel! Look what I found!" he called before plopping down next me.

He had a sea shell.

"What if we started collecting these? That'd be something beautiful to put on display, at home. We could put it on the coffee table and just be like 'yep, got it from Mexico.' And, we'll talk about how in love we were at the time and how that's going to be our retirement place," he rambled, his pace of talking faster than usual.

"That'd be a great idea, Chris," I smiled.
He smiled back before he abruptly got another idea.
"Let's go swimming," he grabbed my hand.
"But, Chris--."

He was already running toward the water, dragging me along. He jumped in, and I followed behind. I swam for a while, and when I looked out over the sea for Chris, I couldn't find him.

"Christopher! Chris!" I shouted.
I spotted Wolfy lounging on the shore.
"Wolfy! Did you see where Chris went?" I called.
He shook his head and shrugged.

Next thing I know, arms are wrapping around me and picking me up.

"Chris! Chris, wait!" I laughed before he dipped me into the water.

He laughed as I broke from his arms and stood straight. I glared at him as his laughing got harder.

"You think that's funny?" I spoke, my fingers running against the band of his swimming trunks.
"Yeah," he nodded.
I pulled down his trunks, which was fortunate for him since the water was waist deep.

"You're gonna regret that, Hazy," he warned me while pulling them back on.

I began to swim away, and once the water was shallow, I began treading the water and running toward the shore. I ran toward Wolf for safety.

"Did you find him?" he asked.
"Hide me!" I screamed as Chris approached.
"Oh, there he is," Wolf smiled.
Chris smirked at me before beginning to chase me around Wolfy.
"Aye! Take that shit somewhere else," Wolfy spoke.
"Sorry, Will," I smirked.
"Yeah, sorry, man," Chris stifled a laugh while taking my hand.
"Don't make no damn sense. It's like I have to babysit a couple of kids," Wolfy muttered as we giggled and snickered.

We made our way back to the hotel, where we showered and got dressed in more comfortable clothes...

"Babe," I spoke, caressing his face as his head laid in my lap.
"Yeah," he responded, his eyes glued to the ceiling...
"Why are we in Mexico?" I asked.
"The drugs from Italy were shipped here.. I have to make sure they get over the border to the U.S," he answered.
I nodded as silence lingered in the air.

"I wish we brought the record player," he said.
"I do too," I kissed his cheek.
"We should go buy one," he said.
"No. We already have one, at home," I told him.
He sighed.
"It wouldn't hurt to have another one," he replied.
"We don't need it though, baby," I reminded him.
"I know," he spoke...

"I love you," I told him.
His eyes averted toward me before a small smile came onto his face.
"I love you too, Imani," he responded...

Later that night, after a passionate few hours shared, we dozed off. And, a couple of hours after that, I rolled over in bed while sleeping, and there was an enormous amount of space between Chris and I, which was really abnormal.

My eyes slowly opened to see no one in bed with me. I sat up and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I stretched and approached the bathroom, finding it empty. I checked the balcony, the living area, everywhere... And, he was nowhere.

I sighed before putting on a pair of Nikes and making my way to Wolf's room. After several moments of irritatedly knocking, his door opened.

"Money, it's fucking four in the morning. You and Chris can't be arguing right now," he whined.
"We're not... I can't find him," I said.
"He probably went for ice or some shit," Wolf spoke while wiping the sleep from his eye.
"At four in the morning, William?" I asked.
"Look, what do you want me to do?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just go back to sleep. I'll find him," I replied.
"Money, you can't just be roaming these foreign streets at four in the morning, by yourself. I'll come with you," he insisted.
"Nah. I'm good... Really, I'm good," I told him.
"If you need anything, just call," he tousled my hair.
"Okay," I said while slapping his hand away.

With that, I returned to my room, grabbing my phone and tucking a pocketknife. I brainstormed places he could be as I waited for the elevator to reach the lobby.

The beach.

"The fucking beach," I whispered as the elevator came to a stop.

I stepped out and walked out of the hotel. I strolled to the beach, and long and behold, I found Chris.

Thank God I found him, but now, I'm going to have to kill him for having me worried. He was the only one on the beach, and boy, did he look like a lunatic.

