Divided We Stand, United We F...

By VanillaOwl

254 3 0

In a parallel, dystopian world to our own.The humans are at war with each other. The United States are again... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5*
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12*
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20*
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34*
Chapter 35

Chapter 7*

10 0 0
By VanillaOwl

*Off the pill alert.* It's a little smutty so if that's not your thing then skip.

"So Noah, how old are you?" Lauren quizzed.

"Twenty, exactly. You?" Noah answered.

"Nineteen." She replied. They had been laying on Noah's bed for ages, just talking. Her pink hoodie had been chucked on the floor, as it was getting rather hot in there.

"Hmm...I'm tired. I might go to sleep now." Noah grumbled laying on top of Lauren.

"Noah." Lauren giggled, rolling over so now she was perched on top of him. She moved her body so she was sitting on him. He smiled before his face turned very serious. "What's wrong." He bit his lip.

"Uhm, nothing, just kiss me..."he paused, "if that's okay with you."his voice a little lower than how it was before. She noticed that his eyes had dilated to an inky-black. The same way they had when he returned three days ago.

"Okay..." Lauren replied, kissing him, slowly.


He made a weird noise from the back of his throat and kissed her harder. He pushed her hips down so that she was really on him. She could feel something hard pressing against her leg. She broke away from the kiss.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Forget about it."he replied, breathlessly. He flip her over so that she was laying underneath him.



Noah pecked her on the lips. "I'm not forcing you in anyway, am I?" He asked, instinctively moving his hips onto hers. "I'm still recovering from last time you kicked me."

"No, not at all." She smiled. He then rolled his hips down, hard, surprising then both. "That feels so good."she breathed, relaxing against the bed frame. His eyes screwed shut and his lips parted.

"I have no idea what I'm doing but I-"she pulled his hips and began grinding against that alien part between his legs. He let a soft groan. She wanted to hear that noise again.

"I don't care just keep on doing it!" Lauren cried out, shocking herself. A burning sensation was building up between her legs.

She wanted him so badly. It was almost painful.

"Noah, touch me...please!"she whimpered.

"I would be happy to oblige."

They were oblivious to the same man from before taking pictures of what they were doing.





"This is an OUTRAGE!" The manager of the boys' side yelled. "A motherfücking outrage!" The men surrounding him flinched. They knew that he only swore when he was really, really angry.

"We thought we gave her an epiphany, sir. She left for four days. We thought she would never come back."

"Oh, you thought, huh? Well, your 'thoughts' didn't stop them from dry-humping, did it? You guys are fools, blundering fools!" The manager screamed. One of the more timid men, next to him, decided to speak.

"S-Sir perhaps w-we should inform the president." The timid man stuttered. The managers hands began to shake with anger. He hit the man, with the back of his hand, he fell to the floor whimpering.

"If we inform the president, we could all loose our jobs. We have to take matters into our own hands. They have to be apart! What if the girls' side found out that men really were not as disgusting as they think? Then they would all be whoring around and having weak babies we don't need in our army! She could've had sex by now for all we know. Shït!" He growled.

"Why is it a problem?" A doctor asked. "They are two very strong human beings that would make very strong children. I suggest we-"

"SHUT THE FUÇK UP!" The manager of the boys' ward yelled. The room's volume was then below pin drop amplitude. "If sex was the case here then why do you think we haven't allowed it for half a century? They need to be split up, NOW!" He was yelling so hard that the glasses containing water and the official papers were vibrating and shaking.

"S-Sir, I think I may have a solution." One military officer said, in a wavering voice.

"Well? Spit it out man." The manager growled. The officer gulped and told them his suggestion. After he had told the manager, the manager grinned. "Hmm...I don't see why we didn't think of that before. Good work officer, you will be getting a pay rise." The officer smiled weakly and nodded.

"Thank you, sir."


Noah rolled off of Lauren so he was beside her. They were both panting, madly. One thought was in their minds: what the hell just happened?

Lauren wiped the droplets of sweat from her brow. What just happened? Noah looked at Lauren.

"What a way for us to spend our time, eh?"he breathed, smirking slightly.

"Mhm..." Lauren replied. "What was that thing?"

"I think we call what I did a h---"

"No, the hard thing that I...erm..."she made the motion with her hand.

"Oh..."he blushed. "Well, it goes by many names. Let's just call it my 'friend' for now. I was surprised that you didn't have anything!"

"I need a shower."

"So do I."

"You can go first. Oh, and Noah? Before you go, I was pretty sure that, that door was closed a few minutes ago."

Noah's eyes widened as he looked to the door. He looked back at Lauren and started to pace around the room.

"Oh no! This is bad! No, no, no, no!" Noah raked his hand through his hair five times.

"What is?" Lauren asked, obliviously.

"We were being spied on, they know, Lauren! They know." Noah answered.

"What are we going to do?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know. They are obviously not going to forget about this. We shouldn't have been so loud!" He grimaced. Noah closed the door and drew the curtains. His cyan walls turning a dark, sea-green.

"You could get out of here with me. I mean, I could dress you up in girls' clothes so you would be mistaken as a woman, you could stay in the girls' side with me." She suggested.

"It would be a good idea, but they will find out I'm gone though."

"It's better they find that you're gone than being found in your bedroom. They could punish you, Noah and I-I don't want them to hurt you." Her voice wavered slightly at the end. "I care about you Noah and we are in a tricky situation here."

"I understand. I will dress up as a girl, just for you." He answered, emphasizing some of it. "And my inevitability of getting punished if I stay." He chuckled. Lauren handed him the pink hoodie and quickly did his hair, splitting it in the middle to make him look like he had more hair than he did.

"Now, put the hood up and don't take it off until we are in my room. Look down so people won't tell that you are a guy." He nodded. "Are you ready?" Noah put on the hooded jacket, that was a little too short for him, and put the hood up. "So just...follow my lead, right?" He nodded. She slipped out of the window and Noah soon followed. "Oh and another thing, don't speak. Your voice is pretty low." Noah did the my lips are sealed gesture and for the first time in his life, Noah entered the girls' side.


Taa-daa! Another chapter out of the way. So will Noah be a fish drag or a skag? All will be revealed in the next chapter.

Fish drag- When the person looks so much like the opposite sex that viewers are confused. They can blend in with the opposite gender community.

Skag- When a person dresses as the opposite sex but they still have some features of the sex they actually are. (For example Conchita Wurst.)

If you already knew that I'm sorry.






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