Love Differences {under const...

By That_Fan_Girl_

13.3K 508 54

Join blossom, bubbles, and buttercup while they face their greatest challenge yet! High school. With the rowd... More

Powerpuff Girls in Highschool
New kids or new toys?
BubbleV is back
Wait what?
Now what?
Textes and Questions
I need you
Good and Bad
Quick Note
The Brute a Brat and everything Berzerk
I Hate You Please Love Me
Say Something
Over and Over
Born This Way
Locked Away

Plays and Confessions

531 20 1
By That_Fan_Girl_

The day came which Bubbles was longing for a long time. "Today's the day!" The blue girl squealed awaking her boyfriend. "ugh, five more minutes!" he said jokingly. He was always happy to hear her voice everyday. "no silly! You have to go!" she said as he sat up confused. "what's today?" he asked as she pouted. "No, it couldn't be your play." he said as she hugged him tightly. "You really do care" she said as he laughed hearing her laughter. he laughed again as she giggled sitting up. they stared at each other for a few minutes, "well, I should, I should get ready" she said walking toward the bathroom. "yeah."

"Um.., Buttercup" Brick asked as the green girl yawned stretching. "what's up?" She asked as he smiled. "Before high school, we've met, I know it." he said as she laughed. "I'm pretty sure we haven't" He shrugged and looked around. "Remember Mitch?" he asked as she laughed. "How could I forget? He was one of the best friends I've had" she said as he smiled. "That was my cousin. Mitch is my cousin. He would always talk about you." he said as buttercup mouth dropped. "Mitch is your cousin?!" He laughed "I'm pretty sure I already said that." She laughed as he smirked. "by the way, got any good around here?" he asked as she looked at the fridge. "I have a sandwich, frozen pizza, and some eggs." she said thinking. "Cool. I'll go get some" he said as she shook her head. "no I'll get it. you might snag some extra food" he laughed and nodded "you know it" she laughed and walked to the fridge.

He smiled and looked around the living room, there was nothing interesting except a photo he would always stare at. He got up to get a better look at it. Finally, he peered into the frame and saw four people. One kinda scary looking man, wearing a lab coat and a serious look, but with a hint of softness. Brick also saw three little girls. A girl of blue, probably younger bubbles, with her little blond hair in the cutest bouncy pigtails, her blue eyes shining as if they were bleached, wearing a blue knee high dress with a thick black stripe in the middle lacing at the bottom, also wearing a white short sleeve shirt underneath, ankle high white socks and black little almost formal shoes. she was carrying a purple octopus, with a top hat on. Probably Octi, as I've been told. Next to her, and also in the middle was a girl in pink. That was Blossom no doubt. With the same obnoxious red bow, waist high orange hair that flowed like a river with her bangs curled just slightly, she wore a bright pink dress similar to Bubble's except instead of a short sleeve shirt underneath, she didn't where any shirt. leaving her peach arms bare. her dress was shorter to instead of knee high it was around a little longer than thigh high, in her hands was a book, knee high white socks and formal black shoes. Finally the last of the little girls. Buttercup, obviously but her short hair that sat on her shoulder, chopped as if she cut it her self, her bangs cut in jagged areas, she too wore a dress which was dark green and with the same thick strip, the dress looked a little more flowed out than the others as the wind blew it, the dress about thigh high just a but higher, her arms crossed, and smirk across her face. The girls looked no more than 6 or 8 years old. "Those were the days" said a voice behind Brick. "huh?" he asked setting the photo down confused. "You know, saving peeps, rescuing townsville" Buttercup said shrugging setting down the warm food. "My sisters and I never fought during that time. it started when Blossom and Bubbles set me up with a guy. I hated him, but I hated the fact they did it more." She said rolling her eyes. "They meant no harm, but I told them. I told them no." she said angry. "I never forgave them. They humiliated me. They ruined everything I had with him. I'll admit he was cute but he hated sports. and I can't except that" he said looking at the ground. her eyes glossy. "I'm here for you Buttercup. Let it go" Brick whispered as she hugged him tight. The wet tears he felt on his shoulder as he smoothed her hair and hugged her back. Right there, Buttercup felt a true friend. A true emotion. She knew, he was the one.

"Butch! I'm nervous." Bubbles said whimpering. They where in intermission, right about the scene when the part about the ball and Prince is about to see Cinderella. "Don't be, you'll be great" he said putting a hand in her cheek. she rested her face against it. Smiling at him. She wore a beautiful stunning dress that shimmered with ocean blue, her hair in curled in the bun she wore, her face perfect with the make up she wore and her eyes glittering with excitement. "two minutes!" yelled the director. "Bubbles?" he asked as she opened her eyes not realizing they where closed. "Remember when I said your first kiss was going to be special?" he asked as she giggled nodding. He cupped her face lightly as kissed her right then and there. As they pulled apart slowly, Bubbles blush was as cute as ever. Butch wanted so badly to kiss her once more. But how can he? He wasn't the Prince, and he was no Prince Charming either. She giggled once more and hugged him tight. "Break a leg." he said as she smiled. "You'll watch me right?" she asked as he nodded. "First row seat number 34. I'll be the loudest out there" he said as she gushed."Thank you." she breathed and kissed him on the cheek. "Stage set!" The director screamed as Bubbles left in a hurry. Dropping her shoe. "Bubbles wait!" Butch yelled as she turned slowly. He waved the shoe around as she laughed. "Give it back please" she said as he nodded. "here" he said crouching down to met the bottom if her ball gown dress. She lifted her foot out as he slipped it on carefully. "Perfect fit" he said as she giggled. "Break a leg" he repeated as she left. he smiled knowing this was the biggest moment of her life. and hoestly. it was his too.