He was laying in the sand..

I leaned over him, my hands on my knees. He smiled once he saw me.

"Hey, baby," he greeted.
"Why the hell aren't you in bed sleeping?" I inquired.
"I couldn't sleep and I wanted to see the stars and-- Oh! Guess what? I got seashells," he sing-songed while taking out a Ziploc bag filled with tiny and medium sized shells.

"Where the hell did he get a Ziploc bag from?" I thought.

"Okay, Christopher.. We're going back to the hotel," I began to grab his hand.
His eyes averted back to the stars in the sky.
"Christopher.. Chris, look at me," I patted his cheek.
He eventually did so before smiling again.
"We are going back to--."
"Lay down. Look at the stars with me," he began pulling me down.
"No! Chris, we're going back to the hotel," I tried to pull him up.
He roughly pulled me, my body falling down into the sand, next to him.
He laughed as I glared at him.
"God, you're insufferable," I mumbled.
"Look at that one," he pointed up.
"Chris, we need to--."
"Look!" he repeated.
It was the brightest star I've ever seen.

It twinkled and stood out among the rest. It was like one of those stars you make a wish on, as a kid..

I brought myself back into reality before continuing to scold him.

"Chris, do you know how worried I got for a minute?" I asked.
"Geez, only a minute, Hazel?" he said before snickering.
"Chris, this isn't funny," I said while sitting up.
"Why isn't it?" he asked.
"Because, it's fucking four o'clock in the goddamn morning!" I shouted.
"You don't have to yell!" he shouted back before smirking and crossing his arms.

"Chris, just come to bed," I exhaustively sighed.
"I can't sleep," he responded.
"You don't have to sleep... Just hold me," I told him.
"Why can't I hold you here?" he inquired while sitting up.
"Because, even though you can't sleep and don't want to sleep, I have to because I'm tired.. I'm so tired, Chris," I sighed.
He picked me up and had me straddle him.

He pecked my lips.
"If you're so tired then just go back to sleep," he spoke softly.
"Chris, you need to come with me. You have to. I need to make sure you're safe," I replied.
"I'll be safe," he assured me.
"How will I know that?" I asked, looking into his eyes as my hands placed themselves on each side of his face.

"Stay with me... Just stay with me," he whispered before kissing my lips.

I returned the kisses, mirroring the same passion he was beginning to give me. His hands grabbed and glided against what was only his, but I began to pull away.

"We.. We can't," I shook my head.
"Hazel.. Hazel, wait," he tried to keep me close, holding me tighter, grabbing onto my sweats, gripping my hand as I pried myself away from him. Once I broke away from him, I ran...

Why was I running? I honestly didn't know, and I still don't know...

Maybe it was the feeling of being sucked back in...

I always hated that about Chris and I. He'd find a way to suck me in, keep me coming back, trap me, and I'd be foolish enough to fall for it. Now that I'm his wife, I'm his forevermore, you know? But, I don't know... I just don't know... I ran back to the hotel and didn't stop until I was in the elevator, making my way back to the room. I panted as my back hit the wall and slid down while holding my head. As soon as I heard the ding! indicating that the elevator doors were opening, I pulled myself together and made my way back into my room. I didn't even make it to the bed before I fell asleep...

