Darlings with cheeky smiles

By CatsInTheNude

44.8K 2.3K 3.6K

What would life be with kind but teasing second year engineering student, his grumpy but oh, so cute boyfrien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

3.3K 127 150
By CatsInTheNude

Wad moaned.
Prem's rough hands seemed to be everywhere.
Passion hanged over them heavily like curtain.
Junior heard tearing sound when his shirt ripped.
They maybe should slow down a little  Wad thought.
Or that was what he had thought until he felt one of those rough hands cupping his burning desire through his awfully tight pants.

His name coming from those well kissed, swollen lips surely send shivers to older man's spine.
Prem's head spinned and his whole body trembled from need.
Damn, if he soon didn't get inside of this beautiful man underneath at him, he would start scream like a crazy person.
"Where is the lube?" He asked huskily while sucking younger man's earlobe.
"How am I supposed to know? This is your room P' and it's my first time in here" Wad reminded his hands roaming over back of man above at him.

"Right" Prem said embarassedly and stretched his arm so he could open uppermost drawer from his nightstand.
That was odd.
Why couldn't he reach at the tube?
He frowned a little and raised his upper body so he could see inside of that drawer.
It was empty.
Well, almost empty.
There seemed to be piece of paper and with trembling hands he took the note and quickly scanned message inside

Wad felt immediate change at the older man's mood and he opened his eyes, still breathing heavily.
"What is it? You don't want to after all...? ...with me...?" Wad asked uneasily biting his lower lip.
What had happened?
Had he done something wrong and kill the mood?"
He couldn't recall anything like that though.

"No, I definitely want to. I really do. Trust me. It's just...I'm gonna fucking murder that bastard when I see him next time" older man growled and seemed almost as pissed as he had been back then when he had came to Wad's rescuer when those sore losers were ganged up against at him.
"What are you talking about?" Junior blinked.
He sat up little uncomfortably because he still had pretty prominent erection and he wondered if his balls were actually started to turn to blue.

"See yourself" senior snarled and pushed the note towards other man's face.
"It's too close P'"
Prem jumped a little as he noticed that he had indeed pushed paper so close at younger man's face that poor guy had got cross eyed.
"Oh. Sorry" he said clearing his throat embarassedly while handing the note to Wad.

Handwriting seemed distantly familiar.
Where had he seen it before?
Then he started to read.

'Ai Prem! Surprise! As you can see, you're out of lube. Oh, and there's no condoms either. I needed them more than you did. Dude, you should seriously go out more often. I have been using your stuff almost year now and you haven't even noticed! Or maybe you haven't gone out and get wild because you already have someone who you have laid your eyes with, hmmmm Ai Prem?

Well if that is the case, then let me ask you, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID IDIOT?! WHY WON'T YOU JUST SHAG THAT POOR GUY ALREADY?! Well, if you see this note I assume that you have finally grew some balls and took your pathetic little eye play to completely different level. Sorry to tell you, it won't be happening this time neither.

And watch that temper mister! Don't you even think about getting mad at me! Blame yourself asshole, if you would had been man enough and  took that junior into your bed long time ago like you should had, this wouldn't had happened! I hope this would work for you as an lesson. Never make the good things wait my friend! -With love, your beloved and most handsome friend, master Bright-

There was brief of silence while Wad gathered at his thoughts after reading the note.
"Can't you guys just send him to somewhere? Like North Pole or crater of Vesuvius? The further the better" junior suggested shaking his head as he handed letter back to Prem.
"Trust me, I will surely send him to somewhere where he can't come back like a bumerang" older man growled gritting his teeths and wondering if angels would welcome at his friend in heaven or would they just send him instantly to the underworld instead.

"Yes. You do that. But in the meanwhile, can we continue where we were left before?" Wad purred seductively while pulling senior back on top of him while laying back down.
"I would love to but we don't have-"
"Good thing I am prepared" Wad grinned smugly.
"Prepared? How?"

Wad pushed his left hand in to his pants pocket and took out tiny bottle that said it contained a lube and gave it to older man.
"You...you had this all this time?" Prem blinked shifting his eyes between bottle on his hand and Wad's laughing eyes.
"Well, I thought I might get lucky" Wad winked.
"Good thinking" Prem laughed and leaned to kiss younger man again.

