After the Explosion- HBomb94...

By emmabemma1645

17.8K 476 155

This is the sequel to "Exploding Love"! Hope you enjoy! More

After the Explosion- HBomb94 Fan Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

1.4K 41 9
By emmabemma1645

Emma’s POV:

“Well the day is young.” H said while walking away from the pizza place. “Are you up to hang out some more.”

“Of course I am.” I said

“What do want to do?” H said

“I dunno what do you wanna do?” I said

“I dunno what do you wanna do?” H replied re-enacting a Spongebob episode.

“I dunno what do you wanna do?” I said playing.

“Emma. I know what I want to do today.”

“What?” I responded laughing

“I don’t know, I didn’t actually have anything I was just continuing the joke.” H said smiling. He ran his hand threw his hair. “Do you just want to hang out at mine?”

“Yeah sure, it will be just like old times.” I said and we drove to his place.

After arriving at his parents’ house, we just went straight into the basement. I walked in with amazement and took a seat on the oh-so familiar couch. “Wow, this is the exact same as 3 years ago.”

“Can’t tell if that is a good thing or bad thing.” H said joining me on the couch.

“It’s good. There were a lot of good memories made down here.” I said looking around.

“Yeah there were.” H said and I realized he was looking at me.

I looked away. “So do you want to watch a movie or something?”

“How about we just talk? You know catch up some more.” H said

“Yeah sure.”

                We picked up our conversation like we had never left off. Its crazy how talking to H can be just like how they used to be when everything was so different now. There was so many things that I wanted to bring up but didn’t have the nerve to. Eleanor kept on being a burning topic in the back of my mind.

“…so you would think that after so many years they would know my name at Chipotle but they still don’t. Eleanor always brags because they know her order at Subway.” H said finishing a story I wasn’t paying attention to.

“So Eleanor…”


“How did you two meet?” I asked trying to be nonchalant.

“She is my uncle’s new boss’ niece and I met her at a BBQ.” He said.

“Oh those BBQs…” I said awkwardly laughing. “Always bad news.”

“Yeah…” He said and awkwardly laughed back. There was a silence. “Emma, I’m sorry, I keep trying but I can’t do this.”

“Do what?” I said

“For three years, I struggled to learn how to be okay without you. And I couldn’t wait for the day when I thought about you and feel nothing. And I tried, and with you gone it was a bit easier to do that but now you are here.”

“H, I can go…” I said.

“But that’s the thing! I don’t want you to go!” H said.

“Why not?” I said tearing up.

“Because I was never able to convince myself that I wasn’t still in love with you.” H said.

I was speechless. I thought 3 years would be enough. And he had Eleanor now so… so… “H I don’t know what to say…”

“I don’t need you to say anything.” He said and we just sat there.

“Well what should we do now?” I said trying to break the awkward silence.

“Well…” H said and paused causing me to look up at him. “There is one thing that I really want to do.”

“Yeah?” I said.

                All the sudden he took away the distance between our faces and pulled me into a deep kiss, filled with 3 years of absence. It brought back all the feelings I had for H and brought tears to my eyes. What seemed like too soon, he pulled away.


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