I awakened, sitting on the floor with my back against the bed. I still had my shoes on and everything. I kicked them off and wanted nothing more than to shower the sand from previous hours off. I did so, washing my hair in the process. I dried off and put on the soft pink satin robe that was dying to be worn. I just decided to let my hair air dry. As I walked into the bedroom, I noticed that the door to the balcony was cracked open. I slowly walked onto the balcony, seeing Chris leaning against the railing with his arms crossed and his foot up on the metal. He was looking out at the horizon, admiring the sunrise. Smoke went up into the air, and that's when I noticed the blunt in his hand. I also noticed that he had on a totally different outfit that what he had last night. "Chris," I spoke up. His face only turned halfway, looking at me out the corner of his eye. "C'mere," he instructed me before facing forward again. I did so before he passed me the blunt. I took two puffs and slowly exhaled the smoke through my nostrils. "You always looked sexy when you smoked," he commented with a smirk. I looked at him from the corner of my eye as I smirked back. "Where'd you go after I left?" I asked him. "I stayed on the beach then I came here to hold you like you wanted, but you looked so peaceful," he answered, his hand rested on the small of my back. "It wouldn't have been a bother," I told him. "It seemed like it would've been," he replied. "You ran from me so quickly. I thought you were mad or scared of me or something." "I wasn't.. I just.. I don't know," I took another hit of the blunt. "Are you scared of me?" he inquired. "No," I shook my head. "Were you angry?" he asked. "No," I replied. He was silent, almost as if he were stumped in his train of thought. "Was I--." "It wasn't you, Chris," I told him. "What was it then?" he asked. I took two puffs of the blunt before shrugging. He turned me towards him, my back against the railing. He caressed my cheek while staring into my eyes. "You know you can tell me anything. I'm your husband," he reminded me. "I'm not holding anything back, Chris," I responded. He stared at me for a while longer before taking his hand away from me. He took the blunt from me and stepped on it. He then began to walk away, but I grabbed his hand to halt him. "Let's not talk about last night anymore.. Let's talk about how I'm bare under this robe, and you haven't done anything yet," I smirked. He chuckled before he undid the one thing that kept my robe closed. His hands moved along all the right places, earning a few moans from me. He picked me up to take me to the bedroom, but I resisted it. "Right here. On the balcony," I told him. "You're fucking crazy," he shook his head. "You to talk," I raised an eyebrow at him. He kissed his teeth. "When did you get so dangerous anyway?" he inquired after setting me down on the railing. "I've always been. We just weren't married yet," I smirked while pulling him close. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he spoke, pushing his sweats down a bit.. Just as we became connected, there was a banging at the door of our hotel room. Chris groaned while pulling away from me. I hopped down from the railing and began closing my robe. I got the door, seeing Wolf. "You found him, right?" he asked. I nodded. "Good... Good," he nodded. "Is he here?" he inquired. I nodded again. "Tell him that we have business to handle," he said. I did just that, and once I did, Chris hopped into the bathroom and came out in another outfit. "You gon' be good being by yourself?" he asked while sitting at the foot of the bed. "By myself?" I questioned. He nodded. "You mean, Wolfy's going too?" I asked. "Yeah, but he'll be back before I am," he replied. "But, Baby," I leaned down, my hands on his knees. "I need you right now." He bit his lip. "I gotchu when I come back," he replied. "Chris," I pouted. "I gotta go," he kissed my forehead. I stood there, pouting like a little kid as he put on his shoes. "Look, if I'm not back soon enough and you're still horny, I put batteries in your nightstand drawer and I know you got a toy, so you can just go to town with that," he said before laughing. "I don't have a toy, Chris," I pushed him. "Oh, yeah. I forgot that you're scared to touch yourself," he stood up and adjusted his shirt. "I'm not scared... I was just taught that touching yourself was wrong," I replied while folding my arms. "How can something natural be wrong? That's like saying that it's wrong for a woman to bare children," he shook his head while tucking his guns. "Do you touch yourself?" I asked. He smirked at me before approaching. "Don't worry about me... I love you," he pecked my lips. "I love you too," I hugged him...

With that, he left the hotel room. I sighed before beginning to get dressed. Harem Pants, my "Chance Just Turned 21" shirt, and a pair of black Timbs. I blow dried my hair since majority of it was still wet and combed it out, deciding to just leave it in the afro shape that it began to move into. I relaxed a bit, ate a little.. I couldn't help but have this bad feeling though. I don't know why I had this feeling, but I couldn't shake it. I then received a phone call from Wolfy. "Ayo, I'm coming to pick you up. I got a funny feeling," he said. "Yeah, I do too," I agreed. "Meet me outside," he added before the call concluded. I grabbed a gun, loaded it, and tucked it before grabbing an already rolled blunt. I tucked it behind my ear like it was a pencil and I was a reporter. I then left, making sure I had my phone and hotel room key. I walked to the elevator and eventually made my way to the lobby. I stepped outside, automatically spotting the black Jeep that Wolfy was driving parked across the street. I maneuvered across the street and got in the passenger seat. "You ever handle real heat before?" he asked. I looked in the backseat, seeing a lumpy blanket. I lifted it to see machine guns. I put the blanket back before facing forward in my seat. "Nah," I simply replied. "Well, you will today," he smirked before pulling off. "I think these niggas set Chris up. I ain't like the vibe they were giving off. They looked like snakes... Every last one of them," he gritted his teeth as he drove. "So, what we gon' do?" I asked. "Spy. If things go wrong, we're opening up shop," he replied..