Atmosphere changed quickly back to steamy again.
Either erection hadn't went down while distraction.
Prem breathed shakily as he finally removed those annoying piece of clothes that had still covering younger man's lower body and saw bare skin beneath them.
'How can man be so beautiful?' Prem thought.

"Hey! It's not fair!"
"Why do i have to be only one who's naked in here? I want to see you too" Wad whined.
"I never said you couldn't take my clothes off" Prem smirked.
Wad tsked and removed Prem's pants in flash.
As soon as older man's erected penis sprung free, Wad's eyes widened and he was certain that he had drooled.
Holy hell.
Prem had apadravya! [1]

"What are you staring at? Careful, it might get shy and shrunk" Prem joked as he noticed younger man's gaze on his arousal.
"When did you got that?"
"What do you mean?" Prem asked confusedly.
Could anyone blame at him?
Almost all blood from his brains had gathered to his throbbing penis.
"Apadravya! Can you focus a little?"

"No. Right now I don't think I can. And that's mostly because my brains has been sunk to my groins at the moment"
"Damn that is hot. Can- can I...touch it?" Wad asked never shifting his focus from that silver colored barbell  that had been attached to older man's glans.
"Of course you can. That fellow really likes to be touched" Prem laughed and took Wad's hand to his own and guided it where he wanted it the most....


"Okay princess, we have been reached to your castle" Oak announced as he halted in front of the door that would had take him inside of Maprang's dorm room.
"Thank you milord. It was very kind from you to walk me all the way home" girl said nobly while she curtsied.
She really liked this little play between of them.
"But of course. I would be damned if anything happened to you while your walk to home"
"Yes. You were very brave when you were fighting against that spider" Maprang nodded smiling widely.

"That thing was huge! And it was making nest in your hair!"
"You can't possibly know that. Besides you shrieked louder than I did while you were taking it off!"
"I didn't shriek! I...screamed, very manly. I don't know spiders well enough, it could had been venomous" Oak defended himself.
"Yes yes. You were super manly"
"That reminds at me. You haven't officially thanked me yet" man said cunning glint in his eyes behind his glasses while he clicked his tongue and waved his finger towards girl.

Maprang bursted into laughter.
That was so typical for this man.
She didn't know what had came into her, but before she could think any further, she had already stood up tip of her toes and pressed her lips softly against her classmates.

Oak let out surprised sound.
Of course he had been just joking, and never actually waited anything from the girl.
Hell if he would complain though.
He closed his eyes and pressed his lips little more firmly against girls, like testing at her.
As an answer for that, Maprang opened her mouth slightly, giving to Oak permission to enter.

All these new kind of feelings were flowing inside of her.
Had she ever thought it could be like this with this scrawny guy.
Little moan escaped from her lips when Oak took her face gently between his hands and tilted his own head slightly, gaining more space to explore that sweet mouth that responsed his kisses eagerly.

He should stop and pull away already.
Things were escalating too quickly.
Besides, they were still in the corridor and anyone could step in to them any time now.
On the other hand that was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

He had been patient.
From the first time he had laid his eyes on this girl, he had thought that Maprang was extraordinarily beautiful.
And while year had passed and they had become closer, his feelings had started to deepen.
He could point out exact moment when he had realized that he had fallen in love with this amazingly kind and pretty lady.

They had been out and drinking with their crew coulple of weeks after they had got their gears.
They had laughed a lot and everyone had been in good mood, even always so harsh and reserved Wad, which had of course resulted some speculations and endless ribbing.

After a while girls had excused themselves to the restroom.
Why did girls always needed go to pee together, that was something Oak had never seemed to quite understand.
He had got little worried when time passed but girls still didn't had come back.
He had poured his worries to Kong who had of course suggested that they would go and check if girls were okay since they had left their phones and purses behind them.
It was hardly possible that girls were left home without those things, right?

They had reached merely behind the corner as they saw girls who had supposedly been stopped by a man who obviously had laid his eyes on Praepalin who of course didn't had even slighest interest at him.
She had told her secret to them herself and it really had surprised them all.
No on could had ever guessed that she were actually interested at women insted.
Kong and Oak watched from their spot as man grasped hold from tallest girl's wrist.

Praepalin frowned and said something fractiously while trying to twist her arm free.
Man didn't seem to care about her objection and just held her tighter while saying something supposedly funny because they could hear his amused laugh.
Oak had got enough.
He was going to march in there and help his friends to escape from the situation.