Outside of school, Boomer layer under the cherry tree as the rain pleated down the roses. He wiped some away from his eyes sadden and envied by his brothers perfect girlfriend. "Fuck you butch. why do you always get the good ones?" he asked muttering to himself. He toke out another cigarette and lit it. But the rain put out the fire before it even touched the foul thing. He scowled throwing the unused thing across the park. He slumped down head in his knees hearing people laugh, talk, love. the word partially sicken him to his stomach. He looked up and stared at the fallen rain. The drops on his face slid down his pale face from the lose of blood, and smoking. He groaned in pain as he stomach curled in pain. He looked around, people walked by, some glanced, others gossiped, some pointed and flirted at him. He rolled his eyes, not wanting to be noticed. A few minutes of sitting on the tree by himself he heard giggling. "umm. Excuse me?" said a voice. The person poked Boomer's shoulder as he looked up. "hi, my names Berserk." she said as Boomer studied her closely. She had dark pink eyes, jagged waist high orange hair as pure and shiny as Blossom's, a jacked up red bow in her hair, a white long sleeve shirt with a red tie pink buttons that the first top two were left un-button letting in a great view of her breasts, a booty short skirt with pink, black, and red plaited colored, knee high white socks, black night shoes, rosy cheeks, and a wicked smile. "what are you doing here by yourself? Where's your girlfriend?" she asked sitting next to him looking around. "I don't have one" he said the rain falling down them. She was as soaked as him. "Where's your friends?" he asked as she shrugged. "probably fucking up some guys." she giggled as he managed to smile. "My names Boomer" he said as she smiled. "Cool. Your a rowdyruff right?" she asked as he nodded slowly. "Never thought one of me go emo" she said as he shrugged. "But I like the new look." she said as he smiled again. "Got a cigarette?" she asked as he toke out a pack. "here's a trick" she said covering her hand with the lighter. The cigarette lit up as she lit up Boomer's and they smoked together. Under the same cherry tree.

Blossom stood up from the roof of the house. Where she spied on Boomer. The pink girls anger grew inside, thoughts exploding, and heart breaking. 'how could I EVER even think about apologizing to him!? he's smoking with Berseck! Of course he would! it's everything Princess warned me about! she was right! shit!' blossom thought as she stared at the couple laughing away about God knows what! "Fuck you Boomer" she whispered flying away tears falling off her face again. "Princess!?" Blossom yelled opening the door to the huge mansion. Not a big as her own, hers was a bit smaller. "Oh! why it isn't Blossom!" Princess said smiling with a violet silk robe. "Yeah, You were right." Blossom said looking down her tears sliding down. "oh....I'm sorry." The brown haired girl said but inside she was snickering. of course she was right, she was the one who told Berserk about Boomer in the first place. "Blossom. here, anytime you want to talk, I'm here" she said handing her a number. "thanks" the red haired girl sniffed. "now, let's give you a make over!" she squealed pulling Blossom toward her room.

"And they lived happily ever after" said the voice over on the play. Applause were heard everywhere. it was the happiest moment of the blond girl's life. Butch was clapping along and as he promised the loudest. "you where amazing" the green boy said handing bubbles a single rose. "awe! thank you!" she giggling hugging him tight. He laughed as she pulled away. "what's so funny?" she asked as he put his hands in his pockets. "Nothing. I love you Bubbles" he whispered and kissed her forehead. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you more" she said giggling again. They made their way to the door with Bubbles all dress in her regular clothes. "I forgot my umbrella again" The blue girl said tisking. "Here. you can use my jacket." Butch said handing her the jacket. "But what about you? You'll get sick" she said protesting. "Then I'll have you to take care of me" he said as she blushed smiling. The jacket had his sweet smell she'd love. She toke in a huge silent breath and nuzzled in the jacket. "Come on hurry!" Butch said as they ran in the rain. Butch opened the door for Bubbles and slipped in through the other. "whew" he said his hair dripping. Bubbles laughed at his soaked hair. He laughed along and started the car. "Bubbles?" he asked as she nodded. "yeah butch?" "do you want to run away with me?" he asked as she thought about it. "no. not yet" she whispered kissing his cheek softly. "ok" he said smiling. She turned the radio on and the song played 'E.t.' "I love this song!" Bubbles said laughing. She sang as the song did too. Butch laughed as she fumbled on some words. "your so mean!" she said laughed as she shoved him playfully. Butch chuckled and looked around. "Isn't that?" he asked as Bubbles turned toward the sence. "what I don't see anything?" she asked as her eyes widen. "Berseck!" she yelled as Butch drove faster. "Butch no! Boomer! he's there!" She yelled as Butch drove faster. 60 mph. "Butch slow down!" Bubbles yelled as he did. They where home miles away from the park. "Butch. what was that about?" Bubbles asked as Butch ran a hand through his hair. "I hate the punks as much as you do. I don't want anything to do with them" he said as Bubbles nodded slowly. It's hard having a bad boy for a boyfriend you never knew when they were going to lose it. the blond girl sighed and got out slowly.

"Come on let's go inside, my princess."

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