He drove for a bit longer before parking right next to a hill. The area was secluded and quiet.. Too quiet. Quiet to the point where you can only hear birds chirping. "We're gonna set up, up there. Now, you can be on your sniper shit, if you want or we can bust up in that bitch," he spoke. "We're spying first," I said. "Since when were you calling shots?" he raised an eyebrow while reaching into the backseat. "I've always been," I answered. He chuckled, throwing something black and soft at me. It was a ski mask. I smiled. "Man, am I glad I wore all black today," I said. "Girls and your matching and whatnot," Wolf rolled his eyes before putting it on. I smirked before taking my blunt from behind my ear and into my pocket. I then began putting my mask on too. "You ready?" he asked. I nodded. We got out of the truck and unloaded two machine guns, binoculars, and vests. Wolfy took off his shirt before putting on the bulletproof vest. He put his shirt back on while I just put my vest on over my shirt. "Money--." "I'm not about to fuck up my shirt, William. This is Chance the Rapper merchandise," I told him. He put his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay."

We climbed the hill, and crouched down when we were near the top. We had a clear visual into the building especially with the binoculars. "Stupid ass niggas. Got glass walls and shit, just letting themselves be targets," Wolfy muttered as we hid behind shrubs, bushes, and random boulders. We watched things go smoothly then abruptly just go completely wrong. Chris said something smart, and I could tell he did by the smirk he had on his face. Next thing I know, a punch is thrown, and he tries to fight back, but the other men in the room begin holding him back so the other one can get his punches in. Anger stirred in me. "Wolfy, bust up in that bitch," I muttered. He smiled smugly before cautiously making his way down the hill and beginning to find a way to sneak in. I aimed my gun, looking through the optical part of the gun so I knew where I was aiming. The guy that was beating Chris up slowly pulled out a gun. Just as his trigger finger was about to move, I shot him down, right in the dome. I smiled. "Fuck yeah," I cheered softly to myself. The guys looked around in bewilderment as Chris smirked the slightest bit. Then, there was another gun shot coming from the building, causing a few guys to quickly leave the room. I shot a few of them too. Then, all the men in the room, looked in my direction. My heart dropped, feeling as though they knew exactly where I was. "Shit," I mumbled as the head of them finally stood from his large chair and looked dead into my eyes. My eyes widened. A creepy smile came onto his face before he pointed dead at me. He mumbled a few words before beginning to chuckle. I trembled in fear, but quickly pushed it aside by aiming the gun. Just as I was about to shoot, I heard a click behind me. I gulped in fear. "Get up," a deep voice growled. I slowly did so, my hands up in surrender. At gunpoint, he forced me to walk down the hill.

He brought me into the building and into the office with glass walls that I was just shooting into, taking my ski mask in the process. "Where the hell is Wolf?" I thought. I was tied to a chair just as Chris was. "So, care to introduce us to your little friend, C?" the leader smirked. He lazily looked up at me before looking back down. "I rather not," he inaudibly mumbled. "Oh, you rather not?" the leader smirked. He made one motion toward the guy who brought me in here, and I feel a pain hit my cheek so hard that a whimper leaves my lips and I nearly taste blood. I looked up to see the guy with the gun still his hand. "Was I just fucking pistol-whipped?" I thought. "You wanna tell us now?" he asked. Chris looked up at the guy with such a rage that it seemed as though he was going to break from the rope at any moment. His eyes averted toward me and stared for a long time before looking back the leader. "That's my soldier," he finally said. "Oh really? Seems like she's more than a soldier with that rock on her finger," the guy that pistol-whipped me commented. Chris clenched his jaw as the leader chuckled. "No really, its cute how your wife had to play superhero to your weak ass," the leader said. "I didn't ask for this failed rescue mission," he growled. "You didn't have to. I knew this shit was going to happen; that's the only reason I'm here," I spoke for the first time in nearly ten or fifteen minutes. Chris glared at me. "Ooh, trouble in paradise?" the leader smirked. "Yo, J. See what them niggas are doing. It's too quiet in there," the leader ordered the pistol-whipper. He left, and we soon heard a slight groan and a thud. The leader stared at the doorway for several moments while slowly pulling out a gun.