He glanced other guy's appearance and gulped.
Okay, he would probably get beaten to pulp, but it was million times better than what this guy clearly had in his mind for Praepalin.
Oak had just mentally strenghtened himself to storm to help when Kongpob grabbed him from back of his jacket, stopping him from interfere.
"What the hell Kong? We can't leave them like that" slimmer guy complained.
He was obviously surprised and upset because taller mans resistance.
What the hell was that?
Wasn't this guy supposed to be a hero?

"Look" Kongpob whispered and pointed calmly at the girls.
Oak looked.
It seemed that Maprang had also  had enough of this cocky bastard who didn't seem to understand talk.
There was ferocious expression on her normally so sweet and kind face when she told him to take hike.
Guy just laughed.
It seemed like he was kida attracted to fierce womens.

What happened next was completely shock for Oak.
Maprang, you see, balled her fists and punched man hardly straight to his stupid grinning face.
Man looked astounded.
Was this half of his sized woman just hit him?
"You're better take your leave now or I swear to god I'll make you throw up your testicles" Maprang blustered, voice colder than ice and eyes sharper than knives.
Oak watched as man seemed to hesitate for a while before he decided that it wasn't worth of it.

Oak felt his heart swell from pride.
This girl really was something else.
Just then she happened to look at their direction and she flashed them a smile so bright that it would had lightened up a whole room even middle of the night during a blackout.
And that was exactly when Oak realized that he had completely and irreversible in love his classmate...
~End of flashback~

"Mmmhph...Maprang...I-I think we should stop" Oak said feeling little dizzy.
Geez that girl really knew how to kiss someone's soul out from him.
"Why? I thought you- Oh god, how embarrassing..." Maprang moaned while hiding her face behind her hands.
"What? AH- No! I would love to! I mean...Like P'Prem said before. I have chasing after you almost an year now. Of course I would love to continue. But the thing is, that I'm not that sure you won't be regretting at this in the morning. Plus, we're still in the corridor. Not exactly the best place to get into steamy stuff" man smiled reassuringly.

"Well...How about...would you like to come in and have a glass of wine with me?"
"Princess, we both know that after what just happened it wouldn't remain as only for one glass of wine if I came in" Oak said softly and pushed thread of hair gently behind Maprang's ear.
"Yeah...I guess you're right" girl sighed.

"How about this, would you like to go on date with me tomorrow?"
"Yes. I would really like that"
"Yassssssss!" Oak said quietly pumping his fist in the air.
Maprang couldn't help but smile.
Oak were so adorable while acting like this.
She wondered why she didn't had  noticed it before.

They had been good friend from the start.
This guy had also always treated at her like she were something  really valuable.
Thinking like that made her feel little bad.
Were she actually took this guy granted till now?
Well, of course she had noticed this guys flirting and she had even occasionally  flirted back.
She didn't had actually though that Oak might had been serious about it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Oak asked softly and put his finger under girl's chin tilting it upwards so he could look her into eyes.
"I just thought how selfish I have been"
"Selfish? You? How come?"
"I never really thought you could had been serious when you were flirting with me. It never occurred into my head that you liked me for real. I...I feel kinda bad for it" Maprang sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I never felt bad when I were around with you. I never assumed there could be anything between us more than friendship.
"No buts princess. Okay,  you should go in now. I see you tomorrow. How about we go grab some breakfast together?"
"That sounds perfect. Call me when you wake up" girl said smiling and turned around and thrusted her key into lock.

"Ummm...Oak?"Maprang turned back towards man behind her.
"Can I. ..have a good night kiss?" Girl asked biting her lip.
"Of course" Oak smiled and pushed his glasses on better position before he leaned to kiss Maprang chastily.
"Thank you" girl whispered
"It was my pleasure" Oak grinned.
"Well...good night Oak. See you tomorrow"
"Good night princess" Oak said and waited till girl disappered in to her room before he turned away and almost floated all way the home

[1] Apadravya is genital piercing for a men that is located vertically through glans. It can be done either or not through urethra and it is often done at a slight angle for comfort. Because of location of the piercing, it can give extra stimulation to both parties during penetration.
Idea of this piercing is so old that it has been mentioned even in original Kama Sutra.
If you're interested what does it looks like you can google it because I don't think wattpad or many people in here would approve dick pics, even if they were attached here...pages of my story 🐙

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