By Amairahtheprincess

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" HUBA HAYATHI, laqad atayt min ajlik"(love of my life,i came for you) I put down the morsel of rice from my... More

The Promises.
Shabbir Arrival.
The Hell Broke
A note
oh my Allah
The Marriage
His words
Her prayers
The Fateful Day
May be your bad fate
Its My Life And I will get what i want.
I Married My Love


54 5 0
By Amairahtheprincess

                                                  At evening my friends karthiga ,marie ,chitra came to my home.I asked whether there  is a problem cause of me.they told  roshan and bala fought with him.Then he left.the professors dont know about this incident as they were in a meeting.But the students gossiped a lot about me.they asked about me to them.

                                                      I told them that i will tell everything tomorrow.Not to ask anything today.After having a tea and a discussion on studies they went to home.i received a message on group chat about telling his name.

        I replied "Abbas khalid mohammed "

BALA:wow what a big name

ROSHAN:How you will call him

CHITRA:It will take time to remember his name

AREESHA:No one is asking you to remember his name

CHITRA: Chill gal.Did you told to  Shabbir about him?


RAJ: Why?

MARIE:Don tell us that Shabbir dont even know him.

AREESHA:YES.He dont know him.still i didnt talk to shabbir.

ROSHAN: r u mad?still what you are going to hide from us.First your crush on Shabbir and now him.

CHITRA:We dont want you to fall on problem.What you guys were talking. I think He is not looking like an Indian.Did u guyz too feel the same

BALA: Yes.How long you both know each other?

  ROSHAN: Same here.

  RAJ: Me too.What kind of relation you both have?

 MARIE: I knew when they both talked in arabic.Karthiga are you there?

KARTHIGA:Yes.im .Why the hell he called you as his wife?

CHITRA: I Think he loves our Aree,on Knowing Shabbir he is here.What you say Aree?

RAJ:Wife,what you are telling karthi,when he called her wife?Aree what is happening?

KARTHIGA:while Aree was leaving he told the word zawja which means Wife in arabic.

AREESHA:Stop your interogative mind thereh i told you already i will tell everything tomorrow

RAJ:How long he loves you.is he a pedophile?

 MARIE:Tell us aree,we will help you no matter what.

AREESHA:pls i dont like to have a talk about it now.im leaving.will see you at college.Bye

ROSHAN :She went offline.

RAJ:Dont force her

CHITRA:She look depressed at home.



Name:Abbas Khalid Mohammed 

Father's Name: Bari  Hammad (Aree's Bari uncle)

Mother's name: Amani 

younger bro: Ayman   Mohammed

Younger sis: Azizza  

Education: Did Executive MBA In London Business School,UK At the age of 26.

                             Bachelor of science in Mechanical and Ocean Engineering in MIT.

Age:28 at present (7 yrs elder to us)

BALA:Karthiga did you googled him?

KARTHIGA:Yes and he is from Qatar.

RAJ:Idiot are u insane,Aree will tell us.why the hell u googled him?

MARIE: Leave it.Is there anything more.

KARTHIGA:They belong to a powerfull background and they were some what close to the ruling family


KARTHIGA:we will talk tomorrow

THEN every one went offline.

She knew very well that she have hided  things from her friends which she herself didnt give importance to that.She want to forgot the past things where she was in nearly loss of her dignity,self respect.She cannot forgot that.But she knew very well she has to move on with her life.

                       She was afraid that what her friends will think about her when they come to know about her past.She knew after knowing about shabbir, he is here.She made a call to her dad.

                 Salam Alaikum abbajan,How are you?

               Wa alaikum salamm mommy.we all are fine.How are you?

              Fine abbajan.Are you at home now?How is the climate?

              No still im at shop.It will take another two hour to go home.Winter started dear but not like last year.This time cant feel that much coldness like last year.

          How is work going abbajan?

        Alhamduliilah going fine.But due to diplomatic crisis cant get goods at a good price.We are now getting goods from Turkey which costs more than from saudi.Now not that much profittable.But okay.

          Abbajan,what is Bari uncle telling about this?

        He asked me not to worry and continue as well.Good man he is.Still caring for us.

        Did Bari uncle know about me and shabbir?

       Yes dear,i told him before 6 days.He was happy to hear that.He wished to see you.Your Amani aunty called mom and talked to her.She was also Happy.Even Aziza and Ayman told us that you are not contacting them nor replying them.Talk to them dear.

     Did Abbas knew about this?

I dont know dear.He is not staying with his parents.He is staying alone in a flat.Aziza is getting engage after two months.

                        They talked for some time and Areesha went to sleep.on knowing that she have to take a decision which wont affect anyone.

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