He slowly stepped out, and as soon as he did, Chris began to go off on me. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he hissed. "Me and Wolf had a bad feeling about this," I answered. "Y'all thought I couldn't handle this myself?" he asked. "You would've ended up dead, Chris! We saved your ass," I sternly spoke. He gritted his teeth and gave me the coldest glare he could, and it actually dented my mood. "Ungrateful jackass," I mumbled before there was a gunshot. Wolfy then bursted into the room, his mask still on and everything. "Aw, they got you too, Money?" Wolf spoke, untying me. I saw the leader emerging from the other room as I stood. I got the gun that I tucked before leaving the hotel and took the safety off. POP! POP! The leader fell back and collapsed on the floor. I turned toward Wolf, who was untying Chris. "I'll get the car started," I said before Wolf tossed me the car keys. On my way out, I had to step over multiple bleeding and passed out bodies. "Damn, Wolf," I mumbled while tiptoeing. I made my way up and down the hill, taking the machine gun that was left in my hiding spot due to the pistol-whipper forgetting to take it. I got behind the wheel, putting the gun on the back seat, starting the engine, and taking off the vest. I sat there for a few moments before the guys came with Chris carrying a briefcase. Wolfy sat in the seat next to me while Chris had to sit with the heat. "Wolfy slayed those niggas, and didn't even make a sound," I smiled while pulling off. "I'm a silent killer, Hazy. Chris didn't tell you?" Wolfy smiled after taking his mask off. Chris stared at Wolf for a while (probably because Wolf called me "Hazy") before I finally replied. "Well, you know, Chris doesn't tell me anything."

An ill feeling silence lingered in the air, and I could feel Chris giving me a cold stare that burned in the back of my head. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" he irritatedly spoke, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "Oh, God," Wolf began to slouch in his seat. "You know what the fuck it means, Christopher. Why is it that Wolfy knows more about you than I do? Huh?! And, I've known you for how long?" I raised my voice. "Answer me, Chris! How fucking long?" "Man, shut the fuck up! You always got something to complain about," he shouted. I pulled over and parked. "Should've left your ungrateful ass," I muttered. "I didn't ask you to come get me, Hazel!" he shouted, becoming animated in the back seat. "And, I didn't ask to get pregnant, but look what happened. And, I didn't ask to be in that car that night, but look who got killed! Look who fucking got k..." I took a breath as my head rested against the wheel. My heart began to hang low as tears ran down my face. I began sobbing as Wolfy began rubbing my back. "Hazel, it's--." "No! No, I'm fine.. Let's just get back to the hotel," I pulled myself together. "I'll drive," Wolf insisted...

I sat in the passenger seat with my arms crossed and my head rested against the window. The ride was quiet, and the sound of tires against the road was the only thing heard.. "Chris?" I softly spoke. "Yeah, Babe?" he responded. "I'm sorry," I said. "I'm sorry too," he replied. There was a brief silence. "I love you," I held my hand out. "I love you too," he kissed my palm and held my hand for the rest of the ride.. We arrived to our rooms, Wolf going a bit down the hall while I took out my key. Chris stood close behind me, almost breathing down my neck. Just as I was about to put the key into the door, Chris took my hand into his and had me face him. My back was against my door as his hand rested on my hip. "You did good today, Soldier," he told me. I looked into his eyes to see if he was serious. "Really?" I inquired, my eyebrows raising. He nodded. "You was on your sniper shit and you took that hit like a champ.. And, you got the leader, Babe.. I was a bit ungrateful, I'll admit it, but... Thank you for saving me," he said before pecking my lips. I smiled slightly before putting the key in the door. We walked into our room. He brought out our suitcases which distracted me from whatever the hell I was supposed to be doing. "What are doing?" I asked. "We gotta be out by tomorrow morning. I know that nigga we-- I mean, you killed..." he paused to smirk at me. "has people who'll come looking for us." "What about what had to get over the border?" I asked. "The deal was I give half the drugs that go over the border to them, if I can use their passageway to the states. I was even willing to throw in a couple G's, but they set me up. They weren't going to do it unless I brought the money. They saw the money and sent the okay to send the drugs over... My only problem is that half of my drugs have been given to a bunch of dead men," he half shrugged. "So, where's the money?" I smirked while crossing my arms. "Over there," he motioned toward the briefcase he brought in.

I sat on the bed and sighed before taking off my shoes and socks and emptying my pockets. Phone, Key, Blunt. "Babe, come here," I stood and motioned him to follow me. He did so, following me into the bathroom. I wet a towel with warm water. I cleaned up his cuts and put Neosporin and whatnot on them before bandaging them. "Thank you, Nurse," he pecked my lips. "Yeah, yeah. Now, you're getting your ass in that shower," I told him before beginning to walk away. "Not unless you join me," he pulled me back. "Babe, I gotta--." "I don't want to hear it. My baby deserves the best tonight," he kissed my lips. "Not tonight, Chris," I told him. "Why not?" he asked, his arms wrapped around me. "I'm tired," I whined. "Aight... Aight, I got chu. Go wait in the bedroom," he instructed. "Chris--." "Go," he smirked while gently pushing me out the bathroom. I sighed while plopping down on our bed. I was half asleep by the time he woke me up by calling my name. "Hazel!" "Huh?" my head lifted slightly as my eyes remained glued shut. "C'mere," he said. I lazily did so, stepping into the bathroom to see a bubble bath drawn just for me. "How long did this take?" I asked as he took my hand into his. "Five minutes. Why? Yo ass was already gone to sleep, huh?" he smirked while standing from his crouched position. "Whatever. Just get me in this tub," I began taking my shirt off. "No, I wanna do it," he moved my hands away. He slowly pulled my shirt over my head before tossing it to the side. He tousled my afro while smiling. "I've been wanting to do that all day," he admitted while sliding my pants down. I stepped out of them. He unhooked my bra and tossed it over where my shirt was. He gripped the band of my panties, but I halted him. "I wanna do it," I said. He put his hands up and took a step back. I slowly and seductively took them off. "You're just asking for it, huh?" he smirked. "I might be," I replied. "I'm not trying to make you more tired than you are and sore, Baby girl, but if you're asking for it, I'll give it to you," he shrugged. "I bet you will," I replied as I grabbed his hand, stepping into the tub slowly. Once I was settled in the water, I began relaxing. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I love you," I told him. "I love you too," his fingers ran through my hair before I felt his lips brush against my ear. They continued to drag against my neck, and because I was beginning to get turned on, I pushed his face away. "I'm barely doing anything," he chuckled as his hand dipped itself into the bubbles and water. "What are you doing now then?" I asked as he brought my leg up. "Nothing," he smiled before leaving kisses up my leg and toward my thigh. "Boy, stop," I blushed. "Why should I?" he smirked. "Because I said. Now, leave me to my peace," I dismissed him. "Aight, I'm going to Wolf's to take my shower since you need your peace. When I get back, I got something for that ass," he warned. "Yeah, whatever," I waved him off...

He left. I bathed and relaxed for a bit longer before finally getting out and getting dressed in boxers. By then, it'd been an hour since Chris left. I got a few ice packs while waiting for him, and when he came back, he had chocolate covered strawberries, two plane tickets, and a pair of sweats on along with a v-neck. "Take your shirt off," I told him while sitting in the middle of the bed with the ice packs. "Damn, Babe. A nigga just came in. You missed me, huh?" he smirked while setting down the strawberries. I simply smirked back as he did as I told him. He laid down on his back as I began taking the ice pack and setting them on what was swollen along with his bruises. "Ice cubes," he said. "Use the ice cubes," he spoke. I took the packs off of him and opened one of them up, taking out an ice cube. I placed that on a bruise and began making circles. A little puddle was made due to the ice beginning to melt. "Are you sure that this isn't a bit time consuming?" I inquired. "It may be, but it helps," he replied. I knew he was lying. He just wants me to end up licking his abs or something. "Yeah, okay. I don't think it does so we're just gonna stick to the packs," I spoke, picking up the shirt he took off and using it to dry his abdomen. "Come on, Hazel. You know I'd do it for you," he said as I began to set the packs down. "Sure you would," I nodded. "You don't believe me?" he sat up. "I never said--." He pinned me to the bed and opened an ice pack. "Chris... Chr-- That's fucking cold!" I squirmed, making him laugh. "Keep still," he chuckled. "I can't. You got all this excess water on me," I said. His tongue moved where the water was, replacing the coldness with warmth. I smiled at the feeling. "Thank you, Baby," I said. "And, you wouldn't do that for me," he scoffed. "Whatever. Let's get these strawberries going," I said. He opened the container and took one. I opened my mouth before biting into the strawberry. He smirked as I chewed and swayed side to side. "Look at us feeding each other strawberries and being married and stuff," I gushed after swallowing my part of the fruit. "Yeah, look at us," he said as I picked up a strawberry. I held it to his lips, letting him do whatever he was going to do to try to seduce me. He licked the strawberry, his tongue circulating it as he stared intensely into my eyes. "It's not happening," I shook my head. "What isn't?" he attempted to play dumb. "Sex tonight," I replied. He kissed his teeth. "I can't spend sexy quality time with my wife without it ending in sex?" he spoke with a slight smirk. "Nope," I said. "Why not?" he inquired, seeming a bit eager to know the answer. "Because I know you, Chris. 'Sexy Time' will always end in sex," I told him as he finally ate his strawberry. "That's not true," he said. "Name one time that it hasn't resulted in sex," I told him. "Uh, this one," he answered as if he already knew the question. I laughed. "You're so fucking silly," I shook my head as he chuckled...

For the remainder of the night, we talked and ate strawberries, and I even got a massage. We got under the covers and began to got to sleep. I, for one, was wide awake. To be nearly exhausted about an hour or two ago, I was wide awake. Chris, who was holding me close, was already half asleep, and we've only been laying here for fifteen minutes. "Chris," I whispered. There was nothing but the sound of his slow, quiet breathing. "Chris," I was a bit louder. He did a bit of a caveman grunt, obviously still 75% asleep. "I can't sleep," I said. "I got some Nyquil or some, uh... uh.. sleeping pills... in the uh... uh..." he didn't finish his sentence. "Chris," I turned towards him. "Huh?" his eyebrows raised only a bit. "I don't need any Nyquil or pills, Baby," I said, my hand moving into his sweats. His eyes popped open before he looked me dead in the eyes. "Nope, nope. Hazel, you're not about to prove me wrong about our quality time," he tried to move from me. "Baby, this one won't count," I replied, moving closer. Every time he moved back, I moved forward, and before you know it, Chris was hitting the floor. I instantly began laughing, trying not to at first but eventually stopped fighting it. "Are you okay?" I asked. "You planned this, didn't you? You can't go to sleep, so you make sure I can't either," he smirked, folding his arms as he laid on the floor. "I'm sorry," I smiled. "Nah, you ain't sorry. If you were sorry, you wouldn't have laughed... But, that's okay," he stood. "You know why it's okay?" he asked. "Why is it okay?" I asked with a slight smirk. "Because, I'm going to make you pay," he chuckled. "Oh, really?" I laughed. He nodded while pinning me to the bed. "How are you going to-- Chris! Chris, stop!" I laughed as he tickled me. For the next ten minutes, I was tickled until I couldn't breathe and my sides were hurting. I laid there catching my breath as he simply smirked. "Now, let's go to sleep," he got under the covers. "I love you," I looked over at him while holding my hand out. "I love you too," he kissed my palm and laced our fingers...

Mexico was great..

Mexico, that's going to be ours. That's going to be our spot, our escape, our everything.

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